Background: Educational Information About Most Common Neurological Diseses in World Top 5 Langauges 10-Jun-2020

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Educational information about Most common Neurological diseses in world top 5 langauges


Total Population of world is more than 7.8 billion in 2020, according to Ethnologue, a global catalog of the 7000
languages currently in use worldwide, where top 5 most spoken languages in the world are english, mandarian,
hindi, spanish and French constitutes 3.83 billion individual who are able to understand this langauges. Top 5
most common Nervous system related disorders are Cerebro vascular diseases like Stroke, Alzheimer's disease
and others dementias, Epilepsy, migraine and Parkinson Disease, one should have information accesible into
their native languages or in other langauge in which they can easily understand about their illness. we tried to
analyze available information regarding the diseases on most coomon database forum.

to assess the availability of authentic, precise, useful data about most common CNS related diseases in top

Search methods
we have searched web based online encyclopedia called Wikipedia known as the world's largest reference
website, attracting 1.5 billion unique visitors monthly as of March 2020. It currently has more than 53 million
articles in more than 300 languages.

Selection criteria
top 5 neurological pathologies mentioned by WHO neurological disorder report

top 5 languages on basis of numbers of speakers

most common web based encyclopedia

Data collection and analysis

We used standard methodological procedures, we retrieved basic informations available among top 5 languages
of top 5 neurological disorders on wikipedia, checklist was completed to assess the quality, quantity,
comprehension and authenticity of provided data. after that result were analyzed.

Main results
Result show that most of the pages related with our selected neurological disorders are well explained in english
language, which is spoken among 1.28 billion popuulation in world. while other languages dont have equal
amoung of content in other languages.

Authors' conclusions
English wikipedia pages has sufficient quantity of content for their users about common neurological disorders.

Review Manager 5.3 1

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