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GN 9:0 HE MS720 Owner's Manual ‘Thank you for your purchase of this MS720 Personal Keyboard from Kawai. The MS720 is a Powerful musical Instrument whether i's used for learning, teaching, or just having fun! Youtl be playing great music in no time with Kawa's exclusive One Finger Ad-Lib feature, Pius, the MS720's other exciting feature will ko9p on challenging you for along time to come, Enjoy your new keyboard ~ and thanks again for choosing Kawai! OVERVIEW OF THE MS720 OWNER'S MANUAL This manual is divided into tive diferent part, "Names of Parts and Basic Operations’ Using the Three Keyboard Regions” ‘Recorder, Synthesizer" Part § "System, MIDI Function” ‘Be sure to read the important information below before you proceed through the rest of the manual Enjoy exploring your new Kawai MS720, + This instrument contains precision electronic components. Do not subject it to severe shocks or use it in an area where it is exposed to direct sunlight, high temperature, high humidity, or dust + Be careful not to alow objects such as pins or coins to fall into the spaces between the keys or buttons. + Never take the MS720 apart, as it may result in damage to the instrument or electric shock. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe mits for a Class 8 digital device, pursuant to Part 1 of the FOC Fules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfarance in a residential instal lation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, i not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications, However, there is no guarantee that inter ference will not occur in @ particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmtul interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to ty to correct the Interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ~ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diferent from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help, 1H This instrument complies with the limits for a class B digital apparatus, pursuant to the Radio Interference Regulations, CRC,01374 lO) ‘= Connection This instrument runs on both batteries and regular household type of audio equipment requires a special cable or adaptor current, with a mini stereo plug on one end and two RCA plugs on the ther. These cables or adaptors are available from most enact Ganaa ther. These cables or adaptors are available from most sales : outlets handling audio equipment and accessories. teen ‘ize "0" dry cells into the compartment under the in- Connecting the MS720 to other MIDI instruments requires stan- ‘ard MIDI cables available at most music stores which carry = electronic instruments Lo I \ (© Make sure that the terminals all point in the same direction and in the direction indicated on the bottom of the battery comparment f@ irtne volume fades or there are sound quaity protiems MSSSCIaIOP NAICS daring battry operation, tis tie to replace thebattees. [Rem oo (© Replace he bateres as a set Nevermixbateres ofater. | Tam Ea ‘ent ages or different types. Ringten Pename. 24 {© Do not cave atiaris inside the instumert during storage |e sas Ss Ca Ph id og part of chee “fovon Const | STATOR, SROTROALRIROSION = AC Operation “SyeszePearaig [LEE STAGE DET BOSTON ‘An AG adaptor (Model PS-121 orPS-123) is also avaiable, [Fase Cos RESEND. PLOW UO Se | DEVE, ONE FGER ADU OAT Notes atin ros tens (© Mate sur thatthe voage rating listed onthe label ofthe [snes ROR RSD, DEW TT ONT adaptor matches that ofthe power supply Sa [a ‘© When you comect adapior wih the instument,be suethat | Wer da — power suitch is of Bator (na ed 1 NAMES OF PARTS AND BASIC OPERATION -- Part 1 @ Power switch @ MASTER VOLUME ‘This controls the total output level ® LOWER MODE SELECT ‘This three-position (OFF/AUTO!DRUM) switch controls the lower section of the keyboard. (See Part 2) @ TONE SELECT Pressing these switches lets you cycle through the avail- able tones. Model MS720 has LEDS that indicate the cur- rent selection. © RHYTHM SELECT These switches select the different rhythms. Model MS720 has LEDs that incicate the current rhythm se- lected. Rhythm & Automatic Accompaniment Section @ STARTISTOP. This switch starts and stops the rythm or automatic ac- ‘companiment @ SYNCHROFILL IN This switch synchronizes the start of the rhythm or auto- matic accompaniment with your first touch on the auto- ‘accompaniment section of the keyboard. If the rhythm is playing this switch becomes a“fikin” switch which inserts ‘a bret film to the rhythm pattern. @ INTROENDING Pressing this switch adds an introduction or ending to the rhythm pattern. Pressing the SYNCHROIFILL IN switch ‘@ for intros will synchronize the start of this bar with your first touch on the auto-accompaniment section of the key board. ® TEMPO These switches control the tempo of the rhythm pattern or automatic accompaniment. The let switch (-) decreases the tempo; the right one (+ Increases it. Holding a switch down provides continuous changes. Pressing either of the TEMPO switches once (immediately after selacting a new rhythm) will change the tempo to a "standard" rate that suits that new rhythm. The indicator nextto the tempo switches flashes on every beat. @ SYNTHESIZER See Par 4 @ RECORDER See Par 4, ® ONE FINGER AD-LIB This switch activates the ONE FINGER AD-LIB function (ONE FINGER AD-LIB‘s on when the corresponding LED indicator is it. (See Pan 3.) EFFECTS Section + VIBRATO This ON/OFF switch controls the vibrato effect for use with melody tones. + STEREO CHORUS This ON/OFF switch controls the stereo chorus effect for use with melody tones. + PITCH BEND Holding down one of hase switches temporarily changes: the pitch of any melody tone. The left switch Iowers the pitch (BEND DOWN); the right one raises it (BEND UP). FRONT PANEL ms" ateoe HE }¢——— Automatic Accompaniment Ragion —. — k NE FINGER AD-LIB Region — — @ DUAL This ON/OFF switch activates the DUAL function. (See the folowing descripan and procedure.) wm DUAL This function allows you to add a second tone to the notes played on the keyboard Example: Adding STRINGS to PIANO (1) Use the TONE SELECT switch @ to select the primary tone (PIANO), (@) Press the DUAL switch @ to activate the function and light the incicator (3) Use the TONE SELECT switch @to selec the secondary tone (STRINGS). Pressing a single note then produces a mixture of the STRINGS and PIANO tones, ® SOUND SELECT PADS ‘The percussion pads alow you to add drum soles tothe stythm and automatic accompaniment. This function al rows youto assign diferent percussion sounds or phrases to the percussion pads Example: Assigning TOM ROLL toa pad (1) Move the Lower MODE SELECT switch @toits DRUM & PAD SELECT postion, (2) Hole down one af the blue percussion PADS and press the key (F2) assigned to the percussion instrument (TOM ROLL). Se Pion Ui Normal Melody Region — HMM @ DEMO. = This switch starts and stops a bult-n performance that demonstrates the impressive sounds of the instrument. eee @ocm This Jack accepts the plug fom the optional AC adaptor (3-121 or S129), @ STEREO PHONES Tris jack oops the minplug fom a pao stereo head phones or a cablfadapto or connecing the nstument to another piece of audo equipment @ MIDI IN/OUT These jacks accepts standard MIDI cables (available separate) for connecting your keyboard toa personal computor, sequencer, or ther MY equipped instrument (For turher deta, se Part) "AC Adaptor ia Case (Avatanle separate) MOUN Mo1our ALLAN MIDI Keyboas| USING THE THREE KEYBOARD REGIONS -- Part 2 ‘Tho MS720 is divided into three separate keyboard regione ~ The LOWER KEYBOARD REGION, the ONE FINGER AD-LIB REGION (discussed in greater detail in Par 3 of this manual, and the NORMAL REGION. Each of these regions and their ceapabitias ao outlined below. (See the drawing in Part 1 forthe locations of each region) LOWER MODE and the Lower Keyboard Region ‘The Lower Keyboard region ofthe MS720 is quite versatile. t can be used fr melody sounds, chord sensing, bass/chord sounds, or percussion sounds. The paragraphs below will show you how t0 use the Lower Mode select switch to assign any of these {uretions tothe Lower Keyboard region. 1) USING THE LOWER KEYBOARD REGION FOR MELODY TONES. ‘When LOWER MODE select switch is set 1 “OFF”, the LOWER MODE is set in the °OFF* postion. When LOWER MODE is, OFF", the entire 48-note keyboard (which includes the Lower Keyboard region) plays the MELODY sound that you have selected. Up to ten notes can be played simultaneously. 2) When the LOWER MODE select switch is set to "AUTO", two diferent functions can be utilize: (a) AUTOMATIC ACCOMPANIMENT WITH "CHORD SENSING" ~ atteryou have selected a rhythm and presseda START! ‘STOP bution to gat the rhythm going, setting LOWER MODE switch to "AUTO" wil activate automatic aosompanimants {and "chord sensing” in the Lower Keyboard region, Automatic accompaniments wll be played according othe chord form you select, Chords which can be used are shown below. (0) BASS/CHORD SOUNDS ~ Ifthe rythm function is deactivated, single-tinger Bass/Chord sounds are played when you touch notes inthe Lower Keyboard region. 1 Playable Chords (for C) a ALLL 10 a im ‘=[sfstscs Zaass 3) DRUM SOUNDS ‘When tne LOWER MODE select switchs setto"DRUMT, each Key inthe Lower Keyboard region wil la the porousion sound of phrase assigned fo that key. The iratumomt assignments ere Shown in picture form above gach Key on ine M720. Tho drawing and chat blow ist ine names and note locations of each aftne || @|@ porassion some No | Key Tram te] Rey Tevanent oa BASS DAUM @ [at Tila OPEN @ | ow RIM SHOT @ Bt ‘MID TOM ® OL ~ SNARE DRUM 9 C2 HICONGA [ofa HICLAP @ | owe (CRASH CYMBAL ® Et HISNARE DRUM @ be [TOM © | A ‘SMALL CYMBAL ® | ore IDE CYMBAL @ Fat_| HIMAT CLOSE, @ e2, SNARE ROLL @ | a LoTOM @ F2 TOM ROLL =] ® G#i LO CLAP @ | Fre “CYMBAL HIT a AL LOCONGA. _ (© The ONE FINGER AD-LIB Region Each key in the ONE FINGER AD-LIB region of the keyboard generates a citferent "AD-LIB" phrase when the ONE FINGER AD- LIB function @ is“ON". Your selected MELODY sounds played when the ONE FINGER AD-LIB function is "OFF". Soe Par $ of this manual for more details. @ The NORMAL Melody Region The selected MELODY soundis played at al times in this region allowing you to aternate between ONE FINGER AD-LIB phrases and manually played melodies. USING ONE FINGER AD-LIB -- Part 3 Kawal's exclusive ONE FINGER AD-LIB feature sets your MS720 apart from keyboards made by all other manufactures, One finger Ad-Lib lets you play lke a “pro” in seconds. Follow the instructions below and you'll be playing great music in no time, I ONE FINGER AD-LIB Operation 4) Set the LOWER MODE solect switch @ to “OF F*. 2) Press the ONE FINGER AD-LIB button @ "ON" to light the indicator. '3) Hold down any one of the Keys in the ONE FINGER AD-LIB region ofthe keyboard. Each key pressed will play a diferent phrase. 4) Next, set the LOWER MODE select switch to "AUTO" 5) Press the START button ®. Rhythm and automatic accompaniment will begin with a complete chord progression. 6) Hold down various ONE FINGER AD-LIB keys one at a time, The diferent phrases for each key pressed will change automaticaly according to the preset chord progression. 7) Now, select adifferent rhythm with the RHYTHM selector ®. Automatic accompaniment with adifferent chord progression will Begin. Now, when the ONE FINGER AD-LI8 keys are pressed, diferent AD-LIB phrase wil be heard. Have fun! “1: Ifyou would ike to play your own chord progressions, press the keys in the Lower Keyboard region forthe chord form you desire. The automatic chord progression will stop and your left hand can control the automatic accompaniments, (ONE FINGER AD-LIB phrases will also change to match the chords you select. “2: The Kawai MS720 is equipped with specific chord progressions and ONE FINGER AD-LIB phrase for each rythm pattern “3: f you change sounds with the TONE selector @ during ONE FINGER AD-LIB playing, all sounds produced by the (ONE FINGER AD-LIB and NORMAL MELODY Keys will use the new sound. RECORDER, SYNTHESIZER -- Part 4 IH RECORDER The Model MS720 has a buit-in recorder for recording and playing back performance. @ Recording & Playback (1) Press the REC/END @) switch to start both the recorder land the metronome. (2) Play. Everything you play willbe recorded - the automatic accompaniment, ONE FINGER AD-LIB phrases, normal melody, hand:-played chords, and hand percussion (3) Press the RECIEND @ switch again to stop recording (4) Press the PLAY/STOP @@ switch to play back the record. ing. Note: This recording remains in memory even after the POWER switch (is turned off - as long asthe instru- ‘ment receives power from batteries. You can record a maximum of around 500 nates. Upon reaching the ‘maximum, it automatically stops recording. © Erasing When you make a new record, you have to erase contents whieh recorder contains. (1) Simultaneously press the REC/END @ PLAY/STOP. Bewitches to erase the recording SYNTHESIZER ‘The model MS720 has a builtin synthesizer for creating 4 User defined tones to complement the 20 preset tones pro- grammed at the factory. Every tone on the MS720 is comprised of two wavetorms, WAVE 1 and WAVE 2. Each wave has four parameters which can be changed by the user. Use the SYNTH (1) section to control the parameters for WAVE 1 Use the SYNTH @ section to control the parameters for WAVE 2 @ Basic Procedure (1) First, use TONE selector @ to select the sound which you would lke to moaity. Then press either the SYNTH (Dor SYNTH (button to activate the synthesizer and deacti- vate the tempo indicator. The tempo switches are now sed to select synthesizer waves or values. (2) Use the SYNTH@or SYNTH (buttons to shit the LED indicator to the row containing the parameter to be changed. (See the list of parameters below.) (3) Use the TEMPO @ switches to change the value of the parameter you have selected. (See note 3) You will hear the character of the tone change each time you change a parameter value. (4) Repeat Steps 2 and 3 as oten as desired (6) Once you have created atone that you would ike to store {or later use, select a memory location wth the USER () switch. Press the USER (switch to shit the LED ind cator and select one ofthe user memories (1-4). (6) Press the STORE/RECALL (@) switch to store the tone and return to requiar keyboard operation. * When you store a new synthesized tone on auser memory, any previously stored tone on that memory location will bo erased vy Rosult © synthesizer Parameters LEVEL This parameter determines the size of the peak or the maximum volume level of the wave. You have a choice of 16 levels - ranging from sot + to loud 16. ATTACK This parameter determines how fong the wave: form takes to reach its peak. The user can select, {rom 16 cifferent attack times - ranging from siow to fast 16 DECAY Determines the time that the sound takes to fall from the peak to the SUSTAIN lovel. The user ean select from 16 aifferent decay times - ranging from slow 1 to fast 16. SUSTAIN Determines, relative to the peak, the volume when keys are held dowa. tempokey | C1 Yewo CJ LEVEL Tow Loved Tigh Level ATTACK | Siow Atack | Fast tack DECAY ‘Slow Decay Fast Decay SUSTAIN Low Level High Level Notes: 1. The release time, the time thatthe sound takes to ce out atte the key is released, is determined bythe tone inet fect when the synthesizer function is activated. For ex ample, i you were playing stings tone betore activating the synthesizer function, the release time would be very tong since strings die out slowly ater the key is released. 2. Pressing any switch other than the TEMPO @, SYNTH ©. SYNTH@ , STORE/RECALL @ , or USER @ ‘Switches returns the instrument to regular keyboard op- eration I you leave the synthesizer function by accident, press the STORE/RECALL (if switch to undo such a mistake, © Erasing User-Defined Tones Holding down the first two keys on the keyboard while turning ‘on the power both erases the recorder and synthesizer con- tents and resets the user-defined tones to ther factory preset state ‘These parameters settings remain in memory even attr the POWER switch (Dis tured of as long as the instrument receives power from batteries. SYSTEM, MIDI FUNCTIONS clas) Beda ha io) ‘The SYSTEM mode provides the capability for transposing the instrument pitch in semitone steps, fine-tuning the pitch 10 ‘match other instruments, and changing the MIDI transmit channel © General Procedure (1) Make sure that the rhythm, automatic accompaniment, (ONE FINGER AD-LIB, and recorder are all of (2) Simuttaneously press the frst three RHYTHM SELECT ® switches on the lett Note: The LEDs next fo these switches then ight in tur. (3) Select the desired system function, TRANSPOSE: SYCHRO/FILL IN @ TUNE: STARTISTOP @) MIDITRANSMIT: TONE SELECT @ (4) To return to regular keyboard operation, press any key other than the ones used by the selected function RHYTHM (Q\16BEAT POPS HIPHOP REGGAE }O| Funk R&R OLDIES SLOW ROCK TANGO |O} pisco ‘METAL JOSSANOVA MAI (O) Rock HEAVY WAVE SAMBA SALSA ‘Simultaneously pressing these switches ‘makes tis equipment emer the SYSTEM mode, TRANSPOSE (1) Press the SYNCHROFFILL IN @ switch (2) Use the TEMPO @ switches to change the pitch: press ing the left switch (- ) lowers the pitch a semitone; press: ing the right one raises ita semitone. TUNE (1) Press the STARTISTOP @ switch, (2) Use the TEMPO @) switches to change the pitch: press- ing the left switch (- ) lowers the pitch; pressing the right one raises it i MIDI TRANSMIT (1) Press one of the four leftmost TONE SELECT @ switches to set the MIDI transmit channel. (See illustration ) MELODY (O\__ten ‘ch ‘ch ach JO] 2en ‘sch ‘och ach |O| “sen 72h) Tien 15eh ‘ch ‘ach ‘ach ech Ca Ed 0d (nee When connected to a sequencer, personal compute, or other MIDI equipped device, the MS729 supports the following fea- tures: Transmitting ‘The MS720 transmits the following MIDI data on a single MIDI channel (which may o@ changed with a SYSTEM func tion): + Key ON/OFF (which key and how long) + Program (tone) change + Pitch bene + Vibrato ONOFF * Chorus ON/OFF 1 Receiving The instrument responds to different types of MIDI data on the followirg fixed channels. ‘Channel [Part MIDI ata 1-4 | Melody | KEY ONOFF. VELOCITY, VOLUME, PROGRAM CHANGE, PITCH BENDER, VIBRATO ONIOFF, HOLD ‘ONOFF, CHORUS ON/OFF [to | broms [KEY ONOFF, VeLocrTY, VOLUME © Program Number Assignments 7] Piano 9] dazz Organ | 17] Acoustic Guar 2| Etece Piano |10| Rock Organ |18| Electric Guitar 3] claw. 11] Pipe Organ |19! Acoustic Bass 4] vibes 12| Accordion _|20| Electric Bass 5| Swings 13| Sax at) user 6| Five 14| Trumpet 22) User2 7| Harmonica |15| Cosmic 23) User 8] Clarinet 16] Banjo 24] User ¢ @ Percussion Key Number Assignment G1 | 36 | Bass Dum [Get] 48 | tociap lc#2| 37 | rim shot at | 45 | LoConga 01 | 38 | Snare Drum nat | 46 | Hinat Open #1 | 39 | Hiciap 81 | 47 | mia Tom £1] 40 | Hisnare Dum — | c2 | 48 | High Conga Ft | 41 | Sma Cymbal | C2} 49 | Crash Cymbal a1] 42 | Hinat Close 2 | 50 | Hi tom Gt | 43 | totem sa 51 | Ride cymbal Kawai Musical Instruments Mfg. Co., Lid. £200 Terajima-Cho, Hamamatsu City Shiguoke Prefecture, Japan 430 ow-st6E-M

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