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Jurnal Pena Sains Vol. 6, No.

1, April 2019
p-ISSN: 2407-2311
e-ISSN: 2527-7634


Retna Kusuma Astuti 1 and Muriani Nur Hayati 2
Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, 52122, Indonesia
Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, 52122, Indonesia

Accepted: October 30, 2018 Published: April 30, 2019



Student quality of Science education program in the University of Pancasakti Tegal which is
prepared to be science teacher candidates in junior high school in the future needs to be enhanced,
because they must improve student scientific literacy ability. Students were expected to have
scientific literacy competence and advanced in internet technology. Thus, research objectives were
determining validity, reading level, and module effectiveness. It was development research. Subject
of this reasearch is Students of Science Education study program in University of Pancasakti Tegal,
semester IV, 2017/2018 academic year. The first step was fulfilling validity criteria, reading level
and then trying out to determine learning effectiveness. Data analyze used judgment expert method,
t-test and gain test. It concluded that the Integrated Science digital module based on scientific
literacy was valid for learning with a score of 26 (high), easy understanding in reading level , it was
useful to enhance cognitive learning outcome students that could be seen from classical learning
outcome total of experiment class of 82.35% and control class of 52.94%. Gain result and t-test
showed that there was a significant difference between experiment class and control class, it was
4.057, gain test for experiment class was g = 0.31and control class of g = 0.24.

Keywords: scientific literacy, validity, effectiveness, digital module, Integrated Science.

Corresponding Author
Development of Integrated Science Digital Module
main success of technology integration in
Introduction education comes from curriculum content,
learning processes, and the use of
Science education has a role in technology in education.
everyday life. Science education
encourages students to think about natural The success of technology integration
phenomena or phenomena with scientific in education comes primarily from
methods such as scientists and prepares curriculum content, learning processes,
students to become citizens who are and the use of technology in education.
responsible for the phenomena around, for Literacy comes from the word literate
example, global warming or others which means literacy, while science
(Sahlan, 2013). If students are not defined as natural science. The
provided with scientific education needs, description implies that scientific literacy
it will harm the environment. Someone is not blind to science. Based on the
who does not literate science will tend to results of the scientific literacy survey
harm themselves and others around him conducted by PISA in 2009 (PISA, 2012),
(Lukum, 2015). Indonesia experienced a rating increase
from its original position which was
The world enters the industrial ranked second lowest to sixth place above
revolution era 4.0 or the fourth world it, but the rise in achievement was still
industrial revolution where the basis in below the average of countries The
human life is information technology OECD is equal to 493. The results of this
(Kemenristekdikti, 2018). The use of the achievement indicate that the average
science of communication and technology scientific ability of Indonesian students is
plays a very vital role, including in the always at the stage of the ability to
field of education as shown in changes in recognize, identify and remember
the style of life in the 21st century scientific knowledge in accordance with
(Burhan, 2016). Therefore, the relevance simple facts, while the ability to link
of education and work needs to be scientific interactions, communicate them
adjusted to the development of the era and in society, apply concepts science
science and technology. The National concepts that are more abstract and
Medium-Term Development Plan is by complex are still lacking.
the mandate context of Presidential Universities, nowadays get input
Regulation No. 2 of 2015 that the role of from students who are born, grow and
science and technology is expected to develop in a digital environment (Yanti,
contribute significantly to the national 2016). Therefore, old knowledge about
economy. literacy "reading, writing, and counting"
Indonesia as a great nation must be needs to be upgraded to digital literacy.
able to develop a culture of literacy as a Digital literacy is as essential as reading,
prerequisite for 21st-century life skills writing, arithmetic, and another
through integrated education, from discipline, which digital literacy must
families, schools, to communities understand is the important thing needed
(Kemendikbud, 2017). Thus, in the to participate in the modern world.
context of global competition and the Students need more learning that is
rapid development of information supported by technological advances
technology, national competitiveness can rather than knowledge that prioritizes
increase with the support and role of general concepts.
universities (Subekti, et al, 2018). The

Astuti and Hayati
Fatkhurrohman & Astuti (2017) UPS was still low. It can be shown from
stated that to become a professional and the nominal literacy level of 56.64%,
superior teacher in mastering science functional literacy of 26.40%, conceptual
literacy, the quality of the Science literacy of 61.50%, and multidimensional
Education Study Program students must literacy of 50.20%.
prepare themselves carefully from the
The use of internet technology aims
beginning of the lecture. Therefore, it is
to improve the aspects of scientific
necessary to increase the mastery of
literacy in the form of interaction between
scientific literacy, especially students of
science, technology, and society. The
the Science Education Study Program,
internet is not only for social and
who will later assume the responsibility as
entertainment purposes but also for
a junior high school science teacher to
information in academic and scientific
develop students' literacy skills in school.
fields. The potential impact in the
Integrated Science is one of the educational and scientific areas is as a
compulsory subjects in the Science provider of information that is easy and
Education Study Program curriculum at fast to access and can innovate in the
UPS-Tegal which weights two credits. learning process according to the
The aims to develop a broader perspective development of internet technology
on the concepts of science studies (Dogruer & Menevis, 2011).
(Biology, Physics, and Chemistry),
The knowledge transfer during the
science issues in everyday life, defining
learning process is often not optimal
the links between the three sciences
because of the amount of material that
(Biology, Physics, Chemistry) in an
must be charged and the limited time in
integrated manner to be packaged in one
one semester. Even though students are
theme contextually. Increased scientific
also required to learn independently,
literacy skills also emphasized in this
especially in concepts that do not require
complicated calculations. Students are
During the educational activities of expected to be able to learn whenever and
Science Education students at UPS-Tegal wherever. It supports the learning process
in the odd semester of the 2016/2017 needed teaching materials in the form of
academic year, according to the modules.
observation of Integrated Science
Irwandani, et al. (2017) explained
lecturers, the application of student
that the module is divided into two at this
science literacy is still lacking. It can be
time, namely the print module and digital
seen from the learning outcomes,
module. Interactive learning media can be
especially cognitive, that students only
displayed in digital modules.
develop scientific literacy indicators in
Implementation of the use of modules in
the form of science as the body of
learning can improve students' thinking
knowledge. The results of the research
skills and actively participate in exploring
conducted by Rusilowati (2014) also
science (Matanluk, et al., 2013). In
stated that there was an imbalance
general, the use of internet technology in
between parts of the scientific literacy
lectures that have not been optimal and
aspects that were studied in textbooks.
especially in the Science Education Study
The results of the study from Hayati
Program, as well as the unavailability of
(2017) also concluded that the science
Integrated Science modules.
literacy of science teacher candidates in
the Science Education Study Program at

Development of Integrated Science Digital Module

Figure 1. Display of Word press Dashboard


Needs Analysis

Development of Instrument

Producing an interactive digital module on

integrated science-based science literacy

No Evaluation and revision

Validation by
expert judgment


An interactive digital module on

integrated science-based science literacy


Figure 2. Flowchart Design Development of an interactive digital module on integrated

science-based science literacy (Modification from Sadiman et al.1996)

Astuti and Hayati
Data collection techniques include
Based on this description, it is
tests, observations, and documentation.
necessary to develop an integrated science
The aspects assessed in testing the
module that can be accessed online which
validity of digital modules have 8 aspects,
contains balanced scientific literacy
namely content, rationality,
indicators, namely integrated science
characteristics, and conformity with
digital module-based science literacy (see
curriculum, language, physical form, and
figure 1). The innovation of this research
flexibility. Each aspect was given a value
is the digital module that will be
of at least 1 and a maximum of 4 with the
developed using an open source content
assessment categories in Table 2.
management system that is used to build
dynamic websites with Word Press.
Module content can be formatted text Table 2. Assessment Scale of The Validity of
material that equipped with scientific Integrated Science Digital Module
literacy indicators, web links, discussion Category Recommendation Range of value
topics, assignments, tests, and quizzes. Excellent Useable without V>28
validity revision
Good Useable with minor 23<V<28
Research Method validity revision
The purpose of this study is to Fair Useable with major 13<V<23
determine the validity, readability, and validity revision
effectiveness of digital modules that have Poor unusable V<13
been developed. This research is a validity
research and development in the form of
an interactive digital module on integrated The technique of knowing the level
science-based science literacy. This of readability of instructional material
research was conducted at Tegal texts, according to Sudijono (2008) can be
Pancasakti University. The subjects of calculated as follows:
this study were 34 students of Science
Education Study Program, semester IV,
Academic Year 2017/2018. The steps of P = Percentage of assessment
research and development are shown in f = scores obtained by students
Figure 2. N = overall score

The trial uses Nonequivalent Control Learning is said to be completed

Group Design (Sugiyono, 2011) individually by meeting the minimum
according to Table 1. completeness requirements, namely, the
Table 1. Trial of Product value of student learning achievement
Class Pretest Treatment Posttest reaches at least 56 or C. Classical
completeness is obtained if less than 75%
experiment O1 X1 O2
of students complete individually. To
Control O1 X2 O2 calculate classical completeness as
O1 = pretest to measure the conceptual understanding of

O2 = posttest to measure the conceptual understanding of ∑
X1 = treatment (applying integrated science digital P = The number of classical completeness
modules based on scientific literacy)
X2 = treatment in the form of conventional learning

Development of Integrated Science Digital Module
The significance level of differences Table 3. Classification of Factor (g)
in learning outcomes uses integrated Interval Factor (g) Criteria
science digital modules based on literacy > 0,70 High
science with modules in general. The 0,3 ≤ ( g ) ≤ 0,7 Moderate
effectiveness of digital modules can be ( g ) < 0,3 Low
seen from the significance level of
differences in student learning outcomes
by using science-based integrated science Result and Discussion
digital modules with ordinary modules
using the t-test formula with polled It has become a common
variance (Sugiyono, 2004). agreement, that information,
̅ ̅
when communication, and technology (ICT) are
√ important and vital in the economic and
social development of a country.
Pischetola & Cattolica (2011) explain the
( ) ( ) impact of ICT on learning strategies that

technologies in the 21st century provide
users with the best opportunities to
_ improve distance, place, and meaning of
x1 = the average student learning outcomes that learning. The emergence of Web 2.0 such
use integrated science digital modules based as TV webcasting, blogging, social
science literacy networks or Wikis has content facilities
x2 = the average student learning outcomes that
for sharing and collaboration, as well as
do not use integrated science digital modules communication such as cross-geography,
based science literacy time zones, and culture.
s12 = variants of student learning outcomes that use Literacy is not only described again
integrated science digital modules based as the ability to read, write (books,
science literacy
s22 = variants of student learning outcomes that do newspapers, magazines, or things that
not use integrated science digital modules need paper), but also more related to the
based science literacy search for information from various
sources to be understood functionally and
eventually elaborated into knowledge.
The price of the calculated value
ICT has changed the information access
compared with the cost of the t-table with
landscape that integrates various types of
a significance level of 5%. If it counts
literacy, which makes us more familiar as
more than t-table then the increase is
the ability to understand literacy.
Furthermore, literacy is essential for
This test is used to test the
evaluating and integrating information in
significance of the increase in cognitive
a dual format through a computer. It is
learning outcomes between pretest,
what Gilster & Watson (1997) call the
posttest and the ability to be independent
first time as digital literacy.
with the gain formula. According to
(Savinainen & Scott, 2002) formulated as In this study, the development of an
follows (Savinainen & Scott, 2002). integrated science digital module based
〈 〉 〈 〉 science literacy on the theme of Energy,
〈 〉 Environment, and Pollution. The digital
module is accessed online at
= Size of factor g
〈 〉 = average of posttest score The steps taken
in the development phase of the digital
〈 〉 = average of pretest score

Astuti and Hayati
module are the first needs analysis. It needs way of thinking ( way of thinking), and the
analysis activity is carried out with literature interaction between science, technology, and
studies, namely by looking for the literature of society (interaction of science, technology,
reference journals and books, the latest and society). The characteristics of integrated
websites. Then, the researcher conducted a science literacy based digital science modules
field study to find out the initial information developed in this study have a ratio of four
and identify the problems and set goals by aspects of scientific literacy of 1: 1: 1: 1.
interviewing students. The content in the Some obstacles occur among them there are
integrated science digital module based on some students who are still having trouble
scientific literacy is consisting of four aspects accessing and managing time doing online
of scientific literacy. It includes science as a assignments. The display of integrated science
body of knowledge (a body of knowledge), literacy digital science module can be seen in
science as a way of investigating, science as a Figures 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Figure 3. Initial display of the digital module

Figure 4. Display of material collections

Development of Integrated Science Digital Module

Figure 5. Display of one of the contents of the material

Figure 6. Display of one of the contents of the material

Figure 7. Display evaluation

Astuti and Hayati
The results of the validator team's criteria is understood. Based on the
assessment of the integrated science digital analysis of cognitive learning outcomes,
module based on scientific literacy can be namely the use of science-based
seen in Table 4. Integrated Science science digital
modules can improve cognitive learning
Table 4. Recapitulation of module validation outcomes of students of Science
values Education Study Program. It can be seen
Aspect of Score from the results of the gain test that the
No increase between the pretest and posttest
Assessment I II III IV
1 Objective 4 3 3 4 scores in Table 8 of the experimental
2 Rational 3 4 3 3 class is 0.31 and includes the moderate
3 Module Content 3 3 2 4 category, and the control class is 0.24
4 Characteristics 2 3 3 3 included in the low category.
5 Fitness 3 4 3 4
6 Language 3 4 3 4 The broad-scale test on module
7 Display 2 4 3 4 development in this study is by looking at
8 Flexibility 3 4 2 4 the effectiveness of the module after it is
Total Score 23 29 22 30 applied. This large-scale test is carried out
Average Score 26 by giving digital modules to the
category Good Validity experimental class as learning resources,
while the control class not offered the
module. The pretest cognitive learning
Testing the level of readability of the outcomes of the experimental and control
module uses quotes by imprinting the classes before being given treatment can
10th word from the module. This test is a be seen in Figure 9 and Table 6.
limited scale test, conducted on ten
students in the sixth semester of the
Science Education study program. The Table 6. Recapitulation of cognitive learning
results test can be seen in Figure 8 and outcomes pretest in experimental and control
Table 5. classes
Minimal Maximum
Class Average
score score
Table 5. Recapitulation Level of Readability experiment 60 83 75,82
No Description Level of Readability control 37 90 64,18
1 Minimal Score 45%
2 Maximum Score 62% Posttest cognitive learning outcomes
3 Average 51,9% of the experimental and control classes
after being given treatment can be seen in
Figure 10 and Table 7.
Table 4 shows the acquisition of the Table 7. Recapitulation of posttest cognitive
average score of the module readability learning outcomes in the experimental and
level of 51.9%. It shows that the control classes
developed science literacy based digital Class Min Max Averag Classical
science module which included in the Score Score e Mastery
category of teaching materials is easy to Learning
a 73 91 83,29 82,35%
B 60 90 72,94 52,94%
Based on the results of data analysis, a= experiment
it obtained if a valid module with high b = control
validity is equal to 26 and the level of
readability of the module in the module

Development of Integrated Science Digital Module


Level of Readability %


Figure 8. Graph of Readability Levels in the Module








Figure 9. Graph of cognitive learning outcomes pretest in experimental and control classes






A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10A11A12A13A14A15A16A17

Figure 10. Graph of posttest cognitive learning outcomes experiment class and control

Astuti and Hayati
is 83.35%, and the control class is 52.94.
Table 7 shows the acquisition of the
It is quite good in terms of improving
average score of the experimental class of
cognitive learning outcomes by applying
83.29, while the addition of the average
integrated science digital modules based
score of the control class is 72.94. The
science literation. The increase in learning
experimental class obtained an average
outcomes is also due to the learning
value higher than the control class.
process in the class presented with digital
Besides, the acquisition of the classical
media such as computers and
completeness of the experimental class
smartphones with the support of material
was 82.35%, while the control class was
content that is more interesting,
52.94%. From these data, the acquisition
interactive and can be accessed repeatedly
of classical completeness in the
whenever students learn. This digital
experimental class is also higher than the
module accessed online integrated into e-
control class. Based on the results of the
learning learning. It certainly has an
gain test the experimental and control
impact on increasing understanding,
class cognitive learning outcomes can be
knowledge of prospective science teacher
seen in Table 8.
students, especially the experimental class
given by the treatment. In accordance
Table 8. Recapitulation of gain test on with what was stated by Eshet-alkalai
cognitive learning outcomes in the (2004), that digital literacy includes not
experimental and control classes only the ability to use and operate
Category Experiment Class Control Class software or digital equipment but also a
Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest variety of complexes of cognitive,
Lowest 60 73 37 60 motoric, social and emotional skills, in
Highest 83 91 90 90 which users need effectiveness in a digital
Score environment, such as "reading"
Average 75,82 83,29 64,18 72,94 commands from graphical displays.
Gain 0,31 0,24 Digital literacy also allows measuring the
Category Moderate Low quality of learning work in a digital
environment, providing universities and
developers to design a digital
Based on Table 8, it was seen that
environment effectively.
the increase in experimental class
The significance level of
cognitive learning outcomes was higher
differences in cognitive learning
than the control class in the medium
outcomes using integrated science digital
range, while the control class was low.
modules based scientific literacy with
Judging from the results of the classical
modules in general can be seen from the
completeness test the experimental class
results of the t-test in Table 9.
is also better than the control class which

Table 9. T Test Results in Experiment and Control Classes

Tcount Dk=n1+n2-2 Ttable (0,975)(32) Criteria
4,057 32 2,445 Ha accepted if t count > ttable(1- )(n1+n2-2)

The results of the T-test show that can be concluded that the experimental
the t-count is in the Ha acceptance area, it group's learning outcomes are better than

Development of Integrated Science Digital Module
the control group with a significant of the gain test and t-test also showed that
difference in the increase. there were significant differences between
In addition, the application of the experimental class and the control
digital modules can also be interspersed class of 4.057, and the experimental class
with discussions and presentations in gain test g = 0.31 and the control class g =
front of the class and independently, and 0.24. Based on the conclusions stated
of course, students work on Quiz online above, to obtain better results in similar
with limited time during the process. By studies, it is necessary to pay attention to
the opinion (Jethro et al. (2012) e-learning matters; namely, further research efforts
can be accessed anytime and anywhere. are needed to develop a science-based
This learning model is quite popular in integrated science digital module for other
the world of education because it can themes. Due to the limitations of time, in
potentially be accessed anywhere, this study researchers only developed a
anytime to improve learning outcomes. digital science integrated science module
Olteanu et al. ( 2014) revealed that with based on the topic of Energy,
the use of the Integrated Science module, Environment, and Pollution.
there was an impressive implementation
of student feedback. After the
introduction of the Integrated Science References
module, awareness in the involvement of Dogruer, N., Eyyam, R., & Menevis, I.
science in everyday life has increased (2011). The use of the internet for
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