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Reflect: What does the video wants to tell me?

Poverty is one of the biggest problems of our country, and the one who is mostly

affected by this is the youth. The video was all about helping other people in need, who

are belonging to the slumps and can afford to even get primary education. These

people mostly belong to the youth wherein they are being deprived in attending school;

instead they are already facing the hardships of life, looking for job to be able to support

their needs and as well as the needs of their families.

While watching the video I realized how blessed I am that I am able to go to

school without experiencing working for my own matriculation. I have also realized that I

should really cherish my studies for there are a lot of children out in world who would

want to be in my position and have a great future ahead of them, in addition I should

also cherish all of the blessings I am receiving and learn how to be contented in what I

have, for what I have now may be deprived to other children. Furthermore, the video

also showed me that I, as a student can also help these children even at the simplest

way I can. I can just simply give donations to foundations that aims to help street

children experience education, also I can attend outreach program wherein I can share

my knowledge to other children and to somehow create a change in their lives. For I

have seen that helping need not to be extravagant, it needs to come from the heart for

even a simple help can bring a big change to someone’s life.

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