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Chromosomes and speciation in Mus musculus domesticus

Article  in  Cytogenetic and Genome Research · February 2004

DOI: 10.1159/000078210 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Ernesto Capanna Riccardo Castiglia

Sapienza University of Rome Sapienza University of Rome


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Genome and Evolution

Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004)

DOI: 10.1159/000078210

Chromosomes and speciation in

Mus musculus domesticus
E. Capanna and R. Castiglia
Dipartimento di Biologia animale e dell’Uomo, Roma (Italy)

Abstract. Thirty years after its identification, the model of mice with karyotypes rearranged by Robertsonian fusion and
chromosomal speciation in Mus musculus domesticus is reeval- between them and populations with the standard all-acrocent-
uated using the methods of population biology, molecular cyto- ric 40-chromosome karyotype; (3) the selective advantage of
genetics and functional genomics. Three main points are con- chromosomal novelty, essential for the attainment of homozy-
sidered: (1) the structural predisposition of M. m. domesticus gosis and the rapid fixation of the new karyotype in the popula-
chromosomes to Robertsonian fusion; (2) the impediment of tion.
structural heterozygosity to gene flow between populations of Copyright © 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

“For a biologist the alternative to not thinking in evolution- The mouse model of chromosomal variability has been wide-
ary terms is not to think at all” – P. and J. Medawar: “The ly used for decades as an excellent experimental model for chro-
imperfections of man” in: P. Medawar “The uniqueness of the mosome-derived neonatal pathologies (Gropp, 1978, 1982;
individual,” 1957. Gropp et al., 1974, 1975; Johannisson et al., 1983; Nielsen et al.,
In 1969, Alfred Gropp (Gropp et al., 1969, 1970) described 1985) and chromosome-derived human infertility. Indeed it will
the “Tobacco mouse” karyotype, characterized by 26 chromo- likely be used even more after the publication of the fully
somes produced by seven Robertsonian fusions, in a popula- sequenced mouse and human genomes. In this model, the ability
tion of house mice from the Swiss canton of Grisons. This led to to cross carriers of selected karyotypes allowed the design of
the discovery of the dramatic karyotypic Robertsonian vari- peculiar meiotic configurations (single or multiple independent
ability of Mus musculus domesticus (Gropp et al., 1972) in sev- trivalents, chain or ring configurations) variably subject to malse-
eral geographically isolated population systems in Italy (Capan- gregation events, thus leading to chromosome-derived subfertili-
na et al., 1973, 1976; Capanna and Corti, 1982), northern Scot- ty or sterility and to the production of trisomic (and monosomic)
land (Nash et al., 1983), western Europe (Adolph and Klein, animals. This opportunity opened the field of dynamic embryo-
1981), northern Africa (Said et al., 1986), the Balkans (Tichy logical studies in reproductive and developmental biology (Har-
and Vucak, 1987; Winking et al., 1988) and the Middle East ris et al., 1986; Mittwoch et al., 1984; Redi et al., 1984, 1985,
(Gündüz et al., 2000), that is, in the whole distribution area of 1988, 1991, 1993; Redi and Capanna, 1988; Redi and Garagna,
this semispecies (Thaler et al., 1981; Auffray et al., 1990). In 1992; Garagna et al., 1990, 2002; Wallace et al., 1991b).
addition, a surprising complex of populations was recently dis- I believe it would be superfluous to provide an analytical
covered in Madeira Island (Britton-Davidian et al., 2000). description of all these systems of karyotypic variability and all
the populations in the semispecies M. m. domesticus, since they
are certainly well known and already the subject of thorough
reviews (Sage et al., 1992; Nachman and Searle, 1995; Searle,

Supported by the Italian MIUR-COFIN 2001-2002.

Received 3 October 2003; accepted 27 October 2003. The thanks to – in spite of paradox
Request reprints from: Dr. E. Capanna
Dipartimento di Biologia animale e dell’Uomo The chromosomal variability in the house mouse provided
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, via A. Borelli 50
IT–00161 Roma (Italy); telephone: +39-(0)6-49918008 the scientific community with a “paradigmatic” model of
fax +39-(0)6-4457516; microevolution based on post-mating reproductive isolation

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related to hypofertility of hybrids with structural heterozygosi- germ cell, and (2) chemical-physical properties of DNA related
ty. In the last few decades, it has been well accepted by evolu- to inherent genomic traits of M. domesticus, i.e. the identity of
tionary cytogeneticists that chromosomal changes can lead to satellite DNA sequences in the centromere of all acrocentric
speciation in natural populations, at least those characterized autosomes. Wrong recombination between homologous se-
by the R reproductive strategy and low vagility (White, 1968, quences, such as satDNA on non-homologous chromosomes,
1978a, b, 1982; Capanna, 1982, 1985; Backer and Bickham, has been suggested as a possible mode of formation of Robert-
1986). The mechanism was considered to be very simple: the sonian translocation in mice and in humans (Therman et al.,
appearance of a structural rearrangement provides a group of 1989; Vissel and Choo, 1989; Page et al., 1996).
individuals with the opportunity to build up a post-mating The pericentromeric region of the telocentric chromosomes
reproductive barrier. However, this simplistic mode of specia- in M. musculus is constituted by a large block of major satellite
tion was severely contrasted (Mayr, 1963, 1982; Carson, 1982). DNA (between 6 and 17 megabases) (Pardue and Gall, 1970;
In fact, what causes difficulties in understanding “chromosom- Wong et al., 1990; Kipling et al., 1991), a smaller block of
al speciation” is that we have to accept that a factor, i.e. struc- minor satellite DNA (between 250 and 500 kilobases) (Wong
tural rearrangements, acts negatively on a physiological pro- and Rattner, 1988) and, at the physical end of the chromosome,
cess, i.e. gametogenesis, but that it also overcomes the detri- a small block of telomeric sequences (from 10 to 60 kb). In the
mental effect and is established in the population. We have semispecies domesticus, and only in it (Garagna et al., 1993),
called this the “thanks to – in spite of” paradox (Capanna and the AT-rich major satellite DNA is amplified, constituting
Redi, 1994): thanks to the chromosomally derived subfertility around 10 % of the genome; it is located, with identical
of the structural hybrids and in spite of it, chromosomal rear- sequences, on all the chromosomes except the Y. Another char-
rangements can become fixed in a population and speciation acteristic of the organization of the satDNA in the semispecies
events can occur. domesticus is the absence of interspersion with other non-satel-
Consequently, it was necessary to carefully reflect on the lite sequences (Garagna et al., 2002). This organization, which
role of different demographic and geographical parameters we will call “long-range”, has been demonstrated by application
involved in this speciation mode (Wilson et al., 1975; Lande, of the fibre-FISH technique. Using the same technique, Garag-
1979, 1981; Capanna et al., 1984), as well as to revise the old na et al. (2002) also clearly demonstrated the physical continui-
model based on schemes of White’s (1968) “stasipatric” specia- ty between major and minor satellite DNA. The two families of
tion. sequences are organized in blocks without interspersion be-
All models of speciation based on post-mating reproductive tween them or with other DNA; in fact, the hybridisation signal
isolation are obliged to include selective advantage of the car- appears continuous, without any interruption. The same type
riers of this genome configuration among the factors essential of organization was shown by analysis of the chromatin fibres
for fixation of the new homokaryotype (Hedrick, 1981; Walsh, after hybridisation with minor satDNA and telomeric se-
1982; Capanna et al., 1985; Chesser and Baker, 1986). This is quences. A further aspect must be underlined: most of the
undoubtedly the most difficult problem of “chromosomal spe- centromeres tend to cluster together with the nucleus in the
ciation”, since it involves aspects of functional genomics that interphase (Rattner and Lin, 1985). Consequently, mouse cen-
are not easily tackled experimentally. In other words, we must tromeres can cluster during interkinesis due to recognition of
try to understand the cytological and developmental bases of identical sequences. If chromosomal breakages occur in adja-
the selective advantage of carriers of the rearranged karyotype cent centromeres, two DNA strands could rejoin because of the
that could explain the possibility, and rapidity, of fixation of proximity and sequence identity of their satellite DNA. In this
the chromosomal novelty in the population and its diffusion way, unpaired single strands of two different chromosomes
despite the negative heterosis of hybrids. could occasionally base pair during DNA synthesis. A 5) paren-
Other questions about the paradigmatic model of chromo- tal strand base pairs with a homologous sequence on a 3) paren-
somal speciation have been postulated but not fully resolved: tal strand of another chromosome to give a double helix with
(1) what is the true efficacy of the post-mating reproductive the B DNA structure reconstituted. The heteroduplex DNA so
barrier?, and (2) what are the molecular bases of Robertsonian formed is cut and rejoined by nicking-closing enzymes. Telo-
fusion that can explain the proneness of the karyotype of M. m. meric sequences and part of the minor satDNA are lost in the
domesticus, and only of this semispecies, to molecular rearran- newly formed Rb metacentric chromosome.
gements? This proposed mechanism of Robertsonian chromosome
formation has received wide consensus. Nonetheless, as cor-
rectly stated by King (1993), the “model remains untested,
The molecular machinery of fusion although it appears to agree with our understanding of the struc-
ture of Mus chromosomes.”
We begin with the second question, about the proneness of As a consequence, our work in the last ten years has focused
the M. m. domesticus karyotype to centric fusion. on testing the proposed molecular mechanism in M. m. do-
As early as 1986, Redi (Redi et al., 1986, 1989, 1990) pro- mesticus. Direct observation of the involvement of the centro-
posed a molecular model of Robertsonian fusion based on two meric region in the process of centric fusion has been possible
main stochastic events: (1) a random favourable spatial rela- with FISH (Garagna et al., 1995; Nanda et al., 1995) and fibre-
tionship of DNA sequences in the telomeric regions of two FISH (Garagna et al., 2002) preparations with centromeric
chromosomes in the S phase of the cell cycle of a primitive satellite DNA probes. During the process of fusion, the telo-

376 Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004)

Fig. 1. CO-FISH staining of a chromosome spread from a Poschiavo Fig. 2. In situ hybridisation with the (TTAGGG)n probe on metaphase
mouse (2n = 26) using a major satellite oligonucleotide. A contralateral signal chromosomes of Acomys dimidiatus. Fluorescence signals are present at the
was obtained for Rb translocations (examples: Rb arrows) and a single lateral telomeric regions of every chromosome. No signals are present in centromer-
signal on telocentrics (examples: tc arrows), indicating that the satDNA ic regions of Rb metacentric chromosomes.
repeated sequences are oriented head-to-tail towards the centromere.

meric sequences are completely lost, while a hybridisation signal karyotype involves Robertsonian fusions, the metacentrics re-
is still present when a probe is used to show the minor satellite tain the telomeric sequences. A similar conservative pattern
DNA. This demonstrates that the telomeric sequences are lost in was observed by Sharma and Sharma (1998) in three “chromo-
the process of fusion and that the fusion occurs within the context somal” species of the Mus terricolor complex. We (Castiglia et
of the repeated sequences of the minor satellite DNA. al., 2002) tested the Rb metacentrics in Nannomys minutoides,
A direct prediction of the proposed model was that mouse a species pertaining to the famous Evantail Robertsonien (Rob-
Robertsonian chromosomes must show contralateral asymme- ertsonian Fan) of Leggada described by Robert Matthey in
try between the thymidine-rich strands (since acrocentrics ex- 1966 (Matthey, 1966, 1970). In this species, most Rb metacen-
hibit lateral asymmetry), with the proper centric orientation of trics preserve telomeric sequences, but not a pair of large meta-
the satellite DNA. They do, in fact, show this, as Garagna et al. centrics. Garagna (unpublished data, Fig. 2) observed that in
(2001a) recently proved using the CO-FISH/PRINS/FISH Acomys dimidiatus (2n = 38), whose karyotype evolution main-
method. This method combines the FISH (Goodwin and ly involved Rb translocations (Volobouev et al., 1991, 1996),
Meyne, 1993) and PRINS techniques (Kock et al., 1989) and the Rb metacentric chromosomes do not show telomeric se-
allows the precise localisation of the breakpoints in telocentrics quences in the centromeric regions.
involved in Robertsonian translocation. It was also demon- This does not decrease the validity of the proposed model
strated that both the major and minor satDNA tandem re- for M. m. domesticus, in which the exceptional size of the satD-
peated sequences are oriented head-to-tail in telocentrics and in NA explains the predisposition of the pericentromeric area to
metacentrics, and their polarity is always the same relative to centric fusion. We must ask why the “erroneous base pairing”
the centromere (Fig. 1). Garagna et al. (2001a) also showed that does not occur in the major satDNA, which is much more
in Robertsonian chromosomes the two telocentric chromo- extensive and whose repeat identical sequences are much more
somes contribute symmetrically, with 10–30 kilobases of minor numerous than in the minor satDNA. We cannot exclude a
satDNA each, to the newly formed centromeric region. priori that this may be observed in other mammals. However, a
Nonetheless, we have to admit that the above process is possible reason is that if this occurred the entire fraction of
undoubtedly valid for M. m. domesticus but not for all mam- minor satDNA would be lost and the absence of this non-cod-
mals. Volobouev (1998) demonstrated that in Sorex araneus, ing DNA could lead to defective operation of the whole cen-
another mammal in which the dramatic rearrangement of the tromeric compartment. In fact, the heterochromatin is consid-

Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004) 377

ered to be important in the correct functioning of the genome, 1982; Capanna and Corti, 1982; Capanna et al., 1985). These
as convincingly discussed by Redi et al. (2001). two mechanisms involved successive mutations in very small
isolated demes and subsequently, hybridisation of adjoining
populations, whose karyotypes, however, lacked metacentrics
Rb chromosomes and earthquakes with monobrachial homology. This hypothesis was tested by
both parsimony and compatibility analysis (Corti et al., 1986)
If this is the intrinsic molecular machinery causing chromo- and it was found to be consistent with the geographical distribu-
some rearrangement, we wondered whether extrinsic factors tion of the nine populations of the Raethian Alps system. How-
could trigger it. ever, Hauffe and Piàleck (1997) re-examined the question on
Vorontsov and Liapunova (1983) stressed the astonishing the hypothesis that the complicated sharing of Robertsonian
circumstance that the major systems of mammalian chromo- metacentrics was based on whole-arm reciprocal translocations
somal variation, i.e. Ellobius, Spalax, Thomomys and also M. (WARTs). On this basis, they recalculated the parameters of the
domesticus, are located in areas of intense seismic activity. trees, which showed higher parsimony values. Moreover, since
Hence the variation could be a consequence of mutagenic the molecular model of Robertsonian fusion was first presented
effects accompanying earthquakes, radiation, radon and so on. (Redi et al., 1989), we have stressed that the model entails the
In 1997 a strong earthquake shocked the Umbrian Apen- possibility of chromosomal arm exchanges between pre-existing
nines, with the epicentre located along the tectonic depression Robertsonian chromosomes, as in Hauffe’s hypothesis. Both
of Colfiorito. On that occasion, a seismologist, Dr. Tigran Sad- predictions have now been tested: mice carriers of WARTs have
oyan, asked us to collaborate in searching for new Robertsonian been found at Seveso in northern Italy (Garagna et al., 1997),
metacentrics, which according to the Vorontsov-Liapunova within the complex of “Robertsonian” races in Lombardy, and
hypothesis might have been produced by the recent seismic in the “Apennine” system (Capanna and Redi, 1995; Castiglia
activity. Three mouse populations living along the active Leo- and Capanna, 1999a). In all cases, the WARTs were found in a
nessa-Colfiorito fault were found to have Rb translocations in hybrid contact area between a Robertsonian population and the
their karyotypes (Sadoyan et al., 2003). In contrast, no Rb all-acrocentric 40-chromosome one surrounding it (Capanna
metacentrics were detected in surrounding populations living a and Redi, 1995) or at a site of parapatric contact between two
few kilometres from the active fault. mouse populations with Robertsonian rearranged karyotypes
Do these findings validate Vorontsov’s theory? Can muta- (Castiglia and Capanna, 1999b) (Fig. 3).
genic radiation produced during seismic activity really trigger The new karyotype of the Seveso mice described by Gara-
the molecular machinery? Although we cannot exclude this gna in 1997 is likely derived from the “Milan 2” population – in
possibility, alternative hypotheses can be proposed. The Colfio- the parapatric contact area with “Milan 1,” by means of 3
rito population could be at an extreme fringe of the hybrid area WARTs. But what is exceptional here is the opportunity to
of the 24-chromosome ACR population located nearly 30 km assign a time scale to such karyotype restructuring: no more
to the south; the Robertsonian 10.12 is, in fact, present in the than 20 years. In fact, complete desertification of the Seveso
24-chromosome ACR karyotype. Nonetheless, Rb metacen- area, following the ecological disaster of the escape of dioxins
trics 15.17 and 9.14 are absent in all the known Apennine pop- from the ICMESA chemical plant, occurred in 1976 (Garagna
ulations, but the Colfiorito population could pertain to a hybrid et al., 2001c).
area of a new nondescribed population of the more northerly So, now we know that chromosomal speciation can occur in
Apennine system. a very short time, a “flash” in terms of evolutionary time. This
The problem undoubtedly remains unresolved, especially as finding reconciles all the contradictory data we have on mouse
we have no data on the presence of Rb populations in those speciation and strengthens the hypothesis that incipient specia-
districts before the seismic events of 1997. Nevertheless, these tion events can be established suddenly thanks to genomic
observations permit us to make some epistemological consider- properties, thanks to genome functioning.
ations about the use of correlations between natural phenome-
na. From the formal point of view, the correlation between seis-
mic activity and systems of chromosomal polymorphism, as Effectiveness of the post-mating barrier
suggested by Vorontsov and Liapunova (1983) and supported
by our data, is correct; however, it is likely that there are also The success of molecular biology and functional genomics
positive correlations with other environmental phenomena, (Fields et al., 1999) in the analysis of speciation events in M. m.
both physical and biological. domesticus cannot hide the fact that microevolutionary pro-
cesses must be analysed in terms of population biology and
genetics. Accordingly, let us consider the second problem we
Whole-arm reciprocal translocations proposed: the possibility of gene flow through natural hybrid-
isation zones.
Capanna (1982, 1985) proposed two mechanisms to explain Most research on the hypofertility of structural heterozy-
the progressive accumulation of Rb metacentrics and the char- gotes has consisted of laboratory studies conducted since the
acteristic sharing of homologous metacentrics in geographically first discovery of the tobacco mouse karyotype (Redi and
adjoining populations in complex systems, such as those of the Capanna, 1988 and references herein). Field and laboratory
Raethian Alps (Capanna and Riscassi, 1978; Gropp et al., studies on structural heterozygotes derived from wild popula-

378 Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004)

Fig. 3. Whole-arm reciprocal translocations
(WART) in contact areas: (A) between a CB-22-
chromosome population and an all-acrocentric
one (Ascoli Satriano, Foggia); (B) between two Rb
populations, i.e. ACR-24-chromosome and CD-
22-chromosome (Pizzoli, L’Aquila).

tions have shown that the presence of one, two or three triva- Searle (1998) have carried out a complete analysis of the fertili-
lents at meiosis may have little effect on fertility (Winking et ty of hybrid mice belonging to the same mottled hybrid zone in
al., 1988; Britton-Davidian et al., 1990; Scriven, 1992; Viroux the Raethian Alp system. Another paper by these authors is
and Bauchau, 1992; Wallace et al., 1992). In contrast, many included in the present issue.
trivalents, in multiple single heterozygotes or long chains or We have recently studied two areas in the central Apennines
rings in complex heterozygotes, may reduce fertility to the that reflect two different aspects of the problem. The first is an
point of sterility. However, it is crucial to directly explore these area of natural hybridisation between the Cittaducale (CD)
aspects in natural hybridisation zones where chromosomally 2n = 22-chromosome population and the population with the
differentiated populations come into contact. Only Hauffe and standard 40-chromosome karyotype (Castiglia and Capanna,

Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004) 379

to the standard population. Gene flow in the opposite direction
could be slowed by metacentric bivalents with a low number of

The parapatric contact area

The contact zone between the Cittaducale 22-chromosome
(CD) and Ancarano 24-chromosome (ACR) metacentric races
has a quite different pattern of introgression (Castiglia and
Capanna, 2002).
We have studied 17 sites in villages located along 25 km of
the Aterno River valley and we have only found homozygous
populations. The 24-chromosome ACR race (11 sites) is dis-
tributed in the northern part of the study area, while the 22-
chromosome CD race is found in the southern part (6 sites).
Fig. 4. Number of chiasmata in High Diploid Number (HDN) and Low Both chromosomal races are found in the village of Pizzoli,
Diploid Number (LDN) individuals in the hybrid zone between a CD-22-
extending along the main road for about 3 km. In this village,
chromosome population and an all-acrocentric area.
no mixed population was found at the same trapping site. The
nearest sites (no. 11 ACR-24 and no. 12 CD-22) are about 700
metres apart. The contact zone does not correspond to any geo-
graphical or ecological barrier; to the contrary, it is located in a
1999a, 2000, 2002). This transect is the same one studied 25 zone with a high density of human buildings, a habitat favour-
years ago by Spirito and co-workers (Spirito et al., 1980). The able to mice.
second is a zone of parapatric contact between two populations At site 11, we found a female with a karyotype not conform-
characterized by Robertsonian rearranged karyotypes: the CD ing to those of the two parental races. This mouse, whose karyo-
population with 22 chromosomes and the Ancarano (ACR) type was previously discussed concerning WARTs (Fig. 2), is
with 24 chromosomes (Castiglia and Capanna, 1999, 2002). characterized by a complex heterozygosity, originating a ring of
four metacentrics in meiotic diakinesis, in an ACR chromo-
The hybrid zone somal background. The differences consist in two metacentrics
The hybrid zone between the CD race and the standard race that are not present in the ACR complement: one derives from
is characterized by clinal variation for all the metacentrics. The the CD karyotype, i.e. the Robertsonian 6.13, and one is a new
passage from homozygous CD population to homozygous stan- metacentric deriving by whole-arm reciprocal translocation,
dard population occurs within 10 km. Structural heterozygosity the Robertsonian 5.16.
reaches its highest level in the centre of the zone. The analysis The absence of known genetic markers demonstrable by
of fertility was performed on mice from this zone, considering electrophoresis, which could differentiate between the chromo-
both the litter size of hybrid pairs and the anaphase first non- somal races, compelled us to carry out an analysis of the gene
disjunction (NDJ) of male hybrids. Our observations show that flow in the parapatric contact zone using the sequence of the
these levels of structural heterozygosity have a detrimental hypervariable region of the D-loop of mitochondrial DNA. The
effect on fertility, anaphase I NDJ increases with the number of extent of hybridisation was assessed by cytogenetic and se-
Rb metacentrics, but generally less than previously believed on quence analyses of a segment (468 base pairs) obtained from 41
the basis of laboratory hybrids. The presence of such structural mice, representing a subset of the mice subjected to chromo-
hybrids should have the effect of slowing down, but not imped- somal analysis.
ing, the passage of genetic information. Gene introgression is rare and when present is limited to the
In the same zone, we performed an analysis of chiasma area between sites 10–11 and site 12. Thus gene flow between
number and distribution in heterozygotes and homozygotes the chromosomal races is drastically reduced. Sporadic hybrid-
(Castiglia and Capanna, 2002), which can provide indirect isation events can occur, as suggested by the presence of the
information about the amount of gene flow. It was found that previously mentioned individual of the ACR race carrying a
chiasma repatterning occurs along the transect, with a reduc- metacentric belonging to the CD race and an ACR individual
tion of the mean number of chiasmata from the standard mice carrying a CD-like mitochondrial haplotype. The origin of
to the CD ones (Fig. 4). these two introgressed mice is not easily identified because pre-
Moreover, the metacentric configurations (trivalent and sumptive F1 males carrying a large ring of 14 paired chromo-
metacentric bivalent) have a high number of chiasmata in mice somes and a multivalent chain of 5 chromosomes are consid-
with the CD chromosomal background, while the reverse ered sterile on the basis of laboratory tests. However, it has
occurs for telocentric bivalents. The reduction of chiasmata been reported (Redi and Capanna, 1988) that females show less
from the standard side to the CD side of the zone causes a impairment of gametogenesis than males and are occasionally
decrease of the recombination rate, and this asymmetry corre- fertile. Hence we cannot exclude the sporadic presence of F1
sponds to a higher value of the barrier to gene flow towards the females with a certain level of fertility in our parapatric contact
CD populations. This indicates that genes could pass from one zone.
race to another in an asymmetrical way: from metacentric races

380 Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004)

Fig. 5. Comparison of mean diploid numbers
of hybrids along the same transect of a hybridisa-
tion zone: data from Spirito et al. (1980) and Cas-
tiglia and Capanna (1999b).

The selective advantage of the chromosomal novelty of the hybrid zone could be a consequence of heterosis of the
hybrid, which overcomes per se the detrimental effect of the
The selective value of the metacentric is a very interesting structural heterozygosity. An alternative view is that the paren-
topic, and several mathematical models (Hedrick, 1981; tal cytotypes are in some way adapted to different ecological
Walsh, 1982; Capanna et al., 1985) show that this evolutionary conditions. This hybrid zone is located in an area of transition
condition is necessary for fixation of the new homokaryotype in between a mountain zone and the alluvial plain of the Tiber
a population. This is really the focal point of our “thanks to-in River. Thus ecological constraints could help to maintain the
spite of” paradox. separation of these chromosomal races.
Some indications in this regard come from the temporal We can consider the previously discussed reduction of
analysis of the hybrid zones. The idea that tension zones are crossing-over in the metacentric configurations of homozygotes
unstable is based on the assumption that they are ephemeral from this perspective. In fact, reduction of crossing-over can
(Harrison, 1990). When hybrid individuals are better have an adaptive value in conserving groups of co-adapted
equipped, the hybrid zone can be considered stable. But when genes and lowering the possibility of genetic variability. Anoth-
one of the two cytotypes contributing to the tension zone is bet- er way by which the metacentric can be selectively favoured is
ter adapted to local ecological conditions, the hybrid zone is through meiotic drive. Nonetheless, meiotic drive has not been
considered both spatially and temporally dynamic (Moore and directly demonstrated in wild house mice. Pardo-Manuel de
Bauchanan, 1985). Mathematical models describing the dy- Villena and Sapienza (2001) recently reviewed 1,170 karyo-
namics of such tension zones provide the possibility to evaluate types in several mammalian orders and provided evidence that
the changes in their position and/or width (Barton, 1979; Bar- karyotypic evolution may be driven by non-random segrega-
ton and Hevitt, 1985). tion during meiosis in females. If demonstrated in the house
The best way to test these hypotheses is to perform direct mouse, meiotic drive would represent a strong force for fixation
long-term observations of hybrid zones with a long history of of the metacentric in the population.
genetic studies. We had this chance (Castiglia and Capanna, In addition to this point of view, which we consider “meiot-
1999b). We analysed 75 animals along the 18-km transect ic-dependent”, the selective advantage of the new homokaryo-
crossing the hybrid zone between the CD 22-chromosome and type can be considered an aspect of functional genomics.
standard all-acrocentric karyotypes which Spirito et al. (1980) Indeed, it is important to add to these factors the consequence
analysed 25 years ago (data were collected in 1976); this time of the complex functioning of a linear genome when it is inte-
period corresponds to about one hundred generations in mice. grated into a spatial map of the chromosomes in the nucleus.
The results show that this long hybridisation time has not had a The idea that chromosomes occupy exclusive territories in
significant effect on the position of the hybrid zone nor on the the interkinetic nucleus can be related to the conjectures of
location of its extreme margin (Fig. 5). The absence of a signifi- Theodor Boveri in the late 1800s (Boveri, 1877). Yet a precise
cant shift of the tension zone excludes a possible imbalance doctrine of a close correlation between nuclear architecture,
between the two cytotypes below some hypothesized value; in gene expression and cell function has only recently been formu-
fact, a fitness superiority of one homozygote greater than 0.1 lated (Manuelidis, 1990, 1997; Cremer et al., 1993; Cremer and
would have produced a shift of the zone of more than two thou- Cremer, 2001; Boyle et al., 2001) and supported by experimen-
sand metres, according to Barton’s model (1979). The stability tal results (Wakayama et al., 1998).

Cytogenet Genome Res 105:375–384 (2004) 381

Within the nucleus, the chromatin is divided into morpho- effect on the cytodifferentiation of both the male and female
logical and functional compartments and its spatial organiza- germ cells, not only in the post-meiotic phase (Redi et al., 1985;
tion plays a crucial role in the regular functioning of the cellular Redi and Capanna, 1988; Garagna et al., 1990). In fact, the de-
machinery. Robertsonian fusion causes substantial changes in regulation of spermatogenesis induced by heterozygosities in
the nuclear territories, since the loss of telomeric sequences different animal models occurs at pre-meiotic stages, and it has
sequesters the chromosomes from the original sub-regions. been ascribed mainly to two factors: interference with inactiva-
We tested this theory by means of whole chromosome paint- tion of the X chromosome and non-saturation of the pairing
ing techniques (Garagna et al., 2001). We studied the spatial sites.
organization of chromosomes 5, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, X and Y in The problem of a selective advantage of the new homokar-
germ cells taken from male telocentric homozygotes, metacen- yotype is still unresolved; in models of speciation, it remains a
tric homozygotes and hybrids obtained from crosses between presupposition demonstrated ab absurdo. The idea of using
the two types of homozygotes. We found that the chromosomes functional genomics to resolve this problem is plausible (Ca-
occupy truly specific territories inside the nucleus at each panna and Redi, 1994), but for now it has only been able to
moment of the cell cycle. Moreover, the heterozygosities cause certainly identify detrimental effects related to changes in the
significant changes in the nuclear territories, particularly an nuclear territories caused by Robertsonian fusions.
alteration of the state of condensation of the X and Y chromo- Nevertheless, the road to take has been identified. Our stud-
somes in Sertoli cells, a somatic element of the gonad that plays ies, based on the role of pericentromeric satellite DNA in the
a fundamental role in spermiohistogenesis. process of chromosomal rearrangement, seek to link the biology
In both types of homozygous animals (telocentrics and of satellite DNA with organization of the genome and with pro-
metacentrics), the hybridisation signals of the X and Y chromo- cesses of development, such as differentiation of the germ cells.
somes in the Sertoli cells are diffuse, with a decondensed state They also seek to explain, within a coherent demographic and
in their chromatin. This suggests active gene expression. In the biogeographical scenario, how germ cell differentiation in-
structural heterozygotes, the X and Y signals appear con- fluences evolutionary processes.
densed, which is related to transcriptional inactivation. However, evolution, and the process of speciation that
It is known that condensation of the X and Y chromosomes underlies it, is a complex phenomenon, and it is illusive to
in the Sertoli cells of mice (Guttenbach et al., 1996) and explore it solely with a reductionist approach. Cytogenetics and
humans (Speed et al., 1993) is dynamic: the X and Y chromo- molecular biology alone will not be able to clarify the problem if
somes are condensed during the pre-pubertal period and decon- they do not tackle the epiphenomenal aspects, looking for cor-
densed in fertile adults, while they have always been found to relations between organization of the genomic processes of
be condensed in sterile individuals. What occurs in the somatic development and population dynamics. One cannot pretend to
cells of the gonad suggests a hypothesis for other functional and reduce speciation and evolution only to the ultimate mecha-
differentiational activities of somatic cells regulated, and dereg- nisms of nucleic acid dynamics, ignoring the impact these mes-
ulated, by reorganization of the nuclear topography due to the sages have at the chromosomal, cellular, organismal and popu-
centric fusion per se. lation levels.
We have also demonstrated that structural heterozygosities
in hybrids between different mouse cytotypes have a negative

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