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Software Design and Architecture

Week 2

A Case Study: Designing a Document Editor - Lexi

Week 2 1
Design Problems
● Document structure. The choice of internal
representation for the document affects nearly
every aspect of Lexi's design. All editing,
formatting, displaying, and textual analysis will
require traversing the representation. The way we
organize this information will impact the design of
the rest of the application.

Week 2 2
Design Problems
● Formatting. How does Lexi actually arrange text
and graphics into lines and columns? What objects
are responsible for carrying out different formatting
policies? How do these policies interact with the
document's internal representation?

Week 2 3
Design Problems
● Embellishing the user interface. Lexi's user
interface includes scroll bars, borders, and drop
shadows that embellish the WYSIWYG document
interface. Such embellishments are likely to change
as Lexi's user interface evolves. Hence it's important
to be able to add and remove embellishments easily
without affecting the rest of the application.

Week 2 4
Design Problems
● Supporting multiple look-and-feel standards.
Lexi should adapt easily to different look-and-feel
standards such as Motif and Presentation Manager
(PM) without major modification.

Week 2 5
Design Problems
● Supporting multiple window systems. Different
look-and-feel standards are usually implemented
on different window systems. Lexi's design should
be as independent of the window system as

Week 2 6
Design Problems
● User operations. Users control Lexi through
various user interfaces, including buttons and pull-
down menus. The functionality behind these
interfaces is scattered throughout the objects in the
application. The challenge here is to provide a
uniform mechanism both for accessing this
scattered functionality and for undoing its effects.

Week 2 7
Design Problems
● Spelling checking and hyphenation. How does Lexi support
analytical operations such as checking for misspelled words and
determining hyphenation points? How can we minimize the
number of classes we have to modify to add a new analytical

Week 2 8
1. Document Structure
● An arrangement of basic graphical elements such as characters, lines, polygons,
and other shapes.
● Author’s view - Logical structures: In terms of the document's physical structure
—lines, columns, figures, tables, sentences, paragraphs, sections, subsections,
and chapters.
● A user should be able to treat a diagram as a unit rather than as a collection of
● The user should be able to refer to a table as a whole, not as an unstructured
mass of text and graphics.
● We'll choose an internal representation that matches the document's physical
Week 2 9
1. Document Structure
● In particular, the internal representation should support the
– Maintaining the document's physical structure, that is, the arrangement
of text and graphics into lines, columns, tables, etc.
– Generating and presenting the document visually.
– Mapping positions on the display to elements in the internal
representation. This lets Lexi determine what the user is referring to
when he points to something in the visual representation.

Week 2 10
1. Document Structure
● First, We should treat text and graphics uniformly.
– interface lets the user embed text within graphics
freely and vice versa.
– avoid treating graphics as a special case of text or text
as a special case of graphics
– one set of mechanisms should suffice for both text and

Week 2 11
1. Document Structure
● Second, implementation shouldn't have to distinguish between single
elements and groups of elements in the internal representation.
– treat simple and complex elements uniformly, allowing arbitrarily complex
– e.g. tenth element in line five of column two could be a single character or a
diagram with many subelements. As long as we know this element can draw
itself and specify its dimensions, its complexity should not depend on how
and where it should appear on the page.
– Difficulty: It makes little sense, to check the spelling of a polygon or to
hyphenate it. The internal representation's design should take this and other
potentially conflicting constraints into account – to be done later.
Week 2 12
Recursive Composition
● Hierarchically structured information is commonly represented
through a technique called recursive composition
● compose a document out of simple graphical elements
● we can tile a set of characters and graphics from left to right to
form a line in the document
● multiple lines can be arranged to form a column, multiple
columns can form a page, and so on

Week 2 13
Recursive Composition

Week 2 14
Recursive Composition
● represent this physical structure by devoting an object to
each important element.
– That includes not just the visible elements like the characters
and graphics but
– the invisible, structural elements as well—the lines and the
column. The result is the object structure shown in previous

Week 2 15
Recursive Composition
● By using an object for each character and graphical element in the
document, we promote flexibility at the finest levels of Lexi's design.
– We can treat text and graphics uniformly with respect to how they are drawn,
formatted, and embedded within each other.
– We can extend Lexi to support new character sets without disturbing other
– Lexi's object structure mimics the document's physical structure.
– The objects need corresponding classes.
– classes must have compatible interfaces; we want to treat the objects uniformly.
– relate the classes through inheritance.

Week 2 16
Glyph Class Hierarchy

Week 2 17
● define a Glyph abstract class for all objects that can appear in a
document structure
● Its subclasses define both primitive graphical elements (like
characters and images) and structural elements (like rows and
● Glyphs have three basic responsibilities. They know (1) how to
draw themselves, (2) what space they occupy, and (3) their
children and parent.

Week 2 18

Week 2 19
● Glyph subclasses redefine the Draw operation to render themselves onto a
window. They are passed a reference to a Window object in the call to Draw.
The Window class defines graphics operations for rendering text and basic
shapes in a window on the screen.
● A Rectangle subclass of Glyph might redefine Draw as follows:
void Rectangle::Draw (Window* w) {
w->DrawRect (_xO, _yO, _xl, _ _ y l ) ;
– where _xO, _y 0, _xl, and _y 1 are data members of Rectangle that define two
opposing corners of the rectangle.
– DrawRect is the Window operation that makes the rectangle appear on the screen.
Week 2 20
● A parent glyph often needs to know how much space a child glyph
occupies, for example, to arrange it and other glyphs in a line so that
none overlaps (as shown in Figure 2.2).
● The Bounds operation returns the rectangular area that the glyph
● It returns the opposite corners of the smallest rectangle that contains
the glyph.
● Glyph subclasses redefine this operation to return the rectangular
area in which they draw.
Week 2 21
● The Intersects operation returns whether a specified point intersects
the glyph.
● Whenever the user clicks somewhere in the document, Lexi calls
this operation to determine which glyph or glyph structure is under
the mouse.
● The Rectangle class redefines this operation to compute the
intersection of the rectangle and the given point.

Week 2 22
● Because glyphs can have children, we need a common interface to add, remove,
and access those children. For example, a Row's children are the glyphs it
arranges into a row. The Insert operation inserts a glyph at a position specified by
an integer index. The Remove operation removes a specified glyph if it is indeed a
● The Child operation returns the child (if any) at the given index. Glyphs like Row
that can have children should use Child internally instead of accessing the child
data structure directly. That way you won't have to modify operations like Draw that
iterate through the children when you change the data structure from, say, an array
to a linked list.
● Similarly, Parent provides a standard interface to the glyph's parent, if any. Glyphs
in Lexi store a reference to their parent
Week 2 23
Which Pattern did we use?
● Composite Pattern
Recursive composition is good for more than just documents.
We can use it to represent any potentially complex, hierarchical
structure. The Composite (163) pattern captures the essence of
recursive composition in object-oriented terms. Now would be a
good time to turn to that pattern and study it, referring back to
this scenario as needed.

Week 2 24
Composite (163) – Object Structural
● Intent
Compose objects into tree structures to represent part
whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual
objects and compositions of objects uniformly.

Week 2 25
Composite (163)
● Graphics applications like drawing editors and schematic capture systems let
users build complex diagrams out of simple components. The user can group
components to form larger components, which in turn can be grouped to form
still larger components. A simple implementation could define classes for
graphical primitives such as Text and Lines plus other classes that act as
containers for these primitives.
● But there's a problem with this approach: Code that uses these classes must
treat primitive and container objects differently, even if most of the time the
user treats them identically. Having to distinguish these objects makes the
application more complex. The Composite pattern describes how to use
recursive composition so that clients don't have to make this distinction.
Week 2 26
Composite (163)

Week 2 27
Composite (163)

Week 2 28
Composite (163)
● Applicability
Use the Composite pattern when
– you want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects.
– you want clients to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of
objects and individual objects. Clients will treat all objects in the composite
structure uniformly.

Week 2 29
Composite (163)
● Structure

Week 2 30
Composite (163)
● A typical structure.

Week 2 31
Composite (163)
● Component (Graphic)
– declares the interface for objects in the composition.
– implements default behavior for the interface common to all classes, as
– declares an interface for accessing and managing its child components.
– (optional) defines an interface for accessing a component's parent in the
– recursive structure, and implements it if that's appropriate.

Week 2 32
Composite (163)
● Leaf (Rectangle, Line, Text, etc.)
– represents leaf objects in the composition. A leaf has no children.
– defines behavior for primitive objects in the composition.
● Composite (Picture)
– defines behavior for components having children.
– stores child components.
– implements child-related operations in the Component interface.
● Client
– manipulates objects in the composition through the Component interface.
Week 2 33
Composite (163)
● Clients use the Component class interface to interact with objects in
the composite structure.
● If the recipient is a Leaf, then the request is handled directly.
● If the recipient is a Composite, then it usually forwards requests to
its child components, possibly performing additional operations
before and/or after forwarding.

Week 2 34
Composite (163)
● defines class hierarchies consisting of primitive objects and composite
objects. Primitive objects can be composed into more complex objects,
which in turn can be composed, and so on recursively. Wherever client
code expects a primitive object, it can also take a composite object.
● makes the client simple. Clients can treat composite structures and
individual objects uniformly. Clients normally don't know (and shouldn't
care) whether they're dealing with a leaf or a composite component. This
simplifies client code, because it avoids having to write tag-and-case-
statement-style functions over the classes that define the composition.
Week 2 35
Composite (163)
● makes it easier to add new kinds of components. Newly defined
Composite or Leaf subclasses work automatically with existing
structures and client code. Clients don't have to be changed for new
Component classes.
● can make your design overly general. The disadvantage of making it
easy to add new components is that it makes it harder to restrict the
components of a composite. Sometimes you want a composite to
have only certain components. With Composite, you can't rely on the
type system to enforce those constraints for you. You'll have to use
run-time checks instead.

Week 2 36
Composite (163) - Implementation

Explicit parent references.

● Maintaining references from child components to their parent can simplify the traversal
and management of a composite structure. The parent reference simplifies moving up the
structure and deleting a component. Parent references also help support the Chain of
Responsibility (223) pattern.
● The usual place to define the parent reference is in the Component class. Leaf and
Composite classes can inherit the reference and the operations that manage it.
● With parent references, it's essential to maintain the invariant that all children of a
composite have as their parent the composite that in turn has them as children. The
easiest way to ensure this is to change a component's parent only when it's being added
or removed from a composite. If this can be implemented once in the Add and Remove
operations of the Composite class, then it can be inherited by all the subclasses, and the
invariant will be maintained automatically.
Week 2 37
Composite (163) - Implementation
Sharing components.
● It's often useful to share components, for example, to reduce storage
requirements. But when a component can have no more than one
parent, sharing components becomes difficult.
● A possible solution is for children to store multiple parents. But that
can lead to ambiguities as a request propagates up the structure.
The Flyweight (195) pattern shows how to rework a design to avoid
storing parents altogether. It works in cases where children can avoid
sending parent requests by externalizing some or all of their state.

Week 2 38
Composite (163) - Implementation
Maximizing the Component interface.
● To make clients unaware of the specific Leaf or Composite classes they're using,
Component class should define as many common operations for Composite and Leaf
classes as possible. Component class provides default implementations - Leaf and
Composite subclasses override
● However, this goal will sometimes conflict with the principle of class hierarchy design
that says a class should only define operations that are meaningful to its subclasses.
There are many operations that Component supports that don't seem to make sense
for Leaf classes. How can Component provide a default implementation for them?
● The interface for accessing children is a fundamental part of a Composite class but not
necessarily Leaf classes. But if we view a Leaf as a Component that never has
children, then we can define a default operation for child access in the Component
class that never returns any children. Leaf classes can use the default implementation,
but Composite classes will reimplement it to return their children.
Week 2 39
Composite (163) - Implementation
● Declaring the child management operations.
– Should we declare these operations in the Component and make them
meaningful for Leaf classes, or should we declare and define them only
in Composite and its subclasses?
– The decision involves a trade-off between safety and transparency

Week 2 40
Composite (163) - Implementation
● Trade-off between safety and transparency:
– Defining the child management interface at the root of the class hierarchy gives
you transparency, because you can treat all components uniformly ↔ It costs you
safety, however, because clients may try to do meaningless things like add and
remove objects from leaves.
– Defining child management in the Composite class gives you safety, because any
attempt to add or remove objects from leaves will be caught at compile-time in a
statically typed language like C++. But you lose transparency, because leaves and
composites have different interfaces.
– We have emphasized transparency over safety in this pattern. If you opt for safety,
then at times you may lose type information and have to convert a component into
a composite. How can you do this without resorting to a type-unsafe cast?

Week 2 41
Composite (163) - Implementation
● Solution
– One approach is to declare an operation Composite* GetComposite( )
in the Component class. Component provides a default operation that
returns a null pointer. The Composite class redefines this operation to
return itself through the this pointer.

Week 2 42
Composite (163) - Implementation

Week 2 43
Composite (163) - Implementation

Week 2 44
Composite (163) - Implementation
● Safety vs Transparency
– Similar tests for a Composite can be done using the C++ dynamic-cast
– The problem here is that we don't treat all components uniformly. We
have to revert to testing for different types before taking the appropriate

Week 2 45
Composite (163) - Implementation
● The only way to provide transparency is to define default Add and Remove operations
in Component. That creates a new problem: There's no way to implement
Component: : Add without introducing the possibility of it failing. You could make it do
nothing, but that ignores an important consideration; that is, an attempt to add
something to a leaf probably indicates a bug. In that case, the Add operation produces
● Usually it's better to make Add and Remove fail by default (perhaps by raising an
exception) if the component isn't allowed to have children or if the argument of
Remove isn't a child of the component, respectively.
● Another alternative is to change the meaning of "remove" slightly. If the component
maintains a parent reference, then we could redefine Component: : Remove to
remove itself from its parent. However, there still isn't a meaningful interpretation for a
corresponding Add.
Week 2 46
Composite (163) - Implementation
● Should Component implement a list of Components? You might
be tempted to define the set of children as an instance variable in the
Component class where the child access and management
operations are declared. But putting the child pointer in the base
class incurs a space penalty for every leaf, even though a leaf never
has children. This is worthwhile only if there are relatively few children
in the structure.

Week 2 47
Composite (163) - Implementation
Child ordering.
● Many designs specify an ordering on the children of Composite. In
the earlier Graphics example, ordering may reflect front-to-back
ordering. If Composites represent parse trees, then compound
statements can be instances of a Composite whose children must
be ordered to reflect the program.
● When child ordering is an issue, you must design child access
and management interfaces carefully to manage the sequence of
children. The Iterator (257) pattern can guide you in this.

Week 2 48
Composite (163) - Implementation
Caching to improve performance.
● If you need to traverse or search compositions frequently, the Composite class
can cache traversal or search information about its children. The Composite can
cache actual results or just information that lets it short-circuit the traversal or
search. For example, the Picture class from the Motivation example could cache
the bounding box of its children. During drawing or selection, this cached
bounding box lets the Picture avoid drawing or searching when its children aren't
visible in the current window.
● Changes to a component will require invalidating the caches of its parents. This
works best when components know their parents. So if you're using caching, you
need to define an interface for telling composites that their caches are invalid.

Week 2 49
Composite (163) - Implementation
Who should delete components?
● In languages without garbage collection, it's usually best to make
a Composite responsible for deleting its children when it's
destroyed. An exception to this rule is when Leaf objects are
immutable and thus can be shared.

Week 2 50
Composite (163) - Implementation
What's the best data structure for storing components?
● Composites may use a variety of data structures to store their
children, including linked lists, trees, arrays, and hash tables.
The choice of data structure depends (as always) on efficiency.
In fact, it isn't even necessary to use a general-purpose data
structure at all. Sometimes composites have a variable for each
child, although this requires each subclass of Composite to
implement its own management interface. See Interpreter (243)
for an example.

Week 2 51
Composite (163) – Sample Code

Week 2 52
Composite (163) – Sample Code

Week 2 53
Composite (163) – Sample Code

Week 2 54
Composite (163) – Sample Code

Week 2 55
Composite (163) – Sample Code

Week 2 56
Composite (163) – Sample Code

Week 2 57

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