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Neuroimaging of Intracerebral Hemorrhage

Rima S. Rindler, MD Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounts for 10% to 20% of strokes worldwide and is
Jason W. Allen, MD, PhD ‡ associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Neuroimaging is indispensable for
Jack W. Barrow, BS§ rapid diagnosis of ICH and identification of the underlying etiology, thus facilitating
triage and appropriate treatment of patients. The most common neuroimaging modal-
Gustavo Pradilla, MD∗

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ities include noncontrast computed tomography (CT), CT angiography (CTA), digital
Daniel L. Barrow, MD∗
subtraction angiography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The strengths and disad-

Department of Neurosurgery, Emory vantages of each modality will be reviewed. Novel technologies such as dual-energy
University Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia; CT/CTA, rapid MRI techniques, near-infrared spectroscopy, and automated ICH detection

Department of Radiology and Imaging hold promise for faster pre- and in-hospital ICH diagnosis that may impact patient
Sciences, Emory University Hospital, Atla-
nta, Georgia; § Mercer University School management.
of Medicine, Savannah, Georgia
KEY WORDS: Computed tomography, Digital subtraction angiography, Intracerebral hemorrhage, Magnetic
resonance imaging, Neuroimaging
Rima S. Rindler, MD,
Neurosurgery 86:E414–E423, 2020 DOI:10.1093/neuros/nyaa029
Emory University Hospital,
1365 Clifton Road, Suite B6200,
Atlanta, GA 30322, USA.
ways.4 First, it is indispensable for diagnosing

Email: troke is the second leading cause of
death worldwide. Intracerebral hemor- ICH. Second, neuroimaging can identify the
Received, September 22, 2019. rhage (ICH) accounts for 10% to 20% of etiology of ICH, which is instrumental in
Accepted, December 28, 2019.
Published Online, February 28, 2020.
strokes, and is associated with a mortality rate guiding treatment and minimizing recurrence.
of approximately 40%.1,2 The absolute number Lastly, it identifies unique qualities of the
C 2020 by the of hemorrhagic strokes has increased by approx- hemorrhage or pathology that may impact a
Congress of Neurological Surgeons imately 50% since 1990, with the majority patient’s overall prognosis for recovery and
occurring in low-income populations.3 These risk of mortality.5,6 The most relied upon
surprising numbers are attributed to an enlarging neuroimaging modalities, including noncontrast
and aging world population, as well as improve- computed tomography (NCCT), CT angiog-
ments in recognition of hemorrhagic stroke. raphy (CTA), digital subtraction angiography
As population growth has occurred dispro- (DSA), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
portionately in underdeveloped countries, and will be reviewed.
management of stroke risk factors has improved
in developed countries, the burden of hemor- ICH ETIOLOGY
rhagic stroke remains in lower socioeconomic
populations. Primary ICH accounts for 70% to 80%
Given the high incidence and mortality of of all ICH. The majority of these (40%-
ICH, rapid diagnosis and treatment of these 60%) are caused by rupture of diseased small
patients is imperative. Neuroimaging provides penetrating arteries that have been weakened
the foundation for this process in 3 important by long-standing hypertension. The resulting

ABBREVIATIONS: AVM, arteriovenous malformation; CAA, cerebral amyloid angiopathy; CT, computed tomog-
raphy; CTA, CT angiography; CTV, CT venogram; DECT, dual-energy CT; DSA, digital subtraction angiography;
ENRICH, Early MiNimally-invasive Removal of IntraCerebral Hemorrhage; FDA, Food and Drug Administration;
GRE, gradient recalled echo; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; INVEST, Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgical
Treatment With Apollo/Artemis in Patients With Brain Hemorrhage; MRA, MR angiography; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; MISTIE, minimally invasive surgery plus alteplase in intracerebral haemorrhage evacu-
ation; NCCT, noncontrast computed tomography; NIRS, near-infrared spectroscopy; QSM, quantitative suscep-
tibility mapping; SWI, susceptibility-weighted imaging; TOF, time-of-flight; TR, time-resolved; VIPS, volumetric
impedance phase-shift spectroscopy

E414 | VOLUME 86 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2020


hypertensive arteriopathy leads to tunica media hyperplasia in ation on patient recovery; pending results of those trials, NCCT
the vessel wall.7 Rates of ICH in patients with hypertension are will likely continue to be a focal point for initial triage of patients
roughly 3.5 times those of normotensive individuals.2 Primary that might benefit from operative intervention.18-20
hemorrhages are less commonly caused by cerebral amyloid ICH volume on NCCT also holds prognostic significance.
angiopathy (CAA; 5%-10%),2 a condition created by abnormal Large clot size predicts hematoma expansion and those exceeding
deposition of beta-amyloid protein in the tunica media. The 30 cc are associated with high mortality.1,21 An accurate
incidence of CAA increases with age. Secondary ICH is caused by pragmatic method of measuring ICH volume on NCCT that
a variety of structural and physiological pathologies. Cerebrovas- clinicians often utilize is the ellipsoid method, as follows: (A ×
cular lesions, including arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), B × C)/2, where A is anteroposterior diameter, B is width, and C
cavernous malformations, and aneurysms, account for approx- is height.22,23 A CT scanner software is capable of automatically

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imately 10% to 20% of ICH. Less common etiologies include calculating ICH volume using an algorithm and is more accurate
neoplasms, alcohol abuse, use of sympathomimetic drugs, coagu- than manual calculation if precise measurement is required. In
lopathy, mycotic aneurysms, moyamoya disease, vasculitis, dural most clinical scenarios, the ellipsoid method suffices.
arteriovenous fistula, and hemorrhagic conversion of ischemic Secondary findings detected on NCCT might also affect initial
stroke. patient stabilization and management.4 Presence of intraven-
tricular hemorrhage portends high risk of developing obstructive
hydrocephalus and decreased survival.24 Mass effect from
IMAGING OF ICH the hemorrhage or perihematomal edema may manifest as
midline shift or distortion of normal adjacent structures. In
Computed Tomography the acute phase, progressive mass effect from edema expansion,
ICH is most often first detected on an NCCT study in an usually occurring within 2 d, may lead to elevated intracranial
emergency setting. NCCT rapidly and accurately identifies an pressure with life-threatening herniation syndromes such as
acute ICH as a hyperdense lesion within brain parenchyma. subfalcine herniation in the anterior fossa, downward or transten-
NCCT is less expensive than other imaging modalities and torial herniation in deep subcortical structures, uncal herni-
is widely available in U.S. emergency departments. For these ation in the middle fossa, or upward herniation or downward
reasons, NCCT is the recommended imaging technique for tonsillar herniation through the foramen magnum in the posterior
diagnosing ICH in patients presenting with an acute neurological fossa.4,25,26 Any combination of these findings is cause for short-
deficit.8 NCCT is also ideal for inpatient monitoring of ICHs, interval repeat imaging to monitor progression, intervening with
either as routine surveillance or in response to a patient’s neuro- a ventriculostomy or craniotomy, and considering more specific
logical deterioration. imaging studies.
NCCT defines the basic characteristics of an acute ICH, which
dictate medical or surgical management and overall prognosis.
Acute ICH usually measures 30 to 80 Hounsfield units, though CT Angiography
this can vary by hemorrhage protein concentration and serum Following ICH detection, most other neuroimaging modalities
hematocrit level.9 Acute ICH is usually round/ellipsoid with are obtained in an effort to determine etiology, although there
defined borders and minimal hypodense perihematomal edema. is wide variability in the type, number, and order of imaging
Any clot heterogeneity, such as the “swirl sign,”10,11 portends techniques preferred by treating physicians.27 CTA is commonly
higher risk (>33%) of hematoma expansion and poor outcome the next study of choice, as it rapidly and accurately identifies
and mortality.12,13 Over time, clot density decreases by 2 several vascular abnormalities that require prompt intervention
Hounsfield units daily,14 and maintains a residual ring-like hyper- such as AVMs or aneurysms. If indicated, the CTA can be
density in the subacute phase before becoming iso- to hypodense performed immediately after the NCCT without relocating the
to gray matter in the chronic phase.15 patient. CTA provides high-resolution images of cerebral arteries
NCCT defines the primary hematoma location, which holds by using helical scanning techniques on multidetector scanners at
significance for a hemorrhage’s etiology and the patient’s 1.5 mm slice thickness. Using an iodine-based contrast admin-
prognosis.4 Hypertensive ICH primarily occurs in the basal istered intravenously, images are acquired as the contrast passes
ganglia (35%), followed by cerebral lobes (25%), thalamus through the intracranial arteries.4 Occasionally, CTA can detect
(20%), cerebellum (8%), and pons (7%).16 CAA is most presence of a tumor blush if the image acquisition occurs slightly
commonly found in the cerebral lobes.1 Location of secondary after the arterial contrast phase.
ICHs depends entirely on the location of the underlying If CTA is obtained within hours of an acute ICH, it may be
pathology. Thirty-day mortality is highest for brainstem hemor- useful for predicting hematoma expansion which is associated
rhages (60%), followed by deep (44%) and lobar (40%) hemor- with clinical deterioration, mortality, and worse functional
rhages, with lowest mortality for cerebellar hemorrhages (34%).17 outcome28 making rapid identification critical. On CTA, the
Notably, ICH location on NCCT has been the basis for decision- “spot” sign is a hyperdense dot of contrast (greater than 120
making in recent clinical trials evaluating the effect of ICH evacu- Hounsfield units) within the nonenhancing hematoma that is not



intervention can be performed in sequence at the time of the study

with DSA if necessary.
The angiographic yield of DSA, alone, is highest for younger
patients (<45 yr) without a history of hypertension,32 with
absence of small vessel disease on NCCT,33 and with cerebellar or
lobar ICH locations.34 However, even in older adults with small
vessel disease and pre-existing hypertension33 or deep ICH,34
DSA still has a diagnostic rate of 1% to 2%. Notably, CTA
has replaced DSA in many institutions as the initial vascular
screening study for patients presenting with ICH due to its

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noninvasiveness and reduced radiation doses while maintaining
excellent ability to detect macrovascular causes of ICH (95%
sensitivity and 99% specificity).35,36 However, a recent study
suggests that CTA, alone, obtained in the acute phase has a more
modest sensitivity of 74%, specificity of 91%, and a diagnostic
yield of 17%, even in patients with the highest pretest proba-
bility of harboring a vascular abnormality (age < 45 yr, no hyper-
tension).37 DSA is still very useful in the setting of a negative
CTA: the DSA yield for these patients without small vessel disease
FIGURE 1. Axial CTA with contrast showing a right frontotemporal ICH or hypertension is 22.1%. These data suggest that DSA should
with 2 small foci of enhancement compatible with the “spot sign,” indicated still be performed in populations at highest risk of macrovas-
by the arrow, suggestive of active extravasation. cular pathology if CTA is negative or inconclusive and should
be considered for lower risk populations if no other etiology for
ICH is found. Additionally, if any odd features are present, such as
continuous with a vessel.24 Extravasation is suspected if this “spot” significant calcification, subarachnoid blood, or unusual hemor-
enlarges on immediate postcontrast imaging (Figure 1). The spot rhage locations, DSA should be performed.38
sign is an independent predictor of hematoma expansion (average Other disadvantages of DSA include its associated procedural
8.6-14.3 cc volume) with a 61% to 77% positive predictive risks of bleeding and stroke (<1%) and the requisite availability of
value.29,30 Higher spot sign density or more than 3 spot signs also specialty-trained diagnosticians and interventionalists to perform
predict clot expansion.24 The spot sign is associated with longer and interpret the study.
hospital stays,29 increased mortality rate, and worse functional
outcome.30 Consideration of short-interval repeat imaging or
operative intervention is prudent in these patients. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A CT venogram (CTV) acquires images during the venous MRI is rarely used as a primary neuroimaging survey for
phase of contrast. Venous structures can often be seen on CTA acute ICH although it is as accurate as NCCT in detecting
depending on the timing of image acquisition relative to the time acute ICH.39 An MRI “spot sign” that corresponds to active
of contrast administration. A CTV is useful for detecting a venous contrast extravasation has been described, and observation studies
sinus thrombus that may result in a venous infarction with hemor- suggest an association between hematoma enlargement and poor
rhagic conversion. Unfortunately, smaller cortical vessel throm- clinical outcome, similar to the CT spot sign.40,41 Unfortunately,
bosis is likely underdiagnosed. utilizing MRI as a primary survey is currently not practical due
The disadvantages of CTA are the associated risks of to cost, availability, and potentially increased risk of prolonged
radiation, contrast-induced nephropathy, and life-threatening imaging time to the patient. As a result, MRI techniques are most
allergic reactions. The potential benefits of an emergent CTA useful for deciphering the etiology of ICH in order to stratify risk
must be weighed carefully.31 of recurrence and to guide secondary prevention strategies.
An MRI of the brain with and without gadolinium contrast
Digital Subtraction Angiography is usually obtained if CTA is negative for vascular abnormal-
DSA is the gold standard diagnostic modality preceding the ities. The imaging sequences included allow the broadest evalu-
development of CTA for detecting macrovascular causes of ICH.4 ation of etiology over other modalities. MRI provides excellent
In addition to its ability to detect more obvious structural vascular detection of markers of small vessel disease, including white
abnormalities (eg, AVMs, aneurysms), DSA has the advantage matter changes, enlarged perivascular spaces, lacunar infarc-
over CTA of time resolution that characterizes direction and rate tions, and deep microhemorrhages that point to hypertensive
of blood flow within the cranial circulation. This allows detection arteriopathy as the culprit. Furthermore, MRI is accurately
of arteriovenous shunting within a dural arteriovenous fistula that able to identify lobar microhemorrhages, cortical superficial
might otherwise be missed on CTA. Furthermore, therapeutic siderosis, and cortical atrophy, which are used in the modified

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FIGURE 3. Schematic diagram of ICH evolution on T1 and T2-
weighted images. Oxygenated hemoglobin appears as increased T2 and
intermediate T1 signal (1. Hyperacute). The paramagnetic effects of
deoxygenated hemoglobin and intracellular methemoglobin produce T2
hypointensity, while T1 signal is slightly hypointense and then becomes
hyperintense (2. Acute, 3. Early subacute). Extracellular methemoglobin
does not have paramagnetic effects and has hyperintense signal on both T1
and T2-weighted images (4. Late subacute). Finally, hemosiderin again
has paramagnetic effects and demonstrates both T1 and T2 hypointensity
(5. Chronic). The length of time in each phase is approximated in paren-
FIGURE 2. MRI of 4 patients with ICH of different ages demonstrating the theses. Hb, hemoglobin; met-Hb, methemoglobin.
appearance on T1, T2, and GRE sequences. Note that unlike acute, early
subacute, and chronic ICH, late subacute ICH are associated with minimal,
generally peripheral GRE susceptibility.
rhages are hyperintense in the hyperacute phase, hypointense in
acute and early subacute phase, hyperintense in late subacute
phase, and hypointense in the chronic phase. Fluid-attenuated
Boston criteria to diagnose CAA (sensitivity: 94.7%, specificity: inversion-recovery sequences typically parallel changes in T2
81.2%).42-44 This is prognostically significant, as CAA-related sequences. GRE/T2∗ sequences depict hyperacute hemorrhages
hemorrhage carries greater than 7% annual45 risk of recurrence with a hypointense rim and isointense core, with increasing core
vs a 1.1% risk with non-CAA-related hemorrhages. Nodular or hypointensity in the acute and subacute phases followed by a slit-
rim enhancement that does not correspond to a hemosiderin ring like hyperintensity in the chronic phase.15,47
is highly suggestive of an underlying tumor.46 Cavernous malfor- In recent years, MR angiography (MRA) has been evaluated
mations, which are otherwise difficult to characterize on CT and as an alternative to CTA and DSA for detecting vascular abnor-
are typically invisible on DSA, have a characteristic appearance malities. Two or three-dimensional MRA time-of-flight (TOF)
on MRI as a hypointense ring around a heterogeneous core on sequences depict images of intracranial arteries based on direction
gradient recalled echo (GRE)/T2∗ sequences. Hemorrhagic trans- of blood flow without the need for contrast administration.
formation of an ischemic infarct reveals a small area of abnormal Administration of intravenous gadolinium contrast significantly
GRE within a larger area of diffusion restriction on diffusion- shortens acquisition time. Time-resolved (TR) images add
weighted imaging/apparent diffusion coefficient. temporal resolution to MRA: a series of sequential images are
MRI is superior to CT modalities for dating hemorrhage age, obtained in a region of the brain following a contrast bolus. MRA
and especially for visualizing chronic hemorrhages (Figure 2).39 TOF-TR images, together, allow for dynamic imaging of blood
Hematoma appearance is dependent on the paramagnetic effects flow through the brain and can identify feeding arterial vessels and
of hematoma components related to the timing of the hemor- draining veins in AVMs and dural AV fistulas.48,49 The spatial
rhage, magnet strength, and pulse sequence (Figure 3). Histor- resolution of 1.5 Tesla MRA is not as robust as CTA and DSA,
ically, T1 and T2-weighted images have been utilized to date although this is becoming less of a concern as higher magnetic
hematomas, though GRE sequences are also useful, especially field strengths are introduced for clinical use that substantially
for identifying microhemorrhages or older hemorrhages. On T1 improve contrast-to-noise ratios (3 and 7 Tesla).50 A meta-analysis
sequences, hemorrhages transition from isointense in the hyper- determined that MRA detection of macrovascular abnormal-
acute/acute phases, to hyperintense in the subacute phase, and ities has a 98% sensitivity and 99% specificity compared with
to hypointense in the chronic phase. On T2 sequences, hemor- DSA, and is not statistically different from CTA.35 Furthermore,



delayed MRI/MRA presents an additional 1% diagnostic yield ities within an operating room are available in some institutions,
when compared to a negative CTA alone (18%).37 In other most others are limited to ultrasonography, which suffices for
words, MRI/MRA rarely diagnoses macrovascular causes of ICH basic management of ICH.55
over CTA but can lead to diagnosis of other etiologies. This
is especially relevant for patients with allergies to iodine-based
contrast or severe renal disease that may preclude safe CTA or UPDATES IN ICH NEUROIMAGING
DSA. In general, patients who present with spontaneous ICH in Dual-Energy CT/CTA
whom a CTA and/or DSA is negative should undergo multimodal
contrasted MRI to investigate the underlying etiology. If this is Dual-energy CT (DECT) utilizes the simultaneous
initially unrevealing, an MRI should be repeated several weeks measurement of 2 different energy spectra, allowing the compo-

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later, as an underlying cavernous malformation or tumor may be sition of a voxel to be estimated through the energy-dependent
obscured by the acute hematoma. As MRI technologies become differential attenuation of the component elements. In particular,
faster, of higher quality, and more readily available, this imaging DECT provides a means to differentiate between hemor-
modality may become a strong alternative to CTA and or DSA as rhage and iodinated contrast or calcification, which may have
a secondary neuroimaging study in ICH. overlapping attenuation coefficients and appear similar on NCCT
(Figures 4 and 5).56 DECT has been reported to have an up
Imaging Predictors of Clot Consistency to 99% accuracy rate in differentiating between ICH and
Clinical trials in the last decade have evaluated the efficacy calcium.57 In addition, DECT can differentiate between ICH
of various techniques for ICH evacuation to improve morbidity and contrast staining. In a recent study, DECT revealed that
or mortality. Completeness of clot removal for each technique contrast staining mimicked ICH in 59% of patients imaged
is appropriately scrutinized in these trials. Investigators note within 18 h endovascular thrombectomy, which has important
that the intraoperative clot density varies among patients, from implications for therapeutic decisions.58 DECT angiography can
tough and fibrous to soft and easily suctioned, thereby poten- also better detect lesions near osseous structures over single-source
tially impacting the effectiveness of one surgical technique over CTA, especially dural arteriovenous fistulas and aneurysms near
another for a particular clot type. For instance, low-density, the skull base.59,60 Recent studies show that contrast-enhanced
soft clots may best be evacuated by mechanical aspiration via a DECT can better predict ICH expansion than the spot sign on
stereotactically placed catheter and/or thrombolysis (minimally single-source CT.61
invasive surgery plus alteplase in intracerebral haemorrhage There are several limitations of using DECT for detecting
evacuation, MISTIE trial)19 or with endoscopic evacuation ICH. These include increased noise related to the decomposition
(Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Surgical Treatment With algorithm, difficulty in correcting for beam hardening artifact,
Apollo/Artemis in Patients With Brain Hemorrhage, INVEST).18 and increased radiation dose.56,62 DECT is more expensive than
Higher density clots might be more effectively evacuated with single-source CT, is less available than standard CT or MRI,
direct visualization through a minimally invasive parafascicular and requires longer processing and interpretation times often
approach,51 as is being investigated in the Early MiNimally- without additional reimbursement.62,63 Some of these drawbacks
invasive Removal of IntraCerebral Hemorrhage (ENRICH) have been recently addressed as vendors are decreasing the
trial.20 cost of DECT scanners and are evaluating new dose-reduction
techniques.64 Furthermore, virtual noncontrast images may be
Intraoperative Imaging generated from postcontrast DECT, removing the need for
Intraoperative neuroimaging is especially useful in patients who additional scans and decreasing the patient’s radiation exposure.60
require emergent operative procedures that preclude diagnostic
imaging before interventions. Such imaging can assist with ICH Magnetic Resonance Imaging
localization or characterization of vascular etiologies. Direct ultra- Improvements in MRI are occurring rapidly to improve spatial
sonography of brain parenchyma can reliably locate an ICH for resolution and decrease acquisition time. For example, significant
direct aspiration.52,53 Some institutions have utilized integrated acceleration has been achieved with techniques such as SENSE,
intraoperative CT scanners for this purpose, and C-arm cone- GRAPPA, and compressed sensing.65-67 Implementation of these
beam CT is being investigated as a faster alternative.54 DSA using techniques has the dual advantage of decreasing the length of time
C-arm or biplane fluoroscopy can identify an underlying AVM a patient must be motionless during the scan—which is difficult
or aneurysm that can be addressed at the time of decompressive for many people—and allowing for increased throughput which
craniotomy. If DSA is unavailable, intraoperative 3D rotational minimizes the need to interrupt more routine scans for emergent
fluoroscopy after contrast administration can be employed to cases.
create an angiographic image. Finally, the advantage of a low- MRI of ICH has also been improved by advances in
field intraoperative MRI over other modalities is likely limited sequence development. Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI)
to resection of cavernous malformation-related ICH. Although is a high-spatial resolution, 3-dimensional GRE MR sequence
hybrid suites that combine such sophisticated imaging capabil- that is more sensitive to magnetic field inhomogeneity than

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FIGURE 4. DECT images showing calcification of the posterior left thalamus. There is hyperdensity on noncontrast CT A, with a differential of calcium vs ICH.
Hyperdensity persists on CT with calcium overlay B, but not on virtual noncalcium image C, confirming that this represents calcium and not ICH.

FIGURE 5. DECT images showing lymphoma of the left thalamus. On the initial contrast-enhanced images, there is a hyperdense lesion within the left thalamus A,
with a differential of an enhancing mass vs ICH. There is persistent hyperdensity on the iodine overlay image B and only mild hyperdensity on the virtual noncontrast
image C indicating that this represents a hypercellular, enhancing tumor (lymphoma) and not ICH.

traditional GRE techniques.68 SWI has been shown to be For example, oxygenated hemoglobin has diamagnetic effects and
detect significantly more ICH than standard GRE in patients ferrocalcinosis, such as found in the basal ganglia, has paramag-
with a variety of disorders such as diffuse axonal injury, netic properties, which may lead to erroneous classification.70,71
CAA, and cerebral cavernous malformations (Figure 6).69,70 By Furthermore, the “blooming” effect that occurs with SWI may
exploiting the differences between paramagnetic substances— obscure adjacent anatomy and render volumetric measurements
such as deoxygenated hemoglobin, intracellular methemoglobin, inaccurate. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is an
and hemosiderin—and diamagnetic effects of certain forms of extension of SWI that allows the quantification of magnetic
calcium, SWI-filtered phase images allow the differentiation susceptibility sources.70,72 Similar to DECT and SWI, QSM
between these compounds.70 Unfortunately, the differentiation allows for the differentiation between hemorrhage and calcifi-
between ICH and calcium using SWI is not always successful. cation (Figure 7).73 Importantly, unlike GRE techniques that



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FIGURE 6. SWI is more sensitive for ICH than traditional GRE sequences. A, Standard GRE image shows several small ICH in a patient with diffuse
axonal injury. B, Two additional hemorrhages are identified on SWI sequence at the same slice in this patient (arrows).

are hampered by blooming artifacts, accurate measurement of Drug Administration (FDA) including portable sensors that may
hematoma volume is possible with QSM.74 Therefore, QSM be conveniently used in the field. A list of FDA-approved devices
may be used both in the initial diagnosis of ICH and follow-up is provided in the Table.
imaging, removing the significant radiation exposure related to There are limitations to ICH detection with the NIRS devices
frequent repeat CT.73 currently available.76,77 Although a recent multisite trial reported
Finally, over the past few decades, new low-field (0.25-1 T) a high sensitivity and specificity of up to 93% and 87%, respec-
MR scanners have been developed that take advantage of recent tively, in the detection of ICH >3.5 mL and <2.5 cm from the
advancements in software and hardware.75 In comparison to brain surface,76 other studies have reported much lower rates.77
conventional modern scanners, their relatively small footprint The depth of near-infrared light penetration limits detection of
allows the versatility of site locations such as in the emergency deep hemorrhages, and the size, type, and location of intracranial
department or intensive care unit which increases accessibility hemorrhages cannot be determined with accuracy. Bilateral ICH
for patients with acute ICH that may need close monitoring. may be missed given that NIRS depends upon the differential
In addition, as a large portion of the scanner cost is related light absorbance between contralateral head locations. Patients
to the superconducting magnet, these low-field scanners are with traumatic brain injury may also have scalp hematomas
significantly less expensive to purchase, do not require expensive that produce false-positive results. Finally, variations in hair,
helium-based cooling system maintenance, and consume less scalp, and skull thickness introduce additional barriers to ICH
power.75 As low-field MR become more available, studies of their detection.
impact on ICH are warranted. Other approaches have been suggested for portable, prehos-
pital detection of stroke and ICH, including accelerom-
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy eters, electroencephalogram, microwaves, radiofrequency, and
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) exploits differences in volumetric impedance phase-shift spectroscopy (VIPS).78 A
light absorption and scattering to characterize tissues. NIRS wearable VIPS device demonstrated high sensitivity (93%) and
may be used for ICH detection as the greater concentration specificity (87%) for detecting severe ischemic and hemorrhagic
of hemoglobin within an acute hematoma in comparison to strokes.79 Unfortunately, these approaches cannot distinguish
intravascular blood leads to greater light absorption.76 Several ICH from ischemic strokes, and cannot detect bilateral ICH due
NIRS devices have been developed and approved by the Food and to reliance on asymmetric pathology.

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FIGURE 7. QSM is able to differentiate between ICH and calcification. A, Axial GRE image shows a small hypointense lesion within the left frontal lobe
subcortical white matter (white arrow). B, Coronal QSM image acquired through this region during the same MRI session shows a corresponding hyperintense
lesion confirming that this is an ICH with paramagnetic properties (white arrow).

TABLE. Food and Drug Administration-approved products for automated intracerebral hemorrhage detection

Product Company Overview

2000 InfraScan Handheld device that detects ICH67
VisorTM System Cerebrotech Wearable device that detects potential severe strokes (both ischemic and hemorrhagic)70
ACCIPIOTM Ix MaxQ AI (formerly MedyMatch) Program that highlights potential ICH and prioritizes cases for review
Aidoc brain package Aidoc Program that highlights potential ICH for review75
HealthICH Zebra Medical Vision Program that detects potential ICH and triages/highlights case for review

Automated ICH Detection However, barriers have prevented widespread adoption of these
Rapid advancements in machine learning techniques have techniques, including limited interinstitutional generalizability
prompted a number of studies to evaluate automated ICH of algorithms that were trained on limited, occasionally single-
detection algorithms for identifying both intra- and extra-axial site datasets. Furthermore, ultimate accountability for errors
ICH with varying sensitivities (81%,80 area under the curve generated using a machine learning algorithm remains to be
0.84681 to 0.9082 ) and specificities (92%).83 FDA-approved determined.
programs are listed in the Table (A Bar, MS et al, unpublished
data, September 2018).84
Automated algorithms that detect critical findings would
facilitate triage of cases awaiting interpretation, especially NCCT remains the mainstay for detection of acute ICH,
in underserved areas, thereby improving workflow and with MRI and DSA used as follow-up studies to identify ICH
patient outcomes.82 Utilizing a machine learning algorithm etiology. Advancements in pre- and in-hospital imaging acqui-
to detect ICH reduces the time to diagnosis by 96%.81 sition techniques aim to provide faster ICH detection and more



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24. Hanley DF. Intraventricular hemorrhage: severity factor and treatment target in
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27. Cordonnier C, Klijn CJ, van Beijnum J, Al-Shahi Salman R. Radiological investi-
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