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Deep learning for face anti-spoofing: An end-to-end approach

Conference Paper · September 2017

DOI: 10.23919/SPA.2017.8166863

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3 authors, including:

Yasar Abbas UR Rehman Mengyang Liu

City University of Hong Kong City University of Hong Kong


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algorithms, architectures, arrangements, and applications
SPa 2017

Deep Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing: An

End-to-End Approach
Yasar Abbas Ur Rehman∗ , Lai Man Po† , Mengyang Liu‡

Department of Electronic Engineering,

City University of Hong Kong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Email: {∗ yaurehman2-c, ‡ mengyaliu7-c}, †

Abstract—The importance of face anti-spoofing algorithms communities to propose various state of the art techniques for
in biometric authentication systems is becoming indispensable. face anti-spoofing applications. Face anti-spoofing techniques
Recently, the success of Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) can be broadly categorized into fixed feature based face anti-
in key application areas of computer vision has encouraged its
use in face biometrics for face anti-spoofing and verification spoofing techniques [4] and learnable feature based face anti-
applications. However, small training data has restricted the use spoofing techniques [5]. The fixed feature based face anti-
of deep CNN architectures for face anti-spoofing applications. In spoofing techniques can be further categorized into texture
this paper, we develop an end-to-end CNN architecture for face based, motion based, 3D shape based and techniques based
anti-spoofing application. i.e. a deep CNN architecture which on multi-spectral reflectance. On the other hand, the learnable
directly map the raw input face images to the corresponding
output classes. Additionally, an efficient training strategy has feature based face anti-spoofing techniques use Convolutional
been proposed to enable the use of deeper CNN structures for face Neural Networks (CNN) that do not require fixed, hand crafted
anti-spoofing applications and to enable the growth of training features. Instead, CNN based algorithms learn the features
data in autonomous way. For training a CNN architecture, we from the input data during training.
propose a 50RS-30SeC-1E (50 Random Samples-30 Sub-epochs Face anti-spoofing is a specific type of face classification
Count-1Epoch) training strategy. The training data is randomly
sampled during each forward-pass through the CNN architecture problem, where the input image to a system contains only face
and 30 such passes counts for 1 complete epoch. An 11-layer VGG as an object as opposed to the image classification problem
network with 2 derived VGG-11 networks have been trained for like ImageNet [6] that contain different objects in an image.
face anti-spoofing on CASIA-FASD dataset. Experimental results To the best of our knowledge, there have been no work that
show significant improvement on various face-spoofing scenarios. use deep CNN architecture (an 11-layer network) using end-
A 3% improvement over state of the art approaches has been
reported for Overall Test (OT) while achieving a lowest EER of to-end learning for face anti-spoofing applications, i.e. a deep
5%. architecture which directly map the raw input face images to
the corresponding output classes. In this paper, we develop
I. I NTRODUCTION an end-to-end architecture for face anti-spoofing application.
Face anti-spoofing techniques are used for the recognition of An 11 layers VGG network (VGG-11) [7] and 2 networks
live-face and fake-face. It has been one of the prevailing issue derived from the VGG-11 network are trained from scratch
in todays biometric applications. Surveillance applications that on face anti-spoofing database. During training of a CNN
rely on biometrics are based on (either solely or in com- network, at each forward-pass, a set of 50 face images are
bination of) face, fingerprint and iris recognition algorithms randomly sampled from whole video-data as an input to CNN
respectively. Therefore the robustness of biometrics algorithms network. Then, 30 such forward-pass through a CNN network
to various types of known intrusion attacks or unknown counts for 1 complete epochs. We called this method as
intrusion attacks must be high. Apart from surveillance, face 50RS-30SeC-1E(50 Random Samples-30 Sub-epochs-Counts
recognition algorithms have applications in banking and auto- 1 Epoch). Thus, at the end of a single complete epoch we
matic transactions as well. Thus, face recognition algorithms pass 1500 random face images (50 samples × 30 sub-epochs)
developed for these applications must have a low tolerance through a CNN network. We utilize CASIA-FASD face anti-
for making errors [1]. However, face recognition systems spoofing database for assessing the performance of the pro-
are vulnerable to various types of face-spoofing attacks. The posed CNN networks on the test protocol defined by [2]. We
biometric communities have defined several types of face- also study various techniques for performance comparison on
spoofing attacks to aid the development of robust face anti- the face anti-spoofing test dataset. Traditionally, for face anti-
spoofing algorithms. For example, CASIA-FASD [2] database spoofing techniques, the performance of a system is evaluated
has provided training and testing set based on presentation by comparing the output probability of class against a set of
attacks like wrapped-photo attacks, cut-photo attacks and threshold values between 0 and 1. We call this technique as
video attacks. These and other types of presentation attacks threshold-operation here. On contrary, in CNN, the aim is to
to the face biometric systems [3] have enabled the biometric find the top-1 percent accuracy at the output of the network,

i.e. Select the class with the highest probability and determine strategy is proposed to train a deep CNN network effectively
whether it matches with the corresponding ground-truth class for face anti-spoofing applications when the training data is
label or not. Since at this point, keeping the spirit of both, limited.
the traditional approaches used for evaluating the performance
of face anti-spoofing algorithms and the approaches proposed
for evaluating CNN performance, we evaluate the performance Given an example face image, a CNN network for face
of the proposed CNN networks, by using both the threshold- anti-spoofing application has a pre-defined task to output the
operation and the top-1 percent accuracy. probability of whether the given face image is spoofed or real.
The rest of this paper has been organized as follows: Suppose that the input face image xi to a jth CNN network is
Section II discusses about CNN networks and its use in sampled randomly from a set S of face images, which contain
face anti-spoofing algorithms. Section III present a detailed both real and spoofed images. Then, the output of a jth CNN
methodology for training a deep CNN network for face anti- network can be represented in abstract notation by using (1-3).
spoofing application. Section IV reports the results obtained
by training and testing the proposed CNN models on face anti- yij = f (CNN(xi ∈ S)j ), (1)
spoofing database. Finally, Section V provide some concluding
remarks on the use of CNN for face anti-spoofing applications. f (inputi ) = sof max(inputi ), (2)
The remarkable success of Convolutional Neural Networks sof tmax(inputi ) =  inputi . (3)
(CNN) [8] in ImageNet [6] competition has attracted a mul- N e
titude of researchers in the computer vision community to In other words, (3) gives us the probability of an input face
investigate its potential latent capabilities in attaining such image xi being fake or real after passing it through a jth CNN
a high performance. The progressive improvement of CNN architecture. In the proposed approach, we consider various
networks in general category of image classification [7], [8], CNN architecture based on conventional VGG-11 model. As
[9], [10] and object detection[11], [12], [13], [14], [15] has the available training data is limited, and the network is deep,
opened the branches and potential application of CNN in other therefore we employ three different architectures of CNN with
domains like face anti-spoofing. hyper-parameters like changing the resolution of first two
Although, a vast amount of literature is available for fixed layers of the CNN architecture and the addition of dropout
feature based face anti-spoofing algorithms such as [16], [17], etc. Addition of dropout in a network with limited data reduces
[18], [19], very few algorithms were reported in the last few the effect of overfitting as proposed in [25]. We also perform
years that utilized CNN for face anti-spoofing applications[20], our experiments with changing the first two layers of the
[21], [22], [23], [24]. Usually in these CNN based face anti- conventional VGG-11 network with and without dropout, and
spoofing algorithms, the designer either used a pre-trained thus the resolution of weight layer become another hyper-
CNN network with Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier parameter. In the following paragraphs, we provide the details
or utilized a CNN network with a very low depth. For example, on data preparation and training the proposed CNN model for
in [5], the authors proposed a shallow network for com- face anti-spoofing application.
bined detection of face, iris and finger print spoofing attacks.
Although their method gave satisfactory results, however a A. Data Preparation and Preprocessing
shallow network is unable to give abstract and high level Before training a CNN architecture for face anti-spoofing on
features. A similar shallow network was proposed by authors a given dataset, the images in the dataset are pre-processed,
in [21], [22]. In [23], the authors proposed a CNN network for which usually includes mean centering and normalization. We
face anti-spoofing to classify various attacks on two state of the utilize CASIA-FASD dataset for our extensive experiments
art face anti-spoofing datasets, i.e. CASIA-FASD and REPLY- and evaluation of CNN for face anti-spoofing. Since, CASIA-
ATTACK datasets. In their method, a face region was first FASD dataset mainly consists of video-data rather than single
localized followed by data augmentation at five different scales images, the proposed data preparation process is different from
before training a CNN network. However, after training CNN conventional CNN data-preparation approaches for face anti-
networks, the final features were used to train the Support spoofing. In the conventional CNN approaches for face anti-
Vector Machine (SVM) classifier for face anti-spoofing. As spoofing, only a limited portion of video-data restricted to 10
the method obtained remarkable results on CASIA-FASD and to 20 frames of each video were utilized as an input data to the
REPLY-ATTACK database, it cannot be regarded as an end- CNN architecture. On contrary, we randomly select 100 frames
to-end learning. The approach in [24] exploited the layer-wise from each video and stored them in a disk. At training time,
features of CNN to train an SVM algorithm. In their network, we detect the face area using voila-jones cascade classifier in
they used various shallow to deep VGG networks features for the mini-batch image frames and normalize it before giving
face anti-spoofing. However, they used a pre-trained network as an input to a CNN network. This process is shown in
for face anti-spoofing and thus there are no details of training Fig. 1. In total, we form a training dataset that contains 24000
a CNN network. In this paper, an efficient end-to-end learning training images and 36000 test images. The reason for having




 Network A Network B Network C

96 × 96 × 3
3 x 3, 64 ReLU 7 x 7, 64 ReLU 7 x 7, 64 ReLU
 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool, Dropout 0.5
! ""#$% 3 x 3, 128 ReLU 5 x 5, 128 ReLU 5 x 5, 128 ReLU
&' 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool ,Dropout 0.5
3 x 3, 256 ReLU 3 x 3, 256 ReLU 3 x 3, 256 ReLU
Fig. 1. Model structure: The proposed model consist of face detector with a 3 x 3, 256 ReLU 3 x 3, 256 ReLU 3 x 3, 256 ReLU
deep CNN followed by two outputs: a binary classifier, and output probability 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool, Dropout 0.5
of true class. An epoch counter is used to count sub-epochs 3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU
3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU
2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool,Dropout 0.5
3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU
a low number of training images compared to test images 3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU 3 x 3, 512 ReLU
is because of the limited subjects that are provided in the 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool 2 x 2 max-pool,Dropout 0.5
FC-4096 ReLU
CASIA-FASD training dataset, i.e. 20 subjects in training FC-4096 ReLU
dataset with 3 videos of real-face and 9 videos of fake-face per FC-2 ReLU
subject. The number of training images could be increased to a Soft-max
more higher number by performing data-augmentation on each
image that include horizontal and vertical flipping, addition of
random noise, horizontal and vertical translation. However, in decay has been set to 0.005 with a dropout of 0.5 in the fully-
the proposed case no data-augmentation has been performed. connected layers for Network A, B and C, and an additional
dropout of 0.5 after every max pooling layer in Network C. We
B. Training use the Rectified Linear Unit(ReLU) as an activation functions
We use 50RS-30SeC-1E (50 Random Samples-30 Sub- for all the networks. The frames are resized to 96 x 96 patch
epochs Count-1Epoch) strategy to train a VGG-11 network keeping the center part of the patch and respecting the aspect-
and its derived networks. For each forward-pass through the ratio. This is done by considering our system limitations and
CNN network, we randomly sample 50 face images form the GPU capabilities.
training dataset. Each forward-pass through a CNN network
correspond to a single sub-epoch, and 30 sub-epochs count IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
for 1 epoch. This process provides the advantage that at each After training CNN architectures, we perform extensive
foward-pass, the network is introduced with a new randomly evaluation on CASIA-FASD face anti-spoofing dataset for
sampled mini-batch. We trained our network for around 1000 performance evaluation using various metrics proposed in the
epochs. If combined with sub-epochs, this make the total literature. This include evaluation of top-1 percent accuracy,
number of iterations to be 30,000. Training in this fashion accuracy using threshold-operation, Equal Error Rate (EER),
provide certain advantages: First, the network can be trained Quality Test (QT), Fake Image Test (FFT) and Overall Test
on more than a single video-frame. That said, the network is (OT).
then able to learn more about the discriminative features in the
input data. Second, training on a known indexed single frame A. Results on CASIA-FASD
from the input video-data can make the network deterministic We train our algorithm first on CASIA-FASD database.
regarding the input data and may lead to overfitting. Thus, The database has 50 real subjects with their spoofed faces
providing more frames from the video-data can circumvent the generated using wrapped photo, cut-photo and video attacks
problem of overfitting. Also, the main reason for our network respectively. Three imaging qualities are considered, i.e. low
to be trained for more epochs is because at every forward-pass quality, normal quality and high quality. For each subject, the
during training the CNN network is introduced with a random database provides 12 videos that contain three real faces and
combination of data (that may include new video frames not 9 fake-faces with a combination of above-mentioned attacks
known to CNN network) in the form of mini-batches, which and imaging qualities.
provide new information to the network at every forward-pass Top-1 percent accuracy: In this method, only the output
and make the network to learn more about the inter-variation class with a highest probability is considered. The classes at
in the face images. the output of a CNN are arranged in a sequential manner, such
A VGG-11 Net has been used as our primary network that the index of the class corresponds to the label of the class.
A, and other networks B and C are derived from VGG-11 If the index of a class, having maximum probability among
with some modifications as shown in Table I. For all CNN other class, matches with the corresponding true label the
networks, the learning rate has been initially set to 0.01 for output counts 1 for the true positive or true negative otherwise
the first 100 epochs. The learning rate is then reduced by a the output counts 0.
factor of 0.1 for the next 100, 200 and 50 epochs respectively. Accuracy using threshold-operation: In this method, only a
Overall, we reduce the learning rate three times. The weight true (live face) class probability is considered. The probability

Network Normal Low High
Network Average Test Average Test EER Network A 91% 84% 79%
Accuracy Accuracy Network B 93% 86% 80%
Top-1 percent Threshold-operation Network C 94% 94% 82%
Network A 84% 85% 7%
Network B 81% 84% 7%
Network C 88% 89% 5%
CNN + SVM - - 7.49% values, the Equal Error Rate (EER) is calculated by using (5,
[23] 6).
Multi-Cues - - 5.83%
integration +
NN [4]
T = argmin(|F AR − F RR|), (5)

of the true class obtained at the output of a CNN network

is compared against a set of threshold values to determine F ART + F RRT
EER = . (6)
whether the output probability of the true class is higher than 2
the corresponding threshold. If the output probability of a true
The result obtained by considering only the true class prob-
class is higher than the threshold, the class is considered as
ability has been reported in Table II along with corresponding
true otherwise fake. The number of true positive, true negative,
EER values under the label of Threshold-operation. It can be
false positive and false negative at the corresponding threshold
observed from Table II, that the best performance has been
values are then determined by comparing the ground truth
achieved by Network C, which is a regularized version of
labels against the corresponding output labels obtained from
VGG-11 network. With Network C, an average test accuracy
CNN network.
of 89% has been achieved with the lowest EER of 5% as
The result of using top-1 percent accuracy has been show
compared to the state of the art approaches presented in [23],
in Table II. As we can see from Table II, the Network C
[4]. Additionally, the complex pre-processing steps performed
obtains an average top-1 percent test accuracy of 88%. In
in [4] like obtaining Face OFM map, Scene OFM maps are
top-1 percent accuracy, only the output class with a highest
being performed internally by CNN architecture. The only pre-
probability among the other classes is considered. Since in
processing we perform include, the mean centering and nor-
network C, additional regularization has been done by utilizing
malization while the rest of the processes, i.e. learning features
dropout after every max-pooling layer, the amount of overfit-
and correspondingly mapping face images to corresponding
ting has been reduced in that network. The results obtained
class probabilities have been performed by CNN by utilizing
by using top-1 percent accuracy has been generated in the
back propagation.
following way: For each input image the CNN will output
class probabilities by using (4).
B. Protocol Test on CASIA-FASD
[p1 , p2 ] = sof tmax(Fi ). (4)
We also evaluate the proposed CNN model on the test
where pi is the probability that the input face image Fi protocol provided in [2], [4]. The protocol list seven scenarios
belong to the true class and vice-versa. We use argmax that can be divided into three tests: Quality Test (QT), Fake
function to get the indices of the largest probability. If the Face Test (FFT) and Overall Test(OT).
label of the true class matches with the indices of the class 1) Quality Test (QT): This test is used to evaluate the
having largest probability, the output has been considered as performance of a face anti-spoofing system given that the input
either true positive or true negative, otherwise the output will image quality is fixed. The samples used to perform evaluation
be either false positive or false negative. are mentioned as:
The second approach we utilize considers the probability of 1. Low(L) quality test L1, L2, L3, L4
only true class (live face). In this approach the probability of 2. Normal (N) quality test: N 1, N 2, N 3, N 4
the true class, after the soft-max layer as shown in Fig. 1, has 3. High (H) quality test: H1, H2, H3, H4
been compared against a set of threshold values as proposed in
traditional face anti-spoofing techniques [26], i.e. we compute, 2) Fake Face Test (FFT): This test is used to evaluate the
whether the probability of the true class is greater than the performance of a face anti-spoofing system given that fake face
given threshold, and for the false class (fake face), whether the types are fixed. The samples used to perform the evaluation
probability of the true class is less than the given threshold. are mentioned as:
We use a set of 100 threshold values from 0.01 to 1 with 1. Wrapped photo attack test: L1, N 1, H1, L2, N 2, H2
a difference of 0.01. After obtaining False Acceptance Rate 2. Cut photo attack test: L1, N 1, H1, L3, N 3, H3
(FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR) at various threshold 3. Video attack test: L1, N 1, H1, L4, N 4, H4

TABLE IV accuracies obtained by using our best performing model, i.e.
ACCURACY USING FFT FOR THE PROPOSED CNN CONFIGURATIONS Network C. Table VI reports the accuracies obtained on FFT
Network Wrapped photo attack Cut photo attack Video attack test for the proposed CNN model and other state of the art
Network A 79% 80% 82% face anti-spoofing techniques. As can be seen in Table VI,
Network B 80% 82% 82% accuracies obtained on FFT test for face anti-spoofing using
Network C 87% 87% 86%
CNN model is almost on par with other corresponding state of
the art techniques. Table VII compares the results of our best
TABLE V performing CNN network for face anti-spoofing with other
state of the art face anti-spoofing methods for OT test. As can
Technique Low Normal High be seen in Table VII, a 3% improvement has been achieved
LBP+SVM 78% 83% 90% in liveness detection using the proposed CNN model. Addi-
LBP + SAE 75% 83% 90%
SBFD + SVM 91% 89% 82%
tionally, in Table V-VII, the proposed CNN model for face
SBFD + SAE 94% 92% 87% anti-spoofing application perform almost on par with other
CNN (Ours) 94% 94% 82% state of the art approaches proposed in [26]. However, in CNN
models, we dont need the hard process of feature extraction
and features selection for getting the better accuracies for
3) Overall Test (OT): This test is used to evaluate the various face anti-spoofing scenarios. Additionally, in Table
performance of face anti-spoofing system by combining all VII, we also reported the OT test for multi-class classification
the data to perform a general evaluation. (Liveness + attacks classification) besides binary classification
Table III list the corresponding test accuracies of the pro- (Liveness detection). The results of Table VII show that the
posed three networks for QT test. As can be observed in Table proposed CNN architecture perform on par with the approach
III, Network C (which is a VGG-11 network with addition of proposed in [26] for face anti-spoofing application. However
dropout after every max pooling layer) gives an overall high for liveness detection problem, the result on OT using the
classification rate as compared to remaining CNN networks. proposed CNN model is 3% better than the approach of [26]
Similarly, for FFT test as shown in Table IV, Network C that use handcrafted feature and stacked auto-encoder.
provided an overall high accuracy of above than 82% for Compared to the traditional approaches that used fixed
all three types of attacks. Since in the previous work [23], handcrafted features, in the proposed work, we train our
a CNN is mainly used for feature extraction and SVM for CNN models using end-to-end learning for feature learning,
classification; keeping in view the recent success in image i.e. we only input the face images to the network and let
classification [7], we utilize a CNN architecture to directly the network learn the features from the face images. The
classify an input face into either live-face or fake-face. Table only pre-processing we performed is the mean centering
V provides a comparative results for QT test by using the and normalization on the input data. More importantly, for
proposed CNN model for face anti-spoofing against other state training a CNN model, we dont need any developmental
of the art face anti-spoofing approaches [26] that include Local data for obtaining a best threshold values for evaluating the
Binary Patterns + Support Vector Machine (LBP + SVM), CNN model performance for face anti-spoofing application.
Local Binary Patterns + Stacked Auto Encoders (LBP + SAE), Additionally, to further explore the capabilities of CNN for
Shearlet Based Feature Descriptors + Support Vector Machine face anti-spoofing and to set our future directions, we could
(SBFD + SVM) and Shearlet Based Feature Descriptors + use more advanced CNN architectures and more complex face
Stacked Auto Encoders (SBFD + SAE). In Table V and anti-spoofing datasets and protocols.
subsequently in the rest of the tables, we only report the


Technique Wrapped photo Cut photo attack Video attack In this paper, we proposed a CNN framework for face
attack anti-spoofing application. An end-to-end learning approach,
LBP + SVM 82% 79% 80%
LBP + SAE 85% 83% 90%
where the input to a CNN is a face image and the output is
SBFD + SVM 83% 92% 92% class probability, has been proposed. Additionally, an efficient
SBFD + SAE 83% 93% 91% training strategy has been proposed for training a CNN ar-
CNN (Ours) 87% 87% 86% chitecture when training data is limited. Experimental results
clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CNN
TABLE VII architecture on both top-1 percent accuracy and traditional
performance evaluation metrics. This also provides a platform
Technique Multi-Class Classification Liveness Detection to assess further the capabilities of various CNN paradigms
SBFD 80.86% 89.18% using end-to-end learning approach on other face anti-spoofing
CNN (Ours) 80.91% 92.52% databases.

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