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Researching and Responding to a Truism

Based on what I’ve researched, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” is
a common saying in academic circles that want to promote academic freedom and the power of
learning. Many universities have this statement emblazoned on a sign near the entrance of a building.
But “the truth will set you free” did not originate in academia; Jesus said it in John 8:32. In context,
Jesus’ statement has nothing to do with classroom learning. In fact, John 8:32 speaks of a higher
form of knowledge than is capable of being learned in a classroom. It is commonly used when people
fill their lives with all kinds of lies. They have addictions to substances, religion, negative thinking,
etc. So if a person is experiencing personal issues and is still surrounded by a group of people who
keeps on telling him lies, he should be stopped because it is what can set him free. He needs to be
uncluttered and unblocked.

If I were to compare my own understanding to what I’ve researched, I would say that it’s
kind of the same. For me, the expression states that one shouldn’t be too occupied with lies because
as long as that person is living in a world full of falsehood, he/she will never be at peace. The person
will feel disturbed and uncomfortable for the rest of his/her life. Everyone should know the truth
because it is the only thing that will motivate us in doing better in our lives. Truth may or may not
hurt, but it will always set us free because it is pure, it is not pretentious and not fabricated. It is also
commonly used when people are too afraid to know the truth or real happenings because it might hurt
them. They are scared of what they will know if truth was given. But then again, the truth may hurt,
but that’s what makes us all at peace. My own understanding is just a bit similar to my research; the
only difference is my research has a wider range and concept.

I both believe in the original meaning and current usage of the said expression. The original
meaning is indeed true. The truth that truly does set us free, is found in Jesus Christ and Him alone.
This is because He is really the most important truth in this life that we have. When we believe in
Jesus, we are set free from our sins, to live the life that God created us to live, and that is true
freedom. True freedom does not give us the freedom to do anything that we desire; it sets us free to
do the things that we should. We all have the capacity to be God-like, truth based people. Life is a
search for truth, a search for enlightenment. So this adage is not about lying. It is about living a lie
and not living your authentic self which is what happens to the exploited, manipulated and abused.
When we do not live authentically, our souls starve for truth. The kind, generous, empathetic people
fortunately can heal once they come into their own truth. The evil ones cannot. They will never be set
free and are left to live hell while on earth. And when they die, they continue to "go to hell' because
they leave no loving long lasting memories behind. Everyone even their own children forget them
and are happy they are gone.

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