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Title should be in the UPPER CASE

An Industry Report

This is an overview of the industry as a whole and the discussion should cover three (3)
important components. These are the trend, issues, and problem.
Cite the prevalent or visible direction or movement of the industry, both positively and
negatively, explaining the reasons such occurrence transpires. This part of the research report
should be explained articulately with evidences to prove of such trend is present.
The presence of the trend could be the underlying existence of issues positively or negatively
affecting the industry. Enumerate these issues with a good discussion of its repercussion to the
After identifying and discussing the issues, choose the issue that would lead to a greater problem
for the industry, or that currently affects the industry.

The opening paragraph should define the market if its under perfect competition, monopolistic
competition, monopoly, or oligopoly. Such choice of definition should be accompanied with
justification. Aside from defining the market, the following components should be discussed and
explained well, these are:

Demand and Supply

Provide a data set for both demand and supply sides (minimum of 10 years, or 10 data points
period), and if possible, estimate if there is a gap between the two marketing forces. Such
existence of the gap would be referred to either as excess demand (or unsatisfied demand) or
excess supply (or saturated market), and discuss the implication of having an excess demand or
excess supply.

Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply

Make a discourse on the price elasticity of demand and supply by categorizing if its inelastic,
elastic, or unitary, again with a good citation of facts, evidences, or data to prove the claim.
Further, express the product / service in the light of being a complement, inferior, normal, or
substitute good to that of other goods.

Under this sub-component, discussion should focused on the product / service description. This
means, that you should describe the general essence of the product / service offered by the
industry, the utility / benefits the consumers experiences.

Based on the information derived from the above components (i.e. trend, issues, problem,
market), make an articulation of the kind of competition that exist in the industry.
This is the part of the industry report that you will state the prospect of the industry, and your
projection or forecast about the market. (Use the historical data from the demand and supply
sides to make a forecast or projection through a statistical forecasting tool)

The APA style should be used in the references

Example Outline:


An Industry Report


A. Trend
B. Issues
C. Problem


A. Define the market

B. Demand and Supply
C. Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply




Implementing Rules and Guidelines

1. Font is 10, single space, Times New Roman
2. Maximum of 10 pages including references (reference format should be done the APA style)
3. The number of pages is maximum 10 excluding title page and table of content
4. Tables and figures must be appropriately labeled
5. Deadline is on or before 4pm of December 6, 2018. Late submission will merit a substantial
deductions on the written and oral outputs
6. Oral defense will be held from December 10-14, 2018, the week before the final examination.
7. The template for the title page will provided anytime soon

**APA - American Psychological Association

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