FORM #2: Project Progress Report (To Be Used Weekly and Must Compiled)

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FORM #2: Project Progress Report (to be used weekly and must compiled)

Week Number:  Week 1 (Five Days)

 Facebook page of ITED: In Tribute to Education Delay has
already created. Posters were uploaded to the page and let
others know the objectives of the advocacy.

 With Facebook page of ITED created, we have gained

donations like plastic bottles and mugs. Those will be used
as recycled pots for plants like succulents.

 Donated pre-loved clothes are gathered and are being sold

online for the funding of school materials for the kids.
Status of Implementation:
 We were able to check and order the school materials for
the kids like pencils, coloring materials, story books, etc.

 The Barangay Captain approved and gave his permission to

the said advocacy but within limited time and days only.
 Succulents were planted in recycled mugs and plastic
bottles, ready to be sell for the additional funding.

Problems Encountered  
 We are in the midst of the COVID19 Pandemic, so the level of
problems that were faced came in fivefold.
 First, I am personally and utterly worried for the health of
not only for the people who are helping but, for everyone
who are involve with the advocacy most especially for the
kids now that Cagayan is no longer Covid-free.
 With the Covid-19 Pandemic and with existing order that
below 21 y/o and 60 and above, as much as possible are not
allowed to go out. It was hard to go out and perform
properly the said advocacy.
 Its connection to the dilemma of living the house, some
plans and activities were altered for the safety of the kids.
 Since Namuac is a rural community, market place are no
way near our place, due to that, we had some difficulties in
search for materials.
 The Barangay Captain had some issues regarding to the
face-to-face communication and with that, we were only
allowed to perform the project for limited time and day to
distribute to the kids.
 Lastly, Financial support was inevitably encountered.
 We know how risky the situations are but knowing how to
prevent the spread of Covid-19 and ensure safety,
preparation of face masks, alcohol, soaps were done and to
be extra careful also.
 We are and will strictly comply with the rules and know
Measures Done to Solve the how to protect ourselves.
Problems Encountered:  Alterations were made to avoid gathering of people in one
place, the plans will be going from house to house and give
school materials and supplies to the kids.
 We had to check and buy materials in online shops.
 With the Facebook page, it was easier to find for donations
for the funding.

 Ever since I was a child, I have set my plans that one day when I
grow up, I will try to help or serve the community by doing
programs like this. But it came sooner that I thought. With the
ongoing Pandemic, indeed education is no longer accessible to all
specially here in Sanchez-Mira, Cagayan. I am very much aware of
the risks but giving is one of the best investments you can make
towards achieving genuine happiness to others and to yourself.
True giving comes from the heart, with no expectation of
reciprocation. In this time of Pandemic, people are struggling to
find daily income and basic needs but seeing that there are people
out there, ready to help even they have also their own needs is so
 When we give, we reap the joy of seeing a bright smile, laughter,
Reflection: tears of joy and gratitude for life. We know that if people give just a
little more—of their time, skills, knowledge, wisdom, compassion,
wealth and love—the world would be a more peaceful and healthier
place. But it's not that easy, it will never be. This is my first-time
doing community project in our community, and knowing that I can
be able to help them because the feeling is priceless. Yes, the
process of everything is hard. From the planning and preparation.
Especially now in the middle of the pandemic, it seems like it is so
hard to move, things are very risky. But with the idea of being able
to help those kids can eradicate all those worries away. I believe
that If you want to have happiness, you need to give happiness. If
you want love, you need to give love. It is only in giving that you
receive. No matter what your circumstances in life, you have the
ability to give.


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