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Understanding the Self (1T 19-20) (Franz Mabait)

It is the Philosopher who believe in that one can know only what comes from the senses
and experience.

He doubted the basic idea of the individual character and says that there is no lasting self
=David Hume
Father of Modern Philosophy
=Rene Descartes
One of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosopher
The two philosophers who answer the "WHO AM I?"
=John Locke and Descartes
Rene Descartes said that our mind and thought are true identity and he called it
=A soul
Philosophy is the study of
=Of general and fundamental problems
Philosophy means in greek word "philosophia"
=Love of Wisdom
The philosopher who is considered the "Father of Psychoanalysis"
=Sigmund Freud
"Philosphia" means
=Love of Wisdom

(Franz Mabait)

This social perspective focuses on the negative, clashed and ever-changing nature of
=Conflict Perspective

This thinker looked and studied class struggle in society

=Karl Marx

Ethnology means
=Is analysis, comparison and contrast of cultures of people
Sociology comes from the greek words "sociouos" and "logos" which means
=Society and Study
It is also called Biological anthropology
=Physical Anthropology
What is Anthropology?
= Is the study of similarities and differences of individuals

It is focuses on the study of politics or government.

=Political Science
This sociological perspective states that sociologist should look into details and symbols to
understand and interpret how people react
=Symbolic interactionist perspective

It is the study of different patterns in human behavior, thought and feelings.

=Cultural Anthropology

Aguste Comte defines sociology as ____.

=Scientific study of society
Is a field of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of mental illness

It deals with nature and behavior of a population and relations to the groups present social
= Social Anthropology (HINULAAN)

Is a science that studies man's culture.

Deals with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group life as
bases for the regulation of man's social environment.
=Sociological theory and method(HINULAAN)

What is Psychology?
=Is the study of person mind
Functionalism is a theory influenced by _________________________________________.
=Darwin's Theory of Evolution
What are the Goals of Psychology?
=Describe, explain, predict and influence behavior and mental processes
Psychoanalysis means ________________________________________________.
=Make unconscious; it restrain trauma through therapy
Is a psychologists who developed " operant conditioning theory"
What is theory?
=Is a general set of principles to suggest the explanation of how a number of separate facts are

Human reproduction is possible by

=All of the choices
This refers to the body which is a marvelous and complex container of human experiences
=Physical Self
He introduced the concept of the body ego
=Sigmund Freud
This refers to biological traits that society associates with being male or female
= Sex
_______ used to prevent conception
=In-vitro fertilization
Refers to close ties or feelings of familiarity to a person
Meanings of femininity or masculinity that is associated with culture
He considers the body as the source of sensation and the origin and maintenance of
=William James
Practices, sexual activities and identity which may or may not be aligned with biological
traits or cultural meanings
He argued that mind and body are one and all psychological process are part of physical
=William James

The Digital Self can be seen in the form of __________.

=Profiles or Avatars
Is the Filipino version of the famous line "hakuna matata"
=Bahala Na
The spiritual self provides _______________ and ______________ to our physical self.
=Insight, intuition
The individual seems to be offered a __________ slate in the digital world.
= Clean
According to Frank Trentmann, the old critics of luxury said that the human self was
something _________ that existed apart from the material world.
One guideline for proper sharing of information and ethical use of the internet is _________.
=Be choosy about your online friends
The sum of all our characteristics and our interactions isour _________________.
=Partial Identity
For William James, the core of the material self is the _______.
A close to perfect analogy of the Spiritual Self and the Spiritual Dimension is how
______________are connected to the ______________.
=Computers, Internet
Making their guests feel at home is a Filipino value and trait called ___________.

In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does S stands for?
This facet of wellness has to do with being able to cope with life's challenges and
Aside from actually studying students also need to pray.
Give 1 type of mindset according to the psychologist Carol Dweck
=Growth mindset
This facet of wellness has to do with the ability to connect and relate to other people and
being able to empathize or sympathize with others
In the acronym S-M-A-R-T in setting goals for success, What does R stands for?
Being punctual and being honest are some qualities of a successful student.
The main or basic types of learning are:
=Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Observational Learning
Instincts and reflexes involve learning.
Maintaining a Spiritual Practice is part of Physical Self-care.

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