Formwork:: Custom-Made Solutions Takes Center Stage

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Formwork Industry Analysis

Custom-Made Solutions
Takes Center Stage
MB Bureau Report

f there is one market segment among construction equipment
that has maintained a steady pace of growth, despite the
crests and troughs of the uneconomic uncertainties that have
been affecting the market over the last few years, it has to
formwork equipment. While in the case of most other types of
construction equipment, the major driver for demand was the
infrastructure development process, for manufacturers of
formwork and scaffolding equipment, it has not limited to the
infrastructure development activities. Since they also have the
real estate sector to cater to, they have had a far smoother ride
than some other types of equipment. The formwork industry
has been perhaps the biggest beneficiary of the impressive
growth of the Indian construction industry over the last
two decades.

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Formwork Industry Analysis

Adding to the good news for manu- ”Quality assurance on the job growth. Speaking about the sectors
facturers is the fact that even though site is sometimes an issue in that are driving demand for formwork
modern formwork and scaffolding sys- India. As of now, there is no systems in the country, Mr.Bharat Patel,
tems made their way into the Indian specific certified body to give Head- Sales & Marketing, Nav Nirman
market in the mid to late 1990s, the quality assurance on site. To Beam Technics , pointed out that pres-
extent of the market tapped till now is avoid any quality issues we ently, “The residential sector and among
just a minute percentage of the total have our in-house QA-QC the infrastructure sector, metro pro-
potential. In fact, according to industry department which monitors jects are among the key market seg-
estimates, modern formwork systems quality at every stage, ments that are propelling demand for
form only about 15 percent of the mar- formwork systems.” With the realty focus
beginning from procurement of
ket share presently, a figure that is shifting to tier II and III cities, formwork
raw materials to dispatch. We
expected to more than double by the suppliers are now catering to an
encourage our clients to have
end of the 12th Five Year Plan period increasingly diversified market with dif-
the quality inspection done”
(2012-17), with the continued impetus ferent application demands. Contrac-
being provided to infrastructure devel- tors around the country have realized
opment and the growth of the real estate that in order to meet these two criteria
sector. the use of formwork and scaffolding
systems has become imperative. The
Getting organized
increase in the size of projects, espe-
The formwork industry in the coun- cially with respect to infrastructure and
try is gradually getting organized due to high-rise projects has also been a fac-
the entry of big ticket players in the fray. tor that has been pushing the demand
Globally reputable names such as Doka, for formwork equipment.
Meva, Ulma, Paschal, Pranav, Peri, GCI
High rise and Infrastructure Projects
Composite, Desi etc have established Sushil Sahani
their presence in the Indian market over Managing Director, The consistent growth of the form-
the recent past. There have been two Pranav Construction Systems Pvt. Ltd. work industry in the country has been
key factors that have been driving for- enabled by the thrust given to infra-
ward the markets momentum- short- While the recent economic slowdown structure development over the last
age of labour and increasing pressure has slightly impacted the industry, decade. Infrastructure project includ-
on contractors to adhere to stricter qual- there is no denying the fact that the ing for those of bridges, metro stations,
ity standards and project deadlines. industry is poised for a period of tunnels, airport projects, flyovers, etc

Doka India's formwork will be used in the

Continued impetus to infrastructure development projects bodes well for the formwork industry Lokhandwala Minerva skyscraper project · The Masterbuilder - July 2012 133

Formwork Industry Analysis

climbing formworks is available in the

form of Doka India's SKE50 and SKE
100 systems. The company will be report-
edly using these automatic climbing
formwork systems in the construction
of 'Lokhandwala Minerva' a skyscraper
in Mumbai that will top out at 300 m and
feature 82 storeys in two separate tow-
ers. The luxury residential project is
being designed by Hafeez Contractor
and in use will be the SKE 50 and SKE
100 automatic climbing formwork sys-
tems that help in providing an efficient
solution for achieving weather-inde-
pendent construction workflow and
maximum crew safety. The building is
scheduled to be finished in 2014
according to the company.

“A change is always a struggle.

Meva India's formwork during the construction of Palais Royale building in Mumbai
Mindset of influential decision
makers , inadequate/
have been behind the rising demand iliary systems like placing booms, apart
for formwork systems. Adding to the from offering adaptability to complex
inappropriate quality codes,
demand factor is the 'vertical' growth of wall geometries. Almost every player in
cost factors everything plays a
the country. High-rise construction is the field such as, Doka, Meva, Ulma, role in the growth".
an area where specialized formwork Paschal, Nav Nirman, Pranav, GCI Wall
plays a key role. Automated self-climbing forms., Peri, Design Desire Construc-
formwork systems that can be lifted up tion Systems to mention only a few are
hydraulically come with a host of fea- offering specific products catering to
tures including, wide and protective this growing market segment.
platforms, apart from provisions for aux- A good example for automated

Eldo Varghese
General Manager, Paschal Formwork (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Speaking about high-rise construc-

tion and the use of specialized formwork
systems, Meva India is another com-
pany that has been associated with a
landmark project- Palais Royale in
Mumbai. The company had used its
MAC (MEVA Automatic Climbing) sys-
tem, which provides complete protec-
tion for workers with full cladding sur-
rounding the external hanging plat-
forms in the project. No external sec-
ondary platforms are required on the
MAC. The hydraulic system of the auto-
matic climbing system has a capacity
of 20 tons per ram and a non-return
Paschal formwork systems being used in different types of construction projects rachet that locks on each cylinder. The

134 The Masterbuilder - July 2012 ·

Formwork Industry Analysis

design of the climbing system is such

that the load is carried by concrete that
is already set and this helps in safer
and faster construction.
Ulma India is another leading name
that offers self-climbing formwork sys-
tems for fast, safe, and cost-effective
construction of high rise buildings. Accor-
ding to the company these systems
can be lifted in extreme weather condi-
tion up to maximum wind speed of 72
kmph. They come with wide and pro-
tective working platforms. The form-
work system features provisions for
attachment of auxiliary systems like plac-
ing booms along with the formwork panels.

“The residential sector and

among the infrastructure sector,
metro projects are among the
key market segments that are Ulma India's formwork in action
propelling demand for formwork
systems” structures' according to the company have been used in projects including,
and is used in footings, retaining walls, Salarpuria Hotel project, Hyderabad,
columns, beams, internal and external Golden Jubilee project, Hyderabad,
walls, track hoppers, canal drains, box Panduranga power project, Rajamundry,
culverts, water treatment plants, reser- Branddix Apparel City, Vishakhapatnam,
voirs, crude oil refinery storage pits, TCS Building project, Bhubaneswar,
cooling towers, etc. Paschal is also the Defence project , Bellary and Prestige
name behind the popular 'e-deck' sys- Forum Mall in Mangalore, to mention
tem. The company's formwork systems but a few.

Bharat Patel
Head- Sales & Marketing, Nav Nirman Beam Technics

A wide range of climbing formwork

systems is also offered by Peri India,
another trendsetter in the industry. The
company's range includes the FB 180
Platform System, CB Climbing System,
ACS Self Climbing System, RCS Rail
Climbing System, KG 240- KG180
Climbing Systems, and SKS Single Sided
climbing system, to mention only some.
Product Innovations
Manufacturers are banking on spe-
cific product design to cater to different
types of application. The 'Modular Panel
System' from Paschal, a leading name
in the industry is a good example. The
modular panel system from the com-
pany is a 'one system for all vertical Repetition in operational use up to 90-100 times is possible with systems from Nav Nirman Beam Technics

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Formwork Industry Analysis

Metro projects have emerged as a key demand driver for formwork systems

Pranav Construction Systems Pvt perfect form finish, free from bulging country. It is in fact one of the reasons
Ltd, is one more player which offers a and distortion. Repetition in opera- why even bigger developers are opting
range of innovative formwork systems. tional use up to 90-100 times is possi- for rental solutions since they need not
The company has this year introduced ble with the H-Beams which are used in worry about storing formwork equip-
a range of new generation systems , the construction of residential and com- ment. Even in the case of the rental mar-
which are not only light weight but have mercial projects, industrial projects, water ket, according to industry analysts, the
optimum life of up to even 1000 repeti- resources engineering, roads and market potential realized is just the tip
tions. The range includes, 'Alvert'- alu- bridges, and stadiums, among others. of the iceberg and there is a huge mar-
minum light weight panel system for ket that is lying untapped. Industry ana-
Rental Push
walls, columns and lift cores, 'Modvert/ lysts feel that the gradual rise in the
Steelvert'- alloy steel light weight panel The Indian formwork industry has number of rental companies would
system for retaining walls, rafts, col- evolved the years and one of the signs automatically streamline several other
umns, abutments with ply/steel facing of maturity is available in the form of a processes including improvement in
and 'Aludek'- aluminum light weight developing rental market. Rental solu- logistics and setting up of formwork
modular system with drop head for tions have come in handy, especially systems at work sites in the near future.
faster cycle time. The company has been for smaller contractors for whom out-
Challenges ahead
involved with several key projects includ- right purchase of the equipment is
ing Palm Jebel Ali, Dubai, Doha Inter- often a difficult proposition. In fact, While there is no denying the growth
national Airport, Bandra-Worli Sea Link, rental solutions have also been instru- of the Indian formwork and scaffolding
Nivedita Setu (second Vivekananda mental in formwork equipment now industry, there are still a set of chal-
Setu) bridge in Kolkata; the Dubai, entering the hitherto unexplored areas lenges that the industry needs to sur-
Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, of the country. With the realty market mount, as the country enters into a sec-
Kolkata, Hyderabad and Navi Mumbai passing through a phase of difficulty in ond phase of infrastructure develop-
metro projects, to mention only a few. metros, due to a variety of factors includ- ment. Fluctuating cost of steel, sales
In fact the company has the distinction ing rising property prices and interest tax and excise duty are some factors
of supplying formwork materials to rates, the scene has now shifted to that have been said to be inhibiting the
every metro being consructed in India. smaller tier II and III cities and towns. growth of the industry. The movement
Another good example for product Formwork systems have come as a boon of the sector towards light weight and
innovation is available in the of the to contractors in these smaller locations. stronger materials such as aluminium
'H-Beams' from Nav Nirman Beam Another key reason for the develop- has meant that higher levies are
Technics, which are easy to handle, ment of the rental market is storage another inhibiting factor these days.
light in weight, ready to use and give space, often a neglected factor in our Manufacturers are looking up to the · The Masterbuilder - July 2012 137

Formwork Industry Analysis

tries and the pace will definitely improve

as the number goes up. Formwork is
still in the inception stage in India and
change is inevitable towards better
growth rate. It is directly connected to
time. Lack of adequate codes and the
cost factors are also the reasons for the
growth rate. Both are directly linked to
the volume of formwork in usage. As
the volume and usage of modern
formwork goes up as both these fac-
tors will be tackled,” a thought with
which almost all leading manufacturers
will agree.
Another important challenge that
suppliers need to take care of is quality
assurance at the job site. Giving an
insight into how they tackle the issue,
Mr. Sushil Sahani, Managing Director
of Pranav Construction Systems said,”
Quality assurance on the job site is
Alvert System, Industrial Project ,Gujarat from Pranav System sometimes an issue in India. As of now,
there is no specific certified body to
government to help them procure raw Varghese, General Manager, Paschal
give quality assurance on site. To avoid
materials at a reasonable price in order Formwork (India) Pvt Ltd, said, “A 'change'
any quality issues we have our in-
to give the much needed fillip to an is always a struggle. Mindset of influen-
house QA-QC department which moni-
industry. The government needs to tial decision makers (engineering / con-
tors quality at every stage, beginning
remember that India has the potential struction fraternity), inadequate / inap-
from procurement of raw materials to
to emerge as a key exporter of formwork propriate quality codes, cost factors
dispatch. We encourage our clients to
and scaffolding equipment. The encour- everything plays a role in the growth.
have the quality inspection done,” a
aging news has come in the form of an Engineering community is not reluctant
strategy which is well worth emulation.
evolving customer. Different stakeholders to change but updating themselves
Many industry analysts believe that
in the construction industry including, towards an overall change in the pro-
the formwork industry needs specific
contractors and engineers, are now cedure or system, so that the transition certification bodies for inspecting and
accepting formwork systems as an inte- is easier. More and more engineers are then certifying formwork systems, as
gral part of the construction process. getting involved in this drastic change otherwise the largely unorganized
Dwelling on this key point, Mr. Eldo though their experience in other coun- nature of the construction industry could
mean that quality sometimes could
take a backseat. This apart, an evolving
market also presents another chal-
lenge in the form of a maturing cus-
tomer. The customer of today wants
equipment that is easier to handle,
adds to the sustainability quotient of
the building process, is reusable and
importantly, is also competitively priced.
With policy initiatives expected to
increase inflow of funds into infrastruc-
ture development, the formwork indus-
try is entering a crucial growth and con-
solidation phase.
Photo Courtesy:,
GCI Wall Form Systems,

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