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Nelson College London

Managing Food &
Beverage Operations



P1. Explore different types of business within the food and beverage industry, profiling a chosen
business within each area of the industry........................................................................................6

P2. Explain different rating systems used for the food and beverage industry nationally and

P3. Discuss the current and future trends affecting food and beverage business..........................10

P4. Demonstrate professional food and beverage management skills within a food and beverage

P5. Explain the legal requirements and regulatory standards that food and beverage service
outlets must comply with, giving specific reference to the maintenance and cleaning of

P6 Compare and contrast different operational and marketing technology for a range of different
types of food and beverage businesses..........................................................................................14

P7 Investigate the factors that influence the consumers’ decision on which food and beverage
outlets they choose:........................................................................................................................16

P8 Analyze strategies used in a range of food and beverage outlets to attract and build a loyal
customer base:...............................................................................................................................17



In this assignment here we discuss the different types of foods and beverage organization and
their rating system. Here also discuss current and future trends of foods and beverage
organization. The role of operational and marketing in a foods and beverage here we are compare
and contrast. Here also elaborate the customer investigate of the specific organization.

Foods and beverage organization is plays and great role in an economy. In the present world
there have been remaining a lots of foods and beverage industry. Their management is different
than the others. Foods and beverage industry is also using modern technology and the future
trend is very different than the other business organization.

Factsheet 1

P1. Explore different types of business within the food and beverage
industry, profiling a chosen business within each area of the
Foods and beverage industry is a service industry. This industry earns profit to provide the
service towards the customer. Hotel, restaurant service, fast food, catering service, theme park,
golf club, fitness, and spa facilities and many others service have remaining the foods and
beverage industry, and those industry have been providing different types of service towards the
customer and providing those service towards the customer they earn profit and plays great role
in economy. Here discuss some food and beverage industry in below:

Hotel: Hotel is an organization that provides residents towards the customer for a short term
basis. Hotel organization is providing the room for their rest and refreshment and also provide
the food and drink. There have been different types of hotel and those hotels are offering
different types of facilities, and that facility depends on the customer's ability and wishes. A
high-quality hotel offer that high-quality room service also provides the restaurant, business
centres such as a computer, printer and other office equipment), swimming pool, gymnasium,
playground and lots of facility. The main aim of the hotel is to earn profit by providing good
service towards the customer. Some UK based hotel Example: rosewood, hotel café royal, royal
Jordan hotel.

Restaurant service: the restaurant is a business organization that offers food and meals to the
customer to earn a profit. They served the food and meals to customer promise. There are
different types of services offer towards the customer such as take out and food delivery or home
delivery service. Some restaurant offers only breakfast (example: a pancake house) and some are
offering lunch and dinner meals, and also some are offer breakfast, lunch, and dinner (example:
hotel restaurant and airport restaurant). Some UK based restaurant Example: CORE by Clare
Smyth, the five fields, ormer Mayfair, etc.

Fast food: fast foods is mass types of foods which is offer the customer in commercial purpose.
These types of foods naturally delicious and available anywhere. Fast foods are offer naturally
busy customer. Who are strictly confined in shortage time they are more like too fast foods such
as workers, pedestrians, etc. some fast-food restaurants example: Mc as Donald's, costa coffee,

Catering service: catering provider may additionally have its cooks to put together food, or it
may additionally acquire meals from a contractor or 1/3 party to supply to the client. After sitting
down the client catering send to the waiter to serve them to foods. A caterer provides the food
towards the client remaining in a remote area. They are hired for a party platter, different events,
hotels, and snacks, etc.[ CITATION biz19 \l 1033 ]. In the UK based some catering service
are: Catering Insight, Caterer, and Licensee & Hotelier News

Fitness and spa facility: Having fitness and spa facilities in the hotel like Hotel King Palace is
necessary to amuse customers. Because there are some customers who love this facilities very
much. So, hotel authorities must ensure that both gymnasium and spa centres have sufficient
equipment and facilities. These types of benefits give extra facilities to the hotel owner to run the

Factsheet 2

P2. Explain different rating systems used for the food and beverage
industry nationally and internationally
The rating system is very essential in phrases of evaluating the offerings fine of unique meals
and beverage service supplying enterprises. Customers can without problems with the fantastic
hospitality carrier presenting organizations on evaluating the scores with the aid of independent
enterprises to the hospitality provider presenting organizations.

Different types of organization apply various types of rating systems. Here we discuss some
rating system:

1. Michelin star rating:

2. Scores on the Doors:
3. Trivago/
4. AA rosettes
5. Star Rating:

Michelin star rating: Michelin stars are that's kind of rating system which provides grade in a
restaurant based on restaurant food quality. Michelin star rating developed by Michelin guide in
1900 French. There are three stars uses in this Michelin star rating system which is a single star,
two stars, and also three stars. That star is used to depend on one restaurant's food quality. The
single rating system was introduced in 1926 and provide "a very good restaurant" two stars and
three-star was introduced in 1933 and provide those stars "excellent cooking that is worth a
detour", and "excellent cooking that is worth a detour". Nowadays this rating system is used in
many countries such as Japan, Australia, the USA, and the UK for their restaurant.

Scores on the Doors: A period in all likelihood originating in great public use with the TV
Show The Generation Game in regards to the factors scored with the aid of contestants, Scores
on the doorways is additionally now a term for guide or display of meals hygiene or food
security inspection results of foods companies.

Star rating: star is a symbol of rating. Star is used using reviewers of things for ranking such as;
TV shows, film, hotel, restaurant. There are provide star to an organization for their service and
quality they provide one to five star one the basis of their service and quality.


Factsheet 3

P3. Discuss the current and future trends affecting food and
beverage business
Now a days foods and beverage industry is very know and situated in many place in a gorgeous
place and also street. But it is more popular both gorgeous and street also. Now discuss the
current and future trend of foods and beverage business:

Established trend:

Coffee culture: coffee culture means social behavior and the set of traditions that encompass the
consumption of coffee. Coffee is compared as a social lubricant. In the twentieth century,
espresso more use dominant drink to coffee culture. Nowadays the coffee culture is the most
traditional and established a trend.

Sandwich launches: the sandwich is the most delicious food in the present world. Firstly it is
used in the western country now it is an established trend. Most of the customer with known this

Street foods: there are lots of fast- foods item have been getting in street foods and this is more
popular to cheap rate and available everywhere. Most of the people are eating street foods, and
for this reason, it is moved to established tread.

Current tread:

Veganism: veganism is practice to prevent animal foods use, it also helps to diet control. It is
more popular in the current trend. A follower of the weight loss plan or the philosophy is
acknowledged as a vegan. Distinctions may additionally be made between countless classes of

Street foods: street food is more popular for its availability and cheap rate. Most of the middle
and low-class people are consume street foods.

Future trend:

Robot waiters: nowadays technology is used everywhere so, in the future everyone expected it
to served their food in a robotics system, everyone expects that they're served and maintain is so
different and unique than the people waiter.

Apps based service: apps based service means on-line service. An organization is used specific
apps and provide their foods item customer will choose those foods and they ordered their
expected food in using this app.

Authenticity: in the future, there are use more technology in the food and beverage industry so,
authenticity is more important to this organization. if any organization is fault those organization
is viral in social media and its business is more harmful. So, in future trend organizations have to
maintain their authenticity.

P4. Demonstrate professional food and beverage management skills
within a food and beverage Organization
Now a day the business world is more competitive to create company branding image and high-
quality impression amongst the customers. For this cause of business, the employer has to
emphasize expert management skills. Professional management competencies associated with
the food and vaporizer commercial enterprise companies have been supplied the clever solution
in terms of creating client delight as the sustainable improvement of the zone:

Within foods and beverage organization professional management skill is more required. In
foods and beverage business enterprise related skill is discussed below:

 Proper communication skill: communication skill is more important to any kind of

organization but food and beverage business organization this skill are more important.
There are needed to convenience the customer with their product. Which is more
communication with the customer that business is going ahead with their goal? Only
professional management maintains these types of communication,

 Strategic planning: to gaining success an organization has to follow some specific rules
and regulations. Professional management is to provide those rules and regulations.

 Management skill: management is to operate a whole business organization. so, their

skill is so much important to any kind of organization. Professional management is so
skillful about management.

 Leadership skill: a leader is he or she who operates the organizational people. If any
leadership skill is no skillful then those business organization is not gain to success. So,
leadership is also conducted for professional management.

P5. Explain the legal requirements and regulatory standards that
food and beverage service outlets must comply with, giving specific
reference to the maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
Company act 2006 in UK law: this act is to provide a huge code about company-related law for
the UK. The main provision is:

 the Act provide positive current frequent law principles, such as those about directors'
 transparency directives obligations and impose the European unions
 This act also introduces the new provision of a private and public company.
 The single company is regulated across the UK. If they replace their system they need to
follow the system of Great Britain and m Northern Ireland.

Employee act 2002 in UK law: in employee act 2002 in the UK there has been a lot of changes
those are:

 Maternity right is change.

 Paternity right is change
 Give and par rules also change
 Compulsory Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures.
 Provide new comfort work place[ CITATION com191 \l 1033 ]

Foods safety act 1990 in UK law: in UK law 1990 classifies it is the statutory responsibility to
deal with foods meant for human consumption in a managed and operating way. Have to be "of
nature, substance and best demanded", and need to be efficaciously described (labeled).

Live music act 2012 in the UK: the live music act in the UK parliament act which is given in
2012 (c 2). This act is to control and reduces the sound in the environment of small venues. They
get to the opportunities to live music between 8 is to 11 pm without any license but the condition
is permitted venues with a capacity under 200 people.[CITATION www19 \l 1033 ]

Factsheet 4

P6 Compare and contrast different operational and marketing

technology for a range of different types of food and beverage
Operational and marketing is the most important part of any organization. Those play a great role
in the food and beverage business. Discuss operational and marketing technology impact the
organization’s business performance and consumers’ buying behavior.


Ordering from suppliers: Food and beverage businesses depended they're developed to their
suppliers. If they create a good image into the customer they get the order to the supplier and
now a day's food and beverage organization gets to order to their supplier in online and B2B e-

Order taking: operational department they are operating their whole business organization and
so, they are taking the order and try to fulfill those ordered needs.

Recorded: the operational department is recorded to their all activities. To their sell, present and
a new customer and their need also. They also recorded there all their financial activities.

Factsheet 5
Marketing Technology:

Social media: the main aim marketing department is to sell and promote their business
organization and for this reason they use social media to promote their business organization.

Web-site: marketing is to create a specific website for the organization and provide all
information about the organization. People easily know about their organization by using web-

E-mail: to create long term relationships with the customer and spread their branding marketing
is to maintain e-mail.

E-Brochures: it helps the customer about their offer and orders the business. it is now updating

P7 Investigate the factors that influence the consumers’ decision on
which food and beverage outlets they choose:
The consumer is he or she who buy the product so when he or she buys the product they
investigate the product and service that what types of product they need. And here some
investigate factors is discuss in below:

Needs: first of all organizations have to identify what types of products needed the customer.
And depending on the organization of their need always try to fulfill those needs

Cost-effective: there are different types of customer have been remaining one types is concern
cost-effective. They cannot buy the costly product but they needed to a good product so
organizations always concern about cost-effective.

Cleanliness: the customer always want those types of food which is neat and clean

Hygiene: everyone consumes the foods to maintain their good hygiene. If the foods are so
delicious but it is not hygiene those types of product is not accepted by anyone

Service: every customer wants good quality service. And after selling service. To satisfy the
customer service is more concern issue.

Rating: Food and beverage business organization rating is so important so when the customer is
buying the product they concern about the organization's rating position.

P8 Analyze strategies used in a range of food and beverage outlets to
attract and build a loyal customer base:
It is challenging to stand amongst this enterprise due to the fact plenty of opponents are already
there. To create a customer relationship and maintain a loyal customer relationship is so difficult
in this situation. However, managers must observe some method to keep the lengthy-time period
relationship with clients:

Market research: nowadays, business is so competitive and more complex. To hold the market
position an organization have to need market research. Market research provides exact
information on the current market. It identifies what types of products have to needed.

Employee behaviour: employee behaviour is so important for any kind of food and beverage
organization. If the employee is more passion then the customer will be satisfied. Only goods
quality product does not fulfil customer needs and want.

Menu design: people ordered to see the menu, if the Manu is so beautiful then the customer's
attention is so easy so, Manu design is so important for any kind of food and beverage

Product selection: there is a lot of product item in foods and beverage organization. The
customer always preferred quality products. If any foods and beverage organization fulfil those
demand they gain their customer satisfaction.

In this task, we have to notice the different types of foods and beverage industry and also their
rating system. And there is notice of the different tends of the business organization. Marketing
and operational departments have been playa a great role in the organization's business context,
and also notice the customer investigation.

bizfluent, 2019. The Definition of a Catering Service. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 11 2019].

compactlaw, n.d. The Employment Act 2002. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 20 11 2019].

Ko, W., 2012. A study of the relationships among effective learning, professional competence,
and learning performance in the culinary field. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism
Education, pp. 12-20.

Moodie, R. S. D. M. C. S. N. N. B. T. T. L., Casswell & Group, L. N. A., 2013. Profits and

pandemics. prevention of harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol, and ultra-processed food and
drink industry.

Stone, H., 2012.. Sensory evaluation practices.. s.l.:Academic press.., 2012. live music act 2012. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 20 11 2019].


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