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Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle 2

Different approaches and universal practices 2
Some tools that can help our journey 4
Do’s & Don’t based on our experience 4
Articles , Websites and Videos to start exploring 4
If you want to stay inspired 5
Events & Gathering in India 6
Resources to support your journey 7
Homeschooling/Unschooling communities in India 7

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Welcome to Homeschoolers/Unschoolers circle. We are glad that our circle is expanding. We hope you find the additional support you
need is exploring different approaches for learning with your family in this circle. We may all have different backgrounds and reasons for
unschooling/homeschooling our children, but we hope you will be able to discover the common intentions and aspirations that will hold
us together as we get to know each others’.

Purpose of Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Purpose of this circle is to create a fellowship for home/un/alternative schooling families to share our perspective and learn from our
experience, strength, hope and challenges.

We achieve this purpose through a listening circle where we come and share our challenges, hope and strength around educational
choices for our children.

These circles will happen for now over Zoom (audio only).

WhatsApp group is used only for arriving at meeting time, reminder about the meeting and for other logistics about the listening circles.

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Guidelines for WhatsApp group messages

In order to nurture this space as a pleasant and open-minded environment to focus and discuss on Homeschooling and Unschooling , we
would like to set a few rules for the group.

1. No forwarded/greeting messages at all. Use the group only for discussions pertaining to the purpose of the group.

2. Send a message in the group only if relevant to everyone in the group, else send a personal message.

3. No Judgements. Each of us has our own journey. No belittling/labelling each other.

4. No business promotions.

5. It's a closed group. Kindly join only if you are exploring homeschooling, unschooling and other alternative approaches for learning.

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

We have discovered along our journey that the different named approaches we follow have some principles and
practices that are universal and work in any situation whether it is homeschooling, unschooling, being part of an
alternative education center or even a traditional school.

Different approaches and universal practices

Approach Universal practices and principles
Homeschooling Parents spend and invest a lot of time and energy supporting the learning of their
Unschooling Able to let your child make mistakes and learn from it.
Deschooling Giving time for your child and family to unlearn the conditioning to an approach.
Democratic schools Having a rich variety of resources (stations) available so that learners can freely
explore their interests.
Self directed learning Preserving the learner in each individual by letting them follow their own path of
learning and unlearning.
Agile Learning Centers Visualizing learning and being very mindful of how agreements are arrived at and
followed in a community. Following planning, doing & continual improvement cycle
in learning and community interactions.

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Waldorf Education Establishing a rhythm to bring about predictability, adults modeling behaviors and
attention to natural development changes in a child with age and honoring the same.
Krishnamurti Schools Developing the spirit of enquiry and questioning. Questioning the role of a teacher.

Some tools that can help our journey

Do’s & Don’t based on our experience

Articles , Websites and Videos to start exploring

Approach Article Website Video

Homeschooling How to Homeschool

A visual comparison of
different methods

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Unschooling An Indian Unschooling

parent's journey​ (Podcast)
Deschooling What is Deschooling -
Living Joyfully

How is unschooling Link
different from
Democratic schools
Self directed learning Link
Agile Learning Centers Link
Waldorf Education Link
Krishnamurti Schools Link

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

If you want to stay inspired

Personalities Key messages Ted Talk/ Video /

Sir. Ken Robinson Do Schools Kill Creativity? Ted Talk
Sugata Mitra Kids can teach themselves Ted talk
Peter Gray Free learning / Unschooling Ted talk
Kim John Payne Simplicity Parenting Video
Daniel Pink Power of intrinsic motivation, mastery and purpose Video
J Krishnamurthi To bring up children without comparison is true
Rudolf Steiner
John Holt Children are born learners Website
Rabindranatha Tagore Education is the process of development of whole man Video by Satish Kumar

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Events & Gathering in India

Event Name Contact details Website

LSuC - Learning Societies UnConference
SAM - ​Swashikshan Annual Meeting ​
Humanising Education ( Waldorf)

Alternative learning spaces in India - ​

Waldorf schools in India - ​

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:
Welcome Package for Homeschoolers/Unschoolers Circle

Resources to support your journey

Trello - ​Template to manage weekly plan​ - ​Link
Khan Academy​ - online lessons in Maths, Science ,English Grammar - Best for children 7+

Homeschooling/Unschooling communities in India

Community Location Website/ Contact Person

Bhoomi Learning Community

Address: MNF House 36/72, Pathadippalam, Edappally P.O, Kochi 682024
Phone: +91 9972 992288 | Web:

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