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Clothes Management System

Design Document

Version 1.0

Group ID



Sajid Ur Rehman

Supervisor Name:

Revision History

Date Version Description Author


Current date 1.0 Introduction of the project Write student(s) id

Sajid Ur Rehman
The Design Document Includes Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD), Sequence
Diagrams, Architecture Design
Diagram, Class Diagram, Database
Design, Interface Design, and various
Test Cases.

It is final year Project in the Faculty of

Virtual University of Pakistan in the
year 2020-21
Table of Contents

1. Introduction of Design Document

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

3. Sequence Diagrams

4. Architecture Design Diagram

5. Class Diagram

6. Database Design

7. Interface Design
8. Test Cases

1. Introduction of Design Document

In Design document we have included the following diagrams and Design in this document.
 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
 Sequence Diagrams
 Architecture Design Diagram
 Class Diagram
 Database Design
 Interface Design
 Test Cases

Benefits and Purpose of this phase in software development project.

Software Documentation is a critical activity in software engineering. Documentation improves on

the quality of a software product. It also plays significant roles in software development environment
and system maintenance. Several software development best practices are ignored. This paper

Looks at the importance of software documentation, creation, applications, tools and standards.

The role of documentation in a software engineering environment is to communicate information to

its audience.
Documentation is used as a communication medium between members of the development team and
probably the clients.

Provide information for management to help them plan, budget and schedule the software
development process.

The documents also act as evidence of all the procedures and activities involved in software
development therefore, documents need to be up-to date, complete, consistent and usable. To
achieve consistency, systematic ways of document creation should be employed.

Documentation can also be used for learning a software system, testing a software system, working
with a new software system, solving problems when other developers are unavailable to answer

Questions, looking for big-picture information about a software system, maintaining a software
system, answering questions about a system for management or customers, looking for in-depth
information about a software system, working with an established software system.

Poor documentation is the cause of many errors and reduces efficiency in every phase of a software
product’s development and use. Documentation is an activity that needs to commence early in
development and continue throughout the development lifecycle. It acts as a tool for planning and
decision making.

2. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity Relationship Diagrams are a major data modelling tool and will help organize the data in your project into entities
and define the relationships between the entities. This process has proved to enable the analyst to produce a good
database structure so that the data can be stored and retrieved in a most efficient manner.

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a data model describing how entities (or concepts or things) relate to one
another. When created by business analysts, ERDs can be used to understand the business domain, clarify business
terminology, and connect business concepts to database structures.

ERDs have three main components:

1. Entities represent people, places, items, events, or concepts.

2. Attributes, also known as data elements, model characteristics of an entity.

3. Relationships show the connection between two or more entities.

3. Sequence Diagrams

Sequence diagrams illustrate the interactions between actors and the business system. Fundamentally
we have a pool of interaction partners from the use case diagrams. Depending on the flow that is
being depicted in the sequence diagram, the appropriate actors and business systems can be selected
from this pool.

 Designate actors and business system—who is taking part?

 Designate initiators—who start interactions?

 Describe the message exchange between actors and business system—which messages are
being exchanged?

 Identify the course of interactions—what is the order?

 Insert additional information—what else is important?

 Verify the view—is everything correct?

A sequence diagram has two dimensions: the vertical dimension represents time and the horizontal
dimension represents the objects participating in the interaction. Time flows from top to bottom
4. Architecture Design Diagram

It is a three-way interaction in client/Server environment Three-tier architecture is a software

design pattern and a well-established software architecture. The programming for a tier can

be changed or relocated without affecting the other tiers, the 3-tier model makes it easier for

an enterprise or software packager to continually evolve an application as new needs and

opportunities arise.
Detail of three tier is as follow:

1. Presentation Tier: User interface is stored in a client. This layer occupies the top level and
displays information related to services available on a website. This tier communicates with
other tiers by sending results to the browser and other tiers in the network.

1. Business Tier: Also called the middle tier, logic tier, application logic or logic tier, this tier is
pulled from the presentation tier. It controls application functionality by performing detailed
processing. It is stored in one or more servers.

2. Data Tier: Houses database servers where information is stored and retrieved. Data in this
tier is kept independent of application servers or business logic.

Its advantages are scalability, reusability, data integrity, security, availability and less complexity.
5. Class Diagram

Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an
application. Class diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing, and
documenting different aspects of a system but also for constructing executable
code of the software application.
Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and also the
constraints imposed on the system. The class diagrams are widely used in the
modeling of object-oriented systems because they are the only UML diagrams,
which can be mapped directly with object-oriented languages.

Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations,

collaborations, and constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram.
6. Database Design

<Provide Database Design Diagram of the system>

A database is usually a fundamental component of the information system,
especially in business oriented systems. Thus database design is part of system
development. The following picture shows how database design is involved in the
system development lifecycle.

The phases in the middle of the picture (Database Design, Database Implementation)
are the phases that you concentrate on in the Database Design course. The other
phases are briefly described. They are part of the contents of the Systems Analysis and
Design courses, for example.

7. Interface Design
8. Test Cases

Use Case Template

testcase Add Product

test case Id 1

Description This testcase will checks that add product page is working properly or

Pre Open the software and login with admin account


Test case Go to admin account

scenario Click on add product page
Fill the form
Click on submit button
Actual Product is added

Expected Product should be added


Test case Delete Stock

Test case 3

This test case validates about deletion of stock from the system

Pre Login with authorize account


steps Go to orders tab and choose the stock which you want to delete and
click on delete button

Expected Stock should be deleted


Actual Stock deleted


Test case 5

Person can register in system by giving his details like Username, full
Name, Address and Email.

Pre Must open the software.


Load software Enter his details ( Full name, , address and email ),
Choose User Name and password for login

Expected Details are entered in system and present to administrator for

result authorization.

Actual Person is added successfully


Usecase LOGIN

Usecase Id 6

Enter their valid user name and password to Sign in system.

Pre Software must be installed And responding


Enter their valid Username and password. Submit this page by clicking
on Login button.
Actual Successfully Login system.

Expected System should allow user to enter in the system


Test case Logout

Test case 7

This test case explains about logout of this system

Pre Must login first.


Click on Sign out.

Actual Successfully Sign out system.


Expected User must be logout after clicking on logout button


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