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Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology &

Management, Lucknow
Odd Semester First Sessional Exam 2019-2020
Sub Code/Name: REC 701 / Data Communication Networks
Electronics & Communication Department (4thYear)
[Time: 1.30 Hour] [Marks:20]

Course outcomes:

CO1. Identify the issues and challenges in the architecture of a network.

CO2. Understand the ISO/OSI seven layers in a network.
CO3. Realize protocols at different layers of a network hierarchy
CO4. Recognize security issues in a network.

Note: Attempt all sections


Q.1 Attempt all parts. Carry equal marks. Write answer of each part in brief. [1x3=3Marks]
a) What do you mean by de jure and de facto standards? (CO-4)
b) What are the responsibilities of physical layer data link layer? (CO-2)
c) Explain the key elements of a protocol. (CO-4)


Note: Attempt any two questions from this section [2x4=8Marks]

Q.2 What is layered architecture? Explain the roll of each layer in OSI Model. (CO-2)
Q.3 Explain the UDP and TCP protocol in transport layer of TCP/IP Model. (CO-3)
Q.4 What is Point to Point protocol? (CO-4)

Section –C

Note: Attempt any one part from each question from this section [3x3=9Marks]
a. What are the conceptual pieces of a data communications system? Explain. (CO-1)
b. Explain the three criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network? (CO-1)
a. Explain the flow and error control in data link layer in detail. (CO-3)
b. What is the difference between Guided Vs Unguided Media? (CO-3)
a. Explain the Internetworking Protocols of the network layer in TCP/IP Model. (CO-3)
b. What is addressing and discuss about the same in detail. (CO-4)

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