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Names: _________________________________ Class: __________ Date: ___________

Classwork: Setting SMART Goals

Instructions: Read each scenario and write at least three SMART goals for each person.
1. Jonathan, a ninth grader, wants to pursue a career in the field of sports medicine. After talking with
adults in different areas of sports medicine, reading information in books and journals, and identifying
his strengths and weaknesses, he has narrowed down his choice to physical therapy, perhaps even
owning his own company someday. During the summer, he plans to volunteer at the physical therapy
office close to his home. He wants to work part-time as a senior, and so will have gained exposure to
what the job might be like. What are some SMART goals that Jonathan will want to set and achieve in
the service of becoming a physical therapist someday?

2. Macy, a tenth grader, recently transferred to a new high school a few weeks before basketball season is
scheduled to begin. She has never played on a team before, but wants to try out for the girls’ team as a
way to have fun and make new friends. What are some SMART goals that Macy will want to set and
achieve in the service of joining the basketball team in a few weeks?

3. Olivia is a junior in high school. She is a student who works hard and normally makes A’s and B’s in
her classes. However, this semester, she is really struggling in math class, and is currently earning a C in
the course. Olivia wants to pull her grade up before the end of the third quarter. What are some SMART
goals that Olivia will want to set and achieve in the service of improving her math grade by the end of
the third quarter?

Names: _________________________________ Class: __________ Date: ___________

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