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Don Bosco Technical College

City of Mandaluyong

Logic Circuits and Switching Theory Laboratory
1​st​ Semester, SY 2016-2017

Post-Lab Report
Laboratory 7
MSI Implementations

“I certify that I have worked on this activity and completed

it on my own and that I have neither copied the work of any
other student nor have I concealed any violation of the Honor
Code. I will receive a grade of 5.0 (FAIL) for the course and
be subject to disciplinary action if I fail to honor this code.”

4EA Team 3
Friday, 12:30-3:30PM

CLEMENTE, Carl Daniel B. (20%)_______20%____

HERNANDEZ, Claire Angieline A. (20%)_______20%____
PAMPELLONA, John Michael A. (20%)_______20%____
PETIL, Patricia L. (20%)_______20%____
RUBIA, Joshua A. (20%)_______20%____

Date Submitted: October 21, 2016

R. Stephen L. Ruiz
To be filled up by the faculty
Comments Particulars:
________________________________________________ Theory :___________
________________________________________________ Data :___________
________________________________________________ Analysis :___________
________________________________________________ Conclusion :___________
________________________________________________ Form :___________

RATING :___________
I. Objectives

For this laboratory experiment we analyze how to use a MSI (Medium Scale
Integration​) ​implementation of boolean function. We design the equation into the
implementation of the function in decoder and multiplexer. We understand the properties
and function of decoder and multiplexer circuit and learn how to put them in the

II. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from the n coded
inputs to a maximum of 2​n​ unique outputs. If the n-bits coded information has unused bit
combinations , the decoder may have less than 2​n​ outputs.

A multiplexer is a combinational circuit that receives binary information from one of the
2​n​ input data lines and directs it to a single output line. The selection of a particular input
data line for the output is determined by a set of selection inputs. A 2​n​ to 1 multiplexer
has 2​n​ input data lines and n input selection lines whose bit combinations determine
which input data are selected for the output.

III. Equipment and Circuit Components

Equipment and accessories

• 5 VDC power supply

• Auxillary Circuit
• Logic Probe
• Logic Pulser
• Breadboard

7.4.2 Logic Circuit Components

• IC 7402, quad 2-input NOR gates (1)

• IC 7404, hex inverters (1)
• IC 7410, triple 3-input NAND gates (1)
• IC 74138, 3:8 decoder (2)
• IC 74151A, 8:1 MUX
IV. Set-up/Schematic Drawings

V. Procedures
First set up the Auxilliary Circuit Before Implementing Both the Decoder and Multiplexer.
Decoder Implementation
Using the schematic in the Prelab of Figure 7.4 A. which is the 3x8 Decoder(Two 74138)
build its actual circuit so that it can implement the F function. Connect the Output LED to the
four inputs and one output of the circuit to show the F of the circuit. Then Analyze the LED of
the Logic trainer if it is the same as the truth table. If the F is the same as in the truth table in
logic circuit then you are correct.
Multiplexer Implementation
Using the schematic in the Prelab of Figure 7.4B, using the 8x1 Multiplexer (74151A)
build its actual circuit to get the F on the truth table which was done during the prelab. Like the
Decoder connect the four inputs and one output of the circuit to show the F of the circuit.
Analyze the LED of the Logic trainer if it is the same as the truth table of your computations in
the prelab. If the F is the same as the truth table in the logic circuit then you are correct.

VI. Data and Results

Truth table for implementation of Function ​F using 3x8 Decoder

Truth table for implementation of Function ​F using 4x16 Multiplexer

VII. Analysis and Discussion

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, it can be said that any function can be both implemented in

different ways; decoder and multiplexer can still yield the same results. The decoder circuit has

IX. Comments

Clemente, Carl Daniel B.

We not able to finish the laboratory because of the led indicator of the logic
trainer. We test the function on the logic probe of multiplexer then the output is working.
We troubleshoot the components and the trainer to work the light. In the end we are out
of time checking the experiment. So i remind that always double check the components,
the wire and the equipments if it is working.

Hernandez, Claire Angieline A.

We were able to finish this laboratory experiment but because of faulty
wirings, we were not able to have it check. But nevertheless, we learned from our

Pampellona, John Michael A.

Petil, Patricia L.
We had encountered a lot of difficulties in the process of doing the activity.
Unfortunately, we weren’t able to finish the experiment due to some situations like a mistake in
the prelab assignment, loose connections in the trainer, and faulty alligator clips and wires. I also
experienced headache after the laboratory activity.

Rubia, Joshua A.
For this laboratory exercise we had tons of difficulties, One of it is that we didn’t
got the chance to finish the multiplexer because it might have an error with our circuit,prelab,
and the broken components such as the alligator clip, and the connectors.With that we were
frustrated that we didn’t get the chance to finish the multiplexer circuit.
X. Appendix
IC 7402, quad 2-input NOR gate

IC 7404, hex inverters IC 74138, 3:8 Decoder

IC 74151A, 8:1 Multiplexer IC 7493, Auxiliary Circuit

XI. References

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