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Submitted By:
Sadia Zerin, ID: MBA 07018230
Umma Habiba, ID: MBA 07018234
Fahmida Sultana, ID: MBA 07018179

Course Code: Bus 570

Course Title: International Business

Submitted to: Dr. Nadia Farhana

Date: 27 – 07 – 2019

Group Profile
1 Sadia Zerin MBA 07018230
2 Umma Habiba MBA 07018234
3 Fahmida Sultana MBA 07018179

Date of submission 27th JULY of 2019

27th JULY 2019

Dr. Nadia Farhana

Department of Business Studies

Stamford University of Bangladesh .

Subject: To submit about SAFTA.

Dear madam,

We respectfully state that you have assigned us to write about SAFTA. To prepare this report we
have our best effort. However, as we are student and still in learning process there may have
some lacking, limitations and errors in this report. As you’ll see our study pointed to practice on
“International Business”. Following the procedure we’ve prepared an outline of this information
in a revised curriculum plan that we’re submitting to you on this day. We are quite confident
about the preparation of our report. We may have some shortcomings but we’ve tried our best to
make the report properly. We are very pleased to have such an interesting topic to prepare a term
paper on. We would like to thank you for providing us with such opportunity. If you need any
assistance interpreting the term paper please inform us.

Sincerely yours,

Umma Habiba

I would like to express my humble gratitude to the Almighty Allah for enabling me to complete
the enormous job of this term paper. This analysis would not have been possible without the
help, encouragement and appreciation of many individuals. I would like to express my heartfelt
gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Nadia Farhana MBA Faculty, School of Business, Stamford
University of Bangladesh for his constant guidance and helpful suggestion during the course of
analysis. This analysis would not have attained its current shape without his encouragement and
continuous support.

I would like to express my friends for their cheerful cooperation and help during the study
period. I also acknowledge my debt to all who helped me in collecting informative data related to
the analysis during my field visit to study area.

Umma Habiba
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