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Practical Assignment

Pushpanjali kumara
Erp id-0191pgm009
Q. Imagine you are working as a responsible employee having a problem in your
organization. You want to solve this problem. For that you want to conduct
The pantaloons store is concerned about its image, one aspect of which is the
satisfaction of their service, product, quality, and price. In a google form customers
were asked to indicate their perception of service on a five point scale, where 1
indicated not satisfied & 5 indicated highly satisfied service.
The pantaloons hired research consultants who collected a sample of 40
interviews. The mean score on the five point scale, X bar equaled3.22. The sample
standard deviation was S =1.61. We want to test this hypotheses at 5% level of
Mean score(x bar ) = +4+5+2+3+5+5+4+4+2+3+1+2+3+4+2+4

Sample standard deviation (SD) = (x-xbar)^/n-1

= 63/39
= 1.61
Now suppose that the researcher entertains the hypothesis that customers fell the
service at the pantaloons is not satisfied or highly satisfied. Therefore, the null
hypothesis that the mean is equal to 3.0.

H o : μ =3.0

The alternative hypothesis that the mean does not equal to 3.0:

H 1 : μ ≠3. 0

Testing the Hypothesis

X̄− μ
Z obs =
S X̄
Sx = s / n
= 1.61/ 20
= 1.61/ 6.32
= 0.25

In the above survey of a sample of 40 interviews. The mean score on the five point
scale, X bar equaled 3.22. The sample standard deviation was S = 1.61. We want to
test this hypotheses at 5% level of significance.
Zabc = 3.22-3.0
= 0.88

In this case, the z-value is 0.88, less than table value (1.96). we can accept H0.

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