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Arinda Boaz,

Tel: 0703345409,,
Date 03rd June 2019.

Dear Sir/Madam,


Thank you for the opportunity given to me to apply for the agricultural extension personnel role
at your farm. After reviewing your job description, it’s clear you are looking for a candidate that
is extremely familiar with the responsibilities associated with the role and can perform them
confidently. I am certain that I have the necessary skills to do the job adeptly and perform above
I am a male Ugandan, aged 28 years, with a Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Management
from Makerere University . During the study, I was equipped with a wide range of knowledge
both theory and practical in the arena of agriculture and agribusiness(including Crop production
and management, post-harvest technology, agricultural products value addition, farm
management, entrepreneurship and small business management and many others. I also acquired
knowledge in the field of socio-economic and political development including Business planning
and management, Ethics and integrity, statistics and data analysis, Community mobilization,
Agriculture extension methods, Computing skills and farm accounting, social research methods.
I have got a vast experience which I have acquired while working with several organizations
agricultural and non- agricultural as indicated in my CV.

If given the chance to work with you, I hope my efforts will contribute to the achievement of
your goals and objectives. I promise to actively engage in all activities assigned to me aimed at
achieving the set goals.
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


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