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- Breathing marks are placed over words that begin with a vowel

- When a gamma comes before another gamma,kappa,chi,,xi that gamma is pronounced as n

- γγ = ng

- γκ = nc

- γ χ = nch

- γ ξ = nx

- Content words include: verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs

- they are the words that build vocabulary

- Function words include: prepositons, pronouns, conjunctions, interjections

- Nouns

- Morphilogical & Syntactical to figure out if its a noun

- Morpholigy: is the form of the word

- If a word can be made plural it is a noun

- Syntax refers to the position it takes in the sentance

- If the word fits after noun markers, it is a noun

- noun marker: the, a, many, that and these

- Adjectives

- morphological test: if a word can end in "er" & "est" it is a adjective

- two syntactical tests for adjectives

- go well between noun marker and its noun

- go well after the word seem

- Verbs

- Morphological test: chnage tense (pas, present, future)

- transitive verbs: [trans] = across / [it] = go

- the action foes from the subject across the verb to an obje

- intransitive verb: [in] = not

- the action does not go across the verb to an object

- Adverbs

- no acurate morphological & syntactical test

- they modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs

- answer questions how, when, where

- Words of Interesting Origin

- alchemist: a person who attempts to chnage base metals into precious metals

- pandemonium: Greek= the realm of deamons / English= cahos, mayhem

- lunatic: Latin=moonstruck / English=person who is insance

- punch: Hindi=drink with five ingrediants / English=a drink with several ingrediants

- decimate: Latin=punish or kill every tenth person / English=wipeout, demolish

- Easly confused words

- stationary: adjective, to remain in one place

- stationery: material that you use to write letters

- conservatism: to perserve one's traditonal customs and be against progress

- conservation: the attempt to preserve something, usally art/endagered animals

- rout: a disorderly retreat, to defeat someone utterly

- route: a path or direction to some place

- Latin phrases

- pro tempore: Latin=for the time / English=temporary

- ex offico: Latin=out of duty, form duty / English= one's office or official positon

- magnum opus: Latin=greak work / English=one's masterpiece

- persona non grata: Latin=person not welcome / English=person banned from place
because of pas offense or political idealogy
- ex cathedra: Latin=out of, from the chair / English=to speak from a postion of


- Prepositions

-Latin {prae} = before + positio,placemnt

- prepositon is something that is placed beofre a noun or pronoun

- express relations or space

- usually small words like.... "of, with, by, for, rom, to, in, on, onto, at"

- prepositional phrase = preposition + the noun/noun phrase/pronoun

- object of a preposition = the noun after a preposition


- The Great Seal

- Vergil (10-19 B.CE.E.)

- Phrase annuit coeptis on the great seal is inspired by Vergil's poem (the

- talks about origins of roman people, whose founding father was Aeneas

- annuit coeptis: "He has agreed to what has been undertaken"

- Aneid was a God, of the roman panthean, Ascaniuns(his on) prays for his

- Main Idea: our great seal is that a devind being(god) has agreed to what we

Americans have begun in creating U.S

- Novus Ordo

- inspired by Vergil's poetry, one that celebrated the return of a Golden Age

- Novus ordo secclorun: a new series of ages

- MAain Idea: this new country will usher in a new age of peace and hope

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