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Acube Foods

Desi Mizaz

Starving Panda

Competitor Analysis

Report By:
Paras Jain
Pranjal Singh
Shivam Raj
(Prepared By Pranjal Singh)

Competitor Analysis
(Prepared By Paras Jain)

The prime focus of this analysis was kept Faasos (by Rebel Foods). During the in-depth
analysis of Faasos, it was felt that the business model of the other competitors such as Box8,
Fresh Menu etc. were more or less the same.
Below is an in-depth analysis of the Faasos story:

 Headquartered in Pune, it is a private subsidiary of Rebel Foods

 Till 2019, it has raised a total funding of $119.5 million
 Some of these investors include big names like Sequoia Capital, Alteria Capital,
Lightbox Ventures
 Today, about 90% orders they receive are via app, hence they shifted focus from
web to app
 Present mass media ad campaign is designed and conceptualized by Lowe Lintas
 According to their co-founder, Jaydeep Burman, Faasos is
o Positioning the brand as a personal kitchen
o Targeting people depending on maids, dabbawallas, daily canteens
o Prime focus is on standardized tastes, large variety and consistency at a
nominal cost
 Target segment could be broadly divided into
o 18 – 22 year olds and
o 24-32 year olds

These include:
o Students (undergrad and post grad)
o People who’ve just bagged first job
o Newly married working couples
 Currently clocking about 4,00,000 orders every month
 The dedicated app was rolled out in 2014
 Today 90% orders are via app
 They did a marketing innovation when they brought out ordering via Twitter
o People just had to tag Faasos in their tweets and their order was placed. This
strategy fetched good social media presence and brought in new customers
o They also launched a social media campaign where they offered free wraps.
This too brought in a lot of first time users on-board
 The brand took more than a decade to launch its first mass media campaign because
the founders believed that mass media campaigns are effective only if you have a
strong distribution network
 According to some insider reports, they are spending an average of INR 400-500 for
acquiring new customers
 Another very important feature of their strategy has been that they are choosing
marketing channels carefully as they’re not interested in massive app downloads
which are inactive
 They started with wraps which still contributes about 40% to their business
 We believe that as the current situation stands, the moment Faasos increases its
price points, people may not remain loyal to them

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