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There are many Goddesses, said of the night known by various names: Ceridwen, Cybele, Daira,
Eleusis, Hebe, Isis, Kore, Kurukulla, Levvanah, Luna, Melaina, Maya, Phoebe, Selene; or, in
their manifest poles as Isis/Nephtys, Eve/Lilith, Inanna/Ereshkigel, and others.

The “High Priestess” is a Trump card that I am very much attached to, and it is also most of the
time my preferred meditation card. As for me it is entering into a most fantastic universe, an
enchanted place where I find my delight.

How much I please myself to be found in the presence the High Priestess’s dark world, with
princes and princesses, evil witches, chthonic animals of all types most of all humans, all around
the Goddess.

I am so attached to nature deep in the night when the moon is seen, whether as a girl (1 st.
quarter), as a woman (full moon), and finally as an old witch (3rd. quarter).

How I like in my dreams even nightmares walk on shrunken heads, death skulls, foetus and
uterus, bidding for the concretisation of it all in my sinister life, which will be my own Mecca.
Who is going to stop me to go ahead! Who dares touching me!


The minor malicious spirits that appeared from time to time in Hebrew religion resemble those
of other cultures and were in large part derived from those of Canaan. Some were
personifications of single evils, such as pestilence, plague, and famine. These nature-demons
were partly autochthonous, partly borrowed from Canaan and Mesopotamia (the name of
pestilence, Resheph, derives directly from Canaan.) The host of Hebrew demons owes much to
Babylonian and Canaanite influence, and possible some to Iranian. The Septuagint Bible
translates the Hebrew shed as daimonion, deliberately avoiding daimon, which has associations
in favour of a term that connotes the destructive.

There were also the hairy and goatlike se’irim. Lilith and her followers roamed the world
seducing men an attacking with murderous intent, and other she-demons were about at night
strangling sleeping men. Lilith and the Lamias are night creatures, and the world of the dead is
dark from Egypt to Greece and Iran to Rome. Other evil Goddesses, Habartu, the Gorgons,
Sirens, Harpies, Lilitu, but were never approached the dignity of the principle of evil.

In herself, the female just like the changing phases of the Moon from the first to the third quarter,
she can have a negative/positive character. She can be the fresh young maiden or the fostering
mother. Or she can be the whore, the hag, the witch, and the yawning mouth of the grave, the
womb that has become the tomb.

In Mexico, the cruellest deities were female: Tlacolteutl, goddess of sin and devourer of
excrement, or Ciuacoatl, her face half-red and half black, who goes through the night wailing and
predicting misery and war.

Kali fosters and destroys; Artemis is at once virgin, fertility Goddess, and witch. Chicomecoatl,
the savage snake-goddess, also bestows upon mankind both food and flowers. Coatlicue, the
moon-bride of the sun, is lovely and hideous, gentle and cruel, the west wind and the hurricane,
sexuality and death.

The underworld’s association with fertility as well as with death, and the conjoining of the two in
myth, tied the Dark Goddesses to passion (not love) as well. Rites associated with Dionysus, the
Magna Mater, Cybele, Mithros, Isis, and Pythagoreanism contained elements that were later to
become standard in the practices of heretics and witches.

The orgy itself was not present in the cults of Isis, Mithros, or Pythagoras. Orgy naturally
occurred in cults whose membership was mixed or, as with the Bacchantes, largely female. But
in Greece the female principle was never identified with the principle of evil, in spite of
temptations from philosophy (the Dyad) and from religion (Hecate, the Erinyes, and the Lamias).
The Lamias easily merged with the Semitic Lilith to create the image of the lewd and murderous
female mind who ventures out at night seducing men and killing infants.

Mactoron is the pathway between Jupiter and Venus, exceedingly closely connected with the
Sinister Man, where the Rituals and Sexuality are of main importance. Through the influence of
the two planets the archetypal Dark God involves three factors:

(a)            Sinister understanding (intuitive and instinctual, but intelligently interpreted) of

the Dark Plan as set out in traditional Satanism, to be worked out even in the

(b)            Focussed sinister “intention” based on the above and emphasising the evil will, by
those worthy to call themselves traditional Satanists.

(c)            Capacity to direct dark energy (through evil understanding and intent) towards a
well-planed and desired end, overcoming all obstacles of compassion, destroying
all those deserving it. This is the destruction by force through “Black Magick”

It can only be worked out, using the following three great energies inherent in the sinister man:

(a)     The will-to-sinister power.

(b)    The will-to-hate in its sinister connotation.

(c)     The will-to-manifest sinisterly.

This is the lesson learned with “ATU II” - the High Priestess”, when meditating on the card and
subject to bring rapid changes in action. “Will-power” helps to be strong enough to evoke high
sinister potencies, even in the immediate. One must become more and more determined in the
following aspects:

(a)     The determination to work as a group of three or more initiates.

(b)    The determination to establish the sinister on Earth.

(c)     The determination to develop everywhere “chaos”.

(d)    The determination to withstand the hypocrites through planned group activity.

This is our sinister task of reconstruction.

A Suggested Meditation

Each morning, prior to starting the day’s activities, achieve your inner underworld (see chapter
four), looking to yourself as being another Satan or even a Dark God of your choice at the
disposition of the Satanic Empire.

(1)    Then say silently, but with full dynamic but sinister intent:

“At the centre of all hate I stand; from that centre I Satan (or nomen ) will
outward move. From that centre, I the one who destroys will work. My the hate
of my sinister Self be shed abroad throughout the world.”

(2)    Then, focussing your sinister attention, see your own Satanic brotherhood as a great
and powerful centre of hate and dark light, irradiating in the world of man “chaos” in
increasing measure.

(3)    Brood upon your sinister initiatives or plan to be carried out the coming day. Do this
in a waiting attitude.

(4)    Then say with anger: (like the following, but your own words are always more

The Hate of the Sinister Self is my Black Force.

The Black Force of the sinister man shall triumph.

The Black Forces do control the hypocrites and unworthy.

The Black Work of the Sinister Ones must go on.

Satan’s Victory is on the way, for this we must prepare.

(5)    Close with a minute of inner anger, and do something chaotic in the immediate if you
can, without harming yourself of course, confirming your own powers of darkness.

As another Satan accomplish the sinister on Earth and be triumphant, boasting about your own
accomplishments among your brothers in Satanism, while you listen to their own stories as well. 
Defeat the religions and their hypocrites, and through your own action proclaim, “Earth has been
opened to sin and death, and I am its ruler. Arise and take possession of the New Aeon I have
earned for you.”

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