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Managing Customer



P1 Explain the value and importance of understanding the needs, wants and preferences of target
customer groups for a service sector industry.................................................................................6

P2 Explore the different factors that drive and influence customer engagement of different target
customer groups within a service sector organization.....................................................................8

P3 Create a customer experience map for a selected service sector organization.........................11

P4 discuss how the customer touch-points throughout the customer experience create business
opportunities for a selected service sector organization................................................................14

P5 Examine how digital technology is employed in managing the customer experience within the
service sector, providing specific examples of customer relationship management (CRM)

P6 Illustrate customer service strategies in a specific service sector context................................18

P7 Demonstrate how customer service strategies create and develop the customer experience in a
way that meets the needs of the customer and required business standards..................................19




Every industry is so much competitive nowadays. There are a lot of industries in the market i.e.
Hospitality industry, transport industry, entertainment, automobile, oil, music etc. Among these,
the hospitality industry is the most emerging industry nowadays. But it is tough to get a position
in the competitive market. Those which company are new in this market, it is so tough to get the
popularity. So, every company is so much aware of their strategies. In this assignment, we are
going to discuss various factors that have an effect on the hospitality industry and try to find out
a way to get rid of the factors that have an impact on this industry.


The business of the organization is delicate. The customer gets satisfaction when the
organization can meet their needs. In order to provide the customer with a fundamental and
satisfying experience, the specialized centre must pay the utmost attention to serving its
customers. The customer experience with the company that occurs between the company and the
client. The management of the customer experience is essential because, in reality, and upon
suggestion, it has an impact on the business.

P1 Explain the value and importance of understanding the needs,
wants and preferences of target customer groups for a service sector

The hotels in the organization strive to do everything in their power to gratify the customers. In
this report, the Four Seasons Hotel in London is going to be approached to understand the needs
and trends of its customer orientation [CITATION hyk18 \l 1033 ]. It is essential to understand
what customers like or are looking for when looking for an organization. These are discussed

 Customer Needs: When collaborating, it is essential to separate and appreciate what the
customer needs. Therefore, associations must establish procedures so that clients know
they need this organization [CITATION str18 \l 1033 ].

The Four Seasons Hotel is particularly attentive to the needs of various customers. They offer
different types of facilities to the guests. They also have an alternative office for guests staying
on-site for business purposes. They also offer space for meetings and social events.

 Customers’ Want: The want comes when the need is satisfied. For example, a family
residing in the hotel need an entertainment place for young people. Air Condition, Wi-Fi,
Gym, etc. are necessary for them. These are the workplaces that customers need every
day. The affairs of the organization are gradually strengthening. As a result, what was
once perfect has become a necessity. The condition of the cabins and the safety of the
customers are also huge want these days.

Four Seasons Hotel offers a meeting place for guests. They allow pets, they offer free Wi-Fi,
organization of the room, a bistro for their guests and various extravagances. At the very

moment, this type of organization occurs, customers, become happier [CITATION inf18 \l
1033 ].

 Customer Preferences: Preferences can be imagined by an association of authorities. In

general, interactions with clients about their experience and notions of an organization
will be discussed. These trends need to be taken into account and the communities of
power need to get used to them. Exactly when housing changes and new jobs are
exposed, customers will become smarter and more dedicated.

To understand the customer's trend, every hotel must check the demand of the customers and
find out the shortcomings while they are staying. At this point, they should check how they can
improve their organization and incorporate fundamental organizations.

P2 Explore the different factors that drive and influence customer
engagement of different target customer groups within a service
sector organization

In every sector, a lot of factors have effects on the engagement of the customers. These factors
are varied from sector to sector. The factors that have an effect on the engagement of varieties of
customers in the hospitality industry is shown below in poster:

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P3 Create a customer experience map for a selected service sector

The mapping of the customer experience encourages the association to improve the techniques to
make the customer experience. With this in mind, the association can succeed in the process that
helps them satisfy more customers and increase the number of visitors. Provide customer
support. Choose clients' assumptions as a consequence for the benefit of the organizations
provided by the membership. It perceives the use of organizations or elements of an affiliation.
As a result, the association can orchestrate its territories as shown in the customer experience
map. Collect data on customer experience. The customer asks questions about the strategy used
to do so [ CITATION Ang17 \l 1033 ].

Four Seasons Hotel is one of the most famous hotels in London, United Kingdom. The Customer
Experience Map for Four Seasons Hotel are detailed below:

 Website

The site is one of the classic ways to manage a client association. By using the site, customers
can profit from the association's organizations. In this way, it is essential to have a site for each
association. The site must be designed so that customers can easily find your business. The site
should not be so complex. It must be clear and delicious. It is necessary to refer to all key facts,
i.e. room estimates, offers, conditions, food estimates etc. Four Seasons Hotel has its own unique
site, which allows guests to sit first and look attractive. Therefore, customers exercise

 E-Mail

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Similarly, e-mail is one of the standard advancement techniques. It has a great outcome. When
the guests fill the form, it contains the info of them. In this way, the customers' e-mail address is
collected by the hotel and sends notices or updates, welcome messages and solicits their
packages via e-mail. Four Seasons Hotel also sends letters to its customers and informs them of
their offers and advances.

 Restaurant Environment

The conditions of the restaurant must be attracted to everyone. It must be organized so that
customers of all ages can grow. With this in mind, guests will be satisfied.

 Management

Sometimes there are problems that are examined by customers. Occasionally, the guests should
also have additional workstations. At that time, they discuss with the bistro organization. In this
way, the bistro organization must be sincere and respectful. They should solve these customer
problems. The bistro, the main organization of Four Seasons Hotel, is very hospitable and strives
to solve all the problems that customers have to face.

 Evaluation site

Samphire Salsify, TripAdvisor, OpenTable UK, etc. They have different goals for the exam.
Guests rate Four Seasons Hotel. The score is 4.7 out of 5. The reviews are also good. Therefore,
from this review and rating site, the guests know about the Four Seasons Hotel.

 Staffs

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The restaurant staff expects significant activity in the convenience store sector. In cases where
organizations, personnel management and agents are extraordinary, customers feel more
comfortable by getting good customer service.

 Text Message

Guests receive New Year, Birthday and Christmas wishes and are informed about the occasional
offers of the Four Seasons Hotel offer at that time or exceptional. Therefore, customers feel
unique and provide customer service.

 Telephone
Reaching customers using the phone is an old visualization strategy. The association calls its
clients and can inform them about their offers and their progress and can also get the contribution
of their organizations. This allows them to recognize problems to improve their organizations.

~ 16 ~
P4 discuss how the customer touch-points throughout the customer
experience create business opportunities for a selected service sector
In the hospitality industry, clients are satisfied by the organization they obtain. As part of
settlement activity, it is progressively essential to focus on the reliability of the buyer. Housing
must be dynamic to close business openings when serving the customer. In the case where it is
shown as imagined or spoken, it will be even clearer and more direct. Following is a hypothetical
dialogue between a customer and a hotel manager:

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Standard assistance is open in all hotels. It is important to focus on customer retention. The Four
Seasons must take care of it. Some sources can help them find travel offers in contact centres.
They are discussed below.

 Employees
Employees should communicate with customers properly. The reliable employee can also
understand the needs of customers. Customers or clients talk with them during their stay and get
information on the different organizations they can provide. In this sense, they constitute a
remarkable source.

 Suggestion Box
Most motels have proposal boxes that allow customers to suggest improving existing support or
providing other help.

 Notice
This is an average strategy for getting answers about the organization of the motel. The hotel, the
board of directors and the client can review the motel decisions. It helps the customers to make a
decision to select the hotel. A lot of open web-based destinations that offer reviews and bookings
of workplaces for housing. In their clients, they put their criticism on the organization that is
blessed or deplorable, its orientation, its condition, etc. It creates a reputation than average with
good reviews and reviews.

 Data management
Hotels maintain customer data that contains their experiences, the organizations they have used,
the organization of their choice, and so on. This data can be freely reduced to a minimum to
capture the features that customers value most or the most indifferent features.

 Anonymous inquiry
A hotel can sometimes conduct an investigation without revealing the name. They can send
requests to different support centres, find out what they think about the organization, what
organization they do not care about, what they expect from the community of authorities etc.

~ 18 ~
P5 Examine how digital technology is employed in managing the
customer experience within the service sector, providing specific
examples of customer relationship management (CRM) systems

The activity of the hospitality industry based organisations becomes increasingly dynamic due to
the conditions of progress. Customer behaviour, exhibition design and supply of competitors are
responsible for commercial success. If customers are distributed in different areas, it will
certainly not be difficult to offer them organizations. This is the most useful welcome
information for counselling programs. The following is an analysis of how advances are used to
regulate the relationship with the customer.

The effect of technologies that are used to manage the relationship with the customer is given

 Proper advertising
Each hotel does not have a comparable level of support. An extravagant cabin will not
offer a level of organization comparable to that of a two-star motel. So, it is important to
do proper marketing. Unique marketing policy can boost the business.

 Market Segmentation
A lot of competitors are there in the market. All of the customers are not potential. To
understand your current status, your demographic data, your lifestyle, you can help him.
The information planned by the managers will extract the data and help to find out the
proper guests.

 Customer Needs

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Hotels can offer a lot of facilities, but at the same time, customers may not need it or
want updated things. If we talk about WIFI, it was not that much popular a decade ago.
But now it is the main thing that the hotel should have to provide.

 Search
Hotels can use exhaustive data during the guest's stay. The research will help to better
capture the customer and provide better jobs.

~ 20 ~
P6 Illustrate customer service strategies in a specific service sector

These are a lot of strategies to provide the best service to customers. These are given below:

 The employees must have adequate data on stand organizations. It will be useful to talk
with customers even more effectively.
 Using development for correspondence is an amazing system. The hotel should have a
service centre so the customers can get various information about the hotel. Visit
decision, sometimes the request submitted with the appropriate reaction is useful for
 A quick response is useful for companies and to satisfy the customers.
 The delegates should be trained properly.
 Negative opinions are essential to understand the gaps. Those should not remain
 Someone must be reliable to solve the problems of their clients.
 Propose the renewal of different aids by competitors in the market [ CITATION MIC19 \l
1033 ].

~ 21 ~
P7 Demonstrate how customer service strategies create and develop
the customer experience in a way that meets the needs of the
customer and required business standards

Every hotel should provide quality services to get popularity. It helps them to get an advantage in
the competitive market. Similarly, the customer service technique becomes an important part to
get popularity in the market. Similarly, the rosewood looks for systems to satisfy its customers.
The techniques to solve customer needs and business standards are described below:

 Create a strong brand that deserves to attract more customers in the same way.

 Hotels should communicate the organizations they have promised to offer to customers.
Sometimes, they must strive to give a dominant brand a motivating force over

 Responding quickly to any problem allows the client to feel heard and extraordinary.

 It is important to understand the customer needs. If customers are not satisfied, they
cannot come back later and propagate a horrible event [ CITATION Gau18 \l 1033 ].

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Customer Audit Trail, Critical Observations

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Customers are the main factors for every company. Without the customer, no company can get
popularity. Therefore, it is necessary that companies adequately serve their customers to succeed.
In the organization's business, it is certainly not difficult to lose business so as not to serve
customers properly. Some speculation is needed to establish a conventional relationship with
customers. Commercial conditions and examples change as regularly as possible based on the
technical progress. So, it has become complex. So, every company must analyse properly and
focus on proper service that helps to get the customers.

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