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‘CONSULTANT ‘CONTRACTOR rave§usuer ED FaWaRe= ‘pRovEct : Construction of Roads and Infrastructure for Mohammed Bin Zayed City ~Zone B (Package B2, B3 and B4) ANNEXURE 2 Related Spec ‘Matr Sobmittr _ STN TER Ect ao vrei VoLUMEIV Teocn SreciTONS ‘ou Dhabi Munapaly Bulag Rogustons 11.4.3. Definitions A. Utiye Anbu pipe, duc, conduit, or abe 1144 Field Measurements ‘A. Verity thatsurvey bench mat, contro point, ‘a shown en drawings. Intended elevation forthe Work ae 1B. — Take and record levels in the manner spectiay oF aftoed withthe Engineer before ‘strbing any part ofthe Site or begining the works theréon, Give the Engineer two ‘working das notice so that the racording of ves tan be performed in his presence 441.8 Coordination om ¢ —~ A. Gourtnatewak nde ovine seth o059(= 9. Very work aso wih loner ovation aie compet befor placng hans eleaton lies, [2 ad) te 14.2. Part2 Products =) J 11.2.4 Fill materials and accessories for backfilling of trenches other than in roads or paveditiled areas. Fl Type Sz: As specie in Section 02206. ‘Structural Fil Type S2: As specie in Section 02205, Concrete: iae8 CY, Lean conorete wth a compresevestiongth of 17.5 (MPa). Geotetle Fite Fabric Geotetle tte fabric for granular pipe bedang and suround shall comply with the requiremens of Table 1-1 below and shall be welded or mechanialy bonded uta ‘ole stabilized polypropylene fibre mals made rom continuous / staple Foor Property Test Method quired Value Tensile strength 180 10319 | 6xNm min Puncture resistance 180 12296 | 10008 min Pore size 180 12056 | 120mierons max Pace DivisioN.o2 Seenow92225 Finer Eomon -Decewncr 2016 ‘STORIAWATER & SUBSCLDRANAGE SYSTEMS VOLUME IV- TECHNICAL SPECIACATIONS 11.2.2 1.3 11.3.4 Water pemeabitty 18011058 | 5010 128 tsecin* Weioht 180 9804 Fill Materials and Accessories for Backfilling of Trenches in Roads and PavediTiled Areas. “The spctzatons of atria orbackling of xan inroads an paves ‘areas wil canfom with the epectcations détined in'the ‘Abu Dhabi Municipalty Specteaton for Backing of Trencteg.& ‘Excavations in Asphele Roa, Tied Paved Pattng lls and slewaks, CauSB8 1.1.4, 12, 1.4 and 1.3.2 and in ‘accordance wth anyother agancyieh ma have juin ofthe roadway area Part 3 Execution ag) General yar Make sue the often trenches in opSAcut i the minimum necessary or precteablfor the eosin ofthe Werks ‘ont excaed the maximum total length of 800m for open trenches for pipeline ‘Do not make battered trenches In pubic highways, private gardens or within 30m of any bulking o other strctre. Provide supports in accordance wih Ciause 3.3 of his Specteaton, In the event ‘adopting the method of enching wi battered sis, Form that portion ofthe trench which extends from the formation toa point 300mm above the eon ofthe pipe when laid ints comect poston, with vertical sides the minimum procticale ditance apar, unless otherwise spectiod by the pipe manufacture anor accepted by the Engines. Make te tep eg ofthe tronch as stright as praceabe ‘Deposit any excavated material stored in approved locaton for backfling or any other purpose compacted in such a manner that vl vold damage or incorwenlence, The stockpling of excavated moter! in or aajocont tothe wrk are wll at bo permits Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the Contractor must alo or immedistey loading and transporting all excavated material o an approved oft storage area 0 ‘avoid any nuisance to persons or property. The Contractor shall transport excavated ‘material which is suitable fr bakfl back tothe ste for bacling of trenches as sozn Pace aS DIvisION-02-SecTioN 92225 FiasrEorioN Decewsen 2016 ‘STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS | PARTI= ROADS Properties. Required value | gasiynation "longation at break >ro% | ASTALDABS2 “repezoial tea stenath 378 ASTIN D483, Puncture resistance (N) >2000 | ASTw D241 Burst strength Nin?) > 00 | ASTM Da7as Permeablty at 100 mm head is) zixaot | ASTM Deo: | Permaay ce) - soa ‘ASTI DEAT ‘Apparent pore 826, Om (micron >80 ‘ASTM DATBI Fabre Weight (a) 180 Manufacrer “i (rain depth + 2 tl height) > 25 m but < 60m, pressure shal be 600 kPa for straight dain and 360 KPa for booted drain, “Ateratvely, Ou shall be <90 micron Drains shal be fee of defects, rips, holes, o fas. During shipment and storage, cains shall be wrapped in a heauy-uly protective covering, andthe storage area shal protect the drain materia) ‘fom sunlight, mud, ct, ds, debris, and detinantal subtances, Construction Geotextile Gotan fabrics shall cont only of long-chan polymer brs or yams formed int a non-woven, noodle-punched stable network such thatthe fborso: yarns retain thet postion relative to each ‘ther daring handing, placement, and design service ie. AL least 95% by weight ef the material shall be potyropyene, polylen or polyesters. These materials shall be tee fom defects o ears. Hateriais shal azo be fee of any Weatmento coating that might adversely ater ks hydraulic or physical properties afr instalation. ‘Thread used for sewing geotxtle shall consist of high-strength polypropylene, polester, or polyamide. Nylon threads shal not bo allowed. Thread Used fo sew permanent erosion-corral {ectento, and to sow gootetle seams in exposed faces of tomporay or permanent gootextlo Fotaning walls, shal also bo resistant to ulavlet (UV) radiation. Thread shall be of contrasting olourf that ofthe gootete set Geotexte shall moet the application requirements of AASHTO M288 and the specific requirements included in Tabla 28 tough Tabla 2-12, In accordance wth intended use. ‘All getexties used in construction which are t recive an overying layer of rock fl such as, but ‘ol mitod te, prvous backl ip ap, boulders o the sma covering materia shal be protected ffom damage due to the rock iby placerert of 50 men thik aye of natural sereened sana wth 8 nominal size between 3 mm and § mm, a8 approved by the Engineer. ‘Contractor shal submit the folowing information regarding each geotextle materia’ proposed use tothe Engineer Manufacturer's name and curentadeoss Full product name octet structure, including bor or yam type Cooter polymer types Paye228 CCanrren 2: ExevORKS Fst Eton January 2018 ‘STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Parr —Roaos 5. Proposed Geotoxtie uses 15. Conte tat results for minimum average rol T Geotextle property Gootextile property AST requlrements test method Non-woven Fabric weight 100 gn? minimum ‘Grab tense strength, in ‘machine and x-machine basse 700N micinum dvecton Grab faire strain, ‘machine and x-maehine basa 2 50 percent ‘recon Puncture resistance e241 1976 minimum Tear strength, in machine and y machine arecton ass 250 N minimum 50 percent strength retainod LV reiaton tabilty Dasss rinimur, efter 600 hours ina ‘anon ate vies SEE Seer tere dene BRIE one Geotextile property requirements Gootextilo | ASTI test a eee Percent in sty Soll Passing 0076 mm <6 1610 80 >60 E 212m —— 08, ars 425m | hci tve | $1501 ‘water fr 02 s0c* + pesmtivty pe ‘inion rninimim | 9-1866" minimum ‘Table 2-10: Geotextle for sepa ion or soll stabilization Gootoxtilo property requirements Geotextie property | ASTM test method | Separation Soll stabilization Weight see 180 g'mminimum | 200 gin minimum Thlekness psi99 4.7 mm minimum | 1.7 mm meimum a bavst ‘Standard sieve 212 | Standard slave 212 ummax ummax Water permitviy Daa91 0.02 sec" minimum | 0.08 soe minimum Page 230 CChaPTER 2: EARTHWORKS Fist Eaton January 2018, ‘STANDARD CONSTRUGTON SPECIFICATIONS Par 1 Rowos End Caps and Draw Lines for Ducts, Conduits, Pipe Sleeves and Culverts ‘The Contactor chal funith and install ond aps for vacant ducts, conduits and pipe sloowes bof ackfiling to prevent sy ntion of backla matoral into the ends of such dts, cond ad pie soeves (pen ends of vacant spe cuvers and conerete box culverts shall be closed with bulkheads. The bleeds shall be consacted with stable concrete block oF bck and mortar and as approved ty the Engineer. End cape shall ba ofthe lye and material as manufactured for respective types of dts, conduls nd ppe sleeves and as approved by the Engineer. Prior to the instalation of end caps and bulkheads as spocted herein, the Contractor shal fuish and instal daw ines nal vacant ducts, cenduts, pipe sleoves and culverts longor than ton metres (G0 1) The draw nasa intended to facta ute installation of ty cables and pipes. Oraw nes shall consist of 6 mm da. nylon rope as approved by the Engineer. The draw ines shal secured wth atemporay fastener nsige both ene ofthe ducts, cond, ppe leaves or euves _88 approved by tne nines. 2.6 Subgrade Preparation Beta placing any pain, the Contractor shal ring the subgrade othe requted ine, grado, as Crone accion” Sutgrado shal ba compacted in aoordanca wh Secions 26. and 262. A ompacid area shal be wid enought lew paving machines to porate witha vila dtorien of src melo Unt the pavements plaod he Contractor hal mann he subgrade nthe requed cndton 2.61 Traffic Pavement “Top 800 mm ofthe roadway embankments atthe subgrade evel shal be constructed in two layers of 150 mm each, of enbankment material meeting the requirements of Secon and shal havea minimum densi in percent ofthe maldmum dry density of 95% wih a minimum CBR of 05. \Wnoro tfc pavements placed on existing ground or on existing subgrade, the existing material shall be seared and re-compactod in accordance with Arle a of Seaton 28.31 Clause 2 where Itshallhave.a minimum SBR of 10% when compacted to 90% of MDD and a minimum CBR of 20% ‘aa compari o 95% of MDD, I the CBR ofthe exstng material less than 10, thn te top 300 mmm depth shall be removed and replaced with lead bearing material compacted to @ minimum ont of 95%, wih @ CBR of 30, 2.6.2 Pedestrian Pavement ‘Top 180 mm of roadway embankments under pedestrian pavement atthe subgrade level shall be compacted toa minimum densi In peroant of maximum dry dena of 95% wih a CBR of 25. An ‘dona! working layer of aggregate materi may be placed ontop othe cormpacted embankmest ‘material where shown on te Contract plans or approved by te Engineer, Where pedestian pavement is placed on exsing ground or on existing subgrade, the existing material shall be scared and recompacted in accordance wih Ate a of Secon Clause 2 27 Geotextile Installation 2.74 Description (Contractor shal furnish en place construction geotextle abi, in accordance wth tho detals shown Inthe Contract plans Page 257 CChnpren2: EartiWoRe Fret Ein January 2018 STANDARD CONSTRUCTOR SPECIFICATIONS Pant t—Rowos 2.7.2 Materials Geotentle materials shal moat tho roquromonts of Section 25:29, Geotexte rl detection, storage, and handing shall conform to ASTM D 4873, Outing periods of "Shipment and storage the geotext shall bo stored of tho ground. Gentex shal be covered at al tnes curing shipment and storage to Keep i fully protect fom UY radiation, inudng sung Sie constracton damage: prcilaton,chemials consisting of song acdsor sang bases, Names, Including welding sparts; temperatures in excess of TTC, and any ober environmental con that may damage the pysea property values ofthe gooteto. 27.3 Construction Requirements ‘Areas to be covered by the geotextle shal be araded toa smoot, uniform contin ree fom rs, potholes, and provudag abjcts such a5 rocks or sticks. Geotetle shall be sproad immediate ‘Shoad ofthe covering cperaton and shal ot be let exposed to sunight during nstalaton for teal ‘of more than 7 calendar days GGeotestie shall be lit smaoth without excessive wrinkles. Under no crcumstancas shal the ‘eotextle be dragged trough mud or ovr sharp object hat could damage Soll ples, or the manufacturer's recommended method, shall be used as needed to hold the ‘eotextleIn place untlthe specified cover maori spaced, Cover mater shal be placed on the gootestio and the minimum tat thickness required shal be botuoon the equlprert tres or racks and tho gootaxtle a al times. Construction vehicles shal be limited sie and waight to reduce ruting inthe ital ft above the geotetle to nat greater than 70-mm deep to preven’ overcvassing. Turing of vehicies onthe fst it above the geotete shal rot be permited \When placed asa measure tohalp stabilize st foundations, te it thickness covering the geotetle shall be 309 mm to 610 mm thick. By routing loaded hall equipment overs entra with, the Contractor shal compact heft layer No visstory compaction shal be allwed onthe ist. ‘Should the geoteta bs tom, puncture, or the overaps o sewn jon dturbed (as evidenced by \sble geoteite damage, subgrade pumping intrusion, or roadbed distortion) the backlilarousd laced area shall be removed ad ths damaged area repaired or replaced bythe nal consist ofa patch ofthe same type of eotextle placed over tne damaged fron, Patch shall over the exiting geotertie from the edge of any part of the damaged aoa by the minimum required everap forthe application .geotextle seams are‘ be sown in tho fed or atthe factory, the seams shall consist of one roof fitching, Unless the geterle where the seam is fo be sewn does not have a selvedge edge. Ita elvedge edge isnot present, the seams shal consist of two paral ows of stching, Two rows of stitching shal be 25 mm apart wih a olerance of 10 mm and shall ot cross excep fo ostehirg. Sean stitch type, and the equipment used fo perform the sitching shall be as recommended by ie ‘manufacturer ofthe gestae and as approved by tho Engineer, ‘Seams shall be sew i such a manner that the seam can be inspected ready by the Engineer ota representative, Soam svength may be tested and shall meet the requirements stated in Table 2-10 far am bxoaking strength, Subsurface Drainage and Scakaways ‘Trench walls shal be smooth and stable. Geotestio shall be plaoed in a manner that ensures dec contact between the sland the geotextia (10 vos, ots, o wrinkles). GGeotextie shal ether ovrap @ minimum of 300 mm at al longitucinal and transverse joints othe {gotorbe joins shal be sewn, Where tha tranch width los than 300 mm, the minimum everap Shallba the tench wth ‘An area dint defined a gactxtl ayer placod over or under horizontal to moderately sloping layor of drainage aggrezate, For area dra, the gotextie sal be ovetapped a minimum of 600 Page 238 ConeTeR 2: EarmoRES Fist Elton January 2018, ‘STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIRCATIONS Patt 1—RoaDS ‘mm ata ongtuinal and transverse joins, orthe gootoxtle joins shall be sewn. Minimum ita it Ux ove ve youll ts tou Ua sl be 900 nh nal eases, th upstream geotextie ‘sheet shal overlap tho nest downstream sheet Permanent Erosion Control and Ditch Lining Gaotentile fabric used a a filer matrial under or behind erosion contol werk, such as gravel or rock surfaco stabllson, loose and grout riprap and rock, gabions, ditch Inings, energy Gssiaters, ae oulet protection pads, shal ether be overapped a minimum of 600 rn at all ‘ongtudinal and tansverse jos, or the gectece jos shal be sawn, unless otherwise shown on the Contact pare. I verlapped, tho gootetla shal bo placed ce that tho upstream sip ofthe sheet shal overiap the next downstream stp Placement of protective aggregate bedding ovr the top f the gootetle shal be pertormed where shown an the Contact plans and as stipulated in Section 2.73. \Wnen placed on slopes, each geotetie se shall overlap the next downhil strip. Placement of aggregate pra, or ether cover material on tye geotetle fabric shall tart atthe to ofthe slope fd proceed upward. Geatextie fab shal be Keyed at the tp and the toe ofthe Sope as shown inthe Contract pans. Geotextie fabric sal b» secured tothe ope, but shal be secured loosely [Enough eo tht the geotextio shall ot tar whan the ripcap a other cover material is placed onthe ‘host, Geotatle fabric shall not be keyed atthe top of the slope unt the rrep or other cover materia place to the top ofthe slop. [Al voids nthe risrap rather cover material ha allow the geotextle tobe visible shal be backttad ‘ith coarse aggregate of 7S mm maximum s20 so that the geotextl is compltely covered, 2s ‘designated bythe Engheer. When an aggregate cushion between the geotextle fac and the tipep, of other cover materi, fs routed, shal have minimum thekness of 160 men, un fatherise shown in he Contract plans Grading of lopas ater placement ofthe ripap, oF other cover material shalnot be allowed i grading results in stona movement directly on tho goctetle. Under no eteamstances shall stones wit = ‘Weight of more than 60 Kg be allowed rol down slope. Stones shall ot be dropped fem a haght {jester than t mabove he geotetle surtae tan aggregate cushion present, or 200 mim @ shin snot present. Lowe dp heights may bs required # gootextile damage from to eons ie ‘evident and determined bythe Engineer. the geotele fabric is placed en sopos stoper than 2 fata of 2, the stones shal be placed on the slope without fee fa. Tal area to be prepared for surivabiy check, 2.8 Trimming and Cleanup 2.8.1 Description ‘This work consists of dressing nd trimming al roadways improved under the Contract. This work extends to excavated cut slopes, compactodilslopes, ditches, ponds, berms, and nonload-besing iit areas, 2.8.2 Construction Requirements Contractor shal perform the folowing: 1. Trout and fl slopes itches, and othe fil slopes to produce amooth surface and uniform Cross-sectone tht conform fo the grades shown on the Contact plans or ast by the Engineer 2. Open and lean al channels, etches, ad gutrs to encuro propor drainage. 3. Dress the back slope of any ich and pond berm and brow source that shal remain acjacontt the roadiay- Round aff the top othe back slope and stibuto the material overly ona ts base Page 230 CChweTER 2: EareORKS. Fret Elion January 2018 DIB ‘moiecr: Construction of Roads and infrastructure for Mohammed Bin Zayed City ~Zone B (Peckage 82, 83 and B4) ANNEXURE 4 BOQ

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