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You You
He He
She can cook. She can’t cook.
It It
We We
They They

you you you
he he he
Can she cook? she can. she can’t.
it it it
we we we
they they they
Yes, No,

● Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the above boxes.

1. I can’t go to work today because I’m sick.

2. A: can your uncle speak Spanish? B: Yes, he can .
3. No, my friend can’t drive, but he can ride a bicycle.
4. We cant go to the beach today because it’s raining.
5. A: can they come with us to the store? B: No, they cant .
6. Denise can play the piano. She knows how to play it.
7. I already finished my work, so I can go home now.
8. Excuse me, where can I buy a bus ticket?
9. can you help me with my homework?
10. Penguins can fly, but they cant swim very well.
11. I’m sorry, but I cant believe what he said! He’s not telling the truth!
12. Henry can meet us tomorrow at three o’clock. We’ll meet him in the library.
13. My little brother can tell the time. Now he knows what time to watch TV!
14. A: can you see that bird? B: No, I cant . Where is it?
15. Do you think you can find your way home?

CAN (Ability) Answer the questions below. Use complete sentences. If your answer is

negative, explain.

● How many languages can you speak?

No, I can’t .I only speak Spanish

● What can you do that most people can’t do?

I can touch my nose with the tip of my tongue

● What can’t you do that most people can do?

I can’t the play guitar

● What songs can you sing?

I can sing rock in Spanish

● What kinds of food can you cook?

I can cook everything food

● What can you do to make yourself feel happy?

I can go to walk with music

● What can you do to improve your English?

I can practice more English

● At what age can people drive in your country?

They can drive at 16 ages

● Which student(s) in our class can tell funny jokes?

they can none tell funnys

● Can you remember what you dreamed about last night?

No , I cant remember

● What six animals can eat you?

Lion,bear,wolf,panther,tiger,hippo , are animals that can eat

● Can you make a sound like a bird or an animal?

I can make a sound bird

● Can you say “Hello” in other languages?

No, I cant say in other languages

● Why can’t chickens fly?

because they have little wings

● Can you remember what we studied in our last English class?

No , I cant remember

● What kinds of things can you do when you feel bored?

I can things listen to music

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