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Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485

DOI 10.1007/s10661-010-1706-y

Ground water quality in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal

Bhoj Raj Pant

Received: 2 November 2009 / Accepted: 6 September 2010 / Published online: 21 September 2010
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract A study was undertaken to assess the found to be in agreement with the recommenda-
quality of groundwaters in the Kathmandu Valley, tions of WHO drinking-water quality guidelines.
Nepal. The groundwater samples were randomly
collected from shallow well, tube well, and deep-
tube wells located at different places of Kathmandu, Keywords Kathmandu valley · Groundwaters ·
Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur districts in the Kathmandu Sampling · Coliform · Water quality
valley. Physical, chemical, and microbiological pa-
rameters of the samples were evaluated to estimate
the groundwater quality for drinking water. It was Introduction
found that the groundwater in the valley is vulner-
able to drink due to presence of iron and coliform Kathmandu valley has strongly increasing water
bacteria. Iron was estimated to be much higher demand due to rapid growth of urban population.
then the acceptable limit of World Health Organi- Treated water supply is limited and insufficient
zation (WHO) drinking-water quality guidelines to meet increased water demand for domestic
(1.9 mg/L). Total coliform bacteria enumerated in uses. In this circumstance, groundwaters may be
groundwaters significantly exceeded the drinking- a potential source for drinking water in the valley.
water quality standard and observed maximum In Kathmandu valley, about 45% people living in
coliform (267 CFU/100 mL) in shallow wells. The urban or semi-urban areas depend on groundwa-
electrical conductivity and turbidity were found to ters for drinking and other domestic requirements
be 875 μS/cm and 55 NTU, respectively, which are (MOPPW 2003). Generally speaking, groundwa-
above the WHO recommendations for drinking ter is characterized by low temperature, low re-
water guidelines. However, pH value was mea- dox potential, high carbon dioxide and mineral
sured within the acceptable limit. Arsenic, chlo- content, less amount of suspended solids, and free
ride, fluoride, and hardness concentrations were from microbial contaminants. By satisfying the
optimum drinking water requirements, groundwa-
ter is often considered as the preferred source for
public water supply and is also widely explored for
private, domestic, and industrial uses.
B. R. Pant (B)
Recently, rapid urbanization and industrial-
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology,
G.P.O. Box 3323 Kathmandu, Nepal ization have induced profound effects on urban
e-mail: groundwater quality in Kathmandu valley, which
478 Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485

are inextricably linked with water supply pro- Study area

vision and effluent disposal practices. Ground-
water pollution in urban areas is mostly due The study area covers urban and semi-urban regions
to infiltration of urban storm water, leakage of in the Kathmandu valley (Fig. 1). The Kathmandu
wastewaters and septic reservoirs, and improper valley contains three major cities: Kathmandu,
industrial activities (Robertson et al. 1991; Jeong Lalitpur, and Bhaktapur with approximate pop-
2001; Rivett et al. 2002; Dechesne et al. 2004). The ulation of 1.6 million (CBS 2001). The valley is
wastewaters and septic system effluent contain located in the midland of the Himalayas, lies in
high concentration of dissolved organic carbon, between 27◦ 32 and 27◦ 49 North and 85◦ 12 and
ammonia, pathogens, and organic micro pollu- 85◦ 32 East is almost round in shape with a diam-
tants as well as heavy metals and trace elements. eter of approximately 30 km E–W and 25 km N–
Percolation of such pollutants to groundwater ta- S (Dill et al. 2001). The valley has a central flat
ble greatly influences the water quality in ground- part at an elevation of 1,300–1,400 m above mean
water aquifer. sea level and covers an area ∼900 km2 (Sharma
In this work, the groundwater quality of 1997) with an average population density of 1,800
Kathmandu valley was evaluated for drinking pur- persons per km2 (CBS 2001).
pose and estimated the pollutants level in the It is difficult to enumerate exact number of
groundwater aquifer. Physical parameters such as people who have been using groundwaters from
temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity were these sources. Nevertheless, the interview con-
measured in situ. Analysis leading to the esti- ducted during sampling estimates, about 0.5 mil-
mation of turbidity, hardness, chloride, alkalinity, lion people directly or indirectly, depends upon
iron, arsenic, and fluoride was performed in the these groundwaters to satisfy their daily water
laboratory. Microbiological analysis for total col- demand. The groundwater in the valley at present
iform count was also carried out. is under threat because of heavy water withdrawal

Fig. 1 Map of
Kathmandu valley
showing sampling sites in
Kathmandu, Lalitpur and
Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485 479

and increased water pollution level. For the past total coliform bacteria were collected in the bot-
few years, groundwater in the valley is being tles sterilized in an autoclave at 121◦ C and 15 LB
heavily used for household purpose and also for pressure for 15 min. Samples for the analysis of
other applications which resulted in decline of chemical parameters (hardness, chloride, alkalin-
the groundwater level (SOE 2001). According to ity, iron, arsenic, and fluoride) were collected in
Stanley and Macdonald (1994), sustainable limit polyethylene bottles cleaned by distilled water for
of groundwater withdrawal is approximately 26 several times. Before collecting the samples, the
million liters per day and should not exceed 40 sample bottles were purged at least three times by
million liters (NWSC 1992). Nevertheless, total the water to be collected from respective ground-
groundwater extracted per day in the Kathmandu water sources. Dip sampler was used to collect
valley at present is approximately 59 million liters the samples from shallow wells while the samples
(Metcalf and Eddy 2000), which is much higher from tube well and deep-tube wells were collected
than the permitted limit. The valley is in a warm either by pumping through hand pump or by us-
temperate climate zone and receives an annual ing electric motor. The samples were stored in a
average rainfall of approximately 1,900 mm with portable icebox and transported to the laboratory
temperatures ranging from approximately 0◦ C in within 6 h and stored at ∼4◦ C in a refrigerator un-
the winter up to 30◦ C in the summer (NWSC til physical, chemical, and microbiological analysis
1992). were carried out.

Sample analysis
Materials and method
The samples were analyzed for temperature, pH,
Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydroxylamine electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, hardness,
hydrochloride, ammonium acetate, acetic acid, fer- chloride, alkalinity, iron, arsenic, fluoride, and to-
rous ammonium sulfate, phenolphthalein, EDTA, tal coliform bacteria. The temperature, pH, and
phenonthroline (Qualigens fine chemicals), ammo- EC were measured in situ at sample collection
nium chloride, potassium permanganate, potassium sites by using a portable thermometer (LINE
chromate, silver nitrate, methyl orange (Merck), SEIKI TC-1100), pH meter (TOA HM-10P),
and magnesium sulfate (Ranbaxy) were the AR and conductivity meter (WTW LF 91), respec-
grade chemicals purchased from local suppliers in tively. Turbidity was measured using nephalome-
Kathmandu. Membrane filter (Whatman) and M- ter (ELICO, CL 52). The hardness, chloride, and
endo agar Hi-media were used in the estimation alkalinity were determined volumetrically. Fluo-
of total coliform. Polyethylene bottles (∼250 mL) ride was measured by SPADNS method using acid
were used for sampling. Standard arsenic test zirconyl–SPADNS reagent. Iron was estimated by
kits (Macherey–Nagel) were purchased from local phenanthroline method (Greenberg et al. 1992).
enterprises. In this method, the water samples (50 mL for
each) with 2 mL concentrated hydrochloric acid
Sampling and 1 mL hydroxylamine solution were heated
to boiling temperature in Erlenmeyer flask until
The groundwater samples were randomly col- the volume reduces to 15–20 mL. The solution
lected from shallow wells of depth 3–11 m, tube was then cooled to room temperature and trans-
wells of depth 11–30 m, and deep-tube wells of ferred into 50-mL volumetric flask with 10 mL
depth >30 m at different places of Kathmandu, ammonium acetate buffer and 1 mL phenanthro-
Lalitpur and Bhaktapur in between October and line solution. The volume of solution in the flask
December of 2004. Sampling was carried out accor- was maintained to the mark by adding de-ionized
ding to standard method described in the litera- water and placed for 10–15 min at room tempera-
ture (Greenberg et al. 1992). Polyethylene bottles, ture. Absorbance of the sample was measured in
thoroughly cleaned by distilled water, were used a colorimeter (CL 157, ELICO) at 510 nm wave-
for sample collection. Samples to be analyzed for length. The reference against de-ionized water at
480 Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485

zero absorbance was also measured to estimate trated in Fig. 1. Of these groundwaters, shallow
the total iron content by plotting a standard curve wells are considered the crucial source of water
with blank. for domestic and other applications. People prefer
Arsenic was determined by using standard test to dig shallow well rather than tube well and
kit. Measuring efficiency of test kit was 0–0.5 mg/L deep-tube well because of less construction and
for arsenite (As, III) and arsenate (As, V). The handling cost. The maximum number of samples
sample (20 mL) was placed in the standard size (56 samples) collected from shallow wells alone in
reaction vessel. Reagents: arsenic 1 and arsenic this work is apparent evidence to the importance
2 were simultaneously added into the reaction of shallow wells in the study area.
vessel following the procedures mentioned in the
test kit manual. Test strip (∼2 cm) was inserted
Physical and chemical analysis
into the reaction vessel and tightly clamped by
lid to avoid the leakage of arsine gas generated
The samples were analyzed for physical, chemical,
inside the test vessel. Pressure balance inside the
and microbiological parameters and presented the
vessel was adjusted by pricking the lid using sharp
results in average values. Physical analysis was
hollow needle. The reaction vessel was then kept
carried out to determine temperature, pH, EC,
for 30 min by gently swirling in between the
and turbidity. The results are presented in Table 1.
reaction time. After the reaction, the test strip
EC of groundwaters were found to be 874.5,
was carefully removed from the reaction vessel,
576.8, and 704.2 μS/cm, respectively, for shal-
dipped into distilled water for 2 min and compared
low well, tube well, and deep-tube wells whereas
the color developed in the test strip with standard
turbidity was estimated to be 45.9, 54.8, and
color scale in the manual.
33.2 NTU. These values are far above the limit of
Total coliform (TC) bacteria were quantified
WHO recommendations for drinking-water qual-
by membrane filtration method (Greenberg et al.
ity. High EC of water is due to the presence of
1992). The samples (100 mL for each) were
dissolved ionic substances, as EC increases with
filtered using sterile filter paper with pore size
increase in the ionic concentration. Different ionic
of 0.45 μm by applying vacuum suction and in-
substances such as metallic ions, organic matters
cubated in an incubator at 37◦ C for 24–48 h in
containing ionic charges, ammonium, and nitrate
M-endo agar media. After incubation, total col-
ions are some key parameters responsible for the
iform bacteria were enumerated by counting the
increase of EC of water. A similar study carried
out (Dzwairo et al. 2006) to determine the EC
of water also suggests that EC is due to ionic
substances and increases with the concentration of
Results and discussion ionic species in water. These substances are avail-
able to groundwaters by infiltration of agricultural
A total of 87 groundwater samples were collected wastes, leakage of safety tank and also due to poor
from shallow wells (56), tube wells (20), and deep- sanitation of groundwater reservoirs. Maximum
tube wells (11). The sampling sites and number of EC of shallow water is due to easy availability
samples collected from different sources are illus- of such ionic substances to groundwater table.

Table 1 Physical analysis of groundwater samples

Groundwater source Temperature (◦ C) pH Conductivity (μS/cm) Turbidity (NTU)
Min Max Aver Min Max Aver Min Max Aver Min Max Aver
Shallow well (56) 12.8 22.0 18.6 5.9 11.5 7.1 7.5 2640 874.5 0.4 750 45.9
Tube well (20) 11.2 23.1 17.9 6.7 7.7 7.0 345 974 576.8 0.4 420 54.8
Deep tube well (11) 14.3 24.7 20.3 6.6 7.5 7.0 286 2590 704.2 8.0 100 33.2
WHO guidelines NA 6.5–8.5 500 5
NA not available
Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485 481

These materials get access to groundwaters either

Fluoride (mg/L)
by surface runoff or leaching from contaminated
sites and geological sources. In deep aquifer, the

possibility of groundwater contamination is less
than that of shallow well because of the increased

depth and safely covered top. The EC observed
in tube well and deep-tube wells may also be

primarily due to increased concentration of metal-
lic ions released from natural sources in addition

Arsenic (mg/L)
to anthropogenic activities. Turbidity of water is


due to suspended matters derived from inorganic,
organic and microbial substances (Sawyer et al.

2003). Increased turbidity of groundwaters, partic-

ularly in shallow water could be due to loose soil

structure around the sources along with the pres-

ence of suspended matters. As a consequence, the
soil gets disturbed and resuspend within the well

Iron (mg/L)


during water withdrawal, increasing the turbidity
of water to a maximum degree. Other reasons of

utmost turbidity in shallow water is poor main-
tenance and sanitation of groundwater sources

and improper construction pattern of safety tanks,

Alkalinity (mg/L)
which were very close to the groundwater sources
in almost all the places. Due to such conditions,

suspended matters and microbial contaminants
can be easily available to groundwaters by leach- Min
ing through soil pores and leads to maximum tur-
bidity of water. In tube well and deep-tube wells,
it is less than that of shallow wells. The reason of

less turbidity may be due to properly covered top

Chloride (mg/L)

and increased depth of groundwater table.


The pH was within the recommendations of


WHO drinking-water quality guidelines and ob-

served at neutral pH value (pH 7). The tem-
Table 2 Chemical analysis of groundwater sample

perature of groundwaters was measured to be

18–20◦ C. There is no WHO guideline value for

drinking water temperature and also has not

Hardness (mg/L)

any significant importance from health point of


view. However, the European Economic Commu-


nity and Canadian drinking-water guidelines have

recommended maximum drinking-water temper-

atures of 25◦ C and 15◦ C, respectively (National

water quality management strategy 1996).
Groundwater source

Deep tube well (11)

Chemical parameters were estimated to deter-

Shallow well (56)

NA not available
WHO guidelines

mine hardness, chloride, alkalinity, iron, arsenic,

Tube well (20)

and fluoride in groundwaters (Table 2). Of these

parameters, hardness and chloride concentration
satisfied the WHO drinking-water quality recom-
mendations (Fig. 2).
482 Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485

of groundwaters was 366, 258, and 302.7 mg/L,

in shallow well, tube well and deep-tube wells,
respectively. Alkalinity is a measure of its capacity
to neutralize acids and is primarily due to presence
of the salts of weak acids especially the carbonate
and bicarbonates. The ammonia or hydroxides
may also contribute total alkalinity of water. Max-
imum alkalinity in shallow water is probably due
to infiltration of sewage from safety tank and also
due to agricultural runoff, in addition to natural
sources. The alkalinity of groundwaters decreased
to lower level in tube well and deep-tube wells.
This variation in alkalinity reveals that the natural
factors responsible for the increment of alkalinity
Fig. 2 Mean concentration (±SD) of hardness, chloride, are not prominent in groundwater table. There
and alkalinity in groundwaters is no standard guideline value for alkalinity of
drinking water and also has little public health
Hardness of water is due to presence of soluble Iron concentration in groundwaters exceeded
metal salts, particularly the calcium and magne- the maximum limit of WHO drinking-water qual-
sium carbonates. Hard water has not any negative ity guidelines (Fig. 3a). Maximum iron (1.90 mg/L)
health impact; however, the use of hard water for was estimated in the samples collected from tube
industrial applications especially for laundry ope- well and deep-tube wells. The iron concentration
ration cannot be recommended because of lea- in shallow water (shallow well) was 1.47 mg/L,
thering problem. Minimum amount of chloride which is minimum amount of iron estimated in
estimated in groundwaters suggest that the chloride groundwaters. Maximum iron in deep aquifer is
rich minerals are not present in the groundwater possibly due to increased amount of reduced iron.
table of Kathmandu valley. Estimated chloride The reduction of iron increases with increase of
may be mostly derived from domestic effluents, the depth of groundwaters because of less avail-
fertilizers, septic tanks, and natural sources such ability of oxygen in deep aquifer. In general, iron
as rainfall and weathering of chloride bearing min- exists in water in soluble ferrous state, and can re-
erals (Ritzi et al. 1993; Hem 1992). The alkalinity main in the solution only in the absence of oxygen.

Fig. 3 Mean concentration (±SD) of iron, fluoride a, and arsenic b in groundwaters

Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485 483

When the water containing ferrous ions comes is available to groundwaters either by smelting
in contact with oxygen, the soluble ferrous ions of arsenic containing minerals or as a result of
oxidize to insoluble ferric state and aggregate in improper agricultural practices and unsystematic
the form of precipitate. In the presence of oxygen, industrial activities. In this work, minimum con-
the soluble ferrous ions in the water precipitate centration of arsenic estimated in groundwaters
into insoluble ferric states of geothite (FeOOH) reveals that the arsenic containing sources in
or ferrihydrites [Fe(OH)3 ], as illustrated in the the groundwater aquifer of Kathmandu valley
following chemical equations (Komnitsas et al. is very low. Fluoride was estimated 0.43, 0.27,
2004; Houben 2003a, b). and 0.74 mg/L in shallow well, tube well, and
deep-tube wells, respectively. These values satisfy
2Fe2+ + O2 + 2OH− −→ 2FeOOH ↓ (1) the WHO guidelines. Fluoride in groundwaters
is mostly of geological origin (Luna and Melian

4Fe2+ + O2 + 8OH− + 2H2 O −→ 4Fe(OH)3 ↓ Microbiological analysis

TC bacteria in groundwaters extremely exceeded
This condition greatly affects to the availability the WHO guidelines (Table 3). Bacterial popu-
of iron in groundwaters. The groundwater is gen- lation ranged 0 to 300, with 8% of the total re-
erally deficit of oxygen and oxygen concentration sults meeting the 0 CFU/100 mL WHO guidelines
gradually decreases with increase of the depth value. The average value of TC bacteria varied
of groundwater table, resulting in increase of the in groundwaters and maximum coliforms were
concentration of reduced iron in deep aquifer. enumerated in the samples collected from shal-
In shallow wells, some of the iron precipitates low wells (267 CFU/100 mL), while in tube well
into insoluble ferric oxide due to natural aeration, and deep-tube wells, coliform count was 129 and
resulting in reduction of the iron concentration in 148 CFU/100 mL, respectively (Fig. 4).
shallow water. Iron is an essential metal required Maximum coliform detected in shallow water
in small amount by all living organism (Crichton is probably due to poor drainage facility and im-
1991). Nevertheless, excess iron causes toxicolog- proper construction pattern of septic reservoirs.
ical problems in terms of accidental acute expo- Construction of septic tank close to the ground-
sures and chronic iron overload. Ingestion of iron water sources may be a reason of high microbial
in excess amount (>0.5 g) causes severe toxicity contamination to groundwaters, which was com-
in human physiological systems leading to liver, mon almost in all the places as observed. As a
heart and lung diseases as well as diabetes mel- consequence, the effluent from septic tank can
litus, hormonal abnormalities, and dysfunctional easily percolate down to groundwaters and leads
immune system (Gurzau et al. 2003). High con- high microbial contamination to groundwater ta-
centration of iron makes water unusable due to ble. In tube well and deep-tube wells, TC count
discoloration, metallic taste and odor, turbidity, was less because of increased depth and properly
staining of laundry, and plumbing fixtures. More- covered top of groundwater sources, which was
over, the growth of iron bacteria in iron containing not common in shallow wells. Another reason of
water causes corrosion in water supply pipes and
produce bad odors and unpleasant tastes in water
(CDPHE 2009; Kontari 1988). Table 3 Microbiological analysis of groundwater samples
Arsenic and fluoride concentration satisfied the Groundwater source Total coliform/100 mL of water
recommendations of WHO drinking-water qual- Minimum Maximum Average
ity guidelines. As depicted in Fig. 3b, maximum Shallow well (56) 0 300 267.2
arsenic estimated in groundwaters was 0.003– Tube well (20) 0 300 129.1
0.009 mg/L. This is the acceptable concentra- Deep tube well (11) 0 300 148.1
tion of arsenic recommended by WHO. Arsenic WHO guideline 0
484 Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485


Groundwater quality of Kathmandu valley was

studied and assessed the contaminants level in
groundwater aquifer. The groundwater samples
were collected from shallow well, tube well,
and deep-tube wells located at different places
of Kathmandu valley. The physical, chemical,
and microbiological parameters of the samples
were evaluated to investigate the groundwater
quality for drinking water. The groundwaters
in the valley were found to be contaminated
with iron and coliform bacteria. A maximum
of 1.9 mg/L iron was estimated in the sam-
Fig. 4 Mean value of total coliform bacteria (±SD) in ples of tube well and deep-tube wells. Iron con-
groundwaters centration in shallow water was approximately
1.5 mg/L. These values are well above the rec-
ommendations of WHO drinking-water quality
guidelines (0.3 mg/L). Total Coliform bacteria
microbial contamination to groundwaters may be enumerated in shallow wells greatly exceeded the
due to direct discharge of untreated sewage or WHO guidelines (267 CFU/100 mL). Bacterial
municipal wastes into surface waters or in open population in tube well and deep-tube wells was
places near to groundwater sources, which was ob- 129 and 148 CFU/100 mL, respectively. Besides
served in most of the places. Due to such unusual iron and coliform bacteria; ammonia, nitrate, ni-
practices, contaminants can easily leach down to trite and pesticide residues also negatively im-
groundwater table leading high microbial conta- pact on groundwater quality. Physical parameters
mination to shallow water. estimated for electrical conductivity and turbid-
These results are obviously stating that the ity exceeded upper limit of the WHO standard
groundwaters of Kathmandu valley contain excess for drinking water. Hardness, chloride, arsenic,
amount of iron and coliform bacteria. In addition and fluoride concentrations were within the lim-
to iron and coliform, nitrogen containing sub- its of WHO recommendations for drinking water
stances (ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite) and pes- standard.
ticide residues could also be present in ground-
waters of Kathmandu valley. These substances
further degrade water quality to a lower level Recommendations
and make the water unacceptable for drinking
purpose. Sources of these contaminants may be Ground water quality of Kathmandu valley is
nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides, which are poor due to presence of excess iron and col-
frequently used in agricultural fields to increase iform bacteria. The iron and coliform containing
crop productivity. Khadka (1993) and Krapac water is suggested for adequate treatment before
et al. (2002) also suggests that nitrogen based use. Presence of maximum coliform bacteria in
compounds such as nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia groundwaters is mainly due to poor maintenance
are basically derived from chemical fertilizers and of groundwater reservoirs and improper discharge
domestic effluent. These pollutants accessed to practices of household wastes into surface water
groundwaters by infiltration through soil pores, or in open places near the groundwater sources.
leading groundwater pollution to a maximum de- For the protection of groundwaters from bacterial
gree. The groundwaters of Kathmandu valley at contamination, safe disposal of wastes by keep-
present cannot be recommended for drinking pur- ing the groundwater reservoirs neat and clean is
pose because of excess iron and coliform bacteria. recommended.
Environ Monit Assess (2011) 178:477–485 485

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