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Matutum View Academy

The School of Faith

Acmonan, Tupi, South Cotabato

Learning Module
First Grading
Teacher: Dave Gaurino
Contact Number: 09081568177


Table of Contents
Vocabularies/ Glossary of Terms.......................................................................................................................................2
Features of Web 2.0..........................................................................................................................................................3
Web 3.0 Problems:............................................................................................................................................................3
Trends in ICT...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Internet Threats................................................................................................................................................................ 4
ACTIVITY 1.1........................................................................................................................................................5
ACTIVITY 1.2........................................................................................................................................................7
LESSON 2: RULES OF NETIQUETTE...........................................................................................................................8
Protecting Reputations Online..........................................................................................................................................8
Copyright Infringement.....................................................................................................................................................8
Online Research................................................................................................................................................................ 8
ACTIVITY 2.1........................................................................................................................................................9
ACTIVITY 2.2........................................................................................................................................................9
LESSON 3: ADVANCED WORDS PROCESSING SKILLS........................................................................................10
Mail Merge...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Kinds of Materials........................................................................................................................................................10
Image Placement.........................................................................................................................................................11
ACTIVITY 3.........................................................................................................................................................12
LESSON 4: ADVANCED SPREADSHEET SKILLS....................................................................................................13
Excel Vocabularies / Glossary of Terms...........................................................................................................................13
ACTIVITY 4.........................................................................................................................................................13

Empowerment Technologies - Notes & Activities

Lesson 1: Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies
What is Information and Communications Technology?

Vocabularies/ Glossary of Terms

 Information and Communication Technology - Deals with the use of different communication technologies such as
mobile phones, telephone, Internet to locate, save, send and edit information.
 Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions
given to it in a variable program.
 Internet - is a worldwide system of computer networks which the users at any one computer can use to get
information from any other computer.
 World Wide Web - an information system on the internet that allows documents to be connected to other
documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to
 Web page - is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web. It is a document that is suitable for the
World Wide Web.
 Web 1.0 - static websites without interactivity.
 Web 2.0 - websites that contain dynamic content.
 Web 3.0 - a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater to the individual user.
 Static - refers to web pages that are the same regardless of the user.
 Dynamic - refers to web pages that are affected by user input or preference.
 Hashtag - used to "categorize" posts in website.
 Convergence - the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.
 Social media - websites, applications, or online channels that enable users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and
exchange user-generated content.

Features of Web 2.0

1. Folksonomy - allows users to categorize and classify/arrange information.
2. Rich User Experience - content is dynamic and is responsive to user's input.
3. User Participation - the owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content. Others are able to place
a content of their own by means of comments, reviews, and evaluation, Some websites allow readers to comment
on an article, participate in a poll, or review a specific product.
4. Long Tail - services that are offered on demand rather than on a one-time purchase.
5. Software as a Service - users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than purchasing them.
6. Mass Participation - diverse information sharing through universal web access. The content is based on people from
various cultures.

Tim Berners-Lee - the inventor of the World Wide Web.

Semantic Web - provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise,
and community boundaries.

Web 3.0 Problems:

1. Compatibility - HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web 3.0.
2. Security - the user's security is also in question since the machine is saving his or her preferences.
3. Vastness - the World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.
4. Vagueness - Certain words are imprecise or inaccurate.
5. Logic - there are certain limitations for a computer to be able to predict what the user is referring to at a given time.

Trends in ICT
1. Convergence - is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task.
2. Social media - a website, application, or online channel that enables web users to create, co-create, discuss, and
exchange user-generated content.
a) Social Networks - these are sites that allow you to connect with other people with the same interests or
background. Examples: Facebook and Google+
b) Bookmarking Sites - these are sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources.
Most of these sites allow you to create a tag that allows you and others to easily search or share them.
Examples: StumbleUpon and Pinterest
c) Social News - these are sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources. The
users can also comment on the post and comments may also be ranked. They are also capable of voting on
these news articles of the website. Those who get the most amount of votes are shown most prominently.
Examples: reddit and Digg
d) Media Sharing - These are sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music, and video.
Most of these sites have additional social features like liking, commenting, and having user profiles. Examples:
Flicker, YouTube, and Instagram.
e) Microblogging - these are sites that focus on short updates from the user. Those subscribed to the user will be
able to receive these updates. Examples: Twitter and Plurk
f) Blogs and Forums - these websites allow users to post their content. Other users are able to comment on the
said topic. There are several free blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr.
3. Mobile Technologies

Smartphones and tablets - devices with capability to do tasks that were originally found in personal computers. Several
of these devices are capable of using high-speed Internet. Today, the latest mobile devices use 4G Networking (LTE),
which is currently the fastest mobile network.

Different mobile devices Operating Systems:

a) iOS - used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad.
b) Android — an open source operating system developed by Google.
c) Blackberry OS - used in Blackberry devices
d) Windows Phone OS - a closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft
e) Symbian - the original smartphone OS; used by Nokia devices
f) WebOS - originally used for smartphones; now used for smart TVs
g) Windows Mobile - developed by Microsoft for smartphones and pocket PCs
Open Source - means several mobile phone companies use this OS for free.
4. Assistive Media - a service to help people who have visual and reading impairments.

Internet Threats
1. Malware - stands for malicious software.
a) Virus - a malicious program designed to replicate itself and transfer from one computer to another either
through the Internet and local networks or data storage like flash drives and CDs.
b) Worm - a malicious program that transfers from one computer to another by any type of means. Often, it uses a
computer network to spread itself. For example, the ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug Worm) created by a Filipino.
c) Trojan - a malicious program that is disguised as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, leaves your
PC unprotected and allows hackers to get your information.

*Rogue security software - tricks the user into posing that it is a security software, It asks the user to pay to improve
his/her security but in reality, they are not protected at all.

d) Spyware - a program that runs in the background without you knowing it (thus called "spy"). It has the ability to
monitor what you are currently doing and typing through keylogging.

*Keyloggers - used to record the keystroke done by the users. This is done to steal their password or any other
sensitive information. It can record email, messages, or any information you type using your keyboard.

e) Adware - a program designed to send you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.

2. Spam - unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
3. Phishing - Its goal is to acquire sensitive personal information like passwords and credit card details. This is done by
sending you an email that will direct the user to visit a website and be asked to update his/her username, password,
credit card, or personal information.

*Pharming - a more complicated way of phishing where it exploits the DNS (Domain Name Service) system.




Exploration: Identifying the correct web platform for social change.

1. Identify a problem in your community (e.g. littering, garbage disposal, blocked drainages, quarantine, etc.)
2. Imagine that you are going to create social awareness to persuade both community leaders and members to solve
this problem.
3. Read the “Trends in ICT” lesson on page 3 to answer this activity.

Community Problem: ______________________________________________________________________________

Vicinity: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Campaign Name:__________________________________________________________________________________
Type of Social Media Used: __________________________________________________________________________
Website Used: ____________________________________________________________________________________
1. What will be the content of your social media site?
2. Why did you choose that type of social media?
3. Why did you choose that website?


Lesson 2: Rules of Netiquette
Protecting Reputations Online
1. Before you post something on the web, ask these questions to yourself: Would you want your parents or
grandparents to see it? Would you want your future boss to see it? Once you post something on the web, you have
no control of who sees your posts.

2. Your friends depend on you to protect their reputation online. Talk to your friends about this serious responsibility.

3. Set your post to "private." In this way, search engines will not be able to scan that post.

4. Avoid using names. Names are easy for search engines to scan.

5. If you feel that a post can affect you or other's reputation, ask the one who posted it to pull it down or report it as

Copyright Infringement
Intellectual property - If you create something: an idea, an invention, a form of literary work, or a research, you have
the right as to how it should be used by others.

Here are some tips that could help you avoid copyright infringement:

1. Understand. Copyright protects literary works, photographs, paintings, drawings, films, music (and lyrics),
choreography, and sculptures, but it generally does NOT protect underlying ideas and facts. This means that you can
express something using your own words, but you should give credit to the source.
2. Be responsible. Even if a material does not say that it is copyrighted, it is not a valid defense against copyright. Be
responsible enough to know if something has a copyright.
3. Be creative. Ask yourself whether what you are making is something that came from you or something made from
somebody else's creativity. It is important to add your own creative genius in everything that will be credited to you.
4. Know the law. There are some limitations to copyright laws. For instance in the Philippines, copyrights only last a
lifetime (of the author) plus 50 years. There are also provisions for "fair use" which mean that an intellectual
property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies,
news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and education. If you have doubts that what you are doing does
not fall under the policy of fair use, seek permission first.

Another misconception is that fan-fiction is not copyright infringement. In reality, it is and some copyright holders
ignore them but they can opt to use their rights.

Online Research
1. Have a question in mind. Focus on a question you want answered. If it is a series of questions, start with one. Never
search everything on one go.
2. Narrow it down. Search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo use several filters to determine the most appropriate
result for you.
3. Advanced Search. The best way to filter information you get from search engines is by using the advanced search.
This will allow you to filter out information you do not need.

Symbol Function
Finds web pages that contain all the terms that are preceded by the + symbol; allows you to include
+ terms that are usually ignored.
“ ” Finds the exact words in a phrase.

( ) Finds or excludes web pages that contain a group of words.

AND or & Finds web pages that contain all the terms or phrases

NOT or - Excludes web pages that contain a term or phrase

OR or | Finds web pages that contain either of the terms or phrases


4. Look for a credible source. Some wikis, though filled with updated information, are not a credible source. This is due
to the fact that anyone can edit its content. When using wikis, check out the link of the cited text (indicated by
superscript number) to be navigated to the footnote where the list of sources is located. Click the source of the
information and see if it is credible.
5. Give credit. If you are going to use the information from source for educational purposes, give credit to the original
author of the page or information.

 Cybercrime - a crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet

 Privacy policy - tells the user how the website will handle its data.
 Copyright - a part of the law, wherein you have the rights to your work and anyone who uses it without your
consent is punishable by law.
 Fair use - means that an intellectual property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in commentaries,
criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and education.

Essay: Write an explanation of the following questions.

1. Why should you “Think before you click”?




2. How would you feel if someone posted something embarrassing about you? What would you do?




TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is false.

1. _______ "Fair use" tells the user how the website will handle its data.
2. _______ A fan-fiction is not copyright infringement.
3. _______ Copyright does NOT protect literary works, photographs, paintings, drawings, films, music (and lyrics),
choreography, and sculptures.
4. _______ Copyright does NOT protect underlying ideas and facts.
5. _______ Copyright is a part of the law, wherein you have the rights to your work and anyone who uses it without
your consent is punishable by law.
6. _______ Copyright mean that an intellectual property may be used without a consent as long as it is used in
commentaries, criticisms, search engines, parodies, news reports, research, library archiving, teaching, and
7. _______ Copyrights only last a lifetime (of the author) plus 5 years.
8. _______ Cyberspace is a crime committed or assisted through the use of the Internet.
9. _______ Google, Bing, and Yahoo are examples of web browser.
10. _______ If a material does not say that it is copyrighted, it is a valid defense against copyright.
11. _______ If you are going to use the information from source for educational purposes, give credit to the original
author of the page or information.
12. _______ Some wikis, though filled with updated information, are not a credible source.
13. _______ The best way to filter information you get from search engines is by using the advanced search.
14. _______ When you research something, never search everything on one go.
15. _______ Privacy policy means that an intellectual property may be used without a consent.


MATCHING TYPE: Match the symbol to its meaning. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

A. ( ) 16. _______ Excludes web pages that contain a term or phrase.

B. “ ” 17. _______ Finds or excludes web pages that contain a group of words.
C. + 18. _______ Finds the exact words in a phrase.
D. AND or & 19. _______ Finds web pages that contain all the terms or phrases.
E. NOT or - 20. _______ Finds web pages that contain all the terms.
F. OR or | 21. _______ Finds web pages that contain either of the terms or phrases.

Lesson 3: Advanced Words Processing Skills

Mail Merge
Mail Merge - this feature allows you to create documents and combine or merge them with another document or data
file. It is commonly used when sending out advertising materials to various recipients.

Two Components of Mail Merge

1. Form Document - the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send. The main
body of the message that remains the same no matter whom you send it to from among your list.

 Place holders, data fields or merge fields - marks the position on your form document where individual data or
information will be inserted.

2. Data File - this is where the individual information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to the form
document is placed and maintained.

 Label Generator - it will print individual addresses to a standard form that it has already pre-formatted. It creates a
blank form document that simulates either a blank label or envelope of pre-defined size and will use the data file
that you selected to print the information, typically individual addresses.

Kinds of Materials

1. Pictures - are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved in any local storage device. There are
three commonly used types of picture files.

 JPG - this type of image file can support 16.7 million colors that is why it is suitable for use when working with full
color photographic images. Unfortunately, it does not support transparency and therefore, images of this file type
can be difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other materials or elements in your document. If you are
looking for the best quality image to integrate with your document, then this is the image file type for you. .JPG does
not work well on lettering, line drawings, or simple graphics. .JPG images are relatively small in file size.

 GIF - this type of image file is capable of displaying transparencies. Therefore, it is good for blending with other
materials or elements in your document. It is also capable of displaying simple animation. This may not be too useful
on a printed document but if you are sending documents electronically or through email, or even post documents
into a website, then this could be quite impressive. It can only support up to 256 colors so it is good mostly on logos
and art decors with very limited, and generally solid colors. .GIF is much better for logos, drawings, small text, black
and white images, or low-resolution files.

 PNG - this type of image file is for transporting images on the Internet at faster rates. It is also good with
transparencies but unlike .GlFs, it does not support animation but it can display up to about 16 million colors, so
image quality for this image file type is also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the control of the transparency level
or opacity of images.

2. Clip Art - this is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and
objects that you might want to integrate in your document.


3. Smart Art - predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational or structural
in nature. If you want to graphically represent an organization, process, relationships, or flow for infographic
documents, then you will find this easy and handy to use.

4. Chart - allows you to represent data characteristics and trends. This is quite useful when you are preparing reports
that correlate and present data in a graphical manner.

Image Placement

Text Wrap - adjusts how the image behaves around other objects or text.

 In Line with Text - it treats your image like a text font with the bottom side totally aligned with the text line. This
setting is usually used when you need to place your image at the beginning of a paragraph.

 Square - this setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere within the paragraph with the text going
around the image in a square pattern like a frame.
 Tight - in this setting the text "hugs" or conforms to the general shape of the image. This allows you to get a more
creative effect on your document.

 Through - this setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter, taking the contours and shape of the

 Top and Bottom - this setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or the bottom of the image so that the
image occupies a whole text line on its own.

 Behind Text - This setting allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your document but with all the
texts floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image look like a background.

 In Front of Text - this setting allows your image to be placed right on top of the text as if your image was dropped
right on it. That means whatever part of the text you placed the image on, it will be covered by the image.




Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills
Excel Vocabularies / Glossary of Terms
 Accounting Number Format - a number format that is used for accounting.
 Orientation - the angle at which a text is displayed.
 Count - a function used to count the cells with content in a range.
 Sum - a function used to compute for the summation of the number of a range.
 Average - a function used to compute for the average of the number of a range.
 COUNTIF - a function used to count the cells with a specified content within range.
 SUMIF - a function used to compute for the summation of a range if a certain condition is met.
 AVERAGEIF - a function used to compute for the average of a range if a certain condition is met.
 Range - the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria.
 Criteria - a value or label that determines if a cell is part of the range to be averaged.
 Average Range - the actual range of cells that will be averaged, if omitted, the range will be used instead.



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