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1. Write „What is a folktale?

” on the board
2. Then „What is a trickster?”
3. Tell students that they will read a passage and they should analyze the characters to answer Key
4. Divide students into teams of four, and distribute the passages
5. Have each students preview their passage by reading the title and looking at the images
6. Introduce passage related vocabulary (to survey (verb) : to look around; teeming (verb): filled
with, swarming; veer (verb): to suddenly turn or change direction, version (noun): a form of
something that is different from the original)
7. Distribute Student Response Sheet to each student and point out the web who what how why
8. Tell students to read the story to look for hard words and to understand what the story is about
9. Ask students to reread and look for the main character ( what it does, why , how), they can
circle, underline or write words to the margin

Hoe: a long-handled gardening tool with a thin metal blade, used mainly for weeding.

Tight smile: a tight smile is one that someone who is smiling against their will, or who is an
uncomfortable situation

Odd look:  If you describe someone or something as odd-looking, you think that
they look strange or unusual

Smirk: smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way (silly laughter)

Gourd (guod): a fleshy, typically large fruit with a hard skin, some varieties of which are
edible (similar to pumpkins and cucumbers)

Hollowed out: to remove the inside of (something) : to make an empty space in (something)

Stroll: walk in a leisurely way, like in triumph

Culprit: a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed

Coyote (kayöti)


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