Biopharmaceutics: Leon Shargel

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Leon Shargel
Applied Biopharmaceutics, LLC, Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.
School of Pharmacy, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia,
U.S.A. School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

INTRODUCTION the therapeutic requirements of the drug and drug product

Biopharmaceutics is the study of the interrelationship of in a physiologic environment.
the physicochemical properties of the drug [active
pharma- ceutical ingredient (API)], the drug product BIOPHARMACEUTIC CONSIDERATIONS IN
(finished dos- age form in which the drug is fabricated), DRUG PRODUCT DESIGN
and the therapeutic response. Biopharmaceutics links the Drugs are generally given to a patient as a manufactured
physical and chemical properties of the drug and the drug drug product (finished dosage form), which includes
product to drug product performance in vivo. Drug the active drug and selected ingredients (excipients)
product perfor- mance is the release of the active that make up the dosage form. Common pharmaceutical
pharmaceutical ingredi- ent (API) from the drug product, dosage forms include liquids, tablets, capsules, injec-
leading to bioavailability of the API to achieve a desired tions, suppositories, transdermal systems, and topical
therapeutic response. Drug product performance may be drug products. The formulation and manufacture of a
measured by in vitro drug release/dissolution testing or in drug product requires a thorough understanding of the
vivo bioavailability and bioequivalence studies (1). The biopharmaceutics.
principles of biopharma- ceutics are very important in the Each route of drug application presents special biophar-
design of a drug product (Table 1). Biopharmaceutics maceutic considerations in drug product design (Table 2).
allows for rational design of drug products to deliver the Systemic drug absorption from an extravascular site is
drug at a specific rate to the body to optimize the influenced by the anatomic and physiologic properties of
therapeutic effect and minimize any adverse effects. the site and the physicochemical properties of the drug
As shown in Table 1, biopharmaceutics considers the and the drug product. The anatomy, physiology, and con-
therapeutic objectives of the active drug and then designs tents of the gastrointestinal tract (GI) are considered in
the drug product based on an understanding of the the design of a drug product for oral administration. For
physico- chemical characteristics of the active drug example, considerations in the design of a vaginal tablet
substance, the desired drug product, and route of formulation for the treatment of a fungus infection
administration. The drug product must consistently deliver include whether the ingredients are compatible with
the drug from the absorp- tion site at a specific rate to the vaginal anat- omy and physiology, whether the drug is
body to optimize the thera- peutic effect and minimize any systemically absorbed from the vagina, and how the
adverse effects. To achieve these goals, biopharmaceutic vaginal tablet is to be properly inserted and placed in the
principles also include con- siderations of the anatomy and appropriate area for optimum efficacy. Requirements for
physiology of the drug absorption site, the an eye medication include pH, isotonicity, sterility, local
pharmacodynamics of the drug, includ- ing the desired irritation to the cor- nea, draining of the drug by tears, and
onset time, duration, and intensity of clini- cal response, concern for sys- temic drug absorption. An additional
and the pharmacokinetics of the drug including consideration might be the contact time of the medication
absorption, distribution, elimination, and target drug with the cornea. Although increased eye contact time
concentration (2). might be achieved by an increase in the viscosity of the
Thus, biopharmaceutics involves factors that influence ophthalmic solution, the patient may lose some visual
drug product performance in vivo including (i) drug prod- acuity when a viscous prod- uct is administered.
uct quality and manufacture, (ii) the rate of drug release Biopharmaceutic considerations for drugs administered
from the drug product in vitro, (iii) the rate of dissolution by intramuscular injection include, local irritation, drug
of the drug at the absorption site, and (iv) the bioavailabil- dissolution, and drug absorption from the injection site.
ity of the drug (Fig. 1).1 Biopharmaceutic studies may be performed using in
Biopharmaceutics uses quantitative methods and theo- vitro or in vivo methods (Table 3). In vitro methods are
retical models (2) to evaluate the effect of the drug sub- useful to understand the physicochemical properties of the
stance, dosage form, and routes of drug administration on drug and drug product and to evaluate the quality of the
manufactur- ing process (2–8). Ultimately, the drug
Bioavailability is a measure of biologic performance and is defined as must be studied in vivo in humans to assess drug efficacy,
the rate and extent (amount) to which the active ingredient or active including the pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic,
moiety becomes available at the site of action. therapeutic, and toxic
Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth Edition DOI: 10.1081/E-EPT4-120050198
Copyright © 2013 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved. 195
196 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, Volume I
op Table 1 Biopharmaceutic considerations in drug product design
r Therapeutic objective Pathophysiologic condition to be treated Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic consider-
m ations such as route of administration, onset
ac time, duration of activity
eu Active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API)
Stability Impurities
Solubility Salt form
pH and pKa Particle size
Crystalline form (polymorph) Complexation
Excipient interaction and compatability
Drug product
Quality by Design (QbD) Product and process performance characteristics
scientifically designed to meet specific
Type of drug product (capsule, tablet, Stability
solution, etc.)
Immediate or modified release Excipients
Dosage strength Manufacturing variables
Safety of excipients
Effect of excipients on drug product perfor-
Physiologic factors
Route of administration Blood flow
Permeation of drug across cell membranes Surface area
Binding to macromolecules Biotransformation
Pharmacodynamic and
pharmacokinetic considerations
Bioavailability Pharmacokinetics
Therapeutic objective Dose
Adverse reactions Toxic effects
Manufacturing considerations
Critical manufacturing variables Critical quality attributes such as physical, chemi-
cal, biological, or microbiologic properties that
need to be controlled to ensure product quality
Production methodology and technology Cost
Quality control/quality assurance Stability testing
Specification of raw materials
Patient considerations Compliance, labeling, and product acceptance Cost

profiles. Drug dissolution, absorption, metabolism, and the drug is systemically absorbed, normal physiologic
potential interaction with food and other components in the processes for drug distribution and elimination occur,
GI tract are major biopharmaceutic topics for research and which usually are not influenced by the specific formula-
regulatory considerations in drug development. tion of the drug. The rate of drug release from the product
A drug given by intravenous administration is consid- and the rate of drug absorption are important determi-
ered complete or 100% bioavailable because the drug is nants for the onset, intensity, and duration of drug action
placed directly into the systemic circulation. By carefully of the drug.
choosing the route of drug administration and proper
design of the drug product, drug bioavailability can be RATE-LIMITING STEPS IN ORAL DRUG
varied from rapid and complete systemic drug absorption ABSORPTION
to a slow, sustained rate of absorption or even virtually Systemic drug absorption from a drug product consists of
no absorption, depending on the therapeutic objective. a succession of rate processes (Fig. 2). For solid
Once oral,
Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, Volume I 19

Drug in systemic
Drug in tissues
dissolution circulation

Excretion and Pharmacological or
metabolism clinical effect

Figure 1 Scheme demonstrating the dynamic relationships of the drug, the drug product, and pharmacologic effect. Source: From Ref. 2.

immediate-release (IR) drug products (e.g., tablet, number of forward-moving drug molecules will be higher
capsule), the rate processes include: (i) disintegration of than the number of backward-moving molecules, resulting
the drug product and subsequent release of the drug; (ii) in the transfer of molecules to the region with the lower
dissolution of the drug in an aqueous environment; and drug concentration, as indicated by the big arrow. Flux is
(iii) absorption across cell membranes into the systemic the rate of drug transfer, and is represented by a vector to
circulation. In the process of drug disintegration, show its direction. Molecules tend to move randomly in
dissolution, and absorption, the rate at which drug reaches all directions because molecules possess kinetic energy
the circulatory system is determined by the slowest step in and constantly collide with each another in space. Only
the sequence. left and right molecule movements are shown in Fig. 3,
The slowest step in a kinetic process is the rate-limiting since movement of molecules in other directions would
step. Except for controlled release products, disintegration not result in concentration changes because of the
of a solid oral drug product is usually more rapid than drug limitation of the container wall.
dissolution and drug absorption. For drugs that have very Passive diffusion is the major transmembrane process
poor aqueous solubility, the rate at which the drug for most drugs. The driving force for passive diffusion is
dissolves (dissolution) is often the slowest step, and the difference in drug concentrations on either side of the
therefore exerts a rate-limiting effect on drug cell membrane. According to Fick’s Law of Diffusion,
bioavailability. In contrast, for a drug that has a high drug molecules diffuse from a region of high drug concen-
aqueous solubility, the dissolution rate is rapid and the rate tration to a region of low drug concentration
at which the drug crosses or permeates cell membranes is
the slowest or rate-limiting step. dQ/dt = {DAK/h}(CGI − Cp)
where dQ/dt = rate of diffusion, D = diffusion coefficient,
DRUG ABSORPTION K = partition coefficient, A = surface area of membrane,
Passage of Drugs Across Cell Membranes h = membrane thickness, and CGI − Cp = difference
For systemic absorption, a drug must pass from the between the concentrations of drug in the GI tract and in
absorp- tion site through or around one or more layers of the plasma. Drug distributes rapidly into a large volume
cells to gain access into the general circulation. The after enter- ing the blood resulting in a very low plasma
permeability of a drug at the absorption site into the drug concentra- tion with respect to the concentration at
systemic circulation is intimately related to the molecular the site of drug administration. Drug is usually given in
structure of the drug and the physical and biochemical milligram doses, whereas plasma drug concentrations are
properties of the cell membranes. For absorption into the often in the micro- gram per milliliter or nanogram per
milliliter range. For drugs given orally, CGI » Cp. A large
cell, a drug must traverse the cell membrane. Transcellular
concentration gradient is maintained driving drug
absorption is the process of a drug movement across a
molecules into the plasma from
cell. Some polar molecules may not be able to traverse the the GI tract.
cell membrane, but instead go through gaps or “tight As shown by Fick’s Law of Diffusion, lipid solubility of
junctions” between cells, a process known as paracellular the drug and the surface area and the thickness of the
drug absorption. Some drugs are probably absorbed by a mem- brane influence the rate of passive diffusion of
mixed mechanism involving one or more processes. drugs. The partition coefficient, K, represents the lipid–
water parti- tioning of a drug. More lipid-soluble drugs
Passive Diffusion have larger K values that theoretically increase the rate of
systemic drug absorption. In practice, drug absorption is
Passive diffusion is the process by which molecules spon-
influenced by other physical factors of the drug, limiting
taneously diffuse from a region of higher concentration to
its practical application of K. The surface area of the
a region of lower concentration. This process is passive
membrane through which the drug is absorbed directly
because no external energy is expended. Drug molecules
influences the rate of drug absorption. Drugs may be
randomly move forward and back across a membrane
absorbed from most areas of the GI tract. However, the
(Fig. 3). If the two regions have the same drug concentra-
duodenal area of the small intestine shows the most rapid
tion, forward-moving drug molecules will be balanced by
drug absorption due to such anatomic features as villi and
molecules moving back, resulting in no net transfer of the
microvilli, which provide a
drug. For a region that has a higher drug concentration, the
Table 2 Common routes of drug administration 19
Route Bioavailability Advantages Disadvantages
Parenteral routes
Intravenous Complete (100%) systemic drug absorptionRate of Drug is given for immediate effect Increased chance for adverse reactionPossible
bolus (IV) bioavailability considered instantaneous anaphylaxis
Intravenous Complete (100%) systemic drug absorption Plasma drug levels more precisely controlled May Requires skill in insertion of infusion set
infusion (IV inf) inject large fluid volumes
Rate of drug absorption controlled by infusion pump May use drugs with poor lipid solubility and/or Tissue damage at site of injection (infiltration,
irritating drugs necrosis, or sterile abscess)
Intramuscular Rapid from aqueous solution Easier to inject than intravenous injection Irritating drugs may be very painful
injection (IM)
Slow absorption from nonaqueous (oil) solutions Larger volumes may be used compared to Different rates of absorption depending upon muscle
subcutaneous solution group injected and blood flow
Subcutaneous Prompt from aqueous solution Generally used for insulin injection Rate of drug absorption depends upon blood flow and

injection (SC) injection volume

Slow absorption from repository formulations E
Enteral routes ycl
Buccal or Rapid absorption from lipid-soluble drugs No “first-pass” effects Some drug may be swallowedNot for most drugs or ed
sublingual (SL) drugs with high doses ia
Oral (PO) Absorption may vary Generally, slower absorption Ph
Safest and easiest route of drug administration May Some drugs may have erratic absorption, be unstable ar
rate compared to IV bolus or IM injection use immediate-release (IR) and modified-release in the GI tract, or be metabolized by liver prior to m
drug products systemic absorption ac
Rectal (PR) Absorption may vary from suppository Useful when patient cannot swallow medication Absorption may be erratic Suppository may migrate tic
to different position al
More reliable absorption from enema (solution) Used for local and systemic effects Some patient discomfort ie
Other routes e
Transdermal Slow absorption, rate may vary Transdermal delivery system (patch) is easy to use Some irritation by patch or drugPermeability of skin d
varies with condition, anatomic site, age, and Te
gender ch
Increased absorption with occlusive dressing Used for lipid-soluble drugs with low dose and low Type of cream or ointment base affects drug release lo
MW gy,
and absorption Fo
Inhalation Rapid absorptionTotal dose absorbed is variable May be used for local or systemic effects Particle size of drug determines anatomic placement ur
in respiratory tract Ed
May stimulate cough reflex Some drug may be on
swallowed ,
Source: From Ref. 2. lu
19 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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9 9

Table 3 Examples of in vitro and in vivo biopharmaceutic studies

Biopharmaceutic Bioavailability study Measurement of drug in plasma,
studies (in vivo) urine, or other tissues
Acute pharmacologic effect Measurement of a pharmacodynamic effect, e.g., FEV1,
blood pressure, heart rate, skin blanching
Clinical study Measurement of drug efficacy
Biopharmaceutic Drug release/dissolution Measurement of the rate of drug dissolved under
studies (in vitro) specified conditions
Drug permeability Use of CACO2 cells (an isolated colon cell line) are
grown into membranes to study the intestinal
permeability and gut metabolism of drugs
Drug biotransformation Use of liver cells, homogenates, or isolated cytochrome
(metabolism) P450 isozymes to drug study biotransformation

large surface area. These villi are not found in such num- compartment is dissociated (ionized) at pH 7.4. A weak
bers in other areas of the GI tract. base (e.g., quinidine) is highly ionized in acidic pH and is
The membrane thickness, h, is a constant at the absorp- poorly absorbed from the stomach. Although many drugs
tion site but may be altered by disease. Drugs usually dif- obey by the pH, in practice, the major site of absorption of
fuse very rapidly into tissues through capillary cell most drugs is usually in the small intestine (duodenum) due
membranes in the vascular compartments. In the brain, the to the presence of a large surface area and high blood flow.
capillaries are densely lined with glial cells creating a The drug concentration on either side of a membrane
thicker lipid barrier (blood–brain barrier), causing a drug is also influenced by the affinity of the drug for a tissue
to diffuse more slowly into brain. In certain disease states component, which prevents the drug from freely moving
(e.g., meningitis) the cell membranes may be disrupted or back across the cell membrane. For example, drug that
become more permeable to drug diffusion. binds plasma or tissue proteins causes the drug to con-
Many drugs have lipophilic and hydrophilic substitu- centrate in that region. Dicumarol and sulfonamides
ents. More lipid-soluble drug molecules traverse cell strongly bind plasma proteins, whereas chlordane, a
membranes more easily than less lipid-soluble (i.e., lipid-soluble insecticide, partitions and concentrates into
more water soluble) molecules. The extent of ionization adipose (fat) tissue. Tetracycline forms a complex with
of weak electrolyte drugs (i.e., weak acids, bases) influ- calcium and concentrates in the bones and teeth. Drugs
ences drug solubility and the rate of drug transport may concentrate in a tissue due to a specific uptake or
across a cell membrane. Ionized drugs are more water active transport process. Such processes have been dem-
soluble than non-ionized drugs, which are more lipid onstrated for iodide in thyroid tissue, potassium in the
soluble. The extent of ionization of a weak electrolyte intracellular water, and certain catecholamines in adren-
depends on the pKa of the drug and the partition hypoth- ergic storage sites.
esis (pH) of the medium in which the drug is dissolved.
The Henderson–Hasselbalch equation describes the Carrier-Mediated
ratio of ionized (charged) to unionized form of the drug, Transport
and is dependent on the pH conditions and the pKa of
the drug: Theoretically, a lipophilic drug may pass through the cell
For weak acids, or go around it. If drug has a low molecular weight and is
lipophilic, the lipid cell membrane is not a barrier to drug
diffusion and absorption. In the intestine, molecules
salt) ( A − )
Ratio = − ( = = 10 (pH−pKa) smaller than 500 MW may be absorbed by paracellular
(acid) (HA) drug absorption. Numerous specialized carrier-mediated
transport systems are present in the body, especially in the
For weak bases, intestine, for the absorption of ions and nutrients required
by the body.
Ratio = −(base) (salt) = (RNH)2 (RNH+3) = 10(pH − pKa)
According to the Henderson-Haselbalch equation, a Transport
weak acid (e.g., salicylic acid) should be rapidly absorbed
Active transport is a carrier-mediated transmembrane pro-
from the stomach (pH 1.2) due to a favorable concentration
cess that is important for GI absorption of some drugs and
gradi- ent of the unionized (more lipid soluble) drug from
also involves in the renal and biliary secretion of many
the stom- ach to the blood, because practically all the drug
drugs and metabolites. A carrier binds to the drug to form
in the blood
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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0 0

a carrier–drug complex that shuttles the drug across the

membrane and then dissociates it on the other side of the
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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1 1
r Fine Gastrointestinal
m particles barrier
Lumen Plasma
tic Nonionic Nonionic
form form

Granules Dissolution Absorption

or Drug in solution (4)

Ionic Ionic
form form


Figure 2 Summary of processes involved following the oral administration of a drug in tablet or capsule form. Source: From Ref. 9.




Figure 3 Passive diffusion of molecules. Molecules in solution diffuse randomly in all directions. As molecules diffuse from left to
right and vice versa (small arrows), a net diffusion from the high-concentration side to the low-concentration side results. This results in
a net flux (J) to the right side. Flux is measured in mass per unit area (e.g., mg/cm 2). Source: From Ref. 2.

membrane (Fig. 4). Active transport is an energy- Carrier-Mediated Intestinal

consuming system characterized by the transport of drug Transport
against a concentration gradient, that is, from regions of Various carrier-mediated systems (transporters) are
low drug concentrations to regions of high concentrations. present at the intestinal brush border and basolateral
A drug may be actively transported if the drug molecule membrane for the absorption of specific ions and nutrients
structurally resembles a natural substrate that is actively essential for the body. Many drugs are absorbed by these
transported. A few lipid-insoluble drugs that resemble nat- carriers because of the structural similarity to natural
ural physiologic metabolites (e.g., 5-fluorouracil) are substrates. An intestinal transmembrane protein, P-
absorbed from the GI tract by this process. Drugs of glycoprotein (P-gp), appears to reduce apparent intestinal
similar structure may compete for adsorption sites on the epithelial cell perme- ability from lumen to blood for
carrier. Because only a certain amount of carrier is various lipophilic or cyto- toxic drugs. Other transporters
available, the binding sites on the carrier may become are present in the intestines. For example, many oral
saturated at high drug concentrations. In contrast, passive cephalosporins are absorbed through the amino acid
diffusion is not saturable. transporter.

Facilitated Diffusion Vesicular

Facilitated diffusion is a non-energy requiring, carrier- Transport
mediated transport system in which the drug moves along Vesicular transport is the process of engulfing particles or
a concentration gradient (i.e., moves from a region of high dissolved materials by the cell. Pinocytosis refers to the
drug concentration to a region of low drug concentration). engulfment of small solutes or fluid, whereas phagocytosis
Facilitated diffusion is saturable, structurally selective for refers to the engulfment of larger particles or
the drug, and shows competition kinetics for drugs of macromolecules generally by macrophages. Endocytosis
simi- lar structure. Facilitated diffusion seems to play a and exocytosis are the processes of moving
very minor role in drug absorption. macromolecules into and out of a cell, respectively.
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During pinocytosis or phagocytosis, the cell membrane invaginates

to surround the material, and then engulfs the material into the cell.
Subsequently, the cell membrane
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3 3

GI lumen Intestinal epithelial cell Blood

Drug Carrier
Drug + carrier Drug
Drug complex

Figure 4 Hypothetical carrier-mediated transport process. Source: From Ref. 2.

containing the material forms a vesicle or vacuole within days. Small intestine transit time (SITT) ranges from 3 to
the cell. Vesicular transport is the proposed process for the 4 hours for most healthy subjects. If absorption is not
absorption of orally administered Sabin polio vaccine and com- pleted by the time a drug leaves the small intestine,
various large proteins. An example of exocytosis is the drug absorption may be erratic or incomplete. The small
transport of a protein such as insulin from insulin-produc- intestine is normally filled with digestive juices and
ing cells of the pancreas into the extracellular space. The liquids, keeping the lumen contents fluid. In contrast, the
insulin molecules are first packaged into intracellular vesi- fluid in the colon is reabsorbed, and the lumen content in
cles, which then fuse with the plasma membrane to release the colon is either semisolid or solid, making further drug
the insulin outside the cell. dissolution erratic and difficult.

ORAL DRUG ABSORPTION Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility

Physiologic Considerations Once the drug is given orally, the exact location and/or
Drugs may be administered by various routes of adminis- environment of the drug product within the GI tract is
tration (Table 2). Except for intravenous drug administra- difficult to discern. GI motility tends to move the drug
tion, drugs are absorbed into the systemic circulation from through the alimentary canal so that it may not stay at the
the site of administration and are greatly affected by absorption site. For drugs given orally, an anatomic
condi- tions at the administration site. absorption window may exist within the GI tract in
Oral administration is the most common route of drug which the drug is efficiently absorbed. Drugs contained
administration. Major physiologic processes in the GI sys- in a non-biodegradable controlled-release dosage form
tem include secretion, digestion, and absorption. Secretion must be completely released into this absorption window
includes the transport of fluid, electrolytes, peptides, and prior to the movement of the dosage form into the large
proteins into the lumen of the alimentary canal. Enzymes bowel. The transit time of the drug in the GI tract
in saliva and pancreatic secretions are involved in the depends upon the pharmacologic properties of the drug,
digestion of carbohydrates and proteins. Other secretions type of dosage form, and various physiologic factors.
such as mucus protect the linings of the lumen of the GI Physiologic movement of the drug within the GI tract
tract. Digestion is the breakdown of food constituents into depends upon whether the alimentary canal contains
smaller structures in preparation for absorption. Both drug recently ingested food (digestive or fed state) or is in the
and food constituents are mostly absorbed in the proximal fasted or interdi- gestive state.
area (duodenum) of the small intestine. The process of
absorption is the entry of constituents from the lumen of Gastric Emptying Time
the gut into the body. Absorption may be considered as After oral administration, the swallowed drug rapidly
the net result of both lumen-to-blood and blood-to-lumen reaches the stomach. Because the duodenum has the
transport movements. great- est capacity for the absorption of drugs from the
Drugs administered orally pass through various parts GI tract, a delay in the gastric emptying time will slow the
of the enteral canal including the oral cavity, esophagus, rate and possibly the extent of drug absorption from the
and various parts of the GI tract. Residues eventually duode- num, thereby prolonging the onset time for the
exit the body through the anus. Drugs may be absorbed drug. Drugs, such as penicillin, that are unstable in acid
by passive diffusion from all parts of the alimentary may decompose if stomach emptying is delayed. Other
canal including absorption by sublingual, buccal, GI, drugs (e.g., aspirin) may irritate the gastric mucosa during
and rectal. For most drugs, the optimum site for drug pro- longed contact.
absorption after oral administration is the upper portion Factors that tend to delay gastric emptying include
of the small intestine or duodenum region. The unique con- sumption of meals high in fat, cold beverages, and
anatomy of the duodenum provides an immense surface anti- cholinergic drugs. Liquids and small particles less
area for the drug to passively diffuse (Table 4). In addi- than
tion, the duodenal region is highly perfused with a net- 1 mm are generally not retained in the stomach. These
work of capillaries, which helps to maintain a small particles are believed to be emptied due to a
concentration gradient from the intestinal lumen and slightly higher basal pressure in the stomach over the
plasma circulation. duodenum. Different constituents of a meal will empty
The total transit time, including gastric emptying, small from the stomach at different rates. For example, liquids
intestinal transit, and colonic transit, ranges from 0.4 to 5 are gener- ally emptied faster than digested solids from
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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4 4

the stomach. Large particles, including tablets and

capsules, are
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op Table 4 Drug absorption in the GI tract
ha Anatomic area Function Affect on drug absorption
hepatic portal vein
m Oral cavity Saliva, pH 7, contains ptyalin (salivary amylase),
ac and then to the liver.
which digests starches. Mucin, a glycoprotein,
eu lubricates food and may interact with drugs.
Esophagus The esophagus connects the pharynx and the cardiac
orifice of the stomach. The pH is 5 to 6. The
lower part of the esophagus ends with the
sphincter, which prevents acid reflux from the stomach.
Stomach The fasting stomach pH is about 2 to 6. In the fed state,
the stomach pH is about 1.5 to 2 due to hydrochloric
acid secreted by parietal cells. Stomach acid secretion
is stimulated by gastrin and histamine. Mixing is
intense and pressurized in the antral part of the
stomach, a process of breaking down large food
described as antral milling. Food and liquid are
emptied by opening the pyloric sphincter into the
Duodenum A common duct from the pancreas and gall bladder
enters the duodenum. Duodenal pH is 6 to 6.5 due to
the presence of bicarbonate that neutralizes the acidic
chyme emptied from the stomach. The pH is optimum
for enzymatic digestion of protein and peptide food.
Pancreatic juice containing enzymes is secreted into
the duodenum from the bile duct. Trypsin,
chymotrypsin, and carboxypeptidase are involved
in the hydrolysis of proteins into amino acids.
Amylase is involved in the digestion of
carbohydrates. Pancreatic lipase secretion
hydrolyzes fats into fatty acids.
Jejunum The jejunum is the middle portion of the small intestine
in between the duodenum and the ileum. Digestion
of protein and carbohydrates continues after receiving
pancreatic juice and bile in the duodenum, this
portion of the small intestine generally has less
contraction than the duodenum and is preferred for
in vivo drug absorption studies.
Ileum The ileum, pH about 7, with the distal part as high
as 8, is the terminal part of the small intestine and has
fewer contractions than the duodenum. The ileocecal
valve separates the small intestine with the colon.
Colon The colon, pH 5.5–7, is lined with mucin functioning as
lubricant and protectant. The colon contains both
aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms that may
metabolize some drugs. Crohn’s disease affects the
colon and thickens the bowel wall. The microflora
may also become more anaerobic. Absorption of
clindamycin and propranolol are increased, whereas
other drugs have reduced absorption with this disease
(Rubinstein et al., 1988).
Rectum The rectum is about 15 cm long, ending at the anus.
In the absence of fecal material, the rectum has a
small amount of fluid, (about 2 m) with a pH about 7.
The rectum is perfused by the superior, middle, and
inferior hemorrhoidal veins. The inferior
hemorrhoidal vein (closest to the anal sphincter) and
the middle hemorrhoidal vein feed into the vena cava
and back to the heart. The superior hemorrhoidal vein
joins the mesenteric circulation, which feeds into the
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Buccal and sublingual absorption occurs for lipid-soluble drugs.

Tablets or capsules may lodge in this area, causing local irritation. Very little drug
dissolution occurs in the esophagus.

Drugs are not efficiently absorbed in the stomach. Basic drugs are solubilized rapidly in
acid. Stomach emptying influences the time for drug reaching the small intestine. The
food content and osmolality influenced by stomach emptying. Fatty acids delay gastric
emptying. High-density foods generally are emptied more slowly from the stomach.

The main site for drug absorption. An immense surface area for the passive diffusion of
drug due to the presence of villi and microvilli forming a brush border. A high blood
perfusion maintains a drug concentration gradient from the intestinal lumen and plasma
circulation. The complex fluid medium in the duodenum dissolves many drugs with
limited aqueous solubility. Ester prodrugs are hydrolyzed during absorption. Proteolytic
enzymes degrade many protein drugs in the duodenum, preventing adequate absorp-
tion. Acid drugs dissolve in the alkaline pH. Bile secretion helps to dissolve fats and
hydrophobic drugs.
Drugs generally absorbed by passive diffusion.

Drugs generally absorbed by passive diffusion.

Very limited drug absorption due to the lack of micro- villi and the more viscous and
semisolid nature of the lumen contents. A few drugs such as theophylline and
metoprolol are absorbed in this region. Drugs that are absorbed well in this region are
good candidates for
an oral sustained-release dosage form.

Drug absorption may be variable depending upon the placement of the suppository or
drug solution within the rectum. A portion of the drug dose may be absorbed through
the lower hemorrhoidal veins, from which the drug feeds directly into the systemic
circulation; some drug may be absorbed through the superior hemorrhoidal veins,
which feeds into the mesenteric veins to the hepatic portal vein to the liver, and
metabolized prior to systemic absorption.
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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delayed from emptying for 3–6 hours by the presence of increase drug absorption (influx transporter) or decrease
food in the stomach. Indigestible solids empty very drug absorption (efflux transporter). Many of the efflux
slowly, probably during the interdigestive phase, a phase transporters in the GI tract are membrane proteins located
in which food is not present and the stomach is less
motile but periodically empties its content due to
housekeeper wave contraction.

Intestinal Motility
Normal peristaltic movements mix the contents of the
duo- denum, bringing the drug particles into intimate
contact with the intestinal mucosal cells. The drug must
have a suf- ficient time (residence time) at the absorption
site for opti- mum absorption. In the case of high motility
in the intestinal tract, as in diarrhea, the drug has a very
brief residence time and less opportunity for adequate
For drugs given orally, an anatomic absorption
window may exist within the GI tract in which the drug is
effi- ciently absorbed. Drugs contained in a non-
biodegradable controlled-release dosage form should be
completely released into this absorption window to be
absorbed before the distal movement of the dosage form
into the large bowel.

Blood Perfusion of the GI

The blood flow is important in carrying the absorbed drug
from the absorption site to the systemic circulation. A
large network of capillaries and lymphatic vessels perfuse
the duodenal region and peritoneum. The splanchnic
circulation receives about 28% of the cardiac output and is
increased after meals. Drugs are absorbed from the small
intestine into the mesenteric vessels which flows to the
hepatic-portal vein and then to the liver prior to reaching
the systemic circula- tion. Any decrease in mesenteric
blood flow, as in the case of congestive heart failure, will
decrease the rate of systemic drug absorption from the
intestinal tract.
Some drugs may be absorbed into the lymphatic circu-
lation through the lacteal or lymphatic vessels under the
microvilli. Absorption of drugs through the lymphatic
system bypasses the first-pass effect due to liver metabo-
lism, because drug absorption through the hepatic portal
vein is avoided. The lymphatics are important in the
absorption of dietary lipids, and may be partially respon-
sible for the absorption of some lipophilic drugs, such as
bleomycin or aclarubicin, which may dissolve in chylo-
microns and be systemically absorbed through the lym-
phatic system.

Transporters and Carrier-Mediated Intestinal

Various carrier-mediated systems (transporters) are pres-
ent at the intestinal brush border and basolateral mem-
brane for the absorption of specific ions and nutrients
essential for the body. Many drugs are absorbed by carrier
system because of the structural similarity to natural sub-
strates. Both influx and efflux transporters are present in
the brush border and basolateral membrane that will
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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strategically in membranes to protect the body from influx

of undesirable substrates. A common example is MDR1
or P-gp which is also named ABCB1. P-gp is an example
of the ATP -binding cassette (ABC) subfamily. MDR1 is
one of the many proteins known as multidrug resistance-
asso- ciated protein. P-gp has been identified in the
intestine, and reduces apparent intestinal epithelial cell
permeability from lumen to blood for various lipophilic
or cytotoxic drugs. P-gp is highly expressed on the apical
surface of superficial columnar epithelial cells of the
ileum and colon, and expression decreases proximally
into the jeju- num, duodenum, and stomach.

Effect of Food and Other Factors

on GI Drug Absorption
Digested foods may affect intestinal pH and solubility
of drugs. Food effects are not always predictable.
The absorption of some antibiotics (e.g., penicillin,
tetracycline) is decreased with food, whereas other drugs
(e.g., griseofulvin) are better absorbed when given with
food containing a high fat content. Food in the GI lumen
stimulates the flow of bile. Bile contains bile acids. Bile
acids are surfactants, and are involved in the digestion
and solubilization of fats. Bile acids increase the solubil-
ity of fat-soluble drugs through micelle formation. For
some basic drugs (e.g., cinnarizine) with limited aqueous
solubility, the presence of food in the stomach stimulates
hydrochloric acid secretion, which lowers the pH, caus-
ing more rapid dissolution of the drug and better
Generally, the bioavailability of drugs is better in
patients in the fasted state and with a large volume of
water (Fig. 5). However, to reduce GI mucosal irritation,
drugs such as erythromycin, iron salts, aspirin, and
nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) are
given with food. The rate of absorption for these drugs
may be reduced in the presence of food, but the extent
of absorption may be the same.
The drug dosage form may also be affected by food. For
example, enteric-coated tablets may stay in the stomach
for a longer period of time because food delays stomach
emp- tying. If the enteric-coated tablet does not reach the
duode- num rapidly, drug release and subsequent systemic
drug absorption are delayed. In contrast, enteric-coated
beads or microparticles disperse in the stomach, are less
affected by food, and demonstrate more consistent drug
absorption from the duodenum.
Food may also affect the integrity of the dosage form,
causing an alteration in the release rate of the drug. For
example, theophylline bioavailability from Theo-24 con-
trolled-release tablets is much more rapid when given to a
subject in the fed rather than fasted state (Fig. 6).
Some drugs, such as ranitidine, cimetidine, and dipyri-
damole, after oral administrations produce a blood
concen- tration curve consisting of two peaks. This
double-peak phenomenon is generally observed after the
administration of a single dose to the fasted patients. The
rationale for the double-peak phenomenon has been
attributed to variability in stomach emptying, intestinal
motility, presence of food,
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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Serum crythromycin (mg/ml)


Plasma salicylate (mg/ml)

r 60 3.0
ac 50 2.5
40 2.0
30 250 mL water 250 mL water

25 mL water
20 1.0

10 20 mL water

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Serum theophylline (mg/ml)

Time (hours) Time (hours)
Serum amoxicillin (mg/ml)

(A) (B)

10 6
500 mL water
6 250 mL water
3 20 mL water


2 1
25 mL water
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time (hours) Time (hours)
Serum theophylline concentration (mg/ml)

(C) (D)
Figure 5 Mean plasma or serum drug levels in healthy, fasting human volunteers (n = 6 in each case) who received single oral doses
of aspirin (650 mg) tablets, erythromycin stearate (500 mg) tablets, amoxicillin (500 mg) capsules, and theophylline (260 mg) tablets,
together with large volume of water. Source: From Ref. 10.

Subject VA
Nausea, vomiting,
25 headache



10 After breakfast

0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 60
Time (hours)
Figure 6 Theophylline serum concentrations in an individual subject after a single 1500 mg dose of Theo-24 taken during fasting,
period during which this patient experienced nausea, repeated vomiting, or severe throbbing headache. The pattern of drug release
during the food regimen is consistent with “dose-dumping.” Source: From Ref. 1.
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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5 5

Immediate release solid oral drug products must rapidly

enterohepatic recycling, or failure of a tablet dosage form. disintegrate into small particles and release the drug. The
For a drug with high water solubility, dissolution of the
drug occurs in the stomach, and partial emptying of the
drug into the duodenum will result in the first absorption
peak. A delay in stomach emptying results in a second
absorption peak as the remainder of the dose is emptied
into the duodenum.
Diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, that alter GI physiol-
ogy and corrective surgery involving peptic ulcer, antrec-
tomy with gastroduodenostomy and selective vagotomy
may potentially affect drug absorption. Drug absorption
may be unpredictable in many disease conditions. Drugs
or nutrients or both may also affect the absorption of other
drugs. For example, propantheline bromide is an anticho-
linergic drug that slows stomach emptying and motility of
the small intestine, and may reduce stomach acid
secretion. Grapefruit juice was found to increase the
plasma level of many drugs by inhibiting their metabolism
in the liver.
Food effect BA studies are usually conducted for new
and generic drug products to assess the effects of food on
the rate and extent of absorption of a drug. Food can
change the BA of a drug and can influence the BE
between test and reference products. Food effects on BA
can have clinically significant consequences. Food can
alter BA by various means, including
● delay gastric emptying;
● stimulate bile flow;
● change GI pH;
● increase splanchnic blood flow;
● change luminal metabolism of a drug substance;
● physically or chemically interact with a dosage form or
a drug substance.
Food effects on BA are generally greatest when the drug
product is administered shortly after a meal is ingested.
The nutrient and caloric contents of the meal, the meal
vol- ume, and the meal temperature can cause physiologic
changes in the GI tract in a way that affects drug product
transit time, luminal dissolution, drug permeability, and
systemic availability. In general, meals that are high in
total calories and fat content are more likely to affect the
GI physiology, and thereby result in a larger effect on the
BA of a drug substance or drug product. FDA
recommends the use of high-calorie and high-fat meals
during food-effect BA and fed BE studies (10).

Biopharmaceutic considerations in the design and manu-
facture of a drug product to deliver the active drug with
the desired bioavailability characteristics include: (i) the
type of drug product (e.g., solution, suspension,
suppository); (ii) the nature of the excipients in the drug
product; (iii) the physicochemical properties of the drug
molecule; and (iv) the route of drug administration.

20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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6 6

decrease in concentration across the stagnant layer is called

United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) describes the diffusion gradient
an official tablet disintegration test. The
process of disintegration does not imply
dC/dt = Da(CS − C)h
complete dissolution of the tablet and/or the
drug. Complete disintegration is defined by the
where dC/dt = rate of drug dissolution, D = diffusion rate
USP as “that state in which any residue of the
tablet, except frag- ments of insoluble coating, constant, A = surface area of the particle, CS = drug con-
centration in the stagnant layer, C = drug concentration
remaining on the screen of the test apparatus
in the soft mass have no palpably firm core.” in the bulk solvent, and h = thickness of the stagnant
The USP provides specifications for uncoated
tablets, plain coated tablets, enteric tablets, The rate of dissolution, (dC/dt) × (1/A), is the amount of
buccal tablets, and sublingual tablets. drug dissolved per unit area per time (e.g., g/cm2/min).
Exempted from USP disintegration tests are The Noyes–Whitney equation shows that dissolution
troches, tablets that are intended to be chewed, rate is influenced by the physicochemical characteristics of
and drug products intended for sustained the drug, the formulation, and the solvent. In addition, the
release or pro- longed or repeat action. temperature of the medium also affects drug solubility and
Disintegration tests allow for precise dissolution rate.
Bi to prepare with
op measurement of the formation of fragments, PHYSICOCHE
granules, or aggregates from solid dosage drugs that have
ha MICAL poor aqueous
r forms, but do not provide information on the
m dissolution rate of the active drug. The NATURE OF solubility. Drugs
ac disintegration test serves as a component in the that are
eu overall quality control of tablet manufacture. physically or
tic Solubility, pH, chemically
and Drug unstable may
Di Absorption require special
s excipients,
s The natural pH
environment of the coating, or
ol manufacturing
GI tract varies from
ut pro- cess to
acidic in the stomach
io protect the drug
to slightly alkaline in
n from
the small intes- tine.
Dissolution is the process by which a chemical Drug solubility may be degradation.
or drug becomes dissolved in a solvent. In improved with the
biologic systems, drug dissolution in an addition of acidic or S
aqueous medium is an important prior basic excipients. t
condition of systemic absorption. The rate at Solubilization of a
which drugs with poor aqueous solubility aspirin, for example, b
dissolve from an intact or dis- integrated solid may be increased by i
dosage form in the GI tract often controls the the addition of an l
rate of systemic absorption of the drug. Thus, alkaline buffer. i
dissolu- tion tests are discriminating of the Controlled-release t
formulation factors that may affect drug drug products are non- y
bioavailability. disinte- grating dosage ,
As the drug particle dissolves, a saturated forms. Buffering
solution (stag- nant layer) is formed at the agents may be added p
immediate surface around the particle. The to slow or modify the H
dissolved drug in the saturated solution gradu- release rate of a fast- ,
ally diffuses to the surrounding regions. The dissolving drug in the
overall rate of drug dissolution may be formulation of a a
described by the Noyes– Whitney equation, controlled-release drug n
which models drug dissolution in terms of the product. The buffering d
rate of drug diffusion from the surface to agent is released
the bulk of the solution. In general, drug slowly rather than D
concentration at the surface is assumed to be the rapidly so that the r
highest possible, i.e., the solubility of the drug drug does not dissolve u
in the dissolution medium. The drug immediately in the g
concentration C is the homogeneous sur- rounding GI fluid.
concentration in the bulk solution, which is Intravenous drug A
generally lower than that in the stagnant layer solutions are difficult b
immediate to the surface of the solid. The s
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
I Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, Volume I 20
7 7

o In dissolution calcula-
r a tions, the solute such as solubility, density,
p n particle is usually hardness, and compression
t d assumed to have characteristics. Some
i retained its geometric polymorphic crystals may
o D shape. have much lower aqueous
n r Particle size and solubility than the
u particle size amorphous forms, caus- ing
The pH-stability
g distribution studies are a product to be incompletely
profile is a plot
important for drugs absorbed. For example,
of reaction rate
A that have low water chloramphenicol has several
constant for
b solubility. Particle size crystal forms. When given
s reduction by milling orally as a suspension, the
o to a micronized form chloramphenicol drug
versus pH, and
r increased the concen- tration in the
may help to
p absorption of low body depended on the
predict if some
t aqueous solubility percentage of β-polymorph
of the drug will
i drugs such as in the suspension (11). The
decompose in
o griseofulvin, β form is more soluble and
the GI tract. The
n nitrofurantoin, and better absorbed (Fig. 7). In
stabil- ity of
many steroids. general, the crystal form
erythromycin is The
Smaller particle size that has the lowest free
pH dependent. effective
results in an increase energy is the most stable
In acidic surface
in the total surface poly- morph. Polymorphs
medium, area of the
area of the particles, that are metastable may
erythromycin drug is
enhances water convert to a more stable
decomposition increased
penetration into the form over time. A crystal
occurs rapidly, enor-
parti- cles, and form change may cause
whereas at mously by
increases the problems in manufacturing
neutral or a reduction
dissolution rates. With the product. For exam- ple,
alkaline pH the in the
poorly solu- ble drugs, a change in crystal structure
drug is relatively particle
a disintegrant may be of the drug may cause
stable. Conse- size.
added to the cracking in a tablet or even
quently, Because
formulation to ensure prevent a granulation to be
erythromycin drug
rapid disintegration of compressed into a tablet,
tablets are dissolution
the tablet and release requiring reformulation of
enteric coated to is thought
of the particles. the product. Some drugs
protect against to take
interact with solvent during
acid degradation place at the
prepara- tion to form a
in the stomach. surface of Polymorphi
crystal called solvate. Water
In addition, less the solute, c Crystals,
may form a spe- cial crystal
soluble the greater Solvates,
with drugs called hydrates,
erythromycin the surface and Drug
for example, erythromycin
salts that are area, the A forms different hydrates,
more stable in more rapid b which may have quite
the stom- ach the rate of s
different solubility
have been drug o
compared to the anhydrous
prepared. dissolution. r
form of the drug (Fig. 8).
The p
Ampicillin trihydrate, for
P geometric t
example, was reported to be
a shape of i
less absorbed than the
r the drug o
anhydrous form of
t par- ticle n
ampicillin due to faster
i also affects Polymorphism refers dissolution of the latter (12).
c the surface to the arrangement of
l area, and a drug in vari- ous
e during crystal forms FORMULATI
dissolution (polymorphs). ON
S the surface Polymorphs have the FACTORS
i is same chemical AFFECTING
z constantly structure but different DRUG
e changing. physical properties,
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
I Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, Volume I 20
8 8

DISSOLUTIO problem, the lubricant

N level should be
Excipients are decreased or a
pharmacodynamically different lubricant
inactive substances that are selected. Sometimes,
added to a formulation to increasing the amount
provide certain func- tional of disintegrant may
properties to the drug and overcome the retarding
dosage form. Excipients effect of lubricants on
may be added to improve dissolution. However,
the compressibility of the with some poorly
active drug, stabilize the soluble drugs, an
drug from degradation, increase in disintegrant
decrease gastric irritation, level has little or no
control the rate of drug effect on drug
absorption from the dissolution
absorption site, increase
drug bioavailability, and so
on. Some excipients used in
the manufacture of solid
and liq- uid drug products
are listed in Tables 5 and 6.
For solid oral dosage forms
such as compressed tablets,
excipients may include: (i)
diluent (e.g., lactose); (ii)
disintegrant (e.g., starch);
(iii) lubricant (e.g.,
magnesium stearate); and
(iv) other components such
as binding and stabilizing
agents. When improperly
used in the formulation,
excipi- ents may alter drug
bioavailability and possibly
pharmaco- dynamic
Excipients may affect the
drug dissolution rate by
alter- ing the medium in
which the drug is dissolving
or by react- ing with the
drug itself. Some common
manufacturing problems
that affect drug dissolution
and bioavailability are listed
in Table 7. For example,
suspending agents increase
the viscosity of the drug
vehicle, but may decrease
the drug dissolution rate
from the suspension. An
excessive quantity of
magnesium stearate (a
hydrophobic lubricant) in
the formulation may retard
drug dissolution and slow
the rate of drug absorption.
The total amount of drug
absorbed may also be
reduced. To prevent this
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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9 9

Chloramphenicol (mg/ml)
24 solution with a very fine particle size. The small particles
100% have enormous collective surface area and disperse and
20 redissolve readily for more rapid absorption on contact
with the mucosal surface.
75% Excipients may interact directly with the drug to form a
water-soluble or water-insoluble complex. If tetracycline
12 50% is formulated with calcium carbonate, an insoluble
complex of calcium tetracycline is formed that has a slow
8 rate of dissolution and poor absorption.
Excipients may increase the retention time of the drug
4 0%
in the GI tract and therefore increase the amount of drug
absorbed. Excipients may act as carriers to increase drug
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 22 22 diffusion across the intestinal wall. The addition of
After dosing (hours) surface- active agents may increase wetting as well as
solubility of drugs. In contrast, many excipients may
Figure 7 Comparison of mean blood serum levels obtained
with chloramphenicol palmitate suspensions containing varying
retard drug disso- lution, and thus reduce drug absorption.
ratios of α and β polymorphs, following single oral dose equiva- Shellac used as a tablet coating, upon aging, can slow
lent. Source: From Ref. 12. the drug dissolution rate. Surfactants may affect drug
dissolu- tion in an unpredictable fashion. Low
concentrations of surfactants lower the surface tension and
increase the rate of drug dissolution, whereas higher
Dihydrate concentrations of sur- factants tend to form micelles with
Dissolved (percent)

100 the drug and thus decrease the dissolution rate. High tablet
compression without sufficient disintegrant may cause
poor disintegra- tion in vivo of a compressed tablet.
60 A dissolution test in vitro measures the rate and extent of
dissolution of the drug in an aqueous medium in the pres-
Monohydrate ence of one or more excipients contained in the drug
40 product. A potential bioavailability problem may be
uncov- ered by a suitable dissolution method. The
optimum dis- solution testing conditions differ with each
Anhydrate drug formulation. Different agitation rates, different
medium (including different pH), and different dissolution
0 appara- tus should be tried to distinguish which
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 dissolution method is optimum for the drug product and
Time (minutes)
discriminating for drug formulation changes. The
Figure 8 Dissolution behavior of erythromycin dihydrate, appropriate dissolution test condition for the drug product
monohydrate, and anhydrate in phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) at is then used to determine acceptable dissolution
37°C. Source: From Ref. 13. specifications.
The size and shape of the dissolution vessel may affect
the rate and extent of dissolution. For example, the ves-
because the fine drug particles are not wetted. The general
sel may range in size from several milliliters to several
influence of some common excipients on drug bioavail-
liters. The shape may be round-bottomed or flat, so that
ability parameters for typical oral drug products is sum-
the tablet might lie in a different position in different
marized in Table 7.
experiments. The amount of agitation and the nature of
Excipients may enhance or diminish the rate and extent
the stirrer affect the dissolution rate. Stirring rates must
of systemic drug absorption. Excipients that increase the
be controlled, and specifications differ between drug
aqueous solubility of the drug generally increase the rate
products. Low stirring rates (50–100 rpm) are more dis-
of drug dissolution and absorption. For example, sodium
criminating of formulation factors affecting dissolution
bicarbonate in the formulation may change the pH of the
than higher stirring rates. The temperature of the dissolu-
medium surrounding the active drug substance. Aspirin, a
tion medium must be controlled, and variations in tem-
weak acid, in an alkaline medium will form a water-
perature must be avoided. Most dissolution tests are
soluble salt in which the drug rapidly dissolves. This
performed at 37°C.
process is known as dissolution in a reactive medium. The
The nature of the dissolution medium, the solubility of
solid drug dissolves rapidly in the reactive solvent
the drug, and the amount of drug in the dosage form will
surrounding the solid particle. As the dissolved drug
affect the dissolution test. The dissolution medium should
molecules diffuse out- ward into the bulk solvent, the drug
not be saturated by the drug. Usually, a volume of
may precipitate out of
21 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
I Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, Volume I 21
0 0

medium larger than the amount of solvent

needed to completely dissolve the drug is
used in such tests. The usual volume
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
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8 8
op Table
5 Common
7 Effectexcipients
of excipients
drug products parameters ofTable
oral drug
6 Common
product excipients used in oral liquid drug products

r Excipient Property in dosage form Excipient Property in dosage form
ac Lactose Diluent Sodium carboxymethylcellulose Suspending agent
eu Dibasic calcium phosphate Diluent Tragacanth Suspending agent
Starch Disintegrant, diluent Sodium alginate Suspending agent
Microcrystalline cellulose Disintegrant, diluent Xanthan gum Thixotropic suspending
Magnesium stearate Lubricant agent
Stearic acid Lubricant Veegum Thixotropic suspending
Hydrogenated vegetable oil Lubricant
Sorbitol Sweetener
Talc Lubricant
Alcohol Solubilizing agent,
Sucrose (solution) Granulating agent
Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (solution) Granulating agent
Propylene glycol Solubilizing agent

Titinium dioxide Combined with dye as

Sucrose Sweetener
colored coating
Polysorbates Surfactant
Methylcellulose Coating or granulating
agent Sesame oil For emulsion vehicle
Cellulose acetate phthalate Enteric coating agent Corn oil For emulsion vehicle
Source: From Ref. 2. Source: From Ref. 2.

of the medium is 500–1000 mL. Drugs that are not very In Vitro–In Vivo Correlation
water soluble may require use of a very-large-capacity (IVIVC)
vessel (up to 2000 mL) to observe significant dissolution. In vitro bioavailability data may be used to predict the per-
Sink conditions is a term referring to an excess volume of formance of a dosage provided that the dissolution method
medium that allows the solid drug to continuously dis- selected is appropriate for the solid oral dosage form and
solve. If the drug solution becomes saturated, no further prior information has been collected, showing that the dis-
net drug dissolution will take place. According to the solution method will result in optimum drug absorption
USP, “the quantity of medium used should be not less from the drug product. In general, IVIVC is best for well-
than three times that required to form a saturated solution absorbed drugs for which the dissolution rate is the rate-
of the drug substance.” limiting step. Some drugs are poorly absorbed and
Which medium is best is a matter of considerable con- dissolution is not predictive of absorption (15). The objec-
troversy. The preferred dissolution medium in USP disso- tives of IVIVC are to use the rate of dissolution as a dis-
lution tests is deaerated water, or if substantiated by the criminating (i.e., sensitive to changes in formulation or
solubility characteristics of the drug or formulation, a manufacturing process), as an aid in setting dissolution
buff- ered aqueous solution (typically pH 4–8) or dilute specifications. When properly applied, IVIVC may be
HCl may be used. The significance of deaeration of the used to facilitate the evaluation of drug products with
medium should be determined. Various investigators have manufac- turing changes including minor changes in
used 0.1 formulation, equipment, process, manufacturing site, and
N HCl, 0.01 N HCl, phosphate buffer, simulated gastric batch size (1–3,16).
juice, water, and simulated intestinal juice depending on Three levels of IVIVC are generally recognized by the
the nature of the drug product and the location in the GI FDA (17). Various dissolution IVIVC methods are cur-
tract where the drug is expected to dissolve. No single rently available (2). A Level A correlation is usually esti-
apparatus and test can be used for all drug products. Each mated by deconvolution followed by comparison of the
drug product must be tested individually with the dissolu- fraction of drug absorbed to the fraction of drug dissolved.
tion test that best correlates to in vivo bioavailability. A correlation of this type is the highest level of correlation
The dissolution test usually states that a certain and best predictor of bioavailability from the dosage form.
percentage of the labeled amount of drug in the drug The Level A correlation is generally linear and represents
product must dis- solve within a specified period of time. In a point-to-point relationship between in vitro dissolution
practice, the abso- lute amount of drug in the drug product rate and the in vivo input rate. The Level A correlation
may vary from tablet to tablet. Therefore, a number of should predict the entire in vivo time course from the in
tablets from each lot are usually tested to get a vitro dis- solution data. A Level B correlation utilizes the
representative dissolution rate for the product. The USP principles of statistical moment analysis. The mean in
provides several official (compendia) methods for vitro dissolu- tion time is compared to either the mean
carrying out dissolution tests of tablets, capsules, and other residence time or the mean in vivo dissolution time. The
special products such as transdermal preparations. The Level B correlation, like the Level A correlation, uses all
selection of a particular method for a drug is usually of the in vitro and in vivo data, but is not considered to
specified in the monograph for a particular drug product. be a point-to-point
20 Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Fourth
I Science and Technology, Fourth Edition, Volume I 20
9 9
5 Common
7 Effectexcipients
of excipients
drug products parameters ofTable
oral drug
6 Common
product excipients used in oral liquid drug products

Excipients Example ka tmax AUC

Disintegrants Avicel, Explotab ↑ ← ↑/—

Lubricants Talc, hydrogenated vegetable oil ← ↑ ←/—
Coating agent Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose — — —
Enteric coat Cellulose acetate phthalate ← ↑ ←/—
Sustained-release agents Methylcellulose, ethylcellulose ← ↑ ←/—
Sustained-release agents (waxy agents) Castorwax, Carbowax ← ↑ ←/—
Sustained-release agents (gum/viscous) Veegum, Keltrol ← ↑ ←/—
This may be concentration and drug-dependent. Abbreviations: ↑, Increase; ←, decrease; —, no effect; k , absorption rate constant; , time for peak drug
t a max
concentration in plasma; AUC, area under the plasma drug concentration-time curve. Source: From Ref. 2.

correlation and does not uniquely reflect the actual in vivo ARTICLES OF FURTHER INTEREST
plasma level curve, because several different in vivo Absorption Enhancers, p. 1
plasma level-time curves will produce similar residence Absorption of Drugs, p. 18
times. A Level C correlation is the weakest IVIVC and Bioavailability and Bioequivalence, p. 154
establishes a single-point relationship between a Biotransformation of Drugs, p. 287
dissolution parameter (e.g., time for 50% of drug to Dissolution and Dissolution Testing, p. 834
dissolve, or percent drug dis- solved in 2 hrs, etc.) and Polymorphism and Solvatomorphism: Pharmaceutical Aspects, p. 2782
a pharmacokinetic parameter (e.g., AUC, Cmax, tmax). The Prodrug Design, p. 2841
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