Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems: Parvin Kumar, Ashwani Kumar

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Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

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CORAL: QSAR models of CB1 cannabinoid receptor inhibitors based on local

and global SMILES attributes with the index of ideality of correlation and
the correlation contradiction index
Parvin Kumar a, *, Ashwani Kumar b
Department of Chemistry, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136119, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana, 125001, India


Keywords: Obesity has acquired notable attention due to its high occurrence and link with grievous health problems such as
QSAR hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. It has been reported that the endocannabinoid system executes a pivotal
SMILES part in the management of food absorption, fat augmentation, and energy balance. In the present manuscript, we
report a detailed QSAR analysis for 165 CB1 cannabinoid receptor inhibitors employing the Monte Carlo opti-
CB1 receptor inhibitors
mization process incorporated within the CORAL software. Eight splits are made from the whole dataset and
CCI sixteen QSAR models are developed from these splits employing two target function TF1 (without index of ideality
of correlation) and TF2 (with index of ideality of correlation). All the QSAR models developed with TF2 have
better predictive potential than the models developed with TF1. The model built for split 5 using TF2 is the leading
model due to the higher value of the determination coefficient of the validation set (R2Valid ¼ 0.8518). The index of
ideality of correlation (IIC) improves the statistical performance of CORAL-based QSAR-models and gives sta-
tistically robust predictive models of the investigated endpoint pIC50. In the present manuscript, a novel criterion
“Correlation Contradiction Index (CCI)” is also applied to know its predictive potential. The absolute value of CCI
for calibration set is less when QSAR models are developed employing IIC. The promoters of increase and decrease
endpoint pIC50 are identified and these are applied to design seven new compounds. All the newly designed
molecule were docked into in the active site of human cannabinoid receptor CB1 (PDB ID: 5tgz).

that the endocannabinoid system executes a pivotal role in the man-

agement of food absorption, fat augmentation, and energy balance [14].
1. Introduction The hyperactivation of this endogenous signalling system appears to be
firmly associated with abdominal obesity and the progress of the meta-
Obesity is a worldwide health problem. In 2016, about 74 million bolic syndrome. The two cannabinoid receptors subtypes, CB1 and CB2,
boys and 50 million girls were overweight and obesity has greatly are a member of the G-protein coupled seven-transmembrane-spanning
increased in recent decades [1]. Obesity has acquired notable attention receptor family (GPCRs) [15,16]. The CB1 and CB2 receptor are
due to its high occurrence and link with grievous health problems such as expressed in the central nervous system & peripheral tissues and immune
hypertension, diabetes and heart disease [2–4]. Food and Drug Admin- system, respectively. The CB1 receptor is presumed to be associated in
istration (FDA) has approved the only one medicine, Orlistat, to treat the the management of perception, motor activity, sensation, idea, under-
obesity in children and adolescents. Whereas in adults, the FDA has standing through thought, the senses, intuition resulting from the process
recommended six drugs i.e. Orlistat, Phentermine, Bupropion, Lorcaserin of cognition and the suppression of transmitter release through its
and Liraglutide for obesity treatment. The therapeutic potential of these coupling to ions channels [17,18]. The antagonism of CB1 receptor has
drugs has been limited due to their unwanted side effects and variable been discovered by the scientific community as an alluring target for
efficacy [5,6]. Therefore, the novel target development for the obesity therapy because the specific blockage of this receptor can induce
anti-obesity drug is still a challenge to the medicinal chemist [7,8]. bodyweight reduction [14,15,17].
Literature survey reveals that the endocannabinoid system gave a new Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is an important
platform for anti-obesity drug development [9–13]. It has been reported

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (P. Kumar).
Received 23 July 2019; Received in revised form 24 February 2020; Accepted 28 February 2020
Available online 5 March 2020
0169-7439/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

a target function. This method is applied by the different research group

List of abbreviation for a large number of various physicochemical, biochemical, ecological,
and medicinal endpoints [19,23–25]. In the last few years, the index of
CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor-1 ideality correlation (IIC) has been calculated to judge the predictive
CCC Concordance Correlation Coefficient potential of built QSAR model and it helps to predict the better model in
CORAL: CORrelations And Logic place of various statistical parameters such as Q2, Q2F1, Q2F2, Q2F3 etc
IIC Index of Ideality Correlation [19,28–31].
MAE Mean Absolute Error In continuation to our work on QSAR [32–34] and synthesis of
QSAR Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship pharmacological active heterocyclic compounds [35–42], we herein
SMILES Simplified Input-Line Entry System publicize the CORAL based QSAR-models for 165 CB1 cannabinoid re-
CCI Correlation Contradiction Index ceptor inhibitors. In this manuscript, two new criteria Index of ideality
TF Target fuction correlation (IIC) and Correlation Contradiction Index (CCI) is also

2. Materials and method

part of computer-assisted drug design (CADD) and it has been effectively
applied for designing of new lead molecules [19–22]. QSAR correlates 2.1. Dataset
the endpoints with the structural features of the molecules. Especially,
the CORAL software ( based on the Monte A total of 165 CB1 cannabinoid receptor inhibitors were taken from
Carlo algorithm has been extensively used for designing the QSAR the database ID are given
models [19,20,23–27]. In this software, the molecular attributes ob- in Supporting information) and same experimental condition was applied
tained from simplified input-line entry system (SMILES) and molecular to measure the IC50 of CB1 receptor [6,17,43,44]. All IC50 (nM) values for
graph have been applied to develop QSAR models. The molecular CB1 cannabinoid receptor were converted into the corresponding pIC50
descriptor in terms of correlation weight (CW) has been calculated by (-logIC50) and it is taken as a dependent factor for the building of QSAR
CORAL software and the numerical value of CW gives a maximal value of models. Eight splits were made from the whole dataset and each split was

Table 1
Percentage of the identity of splits 1–8 CB1 receptor inhibitors.
Split SET Split 1 (%) Split 2 (%) Split 3 (%) Split 4 (%) Split 5 (%) Split 6 (%) Split 7 (%) Split 8 (%)

Split 1 Total 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.5 24.8 24.2 25.5
Training 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.4 26.5 24.4 24.4
Invisible training 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.2 24.1 24.1 26.5
Calibration 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.5 24.1 23.8 26.5
Validation 100 0.0 0.0 0.0 24.7 24.7 24.7 24.4

Split 2 Total 100 0.0 0.0 24.8 25.5 25.5 24.2

Training 100 0.0 0.0 24.1 26.2 26.5 24.1
Invisible training 100 0.0 0.0 26.5 24.4 24.4 24.4
Calibration 100 0.0 0.0 24.7 24.7 24.4 24.7
Validation 100 0.0 0.0 24.1 26.5 26.5 23.8

Split 3 Total 100 0.0 24.2 25.5 25.5 24.8

Training 100 0.0 24.7 24.4 24.7 24.7
Invisible training 100 0.0 23.8 26.5 26.5 24.1
Calibration 100 0.0 24.1 26.5 26.2 24.1
Validation 100 0.0 24.4 24.4 24.4 26.5

Split 4 Total 100 25.5 24.2 24.8 25.5

Training 100 26.5 23.8 24.1 26.5
Invisible training 100 24.4 24.7 24.7 24.7
Calibration 100 24.4 24.4 26.5 24.4
Validation 100 26.5 24.1 24.1 26.2

Split 5 Total 100 0.0 0.0 0.0

Training 100 0.0 0.0 0.0
Invisible training 100 0.0 0.0 0.0
Calibration 100 0.0 0.0 0.0
Validation 100 0.0 0.0 0.0

Split 6 Total 100 0.0 0.0

Training 100 0.0 0.0
Invisible training 100 0.0 0.0
Calibration 100 0.0 0.0
Validation 100 0.0 0.0

Split 7 Total 100 0.0

Training 100 0.0
Invisible training 100 0.0
Calibration 100 0.0
Validation 100 0.0

Split 8 Total 100

Training 100
Invisible training 100
Calibration 100
Validation 100

P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

Fig. 1. Graphical representation of splits distribution.

further divided into four sets i.e. training set, invisible training set, The correlation weights in term of numerical data which give better
calibration set and validation set. Each set has its individual account- statistics for calibration set is calculated from the training and invisible
ability in QSAR formation. The reported method [23,45]was applied to training set is represented by the following equation:
know the non-identical character of splits and it is confirmed by Table 1. SMILES
The graphical presentation of split distribution is given in Fig. 1. Each set Endpoint ¼ C0 þ C1  DCW (T, Nepoch) (2)
has a discrete assignment to execute [25,46]. The assignment of the The predictive potential of the model is verified by the external
training set was to make the QSAR model by calculating the correlation validation set.
weights and the assignment of the invisible training set was to test the In the CORAL software 2019, three types of target functions i.e. (i) the
fitness of the compounds which were not present in training set. The classic scheme; (ii) balance of correlation; (iii) Index of Ideality of Cor-
work assigned to the calibration set was to identify the start of over- relation (IIC) are designed. IIC has been recommended as a novel
training whereas the job of the validation set was to verify the models for benchmark and it is applied to judge the predictive potential of devel-
the compounds which were not present in all the three sets i.e. training oped QSAR models. In this research paper, we use two target functions
set, invisible training set and calibration set [47,48]. for Monte Carlo optimization: balance of correlation (TF1) and balance of
Identity (%)¼ [Nij/0.5(NiþNj)]x100 correlation with IIC (TF2)

where: TF1 ¼ Rtrainingþ RinvTraining  │Rtraining  RinvTraining│ Const (3)

TF2¼ TF1 þ IIC Const (4)

Nij is the number of substances which are distributed into the same set
for both i-th split and j-th split (set ¼ training set, invisible training The Rtraining and RinvTraining are correlation coefficients between
set, calibration set, validation set) observed and calculated values of an activity/endpoint/property for the
Ni is the number of substances which are distributed into the set for i- training and invisible training sets, respectively. The empirical constant
th split (Const) is usually fixed.
Nj is the number of substances which are distributed into the set for j- It has been reported that the errors were found in a predicted QSAR/
th split QSPR model without Index of Ideality of Correlation (IIC) [19,29,50,51].
The following mathematical equation is applied to calculate the IIC for
any set:
2.2. Descriptor
min MAEset; MAEset
The descriptors used in developing the QSAR models for 165 CB1 IIC ¼ Rset    (5)
max MAEset; MAEset
cannabinoid receptor inhibitors based on SMILES notation are calculated
as reported below: The Rset is the correlation coefficient value between experimental and
predicted values of an endpoint for any used set.

  X X X
CWðHALOÞ þ CWðHARDÞ þ CWðPAIRÞ þ CWðCmax Þ þ CWðNmax Þ þ CWðOmax Þ þ CWðSmax Þ

Here, CW(Z) is the correlation weight for a SMILE descriptor/attri- MAE is mean absolute error which can be determined with the
butes. T and Nepoch stand for threshold and number of epoch respectively. following equation:
Threshold coefficient is applied to classify various molecular attributes
1 X
obtained from SMILES into two classes: (i) active class i.e. CW is used in
M AEset ¼ jΔk j Δk < 0;N is the number of Δk < 0 (6)
the model making and (ii) rare class i.e. CW is not used in the model N k¼1
making. The best statistical quality for the calibration set is given by the
Nepoch. The detailed description of global SMILES attributes is given in
Table 2 [49].

P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

Table 2 Table 3
The detailed description of SMILES attributes. The mathematical equation of various statistical parameters.
S.No. SMILES Comments S. No. Equation
notation P
1 ðYobs  Ypred Þ2
1. Sk SMILES-atoms, i.e. one symbol or two symbols which R2 ¼ 1  P
ðYobs  YÞ2
cannot be examined separately P
2 ðYobs  Ypred Þ2
2. SSk A combination of two SMILES-atoms 2
QLOO ¼ 1 P
ðYobs  YÞ2
3. SSSk A combination of three SMILES-atoms 8 92
3 > P >
4. BOND The presence or absence of double (‘ ¼ ’), triple (‘#’) and < next =
i¼1 ðYobs  Y obs ÞðYpred  Y pred Þ
stereochemical (‘@’) bonds R2ext ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
P ffi
: next 2 2> ;
5. NOSP Presence or absence of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and i¼1 ðY obs  Y obs Þ ðY pred  Y pred Þ
phosphorus Pnext 2
4 ðY obs  Y pred Þ
6. HALO Presence or absence of halogens
QF1 ¼ 1  Pni¼1 2
i¼1 ðYobs  Y train Þ

7. PAIR The simultaneous presence of two SMILES-atoms from the Pnext 2

5 ðY obs  Y pred Þ
QF2 ¼ 1  Pi¼1
next 2
8. Cmax Total number of rings (the range 0 .. 9) i¼1 ðYobs  Y ext Þ

9. Nmax Total number of nitrogen atoms in the molecular structure 6 minðMAEset; MAEsetÞ
IIC ¼ Rset 
10. Omax Total number of oxygen atoms in the molecular structure maxðMAEset; MAEsetÞ
11. Smax Total number of sulfur atoms in the molecular structure 7 Pntest ðyi  b y i Þ2
ntest RMSEP2
QF3 ¼ 1 ¼ 1
Pntest ðyj  b y TR Þ2 S2TR

1 X
N j¼1
M AEset ¼ jΔk j Δk < 0; þ N is the number of Δk < 0: (7) 8 2
rmðtestÞ ¼ r 2 ð1  r 2  r 2o  Þ
N k¼1 P
9 CCIcal ¼ ΔRj cal ; ΔRj cal < 0
P ext
The quality of prediction (Δk) for one substance from a set can be 10 2 ni¼1 ðYobs  Y obs ÞðYpred  Y pred Þ
CCC ¼ Pnext 2 Pnext 2 2
estimated as the following: i¼1 ðYobs  Y obs Þ þ i¼1 ðYpred  Y pred Þ þ next ðYobs  Y pred Þ
CR2p ¼ R ðR  Rr Þ
2 2
Δk ¼ observedk – calculatedk (8)
12 1 P 
MAE ¼  Yobs  Ypred 
n rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
13 1 X
RMSEP ¼  ðYobs  Ypred Þ2
2.3. Correlation Contradiction Index (CCI)
the validation of the generated QSAR models [53–61]. The mathematical
The Correlation Contradiction Index (CCI) is a new criterion and it equation of various statistical parameters is given in Table 3. The IIC was
works on the hypothesis “The smaller absolute value of CCI, the better also implemented to validate the predictive potential and to judge the
predictive potential of a model (i.e. statistical characteristics for the better model for a developed QSAR model [19,29,50,51,62]. Finally, the
validation set should be better if absolute value of CCI is small)” given by novel criterion, CCI was also used to validate the built QSAR models.
Toropova et al. [52]. The CCI is the sum of all negative contributions over
the calibration set and it is represented by the following mathematical
equation 2.5. Applicability domain
CCIcal ¼ ΔRj cal ; ΔRj cal < 0 (9) From the list of various standard statistical parameter, applicability
domain (AD) is one of the most significant parameters which is procured
ΔRj cal ¼ R2cal  R2j cal (10) from the training set data of a particular in silico model. The AD is
summarized in the groups of structural, biological, physicochemical
where R2cal ¼ determination coefficient for all objects for calibration set; space, data or information and mechanism of action for which the model
of the training set is made and it can be applied for the evaluation of the
R2j cal ¼ correlation coefficient calculated without the jth object.
reliability of a built QSAR model. AD can be applied to judge the pre-
The jth object is “supporter” if the ΔRj cal is positive and its aid to the dictability of a developed QSAR model for the molecules which are not
correlation coefficient of the calibration set. Vice versa, the jth object is considered in making of the model. AD is useful to recognize the inter-
“oppositionist” if the ΔRj cal is negative and it decreases the correlation polation (true predictions) or extrapolation (less reliable predictions) of
coefficient of the calibration set. the developed QSAR model. However, in the case of the Monte Carlo
method based QSAR by CORAL, the statistical defects of SMILES are the
2.4. Validation principles according to which AD is defined. The “statistical defect,” d(A)
for an attribute of SMILES is helpful to understand the robustness of the
The main target of the developed QSAR model is to build a robust model and it can be represented by the following mathematical equation:
model which is efficient to predict the properties of novel molecule in an
jPðAÞ  P’ðAÞj
objective, authentic and precise manner. The judgment of robustness and dðAÞ ¼ (11)
NðAÞ þ N’ðAÞ
reliability of a built QSAR model can be made on the basis of the
following approach: a) internal validation or cross-validation taking into Here, P(A) & P0 (A) are the probabilities of an attribute (A) in the
account the training set data, b) external validation taking into account training and calibration set respectively; N(A) and N0 (A) are the number
the test set data and c) data randomization or Y-scrambling. The Monte of times attribute (A) appears the above sets.
Carlo based QSAR models are successfully validated by applying this For a given molecule, the statistical defect (D) is the summation of the
approach. statistical defect, d(A), of all the features available in the SMILES
Various standard statistical parameters such as correlation coefficient notation
(r2), concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), cross-validated correla-
tion coefficient (q2), Q2F1, Q2F2, Q2F3, standard error of estimation (s), X
D ¼ defectðSMILESÞ ¼ dðAÞ (12)
mean absolute error (MAE), Fischer ratio (F) and root-mean-square error k¼1
(RMSE), and novel metrics (Rm2 and MAE based metric) are applied for

P. Kumar, A. Kumar
Table 4
The various statistical parameter of built QSAR models with their comparisons for eight splits using TF1 and TF2.
Split Target SET n R2 CCC IIC Q2 Q2F1 Q2F2 Q2 F 3 s MAE F F (0.05, 1, p Y-test CR2p Avg Rm2 ΔRm2 Equation
Function n-2)

1 TF1 Training 41 0.9325 0.9651 0.8340 0.9249 0.228 0.184 539 251.06 0.034 0.0245 0.9202 pIC50 ¼ 3.9770599 (0.0310344) þ
InvTrain 42 0.9449 0.9697 0.8245 0.9385 0.231 0.176 686 251.14 0.030 0.0199 0.9349 0.0983955 (0.0007412) *
Calib 42 0.7136 0.8392 0.7846 0.6734 0.6408 0.6403 0.6217 0.548 0.413 100 251.14 0.079 0.0335 0.6966 0.5993 0.1573 DCW(10,6)
Valid 40 0.8033 0.8962 0.8447 0.7782 0.392 0.319 155 250.98 0.064 0.0307 0.7878 0.7205 0.0067

TF2 Training 41 0.8421 0.9143 0.8740 0.8230 0.348 0.267 208 251.06 0.055 0.0169 0.8336 pIC50 ¼ 2.4315214 (0.0748214) þ
InvTrain 42 0.9218 0.9538 0.7685 0.9128 0.266 0.218 471 251.14 0.036 0.0284 0.9075 0.0858929 (0.0011069) *
Calib 42 0.8045 0.8799 0.8969 0.7843 0.7975 0.7972 0.7868 0.412 0.318 165 251.14 0.062 0.0256 0.7916 0.6574 0.1914 DCW(3,12)
Valid 40 0.8187 0.8936 0.5760 0.7966 0.378 0.300 172 250.98 0.060 0.0303 0.8034 0.7376 0.1532

Comments Correct Incorrect Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Incorrect

2 TF1 Training 42 0.9674 0.9834 0.8941 0.9643 0.164 0.112 1186 251.14 0.023 0.0167 0.9590 pIC50 ¼ 1.9308274 (0.0274645) þ
InvTrain 41 0.9663 0.9795 0.9805 0.9618 0.171 0.125 1117 251.06 0.024 0.0411 0.9455 0.1330787 (0.0005774) * DCW(1,3)
Calib 40 0.7784 0.8710 0.7372 0.7557 0.7748 0.7748 0.7915 0.407 0.344 134 250.98 0.068 0.0377 0.7593 0.6673 0.1980
Valid 42 0.7126 0.8420 0.8310 0.6794 0.497 0.364 99 251.14 0.079 0.0215 0.7018 0.6004 0.1020

TF2 Training 42 0.9316 0.9646 0.9652 0.9246 0.237 0.169 545 251.14 0.034 0.0170 0.9231 pIC50 ¼ 1.2023358 (0.0499522) þ
InvTrain 41 0.8907 0.9385 0.9029 0.8794 0.296 0.237 318 251.06 0.044 0.0145 0.8834 0.1078466 (0.0007547) *
Calib 40 0.8917 0.9406 0.9436 0.8779 0.8898 0.8898 0.8979 0.285 0.219 313 250.98 0 .045 0.0170 0.8832 0.8259 0.1036 DCW(2,13)
Valid 42 0.7368 0.8524 0.7964 0.7104 0.470 0.382 112 251.14 0.075 0.0233 0.7251 0.6283 0.1692

Comments Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct

3 TF1 Training 40 0.8603 0.9249 0.9275 0.8436 0.321 0.254 234 250.98 0.052 0.0236 0.8484 pIC50 ¼ 3.8816131 (0.0509205) þ
InvTrain 42 0.8778 0.9282 0.7006 0.8600 0.328 0.258 287 251.14 0.047 0.0354 0.8599 0.1307608 (0.0015534) * DCW(6,2)
Calib 42 0.8359 0.9059 0.7129 0.8166 0.8342 0.8342 0.8272 0.369 0.281 204 251.14 0.055 0.0195 0.8261 0.7233 0.1575
Valid 41 0.7284 0.8527 0.7843 0.6992 0.467 0.364 105 251.06 0.077 0.0190 0.7188 0.6217 0.0574

TF2 Training 40 0.8794 0.9359 0.8485 0.8655 0.298 0.229 277 250.98 0.048 0.0189 0.8699 pIC50 ¼ 2.8318831 (0.0568819) þ
InvTrain 42 0.8682 0.9225 0.7112 0.8504 0.337 0.277 264 251.14 0.049 0.0197 0.8583 0.1401427 (0.0014856) * DCW(4,6)
Calib 42 0.8188 0.9016 0.9035 0.7972 0.8132 0.8132 0.8053 0.392 0.296 181 251.14 0.059 0.0076 0.8150 0.7405 0.0790
Valid 41 0.7379 0.8571 0.7858 0.7084 0.470 0.353 110 251.06 0.075 0.0178 0.7289 0.6345 0.0058

Comments Correct Correct Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect Correct Incorrect correct correct

4 TF1 Training 42 0.7961 0.8865 0.8922 0.7665 0.413 0.326 156 251.14 0.063 0.0193 0.7864 pIC50 ¼ 3.6452627 (0.0785066) þ
InvTrain 40 0.9038 0.9364 0.5578 0.8940 0.298 0.218 357 250.98 0.042 0.0094 0.8991 0.0919756 (0.0016254) * DCW(8,3)

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

Calib 41 0.6975 0.8351 0.7512 0.6603 0.6723 0.6719 0.6799 0.502 0.378 90 251.06 0.083 0.0157 0.6896 0.5833 0.0057
Valid 42 0.8004 0.8875 0.8895 0.7748 0.431 0.338 160 251.14 0.062 0.0238 0.7884 0.7166 0.0212

TF2 Training 42 0.9126 0.9543 0.7892 0.8994 0.270 0.208 418 251.14 0.038 0.016 0.9044 pIC50 ¼ 1.0874582 (0.0761792) þ
InvTrain 40 0.9273 0.9454 0.3995 0.9193 0.298 0.231 485 250.98 0.036 0.017 0.9187 0.1013066 (0.0011163) *
Calib 41 0.7401 0.8570 0.8600 0.7139 0.6888 0.6884 0.6960 0.490 0.378 111 251.06 0.075 0.022 0.7289 0.6347 0.1257 DCW(2,14)
Valid 42 0.8220 0.9035 0.6921 0.7971 0.394 0.310 185 251.14 0.058 0.026 0.8088 0.7456 0.0275

Comments Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Incorrect Correct Correct Incorrect

5 TF1 Training 41 0.8821 0.9374 0.8945 0.8688 0.287 0.209 292 251.06 0.046 0.0399 0.8620 pIC50 ¼ 1.6195651 (0.0652232) þ
InvTrain 42 0.8802 0.9365 0.7799 0.8692 0.287 0.233 294 251.14 0.046 0.0427 0.8586 0.1138487 (0.0011623) * DCW(9,2)
Calib 41 0.7841 0.8776 0.6582 0.7587 0.7726 0.7588 0.6793 0.462 0.342 142 251.06 0 .066 0.0155 0.7764 0.6944 0.0605
Valid 41 0.8311 0.9094 0.7039 0.8081 0.389 0.315 192 251.06 0.057 0.0223 0.8199 0.7567 0.0967

TF2 Training 41 0.8767 0.9343 0.8918 0.8638 0.294 0.226 277 251.06 0.047 0.0209 0.8662 pIC50 ¼ 1.4915892 (0.0633723) þ
InvTrain 42 0.8720 0.9319 0.8522 0.8576 0.285 0.225 273 251.14 0.048 0.0123 0.8659 0.0755870 (0.0007347) * DCW(3,9)
Calib 41 0.8413 0.9010 0.9172 0.8237 0.8427 0.8332 0.7783 0.384 0.267 207 251.06 0.055 0.0285 0.8269 0.6813 0.1685
Valid 41 0.8518 0.9107 0.8864 0.8331 0.374 0.327 224 251.06 0 .053 0.0232 0.8401 0.7440 0.1440

Comments Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect Incorrect

6 TF1 Training 42 0.9584 0.9788 0.8088 0.9548 0.162 0.119 922 251.14 0.026 0.0357 0.9404
(continued on next page)
P. Kumar, A. Kumar
Table 4 (continued )
Split Target SET n R2 CCC IIC Q2 Q2F1 Q2F2 Q2 F 3 s MAE F F (0.05, 1, p Y-test CR2p Avg Rm2 ΔRm2 Equation
Function n-2)

InvTrain 41 0.9331 0.9432 0.8925 0.9246 0.308 0.260 544 251.06 0.033 0.0192 0.9235 pIC50 ¼ 0.4873158 (0.0377398) þ
Calib 41 0.8389 0.9158 0.7818 0.8226 0.8474 0.8338 0.7786 0.384 0.301 203 251.06 0.056 0.0292 0.8242 0.7688 0.0208 0.1521567 (0.0006791) *
Valid 41 0.6395 0.7901 0.6863 0.5629 0.654 0.429 69 251.06 0.095 0.0317 0.6234 0.5062 0.1784 DCW(4,10)

TF2 Training 42 0.8380 0.9118 0.8322 0.8193 0.320 0.249 207 251.14 0.055 0.0477 0.8138 pIC50 ¼ 2.7870194 (0.0641000) þ
InvTrain 41 0.8147 0.9024 0.7803 0.7933 0.367 0.261 172 251.06 0.060 0.0561 0.7862 0.1057928 (0.0013248) * DCW(3,6)
Calib 41 0.8634 0.9109 0.9284 0.8465 0.8538 0.8408 0.7879 0.376 0.316 246 251.06 0.050 0.0271 0.8497 0.7639 0.1329
Valid 41 0.7136 0.8374 0.7536 0.6831 0.509 0.350 97 251.06 0.080 0.0270 0.7000 0.5994 0.1533

Comments Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Incorrect Correct Correct Correct Correct Incorrect Incorrect

7 TF1 Training 41 0.9059 0.9506 0.8220 0.8950 0.289 0.242 375 251.06 0.040 0.0118 0.8999 pIC50 ¼ 0.2012223 (0.0726707) þ
InvTrain 41 0.9124 0.9486 0.8030 0.9005 0.286 0.214 406 251.06 0.039 0.0183 0.9032 0.0965379 (0.0008883) *
Calib 42 0.6716 0.8117 0.4452 0.6372 0.6750 0.6381 0.7419 0.478 0.335 82 251.14 0.087 0.0107 0.6663 0.5497 0.0829 DCW(10,3)
Valid 41 0.6639 0.8045 0.5928 0.6283 0.538 0.406 77 251.06 0.090 0.0187 0.6545 0.5414 0.0368

TF2 Training 41 0.8739 0.9327 0.8073 0.8587 0.334 0.276 270 251.06 0.048 0.0194 0.8642 pIC50 ¼ 0.4618361 (0.0840195) þ
InvTrain 41 0.8636 0.9201 0.8769 0.8442 0.363 0.263 247 251.06 0.050 0.0292 0.8489 0.0934012 (0.0010513) *
Calib 42 0.7416 0.8584 0.8607 0.7151 0.7487 0.7201 0.8004 0.421 0.323 115 251.14 0.074 0.0086 0.7373 0.6390 0.0339 DCW(4,11)
Valid 41 0.7223 0.8392 0.6313 0.6913 0.4824 0.3706 101 251.06 0.079 0.0189 0.7128 0.6145 0.0059

Comments Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct

8 TF1 Training 41 0.9286 0.9630 0.9177 0.9187 0.251 0.193 507 251.06 0.035 0.0447 0.9059 pIC50 ¼ 0.7891190 (0.0833608) þ
InvTrain 41 0.9285 0.9633 0.9322 0.9206 0.254 0.205 507 251.06 0.035 0.0252 0.9158 0.1757479 (0.0016300) * DCW(7,2)
Calib 41 0.7007 0.8319 0.6708 0.6714 0.6699 0.6416 0.7171 0.501 0.355 91 251.06 0.082 0.0056 0.6979 0.5864 0.0655
Valid 42 0.6556 0.8067 0.4541 0.6096 0.482 0.354 76 251.14 0.091 0.0267 0.6421 0.5302 0.0801

TF2 Training 41 0.8436 0.9151 0.7188 0.8224 0.372 0.289 210 251.06 0.055 0.0119 0.8376 pIC50 ¼ 1.5466503 (0.0956255) þ
InvTrain 41 0.9166 0.9388 0.633 0.9076 0.327 0.277 429 251.06 0.038 0.0379 0.8974 0.1310703 (0.0018611) * DCW(3,5)

Calib 41 0.7398 0.8588 0.8564 0.7130 0.7331 0.7102 0.7713 0.450 0.343 111 251.06 0.075 0.0461 0.7164 0.6366 0.0434
Valid 42 0.7437 0.8615 0.6794 0.7136 0.411 0.301 116 251.14 0.073 0.0307 0.7282 0.6415 0.0464

Comments Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Correct Incorrect Correct Correct Correct

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

Fig. 2. Graphical representation of experimental pIC50 versus calculated pIC50 for eight models developed by TF2.

Table 5
The statistical characteristics of models for CB1 receptor inhibitors for eight random splits.
Split TF1 TF2

IICcalib CCIcalib │CCIcalib│ R2valid IICcalib CCIcalib │CCIcalib│ R2valid

1 0.7846 0.1263 0.1263 0.8033 0.8969 0.1087 0.1087 0.8187

2 0.7372 0.1363 0.1363 0.7126 0.9436 0.0638 0.0638 0.7368
3 0.7129 0.0879 0.0879 0.7284 0.9035 0.0051 0.0051 0.7379
4 0.7512 0.1606 0.1606 0.8004 0.8600 0.1489 0.1489 0.8220
5 0.6582 0.1266 0.1266 0.8311 0.9172 0.0980 0.0980 0.8518
6 0.7818 0.0992 0.0992 0.6395 0.9284 0.0770 0.0770 0.7136
7 0.4452 0.2007 0.2007 0.6639 0.8607 0.1619 0.1619 0.7223
8 0.6708 0.1892 0.1892 0.6556 0.8564 0.1532 0.1532 0.7437

3. Results and discussion

In the present manuscript, cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) activity

(pIC50) was used as a function of molecular attributes extracted from
Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) based de-
scriptors. A set of 165 CB1 were modelled in CORAL 2019 software
(CORAL software, IRCCS, Milan, Italy, 2019; available at: http://www. using Monte-Carlo optimization technique. Two
target functions were pondered to develop QSAR models viz. with and
without considering the influence of IIC in the determination of the
binding affinity for CB1 receptor. The range of 1–10 and 1 to 50 was
applied to get the preferable threshold value and number of epochs for
searching of the best T* and N*, respectively. The dRweight, IICweight and
Dlimit were 0.1, 0.2 and 0.1 respectively. The value for optimization Dstart
Fig. 3. Graphical representation of CCI and determination coefficient R2valid for step was 1.0*CW(SA). Here, CW(SA) is the correlation weight of struc-
TF1 and TF2.
tural attribute (SA) at the start. Table 4 contains the calculated statistical
parameters for the QSAR models of CB1 receptor inhibitors based on
In CORAL, a molecule is categorized outlier if SMILES descriptors for eight random splits. The threshold and number of
epoch were selected to obtain the best statistical parameter for the cali-
D>2D (13)
bration set. In case of TF1, without taking into account the influence of
IIC on activity, the best (T*, N*) for splits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 were
where D is the average of D calculated for training, invisible training and
found to be (10,6), (1,3), (6,2), (8,3), (9,2), (4,10), (10,3) and (7,2)
calibration set. Thus for the validation set, if a molecule obeys equation
respectively. On the other hand, in case of TF2, the optimal (T*, N*) were
(12), then it will fall in the applicability domain.
(3,12), (2,13), (4,6), (2,14), (3,9), (3,6), (4,11) and (3,5) for splits 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively by considering the influence of IIC on the
activity (pIC50). The above result clearly shows that the preferable

P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

Table 6
Promoters of increase/decrease for endpoint according to selected "depth of interpretation".
S. SAk CWs Probe CWs Probe CWs Probe N1a N2a N3a Defect Comments
No. 1 2 3 [SAk]b

Promoter of endpoint increase

1 1….….… 2.75038 5.38376 3.76441 41 42 41 0 Presence of one ring
2 3….….… 4.21795 7.14817 5.27288 41 42 41 0 Presence of three ring
3 C…(….… 0.11638 0.27255 0.14882 41 42 41 0 Combination of sp3 carbon with branching
4 Cl….…... 0.01125 0.65255 0.38352 41 42 40 0.0003 Presence of chlorine
5 c….….… 0.22126 0.04514 0.21497 41 42 41 0 Presence of sp2 carbon or aromatic carbon
6 c…2….… 1.34719 0.6823 0.23938 41 40 37 0.0013 Presence of at least two aromatic ring
7 c…c…(… 0.69266 0.18772 0.46362 41 42 41 0 Presence of ethene or two sp2 carbon with branching
8 Cl..(….… 0.11575 0.618 0.04731 38 42 38 0 Presence of chlorine with branching
9 þþþþN⋯B2 ¼ ¼ 0.60519 0.35746 0.19689 35 41 32 0.0011 Presence of nitrogen with double bond
10 þþþþO⋯B2 ¼ ¼ 0.28592 0.36239 0.43363 35 41 32 0.0011 Presence of oxygen with double bond
11 NOSP11000000 1.10578 0.44356 0.91182 35 39 31 0.0015 Presence of nitrogen with oxygen
12 n … (… c … 1.27759 0.36719 0.36023 35 35 36 0.0003 Combination of sp2 nitrogen, branching and aromatic carbon
or sp2 carbon
13 4 …. …. … 1.42465 1.17113 2.31044 34 37 38 0.0014 Presence of four ring
14 c … 1 …. … 0.51551 0.02919 0.46233 31 35 30 0.0004 Presence of at least one aromatic ring
Promoter of endpoint decrease
1 ¼ …(….… 0.20398 1.70618 0.38374 35 41 32 0.0011 Combination of double bond and branching
2 ¼ …O…(… 1.3814 1.42981 1.23495 35 41 32 0.0011 Combination of double bond, oxygen and branching
3 O….…… 0.29202 0.07163 0.04181 35 41 32 0.0011 Presence of oxygen
4 O… ¼ …(… 1.6689 0.7186 0.44827 35 41 32 0.0011 Combination of oxygen, double bond and branching
5 O… ¼ ….… 1.36672 1.19371 0.35245 35 41 32 0.0011 Presence of doubly bonded oxygen
6 N⋯C….… 0.05738 0.37398 0.76953 33 37 28 0.002 Combination of sp3 nitrogen with sp3 carbon
7 c…n…c… 0.59709 0.68426 0.9763 28 31 34 0.0024 sp2 nitrogen surrounded by two sp2 carbon
8 n…c….… 0.64473 0.28789 1.30243 28 31 34 0.0024 Combination of sp2 nitrogen and sp2 carbon
9 C⋯C...1… 0.59633 0.23619 0.50714 10 7 11 0.0012 Presence of sp3 carbon in aliphatic ring
10 C⋯N⋯C … 0.99104 1.97473 0.49124 8 5 6 0.0035 sp3 nitrogen surrounded by two sp3 carbon
11 Cl..(…C… 3.12525 0.06177 0.212 7 10 6 0.0019 Combination of Chlorine, branching and sp3 carbon
12 þþþþCL–S ¼ ¼ 2.39359 1.09542 2.67555 6 3 8 0.0035 Presence of chlorine with sulfur
13 þþþþN⋯S ¼ ¼ 1.34043 0.53547 0.54582 6 3 9 0.0049 Presence of nitrogen with sulfur
14 4…c…2… 0.20206 0.97293 0.92051 5 11 9 0.007 Presence of four ring with two aromatic ring
The N1, N2 and N3 are the number of SMILES which contain given attribute (SAk) in training, invisible training and in calibration sets, respectively.
Defect [SAk] is the difference of probabilities of SAk in training and calibration sets, divided by sum of total numbers of the SAk in the training and calibration sets; If
attribute SAk absent in training set then defect ¼ 1 (maximum).

TF2 ¼ pIC50 ¼ 1.4915892 (0.0633723) þ 0.0755870 (0.0007347) *

threshold and number of epochs for all studied splits are not identical.
Total 16 QSAR models were developed using the balance of correlation
method with IIC (8 for TF2) and without IIC (8 for TF1). The IIC was also n ¼ 41, R2 ¼ 0.8767, CCC ¼ 0.9343, IIC ¼ 0.8918, Q2 ¼ 0.8638
applied to solve the task of a better model. The best QSAR models with (Training set); n ¼ 42, R2 ¼ 0.8720, CCC ¼ 0.9319, IIC ¼ 0.8522, Q2 ¼
other statistical parameters are presented in Table 4 and in supporting 0.8576 (Invisible Training set); n ¼ 41, R2 ¼ 0.8413, CCC ¼ 0.9010, IIC
information. ¼ 0.9172; Q2 ¼ 0.8237 (Calibration set); n ¼ 41, R2 ¼ 0.8518; CCC ¼
The results presented in Table 4 clearly shows that all models are 0.9107; IIC ¼ 0.8864; Q2 ¼ 0.8331 (Validation set).
statistically reliable and satisfied the criterion described by Tropsha et al. The graphical representation of experimental pIC50 versus calculated
[55] and Ojha et al. [63] for a predictive QSAR model. The statistical pIC50 for eight models developed by TF2 is given in Fig. 2. The QSAR
parameters R2, CCC, IIC, Q2 (cross-validated correlation coefficient), s, models for all splits premeditated by TF2 with the use of IIC are char-
MAE, F, CR2p, Y-test, Q2F1, Q2F2, Q2F3, R2m (avg) and ΔR2m were acterized by good statistical attributes for the calibration and validation
calculated to check the robustness and predictability of the generated set. These statistical experiments confirm that the predictive potential of
QSAR models. The Fisher-ratio (F), 0.05-quantile of Fisher’s distribution the models generated by the TF2 is better than the predictive potential of
F (0.05,1,n–2) and p-value (Fisher test’s significance level) has been re- the model build by TF1. This target function has been approved by the
ported [64] in Table 4. These quantities were calculated using online outcome of the results of the various statistical parameter, as shown in
calculator ( The statistical parameters Table 4. The value of all statistical parameters calculated by the use of IIC
R2 ¼ 0.8518, CCC ¼ 0.9107 and Q2 ¼ 0.8331 of the validation set of split represented models correctly for splits 2 and 7. For split 1, all the sta-
5 were best, therefore the built QSAR model of split 5 was selected as tistical criteria except CCC and Δ R2m showed the model correctly. For
preferred model. The values of various statistical parameters of split 5 split 3, the statistical parameters R2, CCC, IIC, Y-test, avg R2m (test) and
with target function TF1 and TF2 are given below Δ R2m showed better model correctly. For split 4, all statistical param-
eters except Δ R2m and Y-test showed the model correctly. For split 5, all
TF1 ¼ pIC50 ¼ 1.6195651 (0.0652232) þ 0.1138487 (0.0011623) *
the statistical criteria except Y-test, avg R2m (test) and Δ R2m showed the
model correctly. For split 6, all the statistical criteria except MAE, avg
n ¼ 41, R2 ¼ 0.8821, CCC ¼ 0.9374, IIC ¼ 0.8945, Q2 ¼ 0.8688 R2m (test) and Δ R2m showed the model correctly. For split 8, all the
(Training set); n ¼ 42, R2 ¼ 0.8802, CCC ¼ 0.9365, IIC ¼ 0.7799, Q2 ¼ statistical criteria except Y-test showed the model correctly. The result of
0.8692 (Invisible Training set); n ¼ 41, R2 ¼ 0.7841, CCC ¼ 0.8776, IIC metric R2m and CCC showed that the developed QSAR models have good
¼ 0.6582; Q2 ¼ 0.7587(Calibration set); n ¼ 41, R2 ¼ 0.8311; CCC ¼ predictive potential. The robustness of the developed QSAR models was
0.9094; IIC ¼ 0.7039; Q2 ¼ 0.8081 (Validation set). also established by the Y-randomization test (see supplementary infor-
mation). For the Y-randomization test, the value of CR2p was more than 0.5

P. Kumar, A. Kumar
Table 7
Newly Designed molecules from CB018 and Lipinski’s rule of five.
S. Promoter of endpoint increase ID of designed SMILES Notation Structure calculated Lipinski’s rule of five
No. Compound pIC50
Molecular Number of Number of Virtual Lipinski
Weight Hydrogen Hydrogen logP Rule of
Bond acceptors Bond donors Five

CB018 (Lead Cc1c (nn (c2ccc (Cl)cc2Cl)c1c3ccc 6.9737 464.7721 3 1 6.396 75%
compound) (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)NC(¼O)C(C) (C)C

Combination of sp3 carbon with NCB01 CC(C)c1c (nn (c2ccc (Cl)cc2Cl) 7.1071 492.8253 3 1 7.035 75%
branching c1c3ccc (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)NC(¼O)
C(C) (C)C

Presence of chlorine NCB02 Cc1c (nn (c2ccc (Cl)cc2Cl)c1c3c 7.0819 499.2172 3 1 7.075 75%
(Cl)cc (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)NC(¼O)
C(C) (C)C

Combination of chlorine and sp3 NCB03 CC(C)c1c (nn (c2ccc (Cl)cc2Cl) 7.2153 527.2703 3 1 7.698 50%
carbon with branching c1c3c (Cl)cc (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)
NC(¼O)C(C) (C)C

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

5. Aromatic carbon and Presence of at NCB04 C (c1ccccc1)c1c (nn (c2ccc (Cl) 8.6462 540.8680 3 1 7.851 50%
least two aromatic ring cc2Cl)c1c3ccc (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)
NC(¼O)C(C) (C)C

6. Aromatic ring and sp3 carbon with NCB05 CC(C)Cc1c (nn (c2ccc (Cl)cc2Cl) 7.9140 556.9105 3 1 8.318 50%
branching c1c3ccc (Cl)c4ccccc34)C (¼O)
NC(¼O)C(C) (C)C

7. Nitrogen with double bond NCB06 C (\N–

–C\c1ccccc1)c1c (nn (c2ccc 8.1522 567.8934 4 1 7.386 50%
(Cl)cc2Cl)c1c3ccc (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)
NC(¼O)C(C) (C)C
(continued on next page)
P. Kumar, A. Kumar
Table 7 (continued )
S. Promoter of endpoint increase ID of designed SMILES Notation Structure calculated Lipinski’s rule of five
No. Compound pIC50
Molecular Number of Number of Virtual Lipinski
Weight Hydrogen Hydrogen logP Rule of
Bond acceptors Bond donors Five

8 Combination of Oxygen with NCB07 C (\N–

–C\c1ccccc1)c1c (nn (c2ccc 9.5048 657.9729 5 1 7.531 50%
double bond, aromatic system, (Cl)cc2Cl)c1c3ccc (Cl)cc3)C (¼O)
Nitrogen with double bond and NC(¼O)C(C) (C)C (¼O)c1ccccc1
Presence of at least two aromatic

9 FDA Approved Drug Otenabant [66] CCNC1(CCN(CC1)c1c2nc (n 9.0297 510.4183 2 7 5.3793 50%
(c2ncn1)c1ccc (Cl)cc1) (Expt
c1ccccc1Cl)C (¼O)N 9.1549)

10 Surinabant O¼C(NN1CCCCC1)c1nn (c2ccc 7.6639 522.26492 1 4 6.6305 50%

[67] (Cl)cc2Cl)c (c2ccc (Br)cc2)c1CC (Expt

11 Ibipinament c1cc (Cl)ccc1C1 ¼ NN(C 6.7184 501.42808 1 6 5.6489 50%

(SLV319) [68] (¼NCS(¼O) (¼O)c2ccc (Cl)cc2) (Expt

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

NC)CC1c1ccccc1 7.6576)
P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

Fig. 4. Binding Interactions of newly designed compounds NCB01-NCB07 with lead molecule CB018.

[32]. The IIC was considered as a final parameter to validate the devel- model. The results of CCI are depicted in Table 5 and it shows that
oped QSAR model and all models were correctly predicted by IIC. The smaller the absolute value of CCI, better is the model (more R2valid value).
literature survey also reveals that “the more IIC, the higher statistical The absolute value of CCI for the QSAR model developed with TF2 is less
quality of a model for external validation set” [19,29,50,51]. Hence it can than the QSAR model developed with TF1 (Table 5, Fig. 3). Literature
be generalized that "the IIC is a consistent criterion of predictive potential survey reveals that CCI is more correlated with R2 of the validation set in
of a model". comparison to IIC and in the present manuscript, this outcome is also
The mathematical equation (9) is applied to calculate CCI and it can found true [52]. The absolute value of the correlation of R2valid with
be employed as a criterion of predictive potential of a developed QSAR CCIcalib (R ¼ 0.2013) is more than the correlation with IICcalib (R ¼

P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

0.0809). Hence we may conclude that CCI has the predictive potential for interactions with active site residues as compared to the methyl group in
the models developed with IIC and it can be used as a statistical criterion CB0018. Additional chloro group in compound NCB02 exhibited hy-
to predict a better model. However, this statement has been tested only drophobic interactions with Leu359, Phe379 and Ser383. Presence of
for the present eight split and this assumption should be verified in future both of these attributes in compound NCB03 headed towards more
with different data set. number of interactions. Increase in the number of aromatic rings as in
An important criterion of OECD principles is the applicability domain compound NCB04 resulted in an increase in the number of pi-pi in-
(AD). Compounds falling outside the applicability domain are defined as teractions (pi-pi stacked and T-shaped) which caused the higher activity
outliers. In case of TF1, without taking into account the influence of IIC of this molecule. However, changing the position of the aromatic ring
on activity (pIC50), the number of outliers for splits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (NBC05) led to a decrease in the activity but it was still higher than the
are 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 21, 0 and 14 respectively. On the other hand, In case of base compound due to more number of interactions. Addition of nitrogen
TF2, the number of outlier are 0, 8, 17, 11, 22, 26, 16 and 19 for splits 1, with a double bond (molecule NCB06) also caused a better fit of the
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively by considering the influence of IIC on the molecule as compared to CB018 but it was less active than compound
pIC50 (see supplementary information). NCB04. Chloro group of this compound also exhibited one halogen bond
with Gly166. Combination of oxygen with a double bond, aromatic
3.1. Mechanistic interpretation, designing of the new molecules and system, nitrogen with double bond and presence of at least two aromatic
prediction of market drugs ring formed compound NBC07 which came out to be most active due to
these attributes. Pyrazole ring of this compound displayed pi-sulfur
A mechanistic interpretation is another significant criterion given by interaction with Met384 while iminophenyl ring made pi-donor
OECD, which means that molecular features are accountable for the in- hydrogen bond with NH of Met103. These additional engagements
crease and decrease of an endpoint can be extracted from such models. In might be the cause of the higher activity of this molecule. Except for
Monte Carlo optimization method, the optimal descriptor, correlation compound NCB02 and NCB05, all other molecules also exhibited
weight values (CW), can be correlated with appropriate structural attri- T-shaped pi-pi interaction with Phe268 (Fig. 3). The residues involved in
butes (SAk) which aid in the detection of the promoter of increase and binding interactions with these designed molecules are also involved in
decrease of the endpoint. binding with known antagonists namely rimonabant, otenabant, and
The following three rules are generally applied to categories the taranabant [70].
structural attributes achieved from three independent Monte Carlo
optimization runs as promoter of increase or decrease for endpoint: (i) 4. Conclusion
the structure attribute is promotor of increase if CW(SAk) is positive in all
runs (ii) the structure attribute is promotor of decrease if CW(SAk) is Here we report a detailed QSAR analysis for 165 CB1 receptor in-
negative in all runs (iii) if CW(SAk) is both positive and negative in all hibitors employing the Monte Carlo optimization process incorporated
runs, then that structure attribute is undefined. The list of all structural within the CORAL software. This method is applied to develop 16 models
attributes with their correlation weights for three runs of the developed for eight different random splits using two target function TF1 (without
QSAR model for split 5 by using TF2 is depicted in Table 6. Seven new IIC) and TF2 (with IIC). All the models developed with TF2 have better
cannabinoid CB1 receptor inhibitors (NCB01-NCB07) were designed predictive potential than the models developed with TF1. The model built
from the lead compound CB018. All the newly designed molecules with for split 5 using TF2 is the leading model due to the higher value of the
their chemical structure, SMILES notation, predicted pIC50 and promotor determination coefficient of the validation set (R2Valid ¼ 0.8518). The IIC
of endpoint increase is given in Table 7. The range of predicted pIC50 for improves the statistical performance of CORAL-based QSAR-models and
all the newly designed compounds is 7.0819–9.5048. The predicted gives statistically robust predictive models of the investigated endpoint
pIC50 of the most active designed compound is 9.5048. The Lipinski,s pIC50. In the present manuscript, a novel criterion Correlation Contra-
rule of 5 was also applied to the designed molecules. The compound diction Index is also applied to know its predictive potential. The abso-
CB01 and CB02 follows 75% Lipinski,s rule of 5, whereas for other lute value of CCI for calibration set is less when QSAR models are
compounds follows 50% Lipinski,s rule [65] of 5. In order to check the developed employing IIC. The promoters of increase and decrease
predictive potential of the model, we determined the endpoints of a three endpoint pIC50 are identified and these are applied to design seven new
market drugs such as Otenabant [66], Surinabant [67] and Ibipinament compounds (NCB01-NCB07) and these are docked in the active site of
(SLV319) [68]. The endpoint calculated for these drugs are very close to human cannabinoid receptor CB1 (PDB ID: 5tgz). The binding confor-
the experimental endpoint (Table 7; entry 9–11) mations of compounds (NCB01-NCB07) were stabilized by hydrophobic
interactions mainly. Dichlorophenyl ring was detected in the slender side
3.2. Molecular docking studies pocket and made T shaped pi-pi interactions with Phe170 which is a very
important interaction for the activity of compounds. The residues
To further validate the design strategy, docking studies of base involved in binding interactions with these designed molecules are also
compound CB018 and designed compounds was carried out with the help involved in binding with known antagonists namely rimonabant, ote-
of Autodock Vina program [69] and results were visualized with Dis- nabant, and taranabant [70].
covery Studio Visualizer. The 3D structure of molecules was prepared in
MarvinSketch and CB1 PDB (pdb id: 5tgz) was retrieved from Protein Declaration of competing interest
Database ( [70]. The compounds
were docked in the active site of human cannabinoid receptor CB1 (PDB The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
ID: 5tgz) and all the compounds emulated the extended anchoring interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
conformation of co-crystalized ligand AM6538. These compounds were the work reported in this paper.
affixed pretty low in the active site of receptor nearly above Trp356 and
capped with Met103 (Fig. 4). The binding conformations of compounds CRediT authorship contribution statement
were stabilized by hydrophobic interactions mainly. Dichlorophenyl ring
was detected in the slender side pocket and made T shaped pi-pi in- Parvin Kumar: Conceptualization, Data curation, Methodology,
teractions with Phe170 which is a very important interaction for the Software, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Ashwani
activity of compounds [70]. Addition of positive structural attributes Kumar: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investiga-
resulted in the better fitting of compounds by making suitable in- tion, Methodology, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing - review
teractions. In compound NCB01, isopropyl group led to more pi alkyl

P. Kumar, A. Kumar Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 200 (2020) 103982

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[22] M. Marzo, G.J. Lavado, F. Como, A.P. Toropova, A.A. Toropov, D. Baderna,
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