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Text Evidence Passages

One Room Schoolhouse


Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. felt that all people should have the same
rights or freedoms. During Martin’s life, people had different laws
based on their skin color. African Americans were not allowed in
many public places such as restaurants, bathrooms, or movie
theaters. They also had to sit on the back of the bus and give up
their seat if there were not enough seats in the white section of the

Martin did not believe in violence, or fighting. He led peaceful

protests to try to change these laws. He wanted America to be a
place where all people were treated the same. He thought people
should be judged by their character, not their skin color.

Many people did not agree with Martin. His house was set on fire
and he went to jail many times. In the end, Martin won. The Civil
Rights Act was passed in 1964.

Highlight the text to prove your answers.

1. Underline Who was the passage about?

2. Circle What did Martin want more than anything?

3.Box Put a box around 3 facts about Martin’s life.

4. On the back What does it mean that people be judged by

their character and not the color of their skin?

© One Room Schoolhouse 2014


George Washington

George Washington was born in 1732 in Virginia. He lived on

a large plantation. When he was 11, his father died. His older
brother cared for George and made sure he was educated.
When George was 16 he worked as a surveyor and later with
the Virginia militia. He served during the French and Indian
War. After the war, he married Martha and was elected to
the Virginia legislature. During this time, George became
upset with the unfair treatment by their British rulers. He
fought alongside the colonists in the American Revolutionary
war against the British. He led the Continental Army to
several victories and finally won the war. His leadership
during the war, led to his victory as the first president of the
United States. He has been the only president to have all of
the state representatives vote for him. During his
presidency, he helped form the constitution and set up the
government as it is today.

Highlight the text to prove your answers.

1. Underline Who was the passage about?

2. Circle What two wars did George Washington fight in?

3.Box Put a box around 3 facts about George’s life.

4. On the back Make a list of10 laws you think all people
should follow.
© One Room Schoolhouse 2014

Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin was born in 1706 in Massachusetts. Ben was
able to go to school until he was 10. Then, he began working
for his brother learning about the printing business. He
wanted to learn more, so he read as many books as he could.
When Ben was 17, he ran away and worked as a printer in
Pennsylvania. During the Revolutionary War, Ben was a
representative for the Continental Congress. He helped
Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence. In
addition to working in politics, Ben was also a scientist. He is
most famous for his experiments with electricity. He worked
hard to prove that lightening is electricity. He also invented
bifocals, a type of glasses, the Franklin stove, and the glass
harmonica. He also helped start the first public library in
America and the first fire department in Pennsylvania. Ben
also set all of his slaves free and fought for the freedom of
all slaves.

Highlight the text to prove your answers.

1. Underline Who was the passage about?

2. Circle Where did Ben run away to?

3.Box Put a box around 3 facts about Ben’s life.

4. On the back Explain why children should not play with or

do experiments with electricity.
© One Room Schoolhouse 2014
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