Lesson 5.3 Compton, Debroglie & Wave-Particle Duality: Value /26

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Light as a Particle 1 Assignment 14

Value /26 Lesson 5.3 Compton, deBroglie & Wave-Particle Duality

6 1. There are similarities and differences between the Photoelectric Effect and Compton Scattering.
Complete each of the six partial statements below using the following guide; all you need to
provide for an answer is PE, CS, BOTH, or NEITHER.

 PE if the statement only applies to the Photoelectric Effect

 CS if the statement only applies to Compton Scattering
 BOTH if the statement only applies to both the Photoelectric Effect and Compton
 NEITHER if the statement applies to Neither the Photoelectric Effect or Compton

a. Energy is conserved in _____.

b. Photons are observed before and after the interaction in _____.

c. Electrons are observed as the result of the experiment in _____.

d. Angles are measured in the experiment in _____.

e. Photons with very low energies such as 5.0 to 10.0 eV is observed in _____.

f. Ionization occurs in _____.

2 2. What quantity measured in the Compton effect experiment show the wave-particle
duality of light?

ADLC Physics 30
Light as a Particle 2 Assignment 14

4 3. Determine the frequency of a deflected X-ray that is deflected 30o when an X-ray
of frquency 4.50 × 1020 Hz is incident on a thin piece of metal.

4 4. Determine the angle of deflection in an experiment when the frequency of an

incident X-ray is set to 2.90 × 1019 Hz and the measured frequency of the deflected
X-ray is 2.82 × 1019 Hz.

ADLC Physics 30
Light as a Particle 3 Assignment 14

Use the following information to answer the following question

5 5.

Determine the momentum of the recoil electron.

AD hysics 0
Light as a Particle 4 Assignment 14

3 6. How do the results of performing Young’s experiment with x-rays and then high speed
electrons support the wave-particle model?

2 7. Explain why the equation E = pc cannot be applied to particles

ADLC Physics 30

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