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FREEZER SERVICE MANUAL CAUTION BEFORE SERVICING THE UNIT, READ THE “SAFETY PRECAUTIONS" IN THIS MANUAL. MODEL: GF-141SF COLOR: SUPER WHITE CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SERVICING PRECAUTIONS SPECIFICATIONS PARTS IDENTIFICATION DISASSEMBLY CIRCUIT DIAGRAM... TROUBLESHOOTING EXPLODED VIEW ssnnnsnnsons REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST EXPLANATION OF PCB CIRCUIT reson SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Please read the following instructions before servicing your retigerator. 1. Check the refrigerator for current leakage. 2. To prevent electric shock, unplug betore servicing 3. Always check ling voltage and amperage 4, Ifyou use any kind of appliance, check regular current, voltage and capacity. 5. Don't fouch metal products in the freezer with wet hands. This may cause frostbite, 6, Prevent water from following onto electric elements in the mechanical parts, 7. Close the top door before opening the bottom door. Otherwise, you might hit your head when you stand up. 8, When ting the refrigerator, remove any materials on the rettigerator, especially the thin plates(ex. Glass shell or Books.) 9. When servicing the evaporator, wear cotton gloves, Tris isto prevent injuries from the sharp evaporator fins. 10, Leave ihe disassembly of the reftigerating cycle to @ specialized service center. The gas inside the circu may pollule he ervitenment SERVICING PRECAUTIONS AIR RECHARGING IN COMPRESSOR Test the refrigeration system connecting it electrically before tefling operation. itis necessary to ascertain the function ofthe motor-compressor and idenily the defects immediately, If defects have been found, empty the old system of possible R-134 residue by breeking off the end of the extension piece at its narrow point. (Figure 1) Replace the fiter and any dariaged components. Unsolder and pul off the piece remaining inside the service tube and then altach an complete extension with male Hansen and al ast, solder ito the same tube again. (Figure 2) CHARGE TUBE FEMALE PONTTOBEBROKEN EXTENSION. HANSEN. MALE HANSEN ‘SERVICE TUBE EXTENSION Figure 1 SOLDERING POINT Figure 2 Itis necessary to execute the soldering operation with valve open so that the furnes caused by oil residue can, ‘come out freely without blownoles between two tubes daring the heating the of the point to be soldered. ‘The extension fited with the male Hansen is connected to the female fitting of the vacuum pump tube. (Figure 3) ae ile Tome ! Babbin ohh PRESSURE GAUGE Figure 3 Ar evacuating from the system begins és soon as the pump starts. The retrigeralion syste must be kept under vacuum until the reading on the low-pressure gauge indicates vacuum (0 absolute, -1 atm.,-760 mm hg) in any Coase itis advisable to keep the pump running for about 30 ‘minutes. (Figure 3) In case thal @ considerable leakage occurs it will be necessary 10 stop the vacuum pump and to add asmall ‘quantity of Freon to the system, if vacuum should not be obtained (pressure gauge cant fall to 1 atmosphere), start the refrigeration unit and find the leakage with the special leai-finder. When the defective soldering point is visible 0:00 it aller opening the extension tube valve ane reesiabiishing the normal oulside pressure inside the group, Because tho melted alloy i¢ sucked block them, the pressure must be rebalane vacuum ig inthe systesn in soldering, As soon as ie ‘vacuum operation is over, add the quantiy in grams of R-134a to the refrigeration system. Remember that every system has an exact quantity of R-134a with a tolerance of 45 grams that can be added, (Figure 4) ‘TO THE R-134a CYLINDER TO THE AEFRIGERATION SYSTEM Figure 4 Before pertorming tis operation (Hf the vacuum pump and rafling cylinder are connected), make sure that the valve Placed between the vacuum pump and the refling tube are closed inorder to keep the Freon for eddlin to te system. (Figure 5) FILLING OF CHARGE TUBE VALVE TO BE OPENED WHEN REFILLING ToTHE REFRIGERATION TO THE GHARGE Neri hinge VALVE 79 9 cLosED SAE TRGiuir tome vacutia Figure 5 Siem | om In addition, check the graduated scale on the cylinder for the quantity of R-134a lo be added, for example, if we have 750 grams of Freon in the cylinder and must add 140 {grams to the group. this amount will be reached when R-134a has cropped to 610 grams, remembering that the indicator shows 2 lower limit of meniscus. Do this after choosing the scale corresponding to tne gas pressure diferent scales reported as the same gas pressure indicated by the pressure gauge on the top of the columa, ‘To make Fi-134a flow into the system, open the valve placed at the base of the cylinder and connected to tho {iling tubs. The amount of Freon cannot be added to the system all al once because it may cause a blocking of motor: ‘compressor. Therelore, proceed by adding the original ‘quantity of about 20-30 grams ard close the valve immediately ‘The pressure rises and the motor compressor must start sucking the gas and lowering the pressure again. Regulate the valve again, maintaining the seme manner unt reaching to ihe quanbiy of F-134a established for ine syslem being charged, When the system is running, tke Suction pressure mus! he stabilized between 0.30 Io 0,640.10 40 0.4) almnsphew 1. SPECIFICATIONS irems SPECIFICATIONS ITEMS SPECIFICATIONS Door Type ‘t-door Door Polyurethane m Insulation Capacity 1100 Cabinet Polyurethane Compressor Type Wall Condensor Evaporator Roll bond type (Flashback) Dimension (W7B00X(H)1008X(D}525mm Defrost System Manual Weight 5kg Temperature ‘Agjustment Knob dial Retrigerant R194a (609) Rapid RIF room Top Table ice-making Container ‘Scoop for Defrost Temperature P Adjustment Knob Memory Card Prepare food namo, date or quantity ete with a pencil, Drawer-type RIF room Used for evaporation dish Drawer-type basket Convenient tor separate keeping of food, Door Packing Adjustment Leg — 3. DISASSEMBLY 3-1 COMP, PCT AND OLP (1) Fitsty remove power cords and the lead wires, (2) Remove the PTC and OLP. {@) Remove both bots fixed tothe HEIS plate of the set and remove the comoressor HEIS (Fig. 12) sy Figure 12 (4) Remove the compressor after removing both earth sorews next to the compressor. Note: Replace the compressor after getting away the painted part of the earth terminals, «The compressor absorbs gas evaporated from the evaporator and delivers ito the condenser. + PTC is an intial of Positive Temperature Coefficient, Which is connected to the compressor and plays a role of ‘operating the motor. + Do not turn the adjustment screws of the OLP at any time for proper operation of the OLP. +The OLP prevents damage of the coils due to excessive increase of the compressor and the induction of excessive current , ASSY and DISPLAY paris Fallure, Trouble Replace (Check of the PWB, [>| Assy and POWER parts Failure, Trouble | Replace | Chock current flows [>] through the main coils of the comprassor 5} Short coi | Replace the ‘comprossor Ly} check wires between parts Measure trial voltage Short H Connect | Low voltage >} Increase vokage I Check current through [7 the auxitary coils of the compressor short coll Replace the ‘compressor Check the current [>] quantity of electrical parts is normal Coils of the Repair the compressor motor are JP dameged ‘compressor Check wires between >| parts Even after operating |» the set for than 30 minus, no frost forms on the evaporator Short Connect - Poor compression resus in leak of rofrigerant Ropair the ‘compressor — ¢ COMPRESSOR AND OTHER ELECTRICAL PARTS | Check the PWB, ASSY and POWER part. Check PIN, |_ 3 power of the CONT fs itwithin rating voltage ov? Complete power check Check PINT, 2 power of ‘the CON2. Is it within t8vs3V(0C)? Replace the PWB, ASSY and POWER, Is the resistance value of the PINS, 6 for the CONS ‘more than 23K and is the PIN 2, 4 of the CONS ‘more than OV? ' Check the PWB, ASSY and > DISPLAY part. Check PIN, ts it within 2 poner ofthe CONS, IHitis 12V, replace the PWB, ASSY and DISPLAY, (Check wires on the related part. ‘Same as applied voltage (rating voltage 10%) Separate the PTC-slarler Power }—> trom the compressor anc then measure voltage between Mand C. Recommend the customer 1to.use power win the specilied scope. Applied voltage is not within the scope of rating voltage #10%, Check resistance of the ‘compressor motor | se > | Check of operation status Check resistance between M and C, $ and ©, and Mand S Replace the compressor Check resistance of both terminals of the PTC- starter YES No ————} Rplace the PTC-starter Measure the minimum of twial voltage after checking steps of 1 through 3 times, and then measure pressure balance of the PTC in interval of more than § minutes, Start atthe voliage below 85% ¥ Normal Chock the starting status beyond the rate voltage Start at the voltage beyond 90% Replace the PTC Normal aS @PTC Poor starting or no First, separate the PTC ‘operating of the from the Compressor and ‘Compressor, ‘check the voltage between NO 5 and 6 in the PTC. with a muiitester or Wheatstone Bridge. Tne value nthe Check another | ange of 15:28 fr the Normal electre components [P| The value is 0. ‘Abnormal Replace the PTC. | >| The value is oo >| Abnormal >} Replace the PTC. 6. EXPLODED VIEW a Tee 7. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 8. EXPLANATION OF PCB CIRCUIT 8-1. EXPLANATION OF FUNCTION 8-1-1. Adjustment of P/F Room Temperature 1. Adjustment and display of temperature The freezing room can perform defrost and temperature adjustment by turning the temperature adjustment knob on the Operation panel. If turning the knob anticlockwise to the end, the defrost LED turns on and the COMP turns off. f turning the knob clockwise to the end, the LED during operation status turns on and temperature is adjusted depending on each status such as "Weak’, "Moderate", “Strong*, 2, Temperature depending on each status [enportre adamantane Beto Weak Wodeaie | Sreng [ RUF room temperature - eC “24°C. “24°C. 4-2, Defrost function I turning the temperature adjustment knob to the left to the end, the detrost LED turns on and the COMP turns off and all functions stop (no operation of Rapid Freezing key) 8-1-3. Rapid freezing function By pressing the rapid freezing key, the rapid freezing LED turns on and the COMP tums on consecutively for 2 hours. It ‘automatically returns to the current temperature adjustment status, {f pressing the rapid freezing key within 2 hours during rapid freezing, rapid freezing function is released. 8-1-4, Status by each condition em ‘Status Operation Timing FIF room, Reach ‘Setup Temperature Notreach Rapid Freezing ON I ! t | KEY OFF vo ! Rapid Freezing on LED OFF on Compressor a 8-2. OPERATION OF PCB CIRCUIT 8 |: Power Circuit ete | = — Power circuits consist of power for driving the relay (DC 12V) and power (OC SV) for supplying power to the IC and the LED. B:BASE, C:COLLECTER, &: EMITTER Part | VAl voltage | Celvoltage JQ1/E) voltage [Q2(C) voltage ]a3(C) voltage] LOI pa Detost Status ‘Vac ‘ON OFF Soorater’ | 220Vac tae avec | Svae Status a # ‘Vac OFF ON =: Standard Ground The VAI is a patl for preventing noise, 8-2-2, Adjustment Part of Refrigerator Room Temperature PIB ASSY, DISPLAY * ce Sin “a “ For operation of the compressor, compare voltage of the lower part ofthe RV with that of the Fit part. If voltage of the RV partis higher than that voltage of the Ft part, the PIN7 of the ICt must become low so that the compressor turns on «Voltage and status of each part when the COMP turns on> Lower Pan of | Lower Part of RELAY Status NOTCH are ee lot PINT Q5 Status | Qa Status on Weak 22V 2.2V ot more Low ON ‘ON ON Moderate 24aV 2AV oF more Low ON ‘oN ON ‘strong 26V 2.6V oF more Low ON ‘ON ‘oN Voltage and status of each part when the COMP turns off> Lower Partof | Lower Pat of RELAY Status NOTCH ae ayer | tc pir asstaus | 04 Status my Weak 22V 2.2Vormore | FLOAT OFF OFF OFF | Moderate 2av 2aVormore | FLOAT OFF OFF OFF strong 26V 2eVormore | FLOAT OFF OFF OFF orien — 8-2.8. Rapid Freezing Part PIB ASST, DISPLAY It pressing the rapid freezing key, the PINT of the IC2 becomes low slalus and the COMP consecutively operate for 2 hours. Status of the PIN7 of the |C2 reverts whenever the KY part presses the key. Staus cepnr | Lossaus | assaus aesius | PEAKS invapid teezina | __LOW on oN oN ON Usvaly FLOAT OFF OFF OFF OFF See Section 8-1-3 for further details. reap 8-3. PWB PART DRAWING 8-3-1, PWB ASSY, DISPLAY Part Drawing Se 8-3-2, Parts Name wo | 8v6 no | Sone sree ow Roum 1 Iwan ewe _[re-tios-tio7a tA_| tt6 2 | —— WAFER |s2ee0ea 11 cons 3 fpzzescor jc, TweR [su2s05 tA [ice 1g 030004 |S Gp aye [LDGLSOS + lo fne3050004 (aKiasoap 5S [pronse5001_fsomewaar [eKizanrZncd vA | ei 6 [ormersoooa”[reavsisror _[erceis98) ¥ 3 onozae 7 lorszroognTRANSSTOR |ATAITO(S6) ¥ 1 | 05 orariaooooa_[TRANSSTOR [KRAI14M 1 3 7_forossoson ve, renee _|6.2v(0/20) i | m2 @ [omszesowon_foone, nee | svi1/2W) [| a (Gsxniroore 9 fuer SHO To renosa 1 | sw 16 lecetrew0 [a700F 7250 + [cer tr faaur /16v | ceaces 12 tour /16v 2 | ences 13 posses [we cwnare | 392/60¥ 1 [oo 14 foxzzsoen [ax pone | 725/50v 1 | eee 15 joxieaonon [ar opnome | 102/80 1 | os 13 oxosoiees [er cwiarm | t0a/s0v 1 [ee 14 [eoustennoun [eocawoce) —_[sux-seocros 1 15 fenssoooona [Leo(ReD) —|s4-severos 1 fe 15 OLset000Nfrovorcowy _ UH SeNCFES i | ws 1 onomaseea [RomON A [20oKF i/aw 1p Li? gronsiaces [Rewaortin [emer i/aw [1 | Ris 17 ann [30.04 aw lee 16 reaww fiw [2760 yaw fT i RoI Jono 47a 1 [a6 siTi fiom) 17aw | 23 fe f 0 Jena san | i race Ora 1740 | 2a poston aries 17a 7 [Ran ah” |s00K 1 74 a } crac F209 17am + [ks j manson” fsa pec 8-3-3, PWB ASSY, POWER Part Drawing 2-3-4, Parts Name DESCRIPTION LooeartZeg] O REMARK THAN ws = erToNz001 TRANS PCE rans = oes con waren | SET z assie-ona 1 | eon 2810-00018A aaRiA RELAY on) Ys-12M6 ‘ODDa00400A0) RECTIFIER OIODE] INOOa 1~D5 ()INRTADATT 4672-00001 | VARISTO wo | vat [Wisveaio-14a_| on Ss 8-4. CIRCUIT DRAWING PCB circuit diagrams may change from time to time, Trea PINo. 3828JD8516B MAY, 2003 Printed in Korea

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