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Nama : mochammad risky kusuma

No : 12
Klas : XI tkj 4

Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara

On May 2, 1889 Ki Hajar Dewantara born in Yogyakarta. The original name of Ki Hajar Dewantara i.e.
Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He comes from a family of Yogyakarta Kingdom. Raden Mas
Soewardi Soeryaningrat, he was renamed Ki Hajar Dewantara when even 40 year old Caka year count
did. Since that time, he was no longer using knighted before his name. It is intended that he be free to
close to the people, both physically and in his heart. He is a figure of a polite, simple and noble-hearted.
Although the gentility but Ki Hajar Dewantara still hang out with the people downstairs and diligently
provide succor to the needy.

The journey of life Ki Hajar Dewantara really characterized the struggle and devotion in the interest of
his people. He completed elementary school in ELS (Netherlandselementary school) then extends to
the STOVIA (school Doctor Bumiputra), but not until the end due to illness. He then worked as a
journalist on several newspapers, among others, Sedyotomo, Java, Midden De Express, Indian
Oetoesan, Kaoem, Moeda Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. In his time, he belongs to the author reliable.
His writings are very communicative, sharp and so capable of uplifting patriotic antikolonialfor readers.

Ki Hajar Dewantara in addition to young journalists as a tenacious, he was also active in social and
political organization. In 1908, he was active in Boedi Oetomo propaganda section to socialize and
evocative awareness of Indonesia at that time aboutthe importance of unity and unity in the nation and

Ki Hajar Dewantara very active and concerned with the world of education. One of the proofs of it i.e.
He established the School Grounds Students in 1922.

He gave the example of and motivation to young people to keep passion in learning about science. One
of the motivational words of Ki Hajar Dewantara which until now still inherent in the minds of all of us,
namely: “Tut wuri handayani” ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani.

Pertanyaan :
1.) Where Ki Hajar Dewantara was born ?
Answers : He was born in Pakualaman, 2 May 1889
2.) What is Ki Hadjar Dewantara real name ?
Answers : Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat
3.) When did Ki Hadjar Dewantara died ?
Answers : Yogyakarta, 26 April 1959
4.) why is Ki Hajar Dewantoro called 'Bapak Pendidikan'?
Answers : Ki Hajar Dewantoro is the founder of Taman Siswa college, an educational institution
that provides opportunities for pribumi to be able to obtain education like prijajis in
the Dutch colonial era.
The motto in the education system that he uses is now very well known in Indonesian
education circles. Overall, the motto reads "Ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo
mangun karso, tut wuri handayani." Which means, in front of giving examples, in the
middle of encouraging, behind giving encouragement. This motto is still used in the
world of education in Indonesia, first in the Taman Siswa College schools.
For his services in general education, he was declared the Father of Indonesian
National Education and his birthday was taken as National Education Day.
5.) who is Ki Hajar Dewantoro?
Answers : Ki Hadjar Dewantara is an alias name for Raden Mas Soewardi
Soerjaningrat since 1922. Born in 1889, his date of birth is set to become
National Education Day, which is every May 2. The stipulation of this
National Education Day appeared in Presidential Decree Number 316 of
1959 and other rules after that referred to the regulation. That, too, "about"
it is "National Days that Are Not Holidays" with a number of other
commemorative days. Referring to the Kompas daily edition of May 2,
1968, this determination is a form of government appreciation for the
services of Ki Hadjar Dewantara who has pioneered a national education
system based on personality and national culture.

6.) How is the result of the struggle of ki hajar dewantoro ?

Answers : The result of the struggle of Ki Hajar Dewantara is that we, as the people
of Indonesia, can get education as a result of our perseverance in fighting for the
right of the Indonesian people to be able to go to school.

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