SASM Assignment 5

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[Assignment- 4]

Selling and sales Management

Submitted by:
Hashir Jamshaid

Submitted to:
Sir Khuram Hamid

Reg No. :
Question 1: Your job is to Critically evaluate the recruitment strategy followed
by State Life for its insurance salespeople.

Answer : if looked upon the strategy of state life of giving an ad in newspaper. It was a bad idea
as very less or no people read newspaper paper in the rural area. So, using this medium to attract
people was not a good option because of the reach factor. Not many of the people would have read
about the job from the news paper. However, this was a very flop idea.Moreover, the illetracy rate
is very high in the rural areas. Not many of them would be able to read

Well, going for outsource recruiting was a good option for the company as they
couldn’t attract the number of people they wanted by their own. Even by the repeated
insertions. Moreover, the situation was complex because of the fact that they were
going in the rural market without any knowledge and for the first time However,
everything has its own pro and cons. Outsourcing the recruiting task could look good
but on the other side of this there can be some issues too.

There can be the the issue that the private recruiters can be more expensive than the
recruiting process of the own company. The other issues that the state life insurance
can face is that the employees hired by the recruiters might not stay long. This issue is
faces by most of the sales manager.faces this issue. Moreover, the most of the private
recruiters take compensation from first year salaries that can be reason for the
employees to leave as they are getting less salary and could find a new job. Or if they
get another offer from some other coming during this time.

However, there are some of the benefits too for this strategy that has been used by the
state life. The most importantly it was complex situation for the company, Moreover,
it saved the time for the company to try repeatedly and get no result. If state life had
provided the company with the specific skills information that the company need it
would have.

Question 2: What are the alternative strategies that you would have followed to
attract larger numbers of prospective applicants from the rural segment? Give
reasons for your answer.

Answer: Well, being in the rural area there are multiple strategies that could have
gone flop if they wanted to recruit from rural areas. Such as going for e-recruiters,
Advertising on social media, and so on. Ads on newspaper was also not a very good

Well, one strategy i would have followed during this situation was that. I shpuld have
designed an ad for national television PTV. The reason is that most of the people in
Punjab are aware enough to have Tvs at home. So even if the female or illetrate
person of the house sees the ad on the Tv with punjabi and urdu voice overs. They
could have communicated that to other working member s of the house. And this is
how the word of mouth could have been spread among the rural people. As there are
strong communication among the neighborhood and relatives around them.

However, the other stratrgy could have been targeting the rural students that have
been studying in the urban areas. These students could have been targeted by
collecting the data of the rural students from the University. ( Most of the university
shares details of student to other universities for promotion al campings) if the
company could get the database of such students they could have targeted them
through their cell numbers and offer them job. The benefit would have been that their
communication with the company and with the rural people would have been more
effective. The both side communication would be clear. Because of the fact he would
knew urdu and punjabi both are maybe English too.

Question 3: What can State Life Insurance do to retain its high performing
employees? Propose a specific plan of action for this purpose.

Answer: There are multiple things that can be done by the company to retain their
high performing employees. These are the action that need to be taken

State life insurance need to give those employees value and show them that they are
valuable for the company. By words and by deeds as well. Because it’s human nature
that people want to feel valuable from people around them.

Moreover, Money is need of every person and a reason of motivation as well to stay
and work at same place. So they need to give money appraisal with promotional
opportunities after each year with prizes from the lucky draws. Other than these
factors the company can give incentive and bonuses. Furthermore, they should be
given he paid vacations. High performing employees at high post should be given car
with fuel as well.

One of the most important reason that the company employees leave is that they don’t
get appreciated and don’t get salary on time. Give them market competitive salary
also and appreciate their work rather criticizing them all the time and make sure that
employees gets salary on time.

These all collectively can help to retain high performing employees. A single action is
not enough to retain an employee. The employees of this generation needs value,
money. Appreciation all these at a same time to get satisfaction from their job.

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