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Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine has won hearts and stomachs both in Ukraine and abroad.Various
pastry, meats and cold collations, vegetative and dairy products, varied fruit and honey
drinks are very popular. Ukrainian borsch is popular all over the globe.But Ukrainian
food is not only borsch, it consists of all kinds of kasha, and varenyky filled with
cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, minced meat, stewed cabbage or berries.Among the
favourite dishes are also pechenya (meat and potato stew), Ukrainian bytky (pounded
steak) with salo and garlic filling.From time immemorial fish dishes were very popular
in our country.Generally the peculiarities of the Ukrainian cuisine lie mostly in using
pork, pork fat, sweet beets and wheat flour.

Ukrainian cookery tradition abounds in dishes prepared specially to celebrate a

holiday or a rite - marriage, birth, christening, seeing off for military service and
others.Thus, a Christmas Eve supper consists of 12 meatless dishes, including wheat
grain, honey, poppyseed and raisin dish called kutya and uzvar.

My family like to eat healthy food. Our breakfast consist of sweet cereal with milk
or pancakes with tea. We also do not forget about lunch, the main meal of the day. For
lunch we have borsch, soup or potatoes with meat and fresh salad. As for dessert we
have berries or fruit. For dinner we eat light food. For example we have some boiled
chicken with vegetables and a glass of orange juice.

Many people have their favourite dishes. As for me, I like to eatvarenyky .This dish is
made from potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, flour, sour cream, garlic and onion .First of all
you need to measure out the flour and fold in the sour cream and softened butter. Mix
well. Beat the egg in a measuring cup, then add enough water. Add the egg into the
dry mixture. Then add flour until it kneads into soft dough. Then you need to fry
mushrooms and to boil potatoes. Combine the potatoes and mushroom mixture. Bring
a large pot of water to boil, then add a little oil. Roll a piece of dough out into a long
rope. Slice into cubes. Roll each cube into a ball. Scoop one heaping teaspoon of
filling into the center of the circle. Fold in half and pinch the edges shut to prevent any
filling from falling out. Cook until varenyky float, flat on the surface of the water.
Place on a rack to drain and allow to cool.

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