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Hands-On Lab

Top-Down Planning of Business

Requirements within an Enterprise Project
using Team Foundation Server 2010 and
Project Server 2010
Lab version: 1.0.0
Last updated: 7/20/2020

OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................. 3





MANAGEMENT UPDATES...................................................................................................................... 19

APPENDIX - RESOURCES...................................................................................................................... 25
Team Foundation Server and Project Server 2010 Integration Feature Pack Resources 25
Microsoft Project 2010 Resources 25
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Resources 26
As a project manager, you can manage the high-level business requirements in Project Server while the
development team manages task details in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. You can define
requirements and view the rollup of resources and effort, and you can view the impact on the schedule
as the development team defines, estimates, and updates its detailed tasks. The synchronization engine
for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server maintains scheduling data and
resource usage for requirements in the mapped enterprise project plan and team project.

Figure 1
Process Flow for Top-Down Planning

As a project manager, you perform the following tasks in Project or PWA:

   Define deliverables, features, or requirements in your enterprise project plan.

   Save and publish the project plan to Project Server.

Project Manager

   Review the progress of each deliverable, and adjust the schedule based on updated

   Set a baseline, and track progress against the baseline.

Synchronization For each requirement that is set to publish, the synchronization engine performs the
Engine following tasks:

   Creates a requirement work item in the team project that is mapped to the enterprise
plan. The engine also creates a link that binds the requirement in Project to the work item
in Team Foundation.
   Creates a status update as updates occur in Team Foundation for each mapped field
for each published requirement. These updates appear in the approval queue for the
project manager to review.

Note: The Microsoft® Visual Studio® Team Foundation Server® 2010 and Microsoft Project Server®
2010 Integration Feature Pack Demonstration Hyper-V Virtual Machine illustrates the integration
between Team Foundation Server 2010 and Project Server 2010. For another virtual machine with
hands-on-labs / demo scripts which showcases Team Foundation Server 2010, go to: ; likewise, another virtual machine with hands-on-labs / demo scripts
which showcases Microsoft Project 2010 can be found here:

System Requirements
In order to complete this lab you will need Project Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010
Integration virtual machine provided by Microsoft. For more information on acquiring and using this
virtual machine, please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team Foundation Server 2010
Integration Virtual Machine”.

This Hands-On Lab comprises the following exercises:
1. Publishing Deliverables to Team Foundation Server
2. Reviewing Deliverables and Define Work Breakdown Structure
3. Approving Status Changes for a Deliverable in the Project Plan
4. Updating Status for Development Tasks and Getting Project Management Updates

Estimated time to complete this lab: 60 minutes.

Next Step
Exercise 1: Publishing Deliverables to Team Foundation Server

Exercise 1: Publishing Deliverables to

Team Foundation Server
In this exercise, you will learn how to create a deliverable in the enterprise project plan and then
synchronize it to Team Foundation Server. This deliverable will be the requirement that the
development team will work on and breakdown using tasks in Team Foundation Server.
1. Log in as Lina Abola (username: linaa) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and Team
Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log into the
2. Open Microsoft Project 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Office | Microsoft
Project 2010. This is the tool for project managers to edit enterprise project plans stored in
Project Server.
3. Open the E-Commerce Site Project Plan enterprise project plan from Project Server by
choosing File | Open and then choosing the E-Commerce Site Project Plan and clicking Open. If
it is not visible, you can double-click the Retrieve the list of all projects from Project Server
option to show all of the available project plans on Project Server.

Figure 2
Opening project plan
4. Now we will create a deliverable for the development team to work on. This deliverable will
be broken down in the next exercise.
5. Insert a new task under the Development | Logout Module task by pressing the Insert key
and then name the task Shopping Cart. Assign the new deliverable task to Peder Thode who is
the development team lead.
6. To mark the new deliverable as an item to synchronize to Team Foundation Server, set the
Publish to Team Project property of the task to Yes and set the Work Item Type property to

Figure 3
Create New Deliverable and Set to Synchronize to Team Foundation Server

Note: You may see different dates than those shown in screenshots.

7. At this point, you can save and publish the enterprise project plan to Project Server that will
trigger the cause the synchronization engine to push the new deliverable to Team Foundation
Server as a new requirement assigned to the development team lead.
8. Select the Save button (or press Ctrl+S) to save changes.
9. To publish the enterprise project plan to Project Server, click on the Publish button in the
File | Info menu. This will start the publishing jobs and you can monitor the progress in the
status bar.
Figure 4
Save Project Plan to Project Server

Note: It make take a few seconds to finish publishing.

10. Close Microsoft Office Project 2010 and “check-in” the project plan if prompted.
11. If prompted to replace the existing file, select OK.

Next Step
Exercise 2: Reviewing Deliverables and Define Work Breakdown Structure

Exercise 2: Reviewing Deliverables and

Define Work Breakdown Structure
In this exercise, you will learn how to review the deliverables created by the Project Manager in Project
Server and define the work breakdown structure for those deliverables in Team Foundation Server. This
work breakdown structure will be done by the development team lead using the familiar work item
tracking tools in Team Foundation Server.

Note: If continuing from the previous exercise, you can switch users rather than log out completely. To
do this, select Start, clicking the right arrow to the right of the Log off button, and finally selecting
Switch user. You can do this as an alternative to logging out for the remainder of this lab.
1. Log in as Peder Thode (username: pedert) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and
Team Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log
into the VM.
2. Open Visual Studio 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 |
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This is the tool used daily by the development team.

Note: When running the virtual machine on slower hardware, you may see an error when
connecting to Team Foundation Server after booting up for the first time. You are seeing this
simply because Team Foundation Server has not finished starting up. To work around this
issue, wait a few moments and then restart Visual Studio.

3. In the Team Explorer window, expand the Work Items node and then the Team Queries
node under the E-Commerce Site (based on the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement v5.0
template) team project. Double-click the Work Breakdown work item query to open the
work item results window.

Figure 5
Team Explorer Window with Work Breakdown Work Item Query
4. Notice that the new Shopping Cart requirement that was created by the project manager
now appears as a new Requirement work item in Team Foundation Server.
Figure 6
New Deliverable from Project Server
5. The development team leader can now begin to create tasks for his development team to
implement the new deliverable.
6. Create a new child task for the Shopping Cart requirement by selecting the New Linked
Work Item… command in the context menu.

Figure 7
Creating a New Linked Work Item
7. Choose Child for the link type and then Task for the work item type. Give the new task a
title of UI Dialog to indicate that a new dialog should be created to implement the new
requirement. Select the OK button to continue.
Figure 8
Creating a child task
8. Set the new task’s Assigned To field to Eduard Dell and then put in an initial estimate and
remaining work of 40 hours. After you have set those fields, save the work item by selecting
the Save Work Item button.

Figure 9
Setting the Task Details in the Work Item Form
9. You can optionally create additional child tasks for the requirement and set them to either of
the developers on Peder’s development team: Eduard Dell and Qiong Wu. If you do this,
you can then refresh the Work Breakdown work item query results to see the newly defined
work breakdown structure for the requirement.
Figure 10
Work Breakdown Structure in Team Foundation Server
10. At this point, the synchronization engine has submitted the proposed changes to the project
plan that need to be approved by the Project Manager before they are committed to the
enterprise project plan. These include the details about which developers will be performing
the implementation work as well as the amount of effort is needed.
11. Since the Requirement Type field on the Requirement work item type is required, you will
need to give it a value for the newly created deliverable. Choose the new requirement work
item in the results grid and then set the value to Feature in the work item editor.

Figure 11
Setting the Requirement Type
12. Select the Project Server tab on the requirement’s work item form and change the
remaining work from 8 to 0. This is to ensure that reports in Team Foundation Server
continue to work correctly and show the correct aggregate summary values.
13. Save the work item by selecting the Save Work Item button.

Next Step
Exercise 3: Approving Status Changes for a Deliverable in the Project Plan

Exercise 3: Approving Status Changes for

a Deliverable in the Project Plan
In this exercise, you will learn how to review the newly submitted status changes by the development
team and integrate them into the enterprise project plan. Changes submitted by the development team
are not automatically applied to the project plan so that the project manager can ensure that it will not
end up impacting the broader project.
1. Log in as Lina Abola (username: linaa) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and
Team Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log
into the VM.
2. Open a new browser window and navigate to the Project Web App site by using this URL:
3. On the Project Web App home page, you will notice that the project manager now has three
new task updates to approve. Click the hyperlink to open the Approval Center.

Figure 12
Project Web Access Home Page
4. You will see that the synchronization engine has caused some status updates to be included
for the Shopping Cart deliverable. You can look at each status update to see what types of
updates will be made to the project plan by clicking on the associated hyperlink.

Figure 13
Approval Center with Status Updates
Figure 14
Status Update Details
5. Select all of the pending updates after reviewing them and select the Accept button to
commit the updates to the enterprise project plan.

Figure 15
Insert Caption
6. In the Confirmation window, provide the following approval comment: “Thanks for the
estimate Peder!” Select the OK button to continue.

Figure 16
Status Update Confirmation
7. After the first set of updates are approved, there will be one more set to approve. Go ahead
and approve those updates.
8. Open Microsoft Project 2010 again and open the E-Commerce Site Project Plan to view the
new updates. You will notice that the deliverable now includes updates to the effort

Figure 17
New Deliverable with Breakdown Summary
9. Switch to the Task Usage view by choosing Task Usage from the Task tab as shown below.

Figure 18
Switching to the Task Usage View
Figure 19
Task Usage View with Team Member Summary Effort Information
10. Note that the effort for Peder Thode has been zeroed out since he will not be implementing
the deliverable. The Task Usage view also allows you to view the amount of effort assigned
to the developers (as resources) based on the status updates as well, although you may need
to zoom and scroll on the right-hand pane in order to see this.
Figure 20
Task Usage view showing details pane (right-hand pane)
11. Additionally, you can switch to the Team Planner view to get a sense of how the resources
are assigned to the tasks in the enterprise project plan.

Figure 21
Team Planner view
Note: You may need to zoom and scroll in order to see tasks show up on the timeline.
You can also try right-clicking on a resource from the left-hand pane and selecting
Scroll to Task.

12. In the Team Planner view, notice that both of the developers, Eduard Dell and Qiong Wu are
over-allocated (see red indicators).
13. Switch back to the Team Foundation Gantt (Project Server) view.
14. Insert the Priority column in to the view by scrolling to the right and typing Priority in the
column with the title Add New Column.

Figure 22
Adding the Priority column
15. Set the Priority of the Login Module and the Logout Module to 1000. This indicates to the
Microsoft Project scheduling engine that these deliverables are more important than the
Shopping Cart deliverable.

Figure 23
Setting the Priorities for the Deliverables
16. Switch back to the Team Planner view to see the resource over allocations once again.
17. Select Level All on the Resource tab.

Figure 24
Level All button on the Resource Tab
Figure 25
Team Planner View showing no resource over-allocations
18. Switch back to the Team Foundation Gantt (Project Server) view. You can see that the dates
of the deliverables have changed based on the priorities and resource assignments. In
addition, the work schedules are optimal.
19. At this point, you may want to set a baseline so that you can review status updates by the
team members in the future against your baseline.
20. Select the Project tab. In the Schedule group, point to Set Baseline, and then click Set

Figure 26
Set Baseline Tool in Schedule Ribbon Group
21. Select Set baseline, and then select the baseline that you want to set. Click OK to close the
Figure 27
Set Baseline Dialog
22. Save the enterprise project plan to Project Server by clicking on the Save button in the File |
Info tab.
23. Publish the enterprise project plan to Project Server by clicking on the Publish button in the
File | Info tab. This will start the publishing jobs and you can monitor the progress in the
status bar.
24. Close the project plan and check-in if prompted.

Next Step
Exercise 4: Updating Status for Development Tasks and Getting Project Management Updates

Exercise 4: Updating Status for

Development Tasks and Getting Project
Management Updates
In this exercise, you will learn how to update the status for the development tasks and report progress
back to the Project Manager. Status or progress updates are performed by each of the development
team members using the My Tasks work item query available in Team Foundation Server. The status
updates will then be synchronized to Project Server where the project manager can view the impacts of
those progress updates against the project’s baseline.
1. Log in as Peder Thode (username: pedert) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and
Team Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log
into the VM.
2. Open Visual Studio 2010 from Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 | Visual
Studio 2010. This is the tool used daily by the development team.
3. In the Team Explorer window, expand the Work Items node under the E-Commerce Site
team project and double-click the Work Breakdown work item query to open the work item
results window.
4. Find the UI Dialog task assigned to Eduard Dell that is a child of the Shopping Cart
requirement. Double-click the task to open it.

Figure 28
Locating the UI Dialog task for the Shopping Cart Deliverable
5. At the end of the week, Eduard wants to report that he has completed 40 hours of work but
it appears that it will take an additional 80 hours of work because of complexities that were
not figured into the original estimate. Eduard can report this status update to the Project
Manager simply by updating the task’s Remaining Work to 80 and the Completed Work to
40. Save the changes to the work item.

Figure 29
Updating the Task's Progress Information
6. At this point, the synchronization engine will report the progress update summarized to the
Shopping Cart deliverable work item and send it to Project Server for approval by the Project
7. Log in as Lina Abola (username: linaa) if you have not already done so. The password is
P2ssw0rd (capital letter P, the number two, the letter s, the letter s, the letter w, the number
zero, the letter r, and the letter d). Please see “Working with the Project Server 2010 and
Team Foundation Server 2010 Integration Virtual Machine” for instructions on how to log
into the VM.
8. Open a new browser window and navigate to the Project Web App site by using this URL:
9. On the Project Web App home page, you will notice that the project manager now has one
new task update to approve. Click the hyperlink to open the Approval Center.

Figure 30
Task Update Indicator from Resource for Project Manager
10. Click on the Shopping Cart hyperlink to see the details of the update from Eduard Dell, the
developer. (Scroll to the bottom for the most recent update).

Figure 31
Status Update Change Details
11. After reviewing the updates, select Cancel to return to the Approval Center.
12. Since you previously took a baseline for the project plan, you can now choose the update(s)
and then click Preview Updates to get a view of how the changes will affect the overall
project plan.
Figure 32
Selecting the status update and previewing updates
13. This will load the Approval Preview window to show you the details of the changes.

Figure 33
Approval Preview
14. Close the Approval Preview window.
15. Approve the status change from the Approval Center and close the browser window.
Figure 34
Approving the task update
16. Open the E-Commerce Site Project Plan inside of Microsoft Project 2010 Professional. The
newly approved status updates are now integrated into the latest version of the project

Figure 35
Updated Project Plan Including Progress Updates from Developers
17. Within Microsoft Project, switch to the Tracking Gantt to start comparing baseline estimates
with actual numbers.

Figure 36
Tracking Gantt view
18. Return to the Project Web App site by using this URL: http://tfspsdemo/pwa
19. Click on the Project Center link. You can see all the enterprise projects lists and see their
progress. The Project Management Office can use this view to get visibility on all the
enterprise projects regardless of the software methodology that they follow.

Figure 37
Visibility across Enterprise Projects
20. You can also look at Resource Availability within PWA. Within PWA select Resource Center,
select Eduard Dell and Qiong Wu, and then click on Resource Availability.

Figure 38
Checking resource availability in the Resource Center
21. Set the date range to 3/9/2011 and 4/19/2011 and click on Apply.

Figure 39
Resource Availability graph
Next Step
Appendix - Resources

Appendix - Resources
Team Foundation Server and Project Server 2010 Integration Feature Pack Resources
Solutions For Application Lifecycle Management:
Customer Case Studies:
MSDN Product documentation:
MSDN Public Forums - Team Foundation Server and Project Server Integration

Microsoft Project 2010 Resources

Product information
Project 2010 product site:
Project Team Blog:
Case Studies :
End-User Product Help
Project 2010 Help
Project Server 2010 Help
Interactive content - Videos & Sessions & Webcasts
Project Professional 2010 and Project 2010 Demo Image:
Hosted Virtual Lab:
IT Professional related - TechNet
Tech Center:
Admin Blog:
Developer related - MSDN
Developer center:
Programmability blog:
Got Questions? Search or ask in the official Microsoft Forums!
SharePoint 2010 Products

Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Resources

Team Foundation Server MSDN Page:
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 Trial – ISO:
Team Foundation Server Team Blog:
Brian Harry’s Blog Site:
Channel 9 Team Foundation Server Videos:

To give feedback please write to

Copyright © 2011 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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