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Law Relating to Outer Space: A Bibliography—Part I

Author(s): Daniel B. Magraw and Theresa Ketler

Source: The International Lawyer, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Fall 1985), pp. 1391-1427
Published by: American Bar Association
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Accessed: 13-11-2019 06:45 UTC

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to The International Lawyer

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Daniel E. Magraw*
Theresa KetlerI

Law Relating to Outer Space:

A Bibliography - Part It

This bibliography categorizes recently published materials related to the exp

ing field of space law - an expansion that has resulted primarily from the incre
public and private interest in the utilization of outer space. As an update of an ea
space-law bibliography published in 1982, * the current bibliography cites mater
published from 1981 to the present;2 relevant pre-1981 materials that we enc
tered but which were not cited in the 1982 bibliography are also included.
In order to accommodate the large number of citations, this bibliography is b
published in two parts. The present part covers: Legal Regime of Outer Sp
Threshold Considerations in Outer Space Law; and Law Governing Private Ac
ties in Outer Space. Part Two, to be published in the next issue of The Inte
national Lawyer (Vol. 20, Issue 1), will cover: Law Affecting Governm
Activities in Outer Space; Dispute Resolution; and General Reference.
The current bibliography differs from its predecessor in two respects. First,
present bibliography is more comprehensive in terms of the types of publica

♦Associate Professor of Law, University of Colorado; Member, Center for Space Law
Policy, University of Colorado.
tJ.D. Candidate, 1987, University of Colorado.
$The funding for this project was provided by the University of Colorado Center for S
Law and Policy. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Professor Oscar Mil
Head Law Librarian, and Barbara Bintliff, Assistant Law Librarian, University of Colorad
the compilation of this bibliography.
1 . Halket, Savage, Ahearn, Anghn, Craigmyle, Fisher & Leister, Bibliography of the La
Outer Space, 22 Jurimetrics J. 195 (1982).
2. The cut-off dates for the most useful indices we examined are as follows: Boo
Print- 1984-85; CIS Annual Index- 1983; Current Index to Legal Periodicals- July 12,
Current Law Index- Jan. -Mar., 1985; Forthcoming Books (Subject Guide)- Mar.,
Government Documents Catalog Subscription - Apr., 1985; Index to Foreign Legal Per
cals- 1984:1 Supp.; Index to Legal Periodicals- June, 1985; Legal Resources Index (
crofilm)- July, 1985 (certain periodicals of limited circulation listed in this index ar
included in this bibliography); Library of Congress Catalogs- 1982; Magazine Index
crofilm)- May, 1985; Treaties in Force- Jan., 1985; and UNDOC: Current Index- Jan.,
(and the index dated Nov., 1984).


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cited. In addition to United Nations publications, books, and articles p

legal and non-legal periodicals, it also includes space-law-related inte
agreements entered into by the United States, selected recent United Stat
and materials published by the United States government (e.g. , hearings
tive reports).3
Second, although this bibliography generally follows the organization of
bibliography, certain modifications have been made to reflect developm
increasingly diverse area of space law. Inclusion of the European Space
separate category (I.A.l.b) reflects the Agency's increasing role in de
Western European policy regarding space-related issues. Similarly, Inter
Soviet Union-Eastern European countries' intergovernmental space ag
been included as a separate category (I.A.l.c). Treaties and other inter
agreements, and materials relating thereto, have been incorporated
general topic, International Agreements (I.B).
Two new subtopics relating to the commercialization of space have b
due to the increased interest in the exploration and use of outer space by
sector. The scope of Commercialization of Space: Promotion by Gove
(III.B) extends to the general governmental interest in encouraging the de
of private enterprise in space-related activities. The scope of Commerc
Space: Specific Business Activities (III.C) encompasses laws and policie
business ventures occurring under the control of private entities. A
subtopics under the latter category were combined with Substantive Law
Private Activities in Space (III.D) in the 1982 bibliography. We rearra
subtopics in order to distinguish law-related issues and policies concern
business activities from general principles of law applicable to space ac
The Strategic Defense Initiative (IV. A. 2) has been isolated as a subto
of its significance with respect to current policy relating to the military u
Because radio and television frequency allocation and geostationary orb
are interrelated communications issues, they have been combined unde
Spectrum Allocation (IV.B.l).



I. Legal Regime of O
A. Entities Creating
Relating to Space

1. Intergovernmental Organizations
a. United Nations and Affiliated Entities

b. European Space Agency

c. Intercosmos

d. Miscellan
2. United States

3. Miscellaneous Sovereign Goverments

4. Non-Governmental Organizations

3. The Superintendent of Docum

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B. International Agreements

II. Threshold Considerations in Outer Space Law

A. Proposed Definition of Outer Space

B. The Jurisdiction of Nations

Over Their Territory

III. Law Governing Private Activities in Outer Space

A. Use of Earth Laws as Analogies fo

Space-Related Activities

B. Commercialization
Promotion by Governments

C. Commercialization of
Business Activities

1. General

2. Colonization

3. Communications

4. Earth Observation

5. Energy from Space

6. Insurance

7. Launch Vehicles

8. Manufacturing & Materials Processing

9. Miscellaneous Services

10. Orbital Facilities

11. Transportation in Outer Space

D. Substantive Law Governi

Activities in Space
1. General

2. Antitrust Law

3. Contract Law

4. Criminal Law

5. Environmental Regulations

6. Intellectual Property Law

7. Labor and Workplace Laws

8. Safety Regulations
9. Tax Law

10. Tort Law

IV. Law Af
A. Military
1. General
2. Strategic Defense Initiative
B. Communications Issues
1. General
2. Orbit and Spectrum Allocation
3. Direct Broadcasting
C. Satellites and Vehicles
D. Colonies and Space Stations
V. Dispute Resolution
A. Currently Existing Tribunals
B. New Organizations and Roles for Lawyers
VI. General Reference

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A. Entities Creating or Proposing Law Relating to Space

1. Intergovernmental Organizations
a. United Nations and Affiliated Entities


Agenda Item 62: International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 38
U.N. GAOR Special Political Comm. (21st mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/SPC/38/
SR.21 (1983).
Agenda Item 62: International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 38
U.N. GAOR Special Political Comm. (19th mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/SPC/38/
SR.19 (1983).
Agenda Item 62: International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 37
U.N. GAOR Special Political Comm. (20th mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/SPC/37/
SR.20 (1982).
Agenda Item 131: Question of the Review of the Convention on International
Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, 37 U.N. GAOR Special Political
Comm. (17th mtg.) at 2, U.N. Doc. A/SPC/37/SR.17 (1982).
Agenda Item 131: Question of the Review of the Convention on International
Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, 37 U.N. GAOR Special Political
Comm. (16th mtg.) at 2, U.N. Doc. A/SPC/37/SR.16 (1982).
Background Paper: Role of the United Nations System in Space Activities, 2d
United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/BP/11 (1981).
House Comm. on Foreign Affairs, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., The Second U.N.
Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE 82) (Comm.
Print 1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.F76/l:Sp 1/3/82).
Interagency Meeting on Outer Space Activities, Administrative Comm. on Co-
ordination, U.N. Doc. ACC/1981/32 (1981).
International Space Programmes and Policies (N. Jasentuliyana & R. Chipman
eds. 1984) (Proceedings of the Second United Nations Conference on the Ex-
ploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space).
Oversight of the UNISPACE Conference: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Interna-
tional Operations of the House Comm. on Foreign Affairs, 97th Cong., 2d Sess.
(1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.F76/1:C76/16).
Record of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 22 U.N. GAOR Legal
Sub-Comm. (396th mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/C.2/SR.396 (1983) (con-
tents: matters relating to the definition and/or delimitation of outer space and
outer space activities, bearing in mind, inter alia, questions relating to the geosta-
tionary orbit).
Record of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 22 U.N. GAOR Legal
Sub-Comm. (394th mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/c.2/SR.394 (1983) (con-
tents: matters relating to the definition and/or delimitation of outer space and
outer space activities, bearing in mind, inter alia, questions relating to the geosta-
tionary orbit).
Record of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 22 U.N. GAOR Legal
Sub-Comm. (389th mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/C.2/SR.389 (1983) (con-

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tents: general exchange of views and consideration of the possibility of

plementing the norms of international law relevant to the use of nuclear p
sources in outer space).
Report of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 39 U.N. GAOR S
(No. 20), U.N. Doc. A/39/20 (1984).
Report of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 36 U.N. GAOR S
(No. 20) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/36/20 (1981).
Report of the Inter- Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities, Administrat
Comm. on Co-ordination, U.N. Doc. ACC/1983/27 (1983).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its 23d Sess. , U.N. GAOR Co
on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/AC. 105/337 (1984).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its 21st Sess. (1-19 Feb. 1982),
GAOR Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/3
(1982) (contents: remote sensing, use of nuclear power sources, definition and
delimitation of outer space).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its 20th Sess. (16 Mar .-10
1981), U.N. GAOR Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. D
A/AC. 105/288 (1981) (contents: remote sensing, direct television broadcas
satellites, use of nuclear power sources in outer space, definition and/or delim
tion of outer space).
UNISPACE '82: Report and Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Space Science a
Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 97th Cong.
Sess. (1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:97-160).


Benko, Space Law in the United Nations- The Work of the Space Committee D
the Years from 1979 to 1981, 30 Zeitschrift für Luft-und Weltraumrecht
Chairman Stresses Urgent Need for Steady Progress in Outer Space Law, 19 U.N.
Chron., Apr. 1982, at 20.
Gorove, Current Issues of Space Law Before the United Nations, 11 J. Space L. 5
Gorove, The 1980 Session of the U.N. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space: Highlights of Positions on Outstanding Legal Issues, 8 J. Space L. 174
Gorove, NGO's at UNISPACE 82: Session on Legal and Political Aspects, 10 J.
Space L. 198 (1982) (non-governmental organizations).
Gorove, UNISPACE Forum Organized by COSPAR and IAF, 10 J. Space L. 187
Jasentuliyana, Review of the Work of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space, 12 J. Space L. 52 (1984).
Jasentuliyana, Review of the Work of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, 11 J. Space L. 125 (1983).
Jasentuliyana, The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peace-
ful Uses of Outer Space, 10 J. Space L. 187 (1982).

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Jasentuliyana, Space Telecommunications- Issues and Politics: Role of t

Nations, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 59.
Jasentuliyana, The Work of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space in 1982, 10 J. Space L. 41 (1982).
Khabirov, Consideration of Matters Relating to the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space at
the Thirty-Ninth Session of the General Assembly , 12 J. Space L. 183 (1985).
Kopal, Evolution of the Main Principles of Space Law in the Institutional Framework
of the United Nations, 12 J. Space L. 12 (1984).
Kopal , International Legal Basis and Organizational Framework for Space Activities:
Present State, Problems and Prospects, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of
Outer Space 201.

Mossinghoff & Fuqua, United Nations Principles on Remote Sensing: Report on

Developments, 1970-1980, 8 J. Space L. 103 (1980).
Pal, Outer Space Conference to Focus on Potential Benefits to Mankind, 19 U.N.
Chron., Jan. 1982, at 43.
Pal, UNISPACE 82 and Beyond, 10 J. Space L. 181 (1982).
Perspective, The UN Role in Space, 19 U.N. Chron., July 1982, at 59.
de Saint Lager, UNISPACE 82 or the Attempt to Set Up a New International Order in
Space, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 241.
Small, Security Aspects of the Current United Nations Space Law Agenda, 11 J. Space
L. 51 (1983).
Starke, International Legal Notes: Second United Nations Conference on the Ex-
ploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Vienna, 9th-21st August, 1982
(UNISPACE '82), 56 Austl. L.J. 675 (1982).
Webb, Meeting in Vienna: Politics in Space, 85 Technology Rev., Aug./Sept. 1982,
at 8 (UNISPACE '82).
Zhukov, Functions of the U.N. Secretary General under International Outer Space
Agreements, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 259.

b. European Space Agency

Cong. Research Service, Lib. of Cong., Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm. on Science and Technology,
98th Cong. , 2d Sess. , Space AcnvrriES of the United States, Soviet Union and
Other Launching Countries/Organizations: 1957-1983 (Comm. Print 1984)
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98Y).
European Space Agency, Space AcnvrnES in the Eighties (1981). Joint National
Paper: Member States of the European Space Agency, 2d U.N. Conference on
the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/
37 (1981).


Bourély, The Legal Status of the European Space Agency, 1981 Proc. 23d Coll
on the L. of Outer Space 129.

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Congratulations to ESA, 26 Spaceflight 339 (1984).

Cowen, Europe's Launch into Space Business, 84 Technology Rev. , Oct
Dinwiddy, ESA's Telecommunications Programme, 26 Spaceflight 28
ESA Defining Future in Space, 117 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech. , Oct. 4,
ESA Plans to Avoid Satellite Crowding, 115 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech
1981, at 41.
Gibson, Law and Security in Outer Space: International Regional Role - Focus on the
European Space Agency, 11 J. Space L. 15 (1983).
Leister, International Cooperation in Outer Space: Extending the European Model,
1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 207.
Lenorovitz, ESA Council to Review 10-Year Space Plan, 122 Aviation Wk. & Space
Tech., Jan. 28, 1985, at 26.
Lenorovitz, Europeans Developing Space Plans for the 1990s, 115 Aviation Wk. &
Space Tech., Dec. 21, 1981, at 52.
Mallett, Europe in Space, 25 Spaceflight 242 (1983).
Thiebaut, Legal Framework of Communications Programs in the European Space
Agency, 1984 Mich. Y.B. Int'l Legal Stud. 125.

c. Intercosmos

Kamenetskaya, The "Intercosmos" Program: On the Problem of the Representat

in International Organizations, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Out
Space 117.

Kamenetskaya, The Role of the Working Groups in the Organizational and Legal
Mechanism of the Co-Operation of Socialist States Within the Framework of the
Intercosmos Program, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 197.
Kamenetskaya, The Second Seminar of the Lawyers of the Socialist Countries Under
the Intercosmos Program, 11 J. Space L. 131 (1983).
Kótai, Contribution of "Intercosmos" Cooperation to the Progressive Development
of International Space Law, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space

Kidger, The Interkosmos Programme 1967-1980: A Brief Overview , 23 Spaceflight

161 (1981).
Nagy, The Legal Character of the "Inter cosmos" Programme, 1984 Proc. 26th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 235.

d. Miscellaneous Intergovernmental Organizations

Background Paper: Arab Satellite Communications Organization (ARABS AT), 2d
United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/BP/IGO/4 (1981).
Background Paper: Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization
(IMCO)- Role of IMCO in the Development of Space Technology for Maritime

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Purposes, 2d United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peac

of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/BP/IGO/3 (1981).
Background Paper: International Maritime Satellite Organization (INM
2d United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Use
Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/BP/IGO/2 (1981).
Background Paper: International Telecommunications Union, 2d Unit
Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U
A/CONF.101/BP/IGO/9 (1982).
Background Paper: Multilateral Intergovernmental Co-operation in Spa
ties, 2d United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peacefu
Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/BP/10 (1981).
Background Paper: World Meteorological Organizaton (WMO), 2d U.N
ence on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N
CONF.101/BP/IGO/12 (1982).
A. Gorbiel, International Organizations and Outer Space Acttvi


Almond, The French Proposal for an International Satellite Monitoring Agency, 19

Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 171.
Bourély , The Contributions Made by International Organizations to the Formation of
Space Law, 10 J. Space L. 139 (1982).
Bourély, EMETSAT-A New European Space Organization for Cooperation in the
Field of Meteorology, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 195.
Bourély, Institutional Arrangements for Space Cooperation in Europe, 1982 Proc.
24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 159.
Bourély, Status of International Organizations in Respect of International Space
Systems, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 169.
Christol, Alternative Models for a Future International Space Organization, 1982
Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 173.
Courteix, EUTELSAT: Europe's Satellite Telecommunications, 1984 Mich. Y.B.
Int'l Legal Stud. 85.

Crawford, On the Formulation of a Global Space Agency , 23 Spaceflight 316 (

Europeans Form New Satellite Organization, 118 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech. ,
28, 1983, at 21.
Galloway, Conditions for Success of Institutions for International Space Activ
1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 105.
Galloway, International Institutions to Ensure Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 9
Annals Air & Space L. 303 (1984).
Goedhart, Violation or Misapplication of the Convention for the Establishment of a
European Space Research Organization (ESPRO), 27 Neth. Int'l L. Rev. 110
Gorbiel, Suggestions About the Institutional Improvement of International Coopera-
tion in Space, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 291.
Hurst, Towards an International Space Co-operation Agency, 24 Spaceflight 268

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Matte, Institutional Arrangements for Space Activities: An Appraisal,

24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 211.
Negro & Paredes, The International Telecommunication Convention from Madrid
(1932) to Nairobi (1982): Haifa Century in the Life of the Union, 49 Telecommun.
J. 814 (1982).

2. United States


Aeronautics & Space Engineering Board, Commission on Engineering &
Technical Systems, Nat'l Research Council, NASA's Space Research and
Technology Program: Report of a Workshop (1983).
W. Brian, Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program (1982).
Cong. Research Service, Lib. of Cong., Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm. on Science and Technology,
98th Cong. , 2d Sess. , Space Activities of the United States, Soviet Union and
Other Launching Countries/Organizations: 1957-1983 (Comm. Print 1984)
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98Y).
Cong. Research Service, Lib. of Cong., Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 97th Cong.,
1st Sess., United States Civilian Space Programs 1958-1978 (vol. I) (Comm.
Print 1981) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:97D).
Cong. Research Service, Lib. of Cong., Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 98th Cong.,
1st Sess., United States Civilian Space Programs: Applications Satellites
(vol. II) (Comm. Print 1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98M).
F. Durant, Between Sputnik & the Shuttle: New Perspectives on American
Astronautics (1981) (American Astronautics Soc'y Hist. Series vol. 3).
Future Space Programs: 1 981: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 97th Cong., 1st
Sess. (1981) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2: 97/50).
House Comm. on Science and Technology, 98th Cong., 1st Sess., National
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as Amended, and Related Legislation
(Comm. Print 1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98-0).
NASA, Aeronautics and Space Report of the President: 1982 Activities (1983)
(Supt. Docs. No. NAS 1.52:982).
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 1985, Pub. L.
No. 98-361, 98 Stat. 425 (1984).
National Space Policy: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Space Science and Applica-
tions of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 97th Cong. , 2d Sess. (1982)
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:97-143).
Office of Technology Assessment, Civilian Space Policy and Applications
(1982) (Supt. Docs. No. Y3.T22/2:2 C4a).
Review of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958: Hearings Before the
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science and
Technology, 98th Cong., 1st Sess. (1981) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2: 98-57).

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C. Schichtle, The National Space Program: From the Fifties into the Eigh
(Nat'l Security Aff. Monograph Series No. 83-6, 1983) (Supt. Doc
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications, Transmitted to the House C
on Science and Technology, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., Future Space Programs:
1981 (Comm. Print 1982) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:97Z).
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm.
on Science and Technology, 98th Cong., 2d Sess., Review of the National
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (Comm. Print 1984) (Supt. Docs. No.
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science
and Technology, 96th Cong. , 2d Sess. , United States and Soviet Progress in
Space: Summary Data Through 1979 and a Forward Look (Comm. Print 1980
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:96/LL).
United States Space Law: National & International Regulation (S. Gorove e


Adams, A Proposal for a Commissioned Corps of Space Travelers, 17 Akron L

Ill (1983).
Edelson, Kupperman & Pedersen, NASA: Twenty-Five Years of International
eration, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 287.
Frieden, International Telecommunications and the Federal Communications Com-
mission, 21 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 423 (1983).
Galloway, Law and Security in Outer Space: The Role of Congress in Space Law and
Policy, 11 J. Space L. 35 (1983).
Hosenball, United States Activities for the Benefit of Mankind, in Centre for
Research of Air & Space Law, Space Activities and Implications: Where From
and Where To at the Threshold of the 80's 203 (1981).
Klass, Agencies Agree on Space Power Effort, 118 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech.,
Feb. 21, 1983, at 22.
Logsdon, Space Policy- Could Be Better, Could Be Worse, S-10-226 Space World 2
Nash, Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law:
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 74 Am. J. Int'l L. 421 (1980).
Smith, America's International Space Activities, 21 Society, Jan./Feb. 1984, at 18.
Smith, Military and Civilian Space Issues Before the First Session of the 98th Con-
gress-A Legislative Report, 12 J. Space L. 61 (1984).
White, Evolution & Importance of National Space Policy, 1 W. St. U. Int'l L.J. 9

3. Miscellaneous Sovereign Governments

Cong. Research Service, Lib. of Cong., Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm. on Science and Technology,

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98th Cong. , 2d Sess. , Space Activities of the United States, Soviet U

Other Launching Countries/Organizations: 1957-1983 (Comm. P
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98Y).
National Paper: Australia, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and
Uses of Outer Space. U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/46 (1981).
National Paper: Austria, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pe
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/44 (1981).
National Paper: Bangladesh, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration a
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/7 (1981).
National Paper: Brazil, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pe
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/43 (1981).
National Paper: Bulgaria, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/27 (1981).
National Paper: Bulgaria/Cuba, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration
ful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/50 (1981).
National Paper: Canada, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pea
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/29 (1981).
National Paper: China, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pe
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/13 (1981).
National Paper: Czechoslovakia, 2d U.N. Conference on the Explo
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/8 (1981).
National Paper: Finland, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pe
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/33 (1981).
National Paper: German Democratic Republic, 2d U.N. Conference on
ploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101
National Paper: Greece, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/36 (1981).
National Paper: Hungary, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 10 l/NP/45 (1981).
National Paper: India, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/6 (1981).
National Paper: Indonesia, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/ll (1981).
National Paper: Japan, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/39 (1981).
National Paper: Jordan, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/40 (1981).
National Paper: Kenya, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/12 (1981).
National Paper: Malawi, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/34 (1981).
National Paper: Malaysia, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/58 (1982).
National Paper: New Zealand, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/26 (1981).
FALL 1985

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National Paper: Nigeria, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pe

of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/35 (1981).
National Paper: Norway, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pe
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.101/NP/47 (1981).
National Paper: Pakistan, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/21 (1981).
National Paper: Philippines, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration a
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/3 (1982).
National Paper: Poland, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Pea
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/31 (1981).
National Paper: Portugal, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/55 (1982).
National Paper: Saudi Arabia, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration an
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/52 (1982).
National Paper: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, 2d U.N. Conference o
ploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101
National Paper: Sri Lanka, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/10 (1981).
National Paper: Sudan, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/51 (1981).
National Paper: Sweden, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/9 (1981).
National Paper: Syrian Arab Republic, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and
Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/2 (1981).
National Paper: Thailand- Remote Sensing Activities in Thailand, 2d U.N. Confer-
ence on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/
CONF.101/NP/5 (1981).
National Paper: Uganda, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/48 (1981).
National Paper: USSR, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses
of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/30 (1981).
National Paper: United States of America, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration
and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/53 (1982).
National Paper: Yugoslavia, 2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 101/NP/49 (1981).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 97th Cong. , 2d Sess. ,
Soviet Space Programs: 1976-80 (pt. 1) (Comm. Print 1982) (Supt. Docs. No.
Y4.C73/7:Spl/2 pt.l).
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science
and Technology, 96th Cong. , 2d Sess. , United States and Soviet Progress in
Space: Summary Data Through 1979 and a Forward Look (Comm. Print 1980)
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:96/LL).

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Belitsky, Soviet Manned Space Flight 20 Years On, 23 Spaceflight 154 (1981)
Borrowman, China's Long March to Orbit, 25 Spaceflight 208 (1983).
Comment, Soviet Legal Approach to Space Law Issues at the United Nations, 3
L.A. Int'l & Comp. L. Ann. 99 (1980).
Diederiks-Verschoor, Domestic Law of the Netherlands Regarding Space Activi
1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 33.
Farmer, Sweden in Space, 25 Spaceflight 117 (1983).
Höltzl, Space Law Rules in the Law of Hungary, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L.
of Outer Space 58.

Jasentuliyana, Third World Perspectives of Space Technology, in Centre for

Research of Air & Space Law, Space Activities and Implications: Where From
and Where To at the Threshold of the 80's 261 (1981).
Jedicke & Cunningham, Remote Sensing in Canada, 26 Spaceflight 280 (1984).
Leister, Third World Space Activities , 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 237.

Oberg, Soviet Space Plans- What Are They?, R-8-9-212-213 Space World 8 (1981).
Simpson, The French Space Budget and Programmes, 24 Spaceflight 415 (1982).
Smith, Soviet Space Activities: Impact on U.S. Space Policy, S-4-220 Space World 19
Vereshchetin, The Principle of Cooperation in International Space Law and Its
Implementation in the Soviet Union, in Centre for Research of Air & Space
Law, Space Activities and Implications: Where From and Where To at the
Threshold of the 80's (1981).

4. Non-Governmental Organizations
Background Paper: Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Space Activities,
2d U.N. Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N.
Doc. A/CONF.101/BP/12 (1981).


Administering Space Law, 111 USA Today, Apr. 1983, at 12.

Cassidy, International Space Cooperative: Participation of Private Enterprises
Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 133.
Leister, Space Development Bank: A Proposal, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L.
of Outer Space 155.

The Space Congress, S-8-9-224-225 Space World 8 (1982).

Vereshchetin, Space Activities of (t Nongovernmental Entities": Issues of Internatio
al and Domestic Law, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 261.

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B. International Agreements

Agreement on Defense - Installation of a Deep Space Surveillance S

(GEODSS), Mar. 27, 1984, United States-Portugal,

T.I.A.S. No

Agreement on Remote

Agreement on Remote S
United States-Canada,

Agreement on Satellites -
10 & 25, 1984, United St

Agreement o
11, 1979, United States-Indonesia,

Agreement on Space Coope


Agreement on Space Coop

1982, United States- Japan, extension & amendment of T.I.A.S. No. 9915,

_ U.S.T

Agreement on Space Cooperation - Sh

United States-France,

Agreement on S
& Jan. 31, 1983, United States-Senegal,

Agreement on Space Cooper

Canadian National Research
12, 1982, United States-Canada, extension of T.I.A.S. No. 9601,

Agreement on Space Cooperation - U

mental Satellite in the Brazilian Nat
June 14, 1982, United States-Brazil,

Agreement on Space Coopera

United States-Botswana,

Agreement on Space Coope

Oct. 27, 1983 & Feb. 14, 1
10088 & 10325,

Agreement on
Jan. 24, 1979, United States-Brazil,

Agreement on Telecommun
quency Band, Jan. 17, 1984, United States-Canada,

T.I.A.S. No

Agreement on Telecom
Band, Nov. 6 & 29, 198

VOL. 19, NO.

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Agreement on Tracking Stations, July 21, 1981, United States- Australia,


Agreement on Tracking Stations, Dec. 3 & 4, 1981, United States-Ecuador,


Agreement on Tracking Stations, Dec. 4 & 16, 1980, United States-Ecuador,


Agreement on Tracking Stations, F

extension & amendment of T.I.A.S. Nos. 5533 & 5896,

T.I.A.S. No. 10717.

Agreement on Tracking Stations- Mahe Island, Mar. 16 & June 19, 1981, Un

Memorandum of Understa
minal, Nov. 3, 1982, United States-Spain,


Memorandum of Understan

Memorandum of Under
1984, United States-Brazil,

Memorandum of
1980, United States-China,

Memorandum of
Aug. 11, 1983, United States-Japan,

Memorandum of Understandi
& Oct. 19, 1983, United States-South Africa,


Aided Search & Rescue Project, Nov. 23, 1979,


Laser Geodynamis Satellite-2 (Lageos), Mar. 7, 1984, United States-Italy,

_ U.S.T

Memorandum of U
lite System (TSS), Mar. 7, 1984, United States-Italy,

T.I.A.S. No

Memorandum of Under
System, Aug. 7 & Oct.
No. 9689.

Memorandum of Understanding on Satellites - Launch Assistance for the ITAL-

SAT Program, Sept. 29 & Oct. 10, 1983, United States-Italy,

Memorandum o
SAT Project, Nov. 18, 1982, United States-Mexico,

T.I.A.S. 10609.

Memorandum of Understanding on Satellites - Launching Services, July 23 & 2

1981, United States-Italy,

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Memorandum of Understanding on Satellites - Maritime Distress Ale

July 23, 1981, United States-United Kingdom of Great Britain-Norther

Memorandum of Und
1982, United States-Federal Republic of Germany,

T.I.A.S. No. 10669.

Memorandum of Understanding on Space Cooperation - Sounding Rockets, J

31, 1983, United States-Brazil,

Memorandum of Understan
cle Tracer Explorers, Oct. 1

Understanding Conc
& Rescue System, Sept. 25-Nov. 13, 1981,


East-West Cooperation in Outer Space: Hearing on SJ. Res. 236 Before the Senate
Comm. on Foreign Relations, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No.
International Cooperation and Competition in Space: Hearing Before the Subcomm.
on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technol-
ogy, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2: 98/104).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 96th Cong. , 2d Sess. ,
Agreement Governing the AcnvmES of States on the Moon and Other
Celestial Bodies (Comm. Print 1980) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.C73/7 M77).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 95th Cong. , 2d Sess. ,
Space Law: Selected Basic Documents (Comm. Print 2d ed. 1978) (Supt. Docs.
No. Y4.C73/7:Spl).
Senate Comm. on Foreign Relations, Brussels Satellite Convention, S. Exec.
Rep. No. 52, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Yl. 1/6:98-52).


Bokor-Szego, Theoretical Problems of the International Cooperation in Spac

ploration, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 191.
Bourély , Some Reflections on the Need for and Content of an International Agr
on Large Space Systems, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space
Cheng, The Moon Treaty: Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the
and Other Celestial Bodies within the Solar System Other than the Earth, De
ber 18, 1979, 33 Current Legal Probs. 213 (1980).
Christol, The American Bar Association and the 1979 Moon Treaty: The Searc
Position, 9 J. Space L. 77 (1981).
Christol, Article 2 of the 1967 Principles Treaty Revisited, 9 Annals Air & Sp
217 (1984).
Christol, The Common Heritage of Mankind Provision in the 1979 Agreement

VOL. 19, NO. 4

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Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,
Law. 429 (1980).
Christol, An International Regime, Including Appropriate Procedures , for th
Article II, Paragraph 5 of the 1979 Moon Treaty, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq.
L. of Outer Space 139.

Christol, The Jus Cogens Principle and International Space Law, 1984 Proc. 26th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 1.
Comment, Americans and the Moon Treaty, 46 J. Air L. & Com. 729 (1981).
Comment, The Moon Treaty and the Law of the Sea, 18 San Diego L. Rev. 455
Covault, Soviet Antisatellite Treaty Raises Verification Issue, 119 Aviation Wk. &
Space Tech., Aug. 28, 1983, at 20.
Current Developments, The Moon Treaty Enters into Force, 79 Am. J. Int'l L. 163
Dekanozov, The "Common Heritage of Mankind" in the 1979 Agreement Governing
the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 1982 Proc. 24th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 181.
Dembling & Smith, Solar Power Satellites and Security Considerations: The Case for
Multilateral Agreements, 11 J. Space L. 73 (1983).
Feazel, Europe Pushes Space Station Role-Space Officials Say Countries Want to
Develop Expertise to Build Own Station Later, Expect Difficult Negotiations with
U.S., 120 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., June 18, 1984, at 16.
Finch & Moore, The 1979 Moon Treaty Encourages Space Development, 1981 Proc.
23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 13.
Galloway, Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other
Celestial Bodies, 5 Annals Air & Space L. 481 (1980).
Galloway, Issues in Implementing the Agreement Governing the Activities of States on
the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 19.

Goedhuis, Some Recent Trends in the Interpretation and the Implementation of the
Rules of International Space Law, 19 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 212 (1981).
Górbiel. Brief Remarks on Some Imperfections of the 1979 Moon Agreement and on
Their Implications, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 195.
Górbiel, Large Space Structures: The Need for a Special Treaty Regulation, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 247.
Górbiel, Some Observations on the Juridical Essence of the 1967 Treaty's Article IV,
1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 165.
Haanappel, Article XI of the Moon Treaty, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of
Outer Space 29.

Halket, Savage, Leister, Lephart & Miller, Report on the Proposed Agreement
Governing the Activities on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 23 Jurimetrics
J. 259 (1983).

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Hondius, Steps Toward A European Agreement on Satellite Broadcasting,

Mich. Y.B. Int'l Legal Stud. 103.

Hosenball, Bilateral Agreements , in Manual of Space Law (vol. 1) 347 (N. Ja

liyana & R. Lee eds. 1979).
Jasentuliyana, A United Nations Perspective of the Moon Agreement, 1981 Pro
Jenkins, Who Owns the Sky?, Student Law., Nov. 1980, at 24.
Karakashev, Aspects of the New Soviet Initiative for Concluding an Agreement
Nonuse of Force in Outer Space and from Outer Space to Earth, 1984 Proc
Kopal, Benefits from Space Exploration Through International Cooperation
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 336.
Kutner, Global Solar Treaty: Energy for Peace, 56 N.D.L. Rev. 357 (1980).
Leister, Space Technology: From National Development of International Coopera-
tion, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 217.
Matte, The Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer
Space and Under Water (10 October 1963) and the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 9
Annals Air & Space L. 391 (1984).
Myers, The Moon Treaty in Legal and Political Perspective, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 49.

Rao, Common Heritage of Mankind and the Moon Treaty, 21 Indian J. Int'l L. 1
Noms & Bridge, Some Implications of the Moon Treaty with Regard to Public Order
in Space, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 57.
Okolie, Legal Interpretation of the 1979 United Nations Treaty Concerning the
Activities of Sovereign States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies within the
Meaning of the Concept of Common Heritage of Mankind, 1981 Proc. 23d
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 61.
Owen, The Moon Treaty, 80 Dep't St. Bull., Dec. 1980, at 65.
Recent Development, The Moon Treaty, 9 Den. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 281 (1980).
Recent Development, Space Law- Agreement Governing the Activities of States on
the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 21 Harv. Int'l L.J. (1980).
Robinson, Astronauts and a Unique Jurisprudence: A Treaty for Space kind, 1
Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 483 (1984).
Rosenfield, A Moon Treaty? Yes, But Why Now?, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L.
of Outer Space 69.

Television Satellite Pact, 120 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., May 14, 1984, at 80
(France-Luxembourg) .
van Traa-Engelman, The Moon Treaty - Legal Consequences and Practical Aspects,
1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 73.
Walsh, Controversial Issues Under Article XI of the Moon Treaty, 6 Annals Air &
Space L. 489 (1981).
Wassenbergh, Speculations on the Law Governing Space Resources, 5 Annals Air &
Space L. 611 (1980).

VOL. 19, NO. 4

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Wiewiorówska, Implications of the Moon Agreement for the Legal Status o

Space, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 83.
Williams, The Common Heritage of Mankind and the Moon Agreement- E
Implications and Institutional Arrangements, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on
of Outer Space 87.

Wolcott, Reaching for the Moon, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space

Zanotti, Regional and International Activities Space Law: Agreement Governing the
Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, 12 Law. Am. 599, 605
Zedalis, Will Article III of the Moon Treaty Improve Existing Laws?: A Textual
Analysis, 5 Suffolk Transnat'l L.J. 53 (1980-1981).


A. Proposed Definition of Outer Space
A. GóRBiEL, Legal Definition of Outer Space (1980).
Record of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 22 U.N. GAOR Legal
Sub-Comm. (396th mtg.) at lr U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/c.2/SR.396 (1983) (con-
tents: matters relating to the definition and/or delimitation of outer space).
Record of the Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 22 U.N. GAOR Legal
Sub-Comm. (394th mtg.) at 1, U.N. Doc. A/AC.105/c.2/SR.394 (1983) (con-
tents: matters relating to the definition and/or delimitation of outer space).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its21st Sess. (1-19 Feb. 1982), U.N.
GAOR Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/AC. 105/305
(1982) (contents: definition and/or delimitation of outer space).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its 20th Sess. (16 Mar.-10 Apr.
1981), U.N. GAOR Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc.
A/AC.105/288 (1981) (contents: definition and/or delimitation of outer space).


Appelson, How Far Up is Space? Should Boundary Exist?, 68 A.B. A. J. 906 (198
Bordunov, Return of Reusable Manned Space Vehicles to Earth: Legal Aspects, 1
Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 67.
Bordunov, Space Shuttle Flights and Correlation of Legal Regimes of Air Space and
Outer Space, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 211.
Cheng, The Legal Regime of Airspace and Outer Space: The Boundary Problem-
Functionalism versus Spatialism: The Major Premises, 5 Annals Air & Space L.
323 (1980).
Cheng, The Legal Status of Outer Space and Relevant Issues: Delimitation of Outer
Space and Definition of Peaceful Use, 11 J. Space L. 89 (1983).
Comment, International Law of Territorial Boundaries of Sea, Air and Outer Space,
4 Northrop U.L.J. Aero. Energy & Env't 145 (1983).
Danilenko, The Boundary Between Air Space and Outer Space in Modern Interna-

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tional Law: Delimitation on the Basis of Customary Law, 1984 Proc. 26th
Gal, Fundamental Links and Conflicts Between Legal Rules of Air and Space Flights,
1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 77.
Gal, The Space Shuttle Between Air Law and Space Law, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 103.

Galloway, Legal Aspects of International Cooperation in Space: Area and Function

Concepts in Defining Outer Space, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Oute
Space 197.

Konstantinov, Some Aspects of the Spatial and Functional Delimitation Between

International Air and Space Law, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 81.

Kopal, The Question of Defining Outer Space, 8 J. Space L. 154 (1980).

Mishra & Pavlasek, On the Lack of Physical Bases for Defining a Boundary Between
Air Space and Outer Space, 7 Annals Air & Space L. 399 (1982).
Note, Airspace- Outer Space? The Geostationary Orbit and the Need for a Precise
Definition of Outer Space, 4 N.Y.L. Sch. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 115 (1982).
Note, International Law of Territorial Boundaries of Sea, Air, and Outer Space, 5
Northrop U.L.J. Aero. Energy & Env't 145 (1983).
Qizhi, The Problem of Definition and Delimitation of Outer Space, 10 J. Space L.
157 (1982).
Rosenfield, Some Thoughts on the Distinction Between Air Space and Outer Space,
1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 93.
Vassilevskaya, The Importance of the Delimitation for Air and Space Law, 1984
Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 101.
Zhukov, Delimitation of Outer Space, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 221.

B. The Jurisdiction of Nations to

Outer Space Over Their Territory

Bordunov, Rights of States as Regards Outer Space Objects, 1982 Proc. 24th C
on the L. of Outer Space 89.

Diederiks-Verschoor, The Legal Status of Artificial Space Objects, 1982 Proc. 24t
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 93.
Dudakov, On International Legal Status of Artificial Earth Satellites and the Zone
Adjacent to Them, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 97.
Goldman, Settlement and Sovereignty in Outer Space, 22 U.W. Ont. L. Rev. 155
Kageyama, International Cooperation and National Sovereignty- Unchanged Role
of National Sovereignty in the Provision of International Telecommunications
Services, 16 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 265 (1984).
Kamenetskaya, Large Space Systems: Some Problems of Jurisdiction, 1985 Proc.
27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 254.
Konstantinov, The Principle of Sovereign Equality as an Essential Legal Condition

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for Maintaining Outer Space for Peaceful Uses, 1985 Proc. 27th Collo
L. of Outer Space 330.

Malenovsky, To the Problem of the Right of Free Passage through the Airspace of
Other States during the Post-Take-Off and Return Phases of Space Flight, 1983
Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 131.
Myers, Remote Sensing and National Sovereignty Over Natural Resources: Assess-
ment of the Mexican View, 14 Cal. W. Int'l L.J. 22 (1984).
Note, The Evolution of a New and Viable Concept of Sovereignty for Outer Space, 4
Fordham Int'l L.J. 199 (1980).
Rapoport, Who Owns Outer Space?, R-8-9-212-213 Space World 4 (1981).
Reifarth, Interrelation Between German Air Law and Space Regarding the Passage of
Spacecraft Through National Air Space, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of
Outer Space 89.

Rothblatt, State Jurisdiction and Control in Outer Space, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 135.

Vereschetin, Elaborating the Legal Status of Astronauts, 7 Hastings Int'l & Comp
L. Rev. 501 (1984).


A. Use of Earth Laws as Analogies for

Space-Related Activities

Comment, The Moon Treaty and the Law of the Sea, 18 San Diego L. Rev. 455
Dekanozov, Forming of the Principle "Common Heritage of Mankind" and the Rules
of Customary International Law, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 215.

DeSaussure, Astronauts and Seamen-A Legal Comparison, 10 J. Space L. 165

DeSaussure, Maritime and Space Law, Comparisons and Contrasts (An Oceanic
View of Space Transport), 9 J. Space L. 93 (1981).
DeSaussure, Toward a Law for Space Transport, the Maritime Analogy , 14 Lincoln
L. Rev. 1 (1983).
Glazer, The Maritime Analogy in Outer Space, 14 Lincoln L. Rev., White's Inn
Chron. at 16 (1983).
González- Aninat, Theory of Law Abuse and Space Law, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 265.

Hara & Stañczyk, Space Law and the Roman Law Concepts, 1985 Proc. 27th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 51.
Hosenball, Who Owns What? Earth Law for Space, 9 Spectrum 76 (1983).
Nesgos, The Proposed International Sea-Bed Authority as a Model for the Future
Outer Space International Regime, 5 Annals Air & Space L. 549 (1980).
Okolie, Legal Aspects of Economic Activities of States and Technology Transfer to
Outer Space, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 47.

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Sloup, Determination of Applicable Law to Living and Working in

Municipal Law Connection and the NAS AI Hastings Research Pro
L. Rev. 43 (1983).
Szabó, Air-Crew and Space-Crew- A Modest Analysis of Analogie
Space Law Rules, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Oute
Wihlborg & Wijkman, Outer Space Resources in Efficient and Equ
Frontiers for Old Principles, 24 J.L. & Econ. 23 (1981).

B. Commercialization of Space: Promotion by Governments

Developing the Space Frontier (A. Naumann & G. Alexander eds. 1983).
Initiatives to Promote Space Commercialization: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on
Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technology,
98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2: 98-108).
International Conference on Doing Business in Space: Legal Issues and
Practical Problems (1981) (ALI-ABA Conference materials).
Office of Technology Assessment, Civilian Space Policy and Applications
(1982) (Supt. Docs. No. Y3.T22/2:2 C49).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 98th Cong., ist
Sess., Policy and Legal Issues Involved in the Commercialization of Space
(Comm. Print 1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.C73/7:S.hrg.98-384).
Space Commercialization: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 98th Cong., 1st
Sess. (1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98-23).
The Space Industralization Act of 1979: Hearings on H. R. 2337 Before the Subcomm.
on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technol-
ogy, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. (1979) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:96-l/47).
The Space Industralization Act of 1980: Hearings on H. R. 7412 Before the Subcomm.
on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science and Technol-
ogy, 96th Cong., 2d Sess. (1980) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2: 96-2/132).
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm.
on Science and Technology, 98th Cong. , 1st Sess. , Space Commercialization
(Comm. Print 1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98R).


Böckstiegel. Legal Implications of Commercial Space Activities, 1982 Proc. 24

Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 1.
Brooks, Managing the Enterprise in Space, 86 Technology Rev., Apr. 1983, at 36.
Cocca, Legal Implications of Economic Activities in Outer Space, 1982 Proc. 24th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 19.
Comment, The International Law of Outer Space and Its Effect on Commercial Space
Activity, 11 Pepperdine L. Rev. 521 (1984).
Covault, NASA Formulates Policy to Spur Private Investment, 121 Aviation Wk. &
Space Tech., Nov. 26, 1984, at 18.

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Covault, NASA Promotes Commercialization of Space to Automobile Maker

Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., Oct. 29, 1984, at 21.
Davies, Space: Free Enterprise?, 5 Omni, Nov. 1982, at 20.
Dole, Reagan "High" on Space Exploitation Possibilities, 51 I.C.C. Prac.
Dula, The People of the USA and the USSR Must Work Together to Establish Space
Industry, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 309.
Dula, United States Government Authorization and Supervision of Non-
Governmental Space Activities: Present Law and Future Possibilities, 1985 Proc.
27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 35.
Fuqua, Space Industrialization: Some Legal and Policy Considerations for Private
Enterprise, 8 J. Space L. 1 (1980).
Gantt, The Commercialization of Space - Twenty Years of Experience: Some Lessons
Learned, 12 J. Space L. 109 (1985).
Gregory, Policy for Commercialization, 121 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., Dec. 3,
1984, at 13.
Industrializing Space- Looking Better, S-12-228 Space World 18 (1982).
Kolossov, On the Problem of Private Commercial Activities in Outer Space, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 66.
Lenorovitz, Soviets Marketing Proton in West, 118 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech.,
June 20, 1983, at 18.
Marshall, Commercialization of Outer Space, 85 Dep't St. Bull., Jan. 1985, at 35.
Marshall, Commercialization of Space: Incentives, Impediments and Alternatives , 12
J. Space L. 163 (1985).
Marshall, Outer Space Commercialization in the United States - Effects on Space Law
and Domestic Law, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 90.
Menter, Commercial Participation in Space Activities, 9 J. Space L. 53 (1981).
Menter, Commercial Space Activities Under the Moon Treaty, 7 Syracuse J. Int'l L.
& Com. 213 (1979-1980), reprinted in 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 35.

Reaves, Commerce in Sky, 69 A.B. A. J. 1371 (1983).

Reijnen, Future Legal Rules in Respect to Private Enterprise in Outer Space, 1982
Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 63.
Reynolds & Merges, The Role of Commercial Development in Preventing War in
Outer Space, 25 Jurimetrics J. 130 (1985).
Robinson, Legal Education and Private Sector Initiatives in Space Exploration, 15
Lincoln L. Rev., White's Inn Chron. at 19 (1984).
Rosenfield, "Use" in Economic Development of Outer Space, 1982 Proc. 24th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 73.
Shrifrin, Reagan Backs Space Commerce - Administration Issues New National Pol-
icy with Legislative Proposals, Tax Credits to Spur Long-Term Private Investment,
121 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., July 30, 1984, at 16.
Steptoe, United States Government Licensing of Commercial Space Activities by
Private Enterprise, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 191.

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Stewart, Should There be a Mortgage Convention for Space Activity Inv

Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 251.
Stewart, U.S. Private Enterprise Enters the Space Arena- The Beginning, 1984 Proc.
26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 149.
Trump, New Frontiers: Meeting the Challenge of Commercial Enterprise in Space, 97
MacLean's, Special Edition May 1984, at 12 (Canadian Space Policy).
Vicas, Efficiency, Equity and the Optimum Utilization of Outer Space as a Common
Resource, 5 Annals Air & Space L. 589 (1980).

C. Commercialization of Space: Specific Business Activities

1. General


American Bar Association Section of International Law and Practice, Private
Sector Acttvities in Outer Space: Emerging Law and Practice (1984) (pro-
gram book of papers submitted to the 1984 Annual Meeting).
Commercial Operations in Space, 1980-2000 (J. McLucas & C. Sheffield eds.
T. Furniss, Space Exploitation (1984).
Space Industrialization (vols. I & II) (B. O'Leary ed. 1981).


Böckstiegel, Present and Future Regulation of Space Activities by Private Industr

Centre for Research of Air & Space Law, Space Activities and Implication
Where From and Where To at the Threshold of the 80's (1981).
Cunningham, Space Commerce and Secured Financing- New Frontiers for t
U.C.C. , 40 Bus. Law. 803 (1985).
Diederiks-Verschoor, Global Use and Regulation of Space Activities, in Centre
Research of Air & Space Law, Space Activities and Implications: Where Fro
and Where To at the Threshold of the 80's 151 (1981).
Dula, Private Sector Activities in Outer Space, 19 Int'l Law. 159 (1985).
Dula, Regulation of Private Commercial Space Activities, 23 Jurimetrics J.
Gorove, Implications of International Space Law for Private Enterprise, 1 Annals
Air & Space L. 319 (1982).
Gorove, Private Enterprise in Outer Space Program, Association of American Law
Schools, 10 J. Space L. 70 (1983).
Matte, Limited Aerospace Natural Resources and Their Regulation, 7 Annals Air &
Space L. 379 (1982).
Mosteshar, Doing Business in Outer Space, 13 Int'l Bus. Law. 29 (1985).
Perspective, The Prospects for Space, 19 U.N. Chron., July 1982, at 63.

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2. Colonization

Costello, Spacedwelling Families: The Projected Application of Family Law in Ar

ficial Space Living Environments, 15 Seton Hall L. Rev. 11 (1984).
Lazarev, Future Space Cities, 5 Annals Air & Space L. 529 (1980).
Richards, 2106: Odyssey or Exodus?, 125 Solic. J. 649 (1981).
Sterns & Tennen, Institutional Arrangements: Foundations for Development
Living in Space, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 225.
Vassilevskaya, Stations on the Moon: Legal Status, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on t
L. of Outer Space 251.

3. Communications


International Satellite Communications - The New Competitive Players (Daw-
son-Butwick Pubi. 1984).
R.D. Speer Associates, Aerospace & Telecommunications in Colorado:
Characteristics of Colorado's Aerospace and Telecommunications
Industries (1984).


Godwin, The Proposed Orion and ISI Transatlantic Satellite Systems: A Challenge
the Status Quo, 24 Jurimetrics J. 297 (1984).
Linowes, Communication Satellites: Their Impact on the CPA, 58 J. Acer., Se
1981, at 58.
Note, Analysis of the Legal Authority for Establishment of Private International
Communications Satellite Systems, 18 Geo. Wash. J. Int'l L. & Econ. 355 (1984).
Rein, McDonald, Adams, Frank & Nielsen, Implementation of a U.S. "Free En-
ergy*' Initiative for Transatlantic Satellite Facilities: Problems, Pitfalls, and Possi-
bilities, 18 Geo. Wash. J. Int'l L. & Econ. 459 (1985).
Vilkin, Space Law: Liability for "Space Junk" Damage Was Only The Beginning.
Private Industry's Move into Space Raises Legal Questions on Antitrust, Patent
and Communications Law, 2 Cal. Law., Feb. 1982, at 28.

4. Earth Observation


Civil Remote Sensing Satellite System: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Science,
Technology, and Space of the Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Trans-
portation, 96th Cong., 2d Sess. (1980) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.C73/7:96-lll).
Cong. Research Service, Lib. of Cong., Subcomm. on Space Science and
Applications and the Subcomm. on Natural Resources, Agriculture
Research and Environment, Transmitted to the House Comm. on Science
and Technology, 98th Cong., 1st Sess., Commercialization of Land and
Weather Satellites (Comm. Print 1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98H).
House Comm. on Government Operations, Sale of LANDS AT Could Adversely
Affect International Relations: 48th Report, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984)
(Supt. Docs. No. Yl. 1/8:98-1108).
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House Comm. on Science and Technology, Land Remote-Sensing

Commercialization Act of 1984, H.R. Rep. No. 647, 98th Cong. , 2d Sess. (1984
(Supt. Docs. No. Yl. 1/8:98-647).
International Implications of Proposed Sale of LANDS AT Satellite: Hearing Befor
Subcomm. of the House Comm. on Government Operations, 98th Cong. , 1st Sess
(1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.G74/7:Sa8).
Land Remote-Sensing Commercialization Act of 1984, Pub. L. No. 98-365, 98 Sta
451 (1984).
The Land Remote-Sensing Commercialization Act of 1984: Hearing on H.R. 4836
and H.R. 5155 Before the Subcomm. on Natural Resources , Agriculture Research
and Environment & the Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications of the
House Comm. on Science and Technology, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt.
Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:L22).
LANDS AT Commercialization: Hearing on S. 1855, S. 1861 and S. 2292 Before the
Subcomm. on Science, Technology, and Space of the Senate Comm. on Com-
merce, Science, and Transportation, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No.
Metrics, Inc., Prepared for the NOAA and the National Environmental
Satellite Service, Overview of Conferences with Non-Federal Users on
U.S. Operational Land Remote Sensing Satellite Program (1980) (Supt.
Docs. No. C55.502:L22).
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, NOAA,
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, International Meteorological Satellite System:
Issue and Options (1983) (Supt. Docs. No. C55.202:M56).
Office of Technology Assessment, Remote Sensing and the Private Sector:
Issues for Discussion (1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Y3.T22/2:11R28).
Operational Civil Remote Sensing Systems: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Space
Science and Applications and the Subcomm. on Natural Resources and Environ-
ment of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 96th Cong. , 2d Sess. (1980)
(Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:96-131).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its 21st Sess. (1-19 Feb. 1982), U.N.
GAOR Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc. A/AC. 105/305
(1982) (contents: remote sensing).
Report of the Legal Sub-Comm. on the Work of Its 20th Sess. (16 Mar .-10 Apr.
1981), U.N. GAOR Comm. on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, U.N. Doc.
A/AC.105/288 (1981) (contents: remote sensing).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Land Remote-
Sensing Commercialization Act, S. Rep. No. 458, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984)
(Supt. Docs. No. Yl. 1/5:98-458).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Transfer of Civil
Meteorological Satellites, S. Rep. No. 260, 98th Cong. , 1st Sess. (1983) (Supt.
Docs. No. Yl. 1/5:98-260).
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm.
on Science and Technology, 97th Cong., 1st Sess., Civil Land Remote
Sensing System (Comm. Print 1981) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:97T).

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Allen, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and the Law, 4 Northrop U.L.J. Ae

Energy & Env't 191 (1983).
Ambrosetti, Remote Sensing from Outer Space: Its Significance and Problems from
Third World Perspective, 17 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 1 (1984).
Christol, Mexican Contributions to the Development of Principles Relating to Rem
Sensing of the Earth, Its Natural Resources and Its Environment, 14 Cal. W. Int'
L.J. 1 (1984).
Christol, Panel Discussion on "Remote Sensing/' International Studies Associatio
Meeting, 11 J. Space L. 134 (1983).
Christol, Remote Sensing and International Law, 5 Annals Air & Space L. 375
DalBello, U.S. Law and Space Technology: Land Remote Sensing, 1985 Proc. 27th
Diederiks-Verschoor, Current Issues in Remote Sensing, 1984 Mich. Y.B. Int'l
Legal Stud. 305.

Joyner & Miller, Selling Satellites: The Commercialization of LANDS AT, 26 H

Int'l L.J. 63 (1985).
Logsdon & Monk, Remote Sensing from Space: A Continuing Legal and Policy I
8 Annals Air & Space L. 409 (1983).
Magdelénat, The Major Issues in the "Agreed" Principles on Remote Sensing,
Space L. Ill (1981).
Morgan, The Law Relating to the Use of Remote Sensing Techniques in Min
Exploration, 56 Austl. L.J. 30 (1982).
Myers, Remote Sensing and National Sovereignty Over Natural Resources: As
ment of the Mexican View, 14 Cal. W. Int'l L.J. 22 (1984).
Note, Explorations in Space Law: An Examination of the Legal Issues Raised
Geostationary, Remote Sensing, and Direct Broadcasting Satellites, 29 N.Y
Sch. L. Rev. 687 (1985).
Note, Municipal Law Regulation of Remote Sensing in Outer Space, 7 Loy. L
Int'l & Comp. L.J. 93 (1984).
Note, Third Party Access to Data Obtained via Remote Sensing: International L
Theory versus Economic and Political Reality, 15 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L.
Oosterlinck, Legal Protection of Remote Sensing Data, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on
the L. of Outer Space 112.

Outer Space Sub-Committee: Priority Given Questions of Remote Sensing, Satel

Broadcasting, 18 U.N. Chron., June 1981, at 26.
Recent Development, In Search of a Legal Framework for the Remote Sensing of t
Earth from Outer Space, 4 B.C. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 453 (1981).
Report of the Chairman of the Working Group on Remote Sensing, 8 J. Space L. 7
de Saint Lager, Remote Sensing Systems - The International Dimension, 1984 Proc.
26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 259.

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Seabolt, International Aspects of the Proposed Commercialization of United States

Civil Land Remote-Sensing, 7 Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 543 (1984).

S. Energy from Space

Nat'l Research Council Comm. on Natural Resources, Electric Power from
Orbit: A Critique of a Satellite Power System (1981).
Solar Power Satellites: Proceedings of the International Symposium,
Toulouse, France, June, 1980 (J. Freeman ed. 1981).


Christol, International Space Law and the Use of Natural Resources: Solar Energy,
Revue Belge de Droit International 28 (1980).
Christol, The Use of a Nuclear Power Source in Outer Space, 30 Zeitschrift f
LuFT-UND Weltraumrecht 47 (1981).
Cocca, Consequences of Transmission of Solar Energy from Outer Space, 1983 P
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 351.
Cocca, Resolving the Energy War Through International Law and Solar Technology,
14 Akron L. Rev. 13 (1980).
Diederiks-Verschoor, Some More Observations on Solar Satellites and Their Legal
Aspects, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 149.
Glaser, Space Industrialization- The Context for Energy from Space, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 339.
Gorove, Energy from Space: An Imperative for International Cooperation, 9 J. Space
L. 41 (1981).
Gorove, Energy from Space: Legal Implications of the Use of the Geostationary
Orbit, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 347.
Kaplan & Jakhu, Global Climate Space Reflector Systems: Some Legal Issues, 1
Annals Air & Space L. 353 (1982).
Klass, Defense, Energy Departments to Initiate New Space Power Development, 122
Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., Feb. 4, 1985, at 89.
Kopal, Roundtable on Energy from Outer Space, 10 J. Space L. 213 (1982).
Kutner, Global Solar Treaty: Energy for Peace, 56 N.D.L. Rev. 357 (1980).
Lebeau, Will the SPS Concept Materialize or Not?, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the
L. of Outer Space 365 (solar power satellite).
Logsdon, International Dimensions of Solar Power Satellites: Collaboration or Com-
petition?, 5 Annals Air & Space L. 537 (1980).
Meiner, The Solar Power Satellite. A Programme for Development Aid, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 343.
Reiskind, Towards a Responsible Use of Nuclear Power in Outer Space - The Cana-
dian Initiative in the United Nations, 6 Annals Air & Space L. 461 (1981).
Report of the Working Group on the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space on
the Work of its Second Session, 8 J. Space L. 59 (1980).
Rosenfield, Solar Energy from Outer Space, 43 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 49 (1981).

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Science Group Disputes DOE Cost Projections for Solar Satellites, 3 S

385 (1981).
Wagner, Capturing the Sun: The Nuts and Bolts of Solar Cells for Satellite Power, 11
J. Space L. 83 (1983).

6. Insurance

Causey, Insurance Coverage for the Space Industry, 20 Trial, Aug. 1984, at
Kreindler, Satellite Insurance, 183 N.Y.L. J., Jan. 18, 1980, at 1.
Magdelénat, Spacecraft Insurance, 7 Annals Air & Space L. 363 (1982).
Rhodes, Liability Insurance and the Space Shuttle, 88 Case & Com. , Sept.-Oct.
at 28.

7. Launch Vehicles


Commercial Space Launch Act: Hearing on S. 2931 Before the Subcomm. on Science ,
Technology, and Space of the Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Trans-
portation, 98th Cong., 1st Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.C73/7:S.hrg.98-
Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984, Pub. L. No. 98-575, 98 Stat. 3055 (1984).
The Expendable Launch Vehicle Commercialization Act: Hearings on H.R. 3942
Before the Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on
Science and Technology, 98th Cong. , 1st & 2d Sess. (1983-1984) (Supt. Docs. No.
House Comm. on Science and Technology, Commercial Space Launch Act, H.R.
Doc. No. 3942, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No. Yl. 1/8:98-816).
Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Commercial Space
Launches, S. Rep. No. 656, 98th Cong., 2d Sess. (1984) (Supt. Docs. No.
Yl. 1/8:98-816).
Space Shuttle Operational Planning, Policy and Legal Issues: Hearings Before the
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications of the House Comm. on Science and
Technology, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. (1979) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:96-l/55).
Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications, Transmitted to the House Comm.
on Science and Technology, 98th Cong., 1st Sess., Space Commercialization
(Comm. Print 1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98R).


Brown, Commercial Law and Liability Issues of the Space Transport Sys
A.F.L. Rev. 425 (1982-1983).
Brumberg, Regulating Private Space Transportation, 36 Ad. L. Rev. 363
Comment, Liability of Private Space Transportation Companies to Their Cu
1983 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 755.

Department of Transportation (Slover ed.), Space Is the Place, 51 1.C.C. Prac. J.

416 (1984).

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Footer, Legal Issues and Answers for Commercial Users of the Space
Transp. L.J. 87 (1983).
Grey, Implications of the Shuttle: Our Business in Space, 84 Technolog
1981, at 34.
Hosenball, The Space Shuttle in Perspective, 9 J. Space L. 69 (1981).
Marshall, Commercialization of Outer Space, 85 Dep't St. Bull., Jan. 1985, at 35.
Myers, Federal Government Regulation of Commercial Operations Using Expend-
able Launch Vehicles, 12 J. Space L. 40 (1984).
Nesgos, International and Domestic Law Applicable to Commercial Launch Vehicle
Transportation, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 98.
Ritzholz, International and Domestic Regulation of Private Launching Ventures, 20
Stan. J. Int'l L. 135 (1984).
Robinson, Private Management and Operation of the Space Shuttle: Some Legal
Problems Related to Market Entry, 13 Akron L. Rev. 601 (1980).
Webber, Launching the Rocket Industry in the United States: Domestic Regulation of
Private Expendable Launch Vehicles, 50 J. Air L. & Com. 1 (1984).

8. Manufacturing & Materials Processing

J. Burke & A. Whitt, Space Manufacturing 1983 (1983).
Review of Materials Processing in Space 1983: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on
Space Science of the House Comm. on Science and Technology, 98th Cong., 1st
Sess. (1983) (Supt. Docs. No. Y4.Sci2:98-42).
Space Processing, Products and Profits, 1983-1990 (D. Gump ed. 1983).
U.S. Comptroller General, U.S. Must Spend More to Maintain Lead in
Space Technology, GAO Rep. No. B-197413 (1980) (Supt. Docs. No.


Altman, The Food and Drug Administration: Regulation of Drug Production

Space, 39 Food Drug Cosm. L.J. 445 (1984).
Commercialization of Space: Space Industries, Inc., to Begin Marketing Unma
Facility, 120 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., June 25, 1984, 15 116.
Industrializing Space- Looking Better, S-12-228 Space World 18 (1982).
Koelle, Manufacturing on the Moon?, 24 Spaceflight 147 (1982).
Lingl, Joint Endeavor Agreements with NASA in the Area of Materials Processin
Space, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 158.
The Space Congress, S-8-9-224-225 Space World 8 (1982).
Zanotti, Regional and International Activities: Materials Processing in Space
Law. Am. 182 (1983).

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9. Miscellaneous Services

Dula, Private Sector Activities in Outer Space, 19 Int'l Law. 159 (1985) (banki

10. Orbital Facilities


Böckstiegel, Legal Aspects of Space Stations, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L
Outer Space 225.

Bueckling, Commercial Space Satellites and the Problems Associated with Them, 24
Universitas 239 (1982).
Commercialization of Space: Space Industries, Inc. to Begin Marketing Unmanned
Facility, 120 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., June 25, 1984, at 116.
Estrade, Large Space Structures in Outer Space: A Need for World Progress, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 240.
Léderer, Nemes & To th, Commercial Uses of Large Orbital Structures from the
Aspect of the Relation Between International and Domestic Space Law, 1985 Proc.
27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 261.
Smith, Space Information Stations: Technological and Institutional Aspects, 1981
Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 197.
Smith & Rothblatt, Geostationary Platforms: Legal Estates in Space, 10 J. Space L.
31 (1982).

11. Transportation in Outer Space

Subcomm. on Space Science and Applications, Transmitted to the,1 ouse Comm.
on Science and Technology, 97th Cong. , 2d Sess. , The Need for an Increased
Space Shuttle Orbiter Fleet (Comm. Print 1982) (Supt. Docs. No.


Brown, Commercial Law and Liability Issues of the Space Transportation System
A.F.L. Rev. 425 (1982-1983).
Brumberg, Regulating Private Space Transportation, 36 Ad. L. Rev. 363 (19
Comment, Liability of Private Space Transportation Companies to Their Custom
1983 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 755.

D. Substantive Law Governing Private

Activities in Space
1. General


Finch, Law and Security in Outer Space: Implications for Private Enterpri
Space L. 107 (1983).

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Hoover, Law and Security in Outer Space from the Viewpoint of Private Ind
J. Space L. 115 (1983).
Pikus, Law and Security in Outer Space: Private Sector Interests, 11 J. Sp

2. Antitrust Law


Botein, Jurisdictional and Antitrust Considerations in the Regulation of th

Communications Technologies, 25 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 863 (1980).
Vilkin, Space Law: Liability for ''Space Junk" Was Only the Beginning. Pr
Industry's Move into Space Raises Legal Questions on Antitrust, Patent
Communications Law, 2 Cal. Law., Feb. 1982, at 28.

3. Contract Law

Böckstiegel, The Law Applicable to Contracts on Space Activities, 1983 Proc. 2

Lovik, Anatomy of a Dispute Clause: Intergovernmental Arbitration under the Sp
Lab Agreement, 5 Hastings Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 397 (1981-1982).

4. Criminal Law

Comment, The Extension of United States Criminal Jurisdiction to Outer Sp

Santa Clara L. Rev. 627 (1983).
Woetzel, A Universal Code of Conduct- International Crimes- A Cosmic V
1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 211.

5. Environmental Regulations

Almond, A Draft Convention for Protecting the Environment of Outer Space,

Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 97.
Bordunov, Remote Sensing of Earth and Its Environment, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 1.

Cocca, If Possible, Nuclear Power Sources Should Not Be Used in Outer Space, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 202.
Diederiks-Verschoor, Harm Producing Events Caused by Fragments of Space Ob-
jects (Debris), 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 1.
Diederiks-Verschoor, Legal Aspects of Solar Power Satellites Impact on the Environ-
ment, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 355.
Espada, The Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space- The Legal Sub-
Committee Perspective, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 205.
Finch, Ecospace, 1982 Proc. 24th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 189.

VOL. 19, NO. 4

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Gal, Indivisibility of Environmental Protection in Vertical Space, 1985

González- Aninat, The Contamination of the Environment and Space
Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 153.
Górbiel, Some Comments on the Proposal Concerning Elaboration of New Legal
Norms Governing Nuclear Power Sources Use in Outer Space, 1981 Proc. 23d
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 161.
Gordon, Toward International Control of the Problem of Space Debris, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 63.
Haanappel, Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the
L. of Outer Space 215.

Jasentuliyana, Environmental Impact of Space Activities: An International Law

Perspective, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 390.
Kolossov, Legal Aspects of Outer Space Environmental Protection, 1981 Proc. 23d
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 103.
Kotlyarov, Space Monitoring Facilities and Environmental Protection, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 5.
McGarrigle, Hazardous Biological Activities in Outer Space, 18 Akron L. Rev. 103
McElroy & Hodgkins, Use of the Vantage Point of Space to Protect the Earth's
Environment, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 9.
Miklody, Some Remarks to the Legal Status of Celestial Bodies and Protection of
Environment, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 13.
Moore & Leaphart, Manipulation and Modification of the Outer Space Environment:
International Legal Considerations, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 15.

Mucsi, Nuclear Batteries on Satellites and Protection of Environment - Legal Implica-

tions, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 23.
Okolie, Legal Requirements for the World's Protection of Outer Space and Earth
Environments within the Perspective of Directed Energy Weapons, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 25.
Perek, Protection of Environment and of Space Activities , 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 376.

Roth, The Geostationary Ring Physical Properties and Collision Probability, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 378.
Smith, Protecting the Earth and Outer Space Environment: Problems, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 45.
Sterns & Tennen, Current United States' Attitude Concerning Protection of the Outer
Space Environment, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 398.
Sterns & Tennen, Protection of Celestial Environments through Planetary Quaran-
tine Requirements, 1981 Proc. 23d Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 107.
Szilágyi, Protection of Outer Space Environment- Questions of Liability, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 53.
Terekhov, Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space- Problem of Notification, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 218.

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van Traa-Engelman, Environmental Hazards from Space Activities: Status and Pros-
pects of International Control, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 55.

6. Intellectual Property Law


Comment, The Copyright Act of 1976 Served on a Satellite Dish, 21 Willamett

Rev. 79 (1985).
Comment, Use of American Broadcast Signals by Canadian Cable Networks:
Cancom Decision, 32 Buffalo L. Rev. 731 (1983).
Committee of Government Experts on the Implementation of the Satellite Conven
Report, 13 Copyright Bull. 13 (1979).
Kozicharow, Patent Law Finds Space Applications, 120 Aviation Wk. & S
Tech., June 25, 1984, at 97.
Luxenberg, Protecting Intellectual Property in Space, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq
the L. of Outer Space 172.

Mossinghoff, Intellectual Property Rights in Space Ventures, 10 J. Space L. 10

Nesgos, Canadian Copyright Law and Satellite Transmissions, 20 Osgoode Hall
L.J. 232 (1982).
Note, Receive-Only Satellite Earth Stations and Piracy of the Airwaves, 58 Notre
Dame L. Rev. 84 (1983).
Note, Signal Piracy: The Theft of United States Satellite Signals, 8 Fordham Int'l
L.J. 62 (1984).
Okolie, Patent Law and Space Activities of States in Industrial Property Technology
Co-operation, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 178.
Oosterlinck, Intellectual Property and Space Activities, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on
the L. of Outer Space 161.

Parragh, Some Remarks on the Patent Law Aspects of Space Exploration, 1984 Pro
26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 243.
Robertson, The Suppression of Pirate Radio Broadcasting: A Test Case of the
International System for Control of Activities Outside National Territory, 14 Law
& Contemp. Probs., Winter 1982, at 71.
Samuels, Copyright and the New Communications Technologies, 25 N.Y.L. Sch. L.
Rev. 905 (1980).
Szilagyi, Space - Copyright- Neighbouring Rights: A Theoretical Approach, 1985
Proc. 27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 197.
Vilkin, Space Law: Liability for "Space Junk" Was Only the Beginning. Private
Industry's Move into Space Raises Legal Questions on Antitrust, Patent and
Communications Law, 2 Cal. Law., Feb. 1982, at 28.

7. Labor and Workplace Laws


DeSaussure & Haanappel, Determination of Applicable Law to Living and W

in Space, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 223.
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Fekete, Determination of Applicable Law to Living and Working in Ou

1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 221.
Kamenetskaya, The Use of Comparative Method in Determination of Applicable
Law to Living and Working in Space, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of
Outer Space 229.

Kanowitz, American Labor Law and the United States Space Shuttle, 34 Hastings
L.J. 715 (1983).
Rosenfield, Some Conflicts in the Law Relating to Working in Space, 1983 Proc. 25th
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 273.
Sloup, Determination of Applicable Law to Living and Working in Outer Space: The
Municipal Law Connection and the NASA/Hastings Research Project, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 245, reprinted in 14 Lincoln L. Rev. 43

8. Safety Regulations
Space Safety and Rescue 1982-1983 (American Astronautical Society, vol. 58)
(G. Heath ed. 1984).
Space Safety and Rescue 1979-1981 (American Astronautical Society, vol. 54)
(J. Brown ed. 1983).


Hara, Legal Status of Astronauts and Other Personnel on the Moon, 1984 Proc
Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 165.
Hosenball, The Law Applicable to the Use of Space for Commercial Activities , 1984
Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 143.
Perek, Traffic Rules for Outer Space, 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer
Space 37.

Sloup, Current Status of NASA Space Shuttle Regulations, 13 Akron L. Rev. 623
Vassilevskaya, Legal Aspects of Ensuring the Security of Space Personnel Flights,
1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 261.

9. Tax Law

Shifrin, Reagan Backs Space Commerce - Administration Issues New Nation

with Legislative Proposals, Tax Credits to Spur Long-Term Private Inves
121 Aviation Wk. & Space Tech., July 30, 1984, at 16.
U.S. -Source Income from Certain Leased "Craft", 15 Tax Advisor 294 (1

10. Tort Law


Brown, Commercial Law and Liability Issues of the Space Transportation System
A.F.L. Rev. 425 (1982-1983).
FALL 1985

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Bruhács, The Space Activities from the Viewpoint of General Rules of State Responsi-
bility, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 105.
Cocca, From Full Compensation to Total Responsibility, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 157.

Comment, Liability of Private Space Transportation Companies to Their Customer

1983 B.Y.U. L. Rev. 755.

Comment, Manufacturer's Liability in International Aerospace: A View from the

United States, 4 Northrop U.L.J. Aero. Energy & Env't 127 (1983).
Dembling, Catastrophic Accidents: Indemnification of Contractors Against Third
Party Liability, 10 J. Space L. 1 (1982).
Diederiks-Verschoor, Harm Producing Events Caused by Fragments of Space Ob-
jects (Debris), 1983 Proc. 25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 1.
Diederiks-Verschoor, The Operator's Liability with Regard to Transport of Goods by
Space Shuttle, 13 Akron L. Rev. 689 (1980).
Diederiks-Verschoor, Responsibility for Space Activities, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 111.

Finch, Outer Space Liability: Past, Present, and Future, 14 Int'l Law. 123 (1980
Gorove, Liability in Space Law: An Overview, 8 Annals Air & Space L. 373 (1983).
Gorove, Space Stations- Issues of Liability, Responsibility and Damage, 1985 Proc
27th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 251.
Kutner, Outerspace Torts: International Cosmos Court: A Proposal, 8 Commun. L.
Law. 1 (1983).
Menter, Legal Responsibilities for Outer Space Activities, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq.
on the L. of Outer Space 121.

Moore & Leaphart, Catch That Falling Star: State Responsibility and the Media in th
Demise of Space Objects, 1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Spac

Note, Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects

Definition and Determination of Damages After the Cosmos 954 Accident, 8
Fordham Int'l L.J. 255 (1984-1985).
Pfeifer, International Liability for Damages Caused by Space Objects, 30 Zeitschri
Schwartz & Berlin, After the Fall: An Analysis of Canadian Legal Claims for Damage
Caused by Cosmos 954, 27 McGill L.J. 676 (1982).
Steinman, The Presentation and Enforcement of Claims of United States Nationals v
International Conventions, Treaties, and Domestic Law, 3 Northrop U.L.J.
Aero. Energy & Env't 1 (1981).
Szilágyi, Protection of Outer Space Environment-- Questions of Liability, 1983 Proc.
25th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 53.
Tepfer, Allocation of Tort Liability Risks in the Space Shuttle Program, 23 A.F.L.
Rev. 208 (1982-1983).
van Traa-Engelman, Problems of State Responsibility in International Space Law,
1984 Proc. 26th Colloq. on the L. of Outer Space 139.
Vereshchetin, Elaborating the Legal Status of Astronauts , 7 Hastings Int'l & Comp.
L. Rev. 501 (1984).

VOL. 19, NO. 4

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Vilkin, Space Law: Liability for "Space Junk" Damage Was Only the Beginning.
Private Industry's Move into Space Raises Legal Questions on Antitrust, Patent
and Communications Law, 2 Cal. Law., Feb. 1982, at 28.
Wirin, The Sky Is Falling- Managing Space Objects, 1985 Proc. 27th Colloq. on
the L. of Outer Space 146.

Wolcott, Some Aspects of Third Party Liability in Space Shuttle Operations, 1

Akron L. Rev. 613 (1980).

FALL 1985

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