Sample Values List: WWW - Whosinyourroom.Online

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___ Achievement/Drive ___ Discovery ___ Intimacy

___ Adaptability ___ Ecological Awareness ___ Involvement
___ Adding Value ___ Economic Security ___ Job Tranquility
___ Advancement  ___ Effectiveness ___ Joy
___ Adventure ___ Efficiency ___ Justice
___ Aesthetic ___ Ethical Practice ___ Kindness
___ Affection ___ Empathy ___ Knowledge ___ Religion
___ Affinity ___ Endurance ___ Leadership ___ Reputation
___ Arts ___ Enthusiasm ___ Learning ___ Resolution
___ Articulate ___ Environment ___ Leverage ___ Resolve
___ Attractiveness ___ Equality ___ Life ___ Resourcefulness
___ Authenticity ___ Excellence ___ Location ___ Respect
___ Awareness ___ Excitement ___ Love ___ Responsibility
___ Beauty ___ Expertise ___ Loyalty ___ Security
___ Bliss ___ Expression ___ Making a difference ___ Self-determinism
___ Caring ___ Fairness ___ Meaningful Work ___ Self-Respect
___ Certainty ___ Fame ___ Mentorship ___ Sensitivity
___ Challenging Problems ___ Family ___ Meditation ___ Sensuality
___ Change and Variety ___ Fast Living ___ Merit ___ Serenity
___ Charisma ___ Financial Gain ___ Money/Making Money ___ Sharing
___ Charity ___ Flexibility ___ Music ___ Simplicity
___ Cheerfulness ___ Focus ___ Nature ___ Sophistication
___ Chivalry ___ Forgiveness ___ Nurturing ___ Soul
___ Clarity ___ Freedom ___ Openness ___ Spirit
___ Coaching ___ Friendship ___ Order ___ Spirituality
___ Commitment ___ Fun ___ Partnership ___ Spontaneity
___ Communication ___ Giving ___ Passion ___ Stability
___ Community ___ Gratitude ___ Patience ___ Strength
___ Companionship ___ Growth ___ Peace ___ Status
___ Compassion ___ God ___ Perception ___ Success
___ Competence ___ Happiness ___ Perseverance ___ Synergy
___ Competition ___ Having a Family ___ Personal Growth & Development ___ Team/Teamwork
___ Confidence ___ Health ___ Physical Challenge ___ Technology
___ Congruence ___ Heart ___ Playfulness ___ Tenderness
___ Connection ___ Helping Other People ___ Pleasure ___ Time Freedom
___ Conscientiousness ___ Helping Society ___ Power and Authority ___ Togetherness
___ Considerate ___ Honesty ___ Presence ___ Travel
___ Contribution ___ Honor ___ Privacy ___ Trust
___ Conviction ___ Humility ___ Probability ___ Trustworthiness
___ Cooperation ___ Humor ___ Productivity ___ Truth
___ Courage ___ Inclusive ___ Public Service ___ Unity
___ Courteousness ___ Independence ___ Purity ___ Value
___ Creativity ___ Influencing Others ___ Purpose ___ Vigor
___ Decisiveness ___ Inspiration ___ Quality ___ Vision
___ Democracy ___ Integrity ___ Quality Relationships ___ Vulnerability
___ Dependability ___ Intelligence ___ Recognition ___ Wealth
___ Discernment ___ Intention ___ Reliability ___ Wisdom


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