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Temperament Consultation Form

Please put a number next to each statement. Use the numbers 1-5. 5=yes, all
the time, 4=yes, most of the time, 3=sometimes, 2=rarely, 1=never

_____be honest, even blunt, though not necessarily tactful and diplomatic
_____be cautious and sensible
_____enjoy frequent periods of solitude and introspection
_____enjoy indulging my imagination and curiosity
_____keep my feelings , thought and opinions to myself
_____be content to be anonymous or on the periphery of social events
_____be considered unusual or eccentric
_____be involved in intellectual pursuits
_____be careful about what I reveal to other people
_____be a stubborn defender of truth as I see it
_____be patient and persevering in spite of defeats or dead ends
_____be objective and dispassionate
_____feel self-sufficiency in or out of a relationship
_____chose privacy over intimacy and solitude over socializing
_____pursue my own interests no matter what others consider important
_____enjoy projects that do not involve other people
_____remove myself from everyday affairs and turn inward to quietly reflect upon my life in the grand scheme of things.
____feel confident and act assertively
____enjoy being competitive and ambitious
____feel powerful and invulnerable
____reluctantly acknowledge others as my equal
____openly discuss my achievements with others
____Be comfortable with conflict or pressure
____enjoy being best, first, unique or even outlandish
____act with confidence and assurance regardless of what others may think or feel.
____Make quick decisions and commit myself to a course of action even if the odds are not in my favor.
____Be comfortable with difficult tasks or emergencies that demand “thinking on my feet”
____Feel that I am right even if others strongly disagree with or disapprove of me.
____Feel good about following my instincts and satisfying my impulses.
____Be direct or provocative even if it causes discomfort to others
____Take pleasure in public recognition and admiration of my talents and achievements
____Be comfortable leading or directing others
____Follow my own hunches about what is right and wrong
____take the lead when necessary to get things done quickly and effectively
____Act boldly and decisively even if I don’t have all the expertise or information I need.
____Enjoy the process of striving against the odds for its own sake
____To want to reject or argue with other people’s appraisals of me.
____Be animated and enthusiastic
____enjoy the pleasures of my senses
____easily know what another thinks and feels
____enjoy physical contact and emotional intimacy
____be comfortable in a very stimulating environment
____openly share my innermost feelings and desires
____live in the here and now and not worry about the future or dwell on the past
____see the humorous side of life
____thouroughly enjoy getting what I want and need
____be tender, intimate and venerable with another person
____be comfortable receiving and giving affection and pleasure
____enjoy being open emotionally
____easily become completely involved in events going on around me
____become deeply identified with the feelings, thoughts and experiences of another
____be emotionally sensitive, responsive, and intuitive
____remain optimistic and hopeful in spite of what others may say or believe
____be completely open and exposed
____identify and empathize with another’s joy or pain
____be open in showing enthusiasm and excitement
____enjoy being attractive and magneti
____maintain a neat and orderly personal life
____be in control of my social environment and the way I do things
____be strongly committed to my moral principals and standards of conduct
____feel secure and confident in my work when I know everyone is following proper procedure.
____enjoy tasks that require logical, analytical, and systematic approaches to problem-solving
____appreciate being thought of as meticulous and discriminating
____think of myself as being impeccable and above reproach
____be self-contained and not overly involved in peoples affairs
____work easily and efficiently in situations where goals and guidelines are well established
____be appreciated and admired for my skill and expertise rather than my personality or emotional enthusiasm
____be judged or evaluated according to objective criteria rather that personal bias or intuition
____accept the authority of those with more competence
____Be systematic and methodical in my work
____enjoy the process of solving puzzles and mysteries
____be content with a few close attachments or demanding relationships
____put virtue and principles before pleasure and fulfillment
____restrain myself in expressing my feelings or opinions
____enjoy temperance and moderation
____be tasteful and discriminating

These are similar to the questions you saw on the Facebook test if you took that test. It helps me to see your personal
answers to these questions. If you did take the Facebook test it would also help to know what temperament you were and
why you feel that is or is not accurate.

1. How do you pack a suitcase?

2. When you enter a room what is the first thing you do?
3. What is your relationship with food?
4. What is your favorite music?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What was your favorite class in school?
7. What kind of books do you read?
8. What is your favorite hobby?
9. Describe yourself in one short paragraph.
10. How do your friends describe you?

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