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Southville International School and Colleges

Model United Nations Club

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Club Secretary-General, Deputy
Secretary-General, and Secretaries;

This document will also serve as an amendment to Section F and J of the SISC MUN Club Manual

Submitted by Lester Joseph D. Buitizon, former Secretary-General

On June 2, 2020

Amended on June 9, 2020

Noted by Jude Russel Cuntapay, Director-General;

Park Ye Eun, incumbent Secretary-General;

Akisha Cu, incumbent Deputy Secretary-General;

David Ramos, Secretary; Diego Kim, Secretary

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Secretariat | Page 1
Table of Contents

Cover...………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 1

Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 2

I. Preamble…..……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 3

II. Index.…………..………………...………………………………………………………………………………... Page 4

III. The Secretariat………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 5

A. The Secretary-General…………………………………………………………………………… Page 5

B. The Deputy Secretary-General………………………………………………………………. Page 6

C. Secretaries……………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 7

IV. Assembling of the Security Council’s plus six representatives………………………….. Page 8

V. Three-phase Appointment Process………………………………………………………………….. Page 9

A. The Nomination Phase…………………………………………………………………………. Page 9

B. The Polling Phase……………………………………………………………………………….... Page 10

C. The Appointment Phase……………………………………………………………………….. Page 11

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Secretariat | Page 2
I. Preamble

Realizing that as of the time this proposal is being written, the Model United Nations Club of
Southville International Schools and Colleges has grown quantifiably in population and
activities. It is affirmed that it is in everyone’s best interest to revamp the essential process
of appointing student leaders for the organization. This proposal will set out the rules &
procedures for the appointment process for the positions of Secretary-General, Deputy
Secretary-General, and Secretariats; along with the responsibilities that come with these
roles. The revamped process will be proposed to achieve the following goals:

1. Empowering the student body of Southville by providing opportunities for defined

leadership roles;

2. Designating competent student leaders that will affirm the values of the school, the
club, and the interest of their fellow MUN Club members throughout their term in
the SISC MUN Club;

3. Upholding the guiding pillars of Model United Nations by providing students with an
immersive and informative experience that simulates the real United Nations;

4. Providing for a defined process that can be done annually by the club after its

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II. Index

These terms will be used through the proposal and will have the following definitions:

The club will refer to the members and the organization of the Model United Nations Club of
Southville International Schools and Colleges;

Senior member will refer to graduating IB2 or Grade 12 students who are registered
members of the SISC MUN Club;

A General Assembly or GA will refer to an assembly of all current members of the club with
the goal of passing a resolution or in this context, the nomination of a Secretary-General; it
is a simulation to the supreme deliberative body of the United Nations also known as the
General Assembly;

The Security Council plus six or SC+6 will refer to the assembly of all senior members of the
club plus one representative from each grade level from grades seven to eleven and IB1, the
SC+6 is instrumental in the process of endorsing a Secretary-General elect to the General
Assembly; a simulation to the Security Council of the UN;

The Director-General will refer to the official school moderator of the club who helps the
students in conducting training and events in and out of the school and is the main adviser
of the Secretariat; the incumbent Director-General is Sir Jude Russel Cuntapay;

The Secretariat, will refer to the group of students who acts as the administrative body of the
club, closely working with the Director-General in making decisions for the club and presides
over training and simulations; it consists of the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-
General, and preferably but possibly more or less three officers known as Secretaries.

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III. The Secretariat

This section will cover the term length, appointment, eligibility, and responsibilities of the
roles of Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, and Secretaries

III.A The Secretary-General or SG

The SG is the overall leading figure of the club and student point person. He or she heads the
Secretariat as the chief administrative officer of the organization.1

 The term of this office will last one academic year plus the subsequent months if no new
SG is elected yet and is non-renewable.

 The SG role is given to one student through the three-phase appointment process based
roughly on Article 97 of the United Nations Charter, or to the DSG if the current SG resigns
in the middle of the school year.2 (See “Three-phase Appointment Process in page 10)

Eligibility for the SG role requires a student to:

1. Have been a registered member of the SISC MUN Club for one academic year or more;
2. Have won an award in a MUN conference;
3. Have experienced chairing for any MUN simulation sessions;
4. Have no failing grade in any subject within the appointment process’ academic year;
5. Have not incurred any Major Offenses in accordance to Part IX, Section I of the SISC
Student Handbook.

The responsibilities of the SG include the following:

 To represent the organization in any official occasions;

 To ensure the coherence of the activities and programs of the club in ways such as
scheduling and facilitating MUN training sessions with the approval of the Director-

 If feasible, to organize the SISC MUN Conference with the Secretariat. This entails the SG
to assign country delegation, decide topics for debate, work closely with all chairs, assign
roles for each Secretary, certify all participants of the conference, and approve all


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 To facilitate regular meetings with the Director-General and the Secretariat regarding
matters concerning the club;

 To be a role model and mentor to other members of the club, answering all questions and
inquiries if possible;

 To communicate with other student point-persons of MUN Clubs outside of SISC;

 Other tasks and responsibilities delegated by the Director-General.

III.B The Deputy Secretary-General or DSG

The DSG is the main partner of the SG in handling the leadership responsibilities of the club.

 The term of this office will last one academic year plus the subsequent months if no new
DSG is elected yet and is non-renewable.

 The DSG role is appointed to one student by the SG in the beginning of his or her term in
office with the guidance and recommendation of the SC and the Director-General.

Eligibility for the DSG role requires a student to:

1. Have been a registered member of the SISC MUN Club for one academic year or more;
2. Have won an award in a MUN conference;
3. Have experienced chairing for any MUN simulation sessions;
4. Have no failing grade in any subject within the appointment process’ academic year;
5. Have not incurred any Major Offenses in accordance to Part IX, Section I of the SISC
Student Handbook.

The responsibilities of the DSG include the following:

 To serve as acting SG in the absence or incapacitation of the SG, entailing the DSG to all
the current responsibilities of the SG;

 To take the minutes and attendance of any meeting;

 To be ready to take the role of the SG incase the SG resigns mid school year;

 To support the SG in any way possible;

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 To be always present, if possible, in every club meeting, training, simulation, and other

 To be a role model and mentor to other members of the club, answering all questions and
inquiries if possible;

 Other tasks and responsibilities delegated by the Director-General or SG.

III.C Secretaries

Secretaries are other student officers of the club that help the Director-General, SG, and DSG
in leading the club. Secretaries are usually students seen as potential future SGs, DSGs or
former SGs and DSGs that have finished their terms of office, or students that exhibit skills
that can be useful in administering to the club.

 The term of this office is usually indefinite and only ends with the forced termination of
the student from the club or the student’s graduation from the school.

 The Secretary role is appointed to a number of students depending on the need of the
club for that school year by the combined decision of the Director-General, SG and DSG.

 The SG has the power to call for the opening of the application process for the position of
Secretary whenever the need arises.

Eligibility for the Secretary role requires a student to:

1. Have been a registered member of the SISC MUN Club for one academic year or more;
2. Have experienced chairing for any MUN simulation sessions, or has a specific skill
needed to conduct a conference or session;
3. Have no failing grade in any subject within the appointment process’ academic year;
4. Have not incurred any Major Offenses in accordance to Part IX, Section I of the SISC
Student Handbook.

The responsibilities of Secretaries include the following:

 To assist the SG and DSG ensuring the cohesiveness of any club activity especially

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Secretariat | Page 7
 To train his or herself in the role of chairing a proper MUN simulation by studying the
parliamentary procedures and diplomatic decorum used in MUN;

 To be always present, if possible, in every club meeting, training, simulation, and other
events. Specifically, in trainings, to be the chair during simulations in the absence or
appointment of the SG;

 To be a role model and mentor to other members of the club, answering all questions and
inquiries if possible;

 Other tasks and responsibilities delegated by the Director-General, SG, or DSG.

IV. Assembling of the Security Council’s plus six representatives

The Three-phase Appointment Process requires the action of three different branches of the
club: The Secretariat, the General Assembly, and the Security Council plus six. In order for
non-Senior Members to have representation in the closed meetings of the Security Council
during the Three-phase Appointment Process, the Director General will be tasked to appoint
six extra representatives. There are no strict criteria or eligibility clauses for appointing plus
six representatives however there are general rules of thumb that should be considered. The
guidelines for this appointment is as follows:

1. The Director General will have the final say on which students will be part of the
year’s plus six representatives but it is encouraged that the deliberation process be
done with the insight and advice of the other Secretariats;

2. The plus six representatives will consist of one student each from grade levels 7, 8, 9,
10, 11 and IB1;

3. The position is rotary, meaning, registered club members that have not experience
being a part of the plus six throughout their membership should be prioritized above

4. Because serious discussions involving the character, credibility, and competence of

other students will take place in the SC+6 meetings, students that have shown
maturity should be considered for the representative role;
5. Students that have an idea or connection to more delegates are also encouraged to be
chosen, this is so that they can both represent the ideas of their specific batch better
and that they can give more insightful discussions during the SC+6 meetings.

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Secretariat | Page 8
V. Three-phase Appointment Process

The Three-phase Appointment Process is the annual process of appointing the Secretary-
General for one academic school year depending on the vote of the club’s General Assembly
through the recommendation of the SC+6. The process is made to ensure that everyone
eligible for the position of SG is given the chance to be nominated while ensuring that a
proper Secretariat team will be formed that can properly and efficiently work together in
conducting the future activities of the club.

The process goes as follows in chronological order:

IV.A The Nomination Phase

1. In this first phase the Secretariat, with one specific officer working closely with the
Director General in tallying votes and nominations, will release the announcement
that the nomination phase has begun.

2. Any member of the club can, at this point, submit the name of any club member
including themselves for nomination of the position of Secretary-General through a
survey which will be distributed by the Secretariat.

3. In this survey, apart from the nomination of a Secretary General, the member will also
be given the chance to express their desire to be a part of the future Secretariat team.

4. The Secretariat will then announce the date for a General Assembly where all club
members are invited to join. Nominees eligible for the role of Secretary General will
be notified a number of days beforehand in order to allow for the preparation of their

5. In this GA parliamentary procedures will be expected. It will be chaired by two

members of the Secretariat who are presiding over the election process and paged by
the Director-General and other remaining members of the Secretariat.

6. A roll-call will be done by name, not country delegation, to check the presence or
absence of every registered club member.

7. The chairs will announce the names of all the candidates for the position of SG and
will then be asked to do a speech explaining their platforms for candidacy with no
minimum time but a maximum of five minutes. They will then be asked if they are
open to any points of information.

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Secretariat | Page 9
8. Time constraints must be noted based on the discretion of the club members. Chairs
will then decide how much POIs all candidates can equally accept. No candidate can
accept more than the maximum amounts of POIs the chair will allot for the entire GA.

9. After the speaking time elapses, the chair or Director-General will be given time to
announce the date and time for the first Security Council plus Six meeting and which
members will be allowed to join this meeting. Security Council plus Six will include
all Senior Members of the club plus one representative from grades 7-11 and IB1 to
be chosen by the Director-General.

10. The GA will then be suspended to give time for the SC+6 to poll. During this period,
candidates or any member of the club can back door lobby as if in an unmoderated
caucus with the members of the SC+6 in order for candidates to conduct unofficial
election campaigns.

IV.B. The Polling Phase

11. The SC+6 will then convene together with the Director-General in a closed assembly.
This closed assembly will be presided by either the Director-General, a member of the
Secretariat, or anyone motioned by the committee to preside.

12. Once the president is selected, the Polling Phase can begin. Everyone in the committee
will be reminded by the president that everything that happens in the assembly
cannot be disclosed to anyone outside the meeting.

13. Each candidate for SG will be straw polled on by the SC+6 where each SC+6 member
will cast an encourage, neutral, or discourage vote. After every SG candidate has been
straw polled, the results of the poll will be revealed.

14. Once again, another straw poll will be conducted but this time only by the members
of the SC, which consist of all the club’s Senior Members, not including the six other
representatives of each grade level. This time, all discourage votes will be counted as
vetoes. After this, the results will again be revealed.

15. After the two straw polls are finished, every member of the SC+6 will be allowed one
vote and must cast this vote on any SG candidate that has not received a veto from
any of the Senior Members. After the vote is casted, counted, and then displayed, the

Proposal for the Appointment Process of the SISC MUN Secretariat | Page 10
SG candidate that garners a majority vote will then be officially recommended by the
SC+6 to the GA.

IV.C. Appointment Phase

16. Another GA will then be scheduled in a similar fashion to the first. In this GA, the Chair
will announce the SG candidate that has been recommended by the SC+6.

17. A final voting procedure will then take place between all the members of the GA, with
no abstentions, where the recommended candidate for SG must gain a positive 50%
+ 1 vote from the GA in order to be finally appointed as SG.

18. If the candidate loses the election, the Polling Phase will repeat. If the candidate wins
the election the candidate, incumbent SG, Director-General, and or Secretaries will be
given the chance for an untimed speech addressing all the members of the club.

19. The GA will end and the candidate will immediately begin his term as SG with the
incumbent SG stepping down and entering the role of club alumnus or Secretary.

20. The new SG will then meet with the SC and a DSG will be appointed. The SG or anyone
in the SC can informally nominate a possible DSG, this will be done in moderated
caucus format. At the end of the assembly, the SG will have the final decision in
appointing his or her DSG.

21. Once both the SG and DSG are appointed, they can meet with the current members of
the Secretariat. Here, the list of members who have expressed their desire to be part
of the Secretariat will be presented. In any meeting style desired by the SG, the
Secretariat can decide which members they wish to be part of the next academic
year’s Secretariat. The results will then be announced.

22. At this point, a proper Secretariat consisting of an SG, DSG, and a team of Secretaries
are now in place, thus, the Appointment Process can come to a close.

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