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The success and final outcome of this synopsis required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my
synopsis work. Whatever I have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and I
would not forget to thank them.

I respect and thank my professor Saubhagya Bhadkaria mam for giving me an opportunity to
do the project work on “ Impact of WTO agreement on Indian Agriculture” and providing me
all support and guidance which made me complete the project on time. I am extremely
grateful to him for providing such a nice support and guidance though she had busy schedule
managing for completion of my project.

I am thankful to and fortunate enough to get constant encouragement, support and guidance
from my mother who helped me in successfully completing my project work.

Thank You

Irisha Anand
When we talk about agricultural economy in the developing countries there comes a picture
of India in our mind. Since India being an agricultural economy in the world having great
impact on the socio economic arena of its own people the ongoing global trade agreements
becomes relevant aspect as agriculture remains one of the most contentious issue in the
ongoing situation and negotiation of the World Trade organisation having serious implication
on food security as well as livelihood of thousands of farmers who are solely dependent on
the agricultural income for their survival.

My current project would be focusing on what all the impact did WTO agreement had on
Indian agricultural whether it has negatively impacted or has positively boosted it . The
current project would also be an analysis of impact of WTO agreement on developed and
developing nation .


What impact does the WTO agreement has on Indian agriculture.


The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of WTO agreement on Indian agriculture


In the following project my hypothesis is that WTO agreement has negatively impacted
Indian agriculture.


I have focused in this project on analysing various WTO agreements and trade laws relating
to agriculture in India . Further the impact of WTO agreement on developed and developing
nation namely India has also been analysed on the agricultural aspects and also the recent
changes being done in the agreements has also been analysed.


 introduction
The article published in 2014 talks about how Indian agriculture has undergone
significant changes and transformation during the last fifty years. The underlying
factors for these changes were different in different periods. During the 1950s and
1960s institutional reforms like land reforms and development of irrigation and other
infrastructures played a major role in output growth. Technological breakthrough has
been the prime mover during 1970s, and spread of technological changes to wider
areas and crops has been the main factor during 1980s.

Satish Deodhar WTO Agreements and Indian Agriculture: Retrospection and

Prospects: Indian agriculture so far seem to be very little since developed countries have used
various escape routes in the WTO agreements to minimise their reform commitments. India
will have to concentrate on non-price factors to improve welfare in the agricultural sector.
The prospects of getting additional gains in the up-coming re-negotiations hinge on how
India can take maximum advantage of the existing clauses of the AOA, and, to what extent it
is successful in amending some of the clauses to its advantage.

WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION: The particular website of world trade organisation

translated to English version has provided with all the information relating to agriculture
agreement , its facets other negotiations under it what are the new changes which took place
along with thematic discussions and few news articles over covid19 impact on agriculture.

Sheshu Giri impact of w.t.o on indian agriculture: performance and prospects: Indian is no
exception to these general trends, with a few special features. During last two decades India’s
agricultural exports as a part of total merchandise exports have continued to decline from the
preponderant position they occupied in the pre-independence. But with the achievement of
self-sufficiency in food grains and some other major agricultural commodities, which used to
account for large portion of import bill, overall imports of agricultural commodities have
sharply declined. The outlay on agricultural imports as a proportion of earnings from
agricultural exports has progressively declined, and all the balance has become progressively
more favourable. Discussion on these issues has, naturally, to take into account the new trade
regime as the stated objective of firstly to study the performance of India’s agricultural
exports under WTO regime. secondly, to analyze the competitiveness of top agri-exports of
India under WTO regime. Finally, to suggest policy measures in the identified India’s
agricultural. In the first part of discuss briefly introduce, the developments in agricultural
trade specially the agricultural exports at the world level in the recent years and discuss the
performance of Indian agriculture in this respect finally shaped the shifts in this policy. Final
part, I will try to spell out the ingredients of a strategy to augment agricultural exports in the
changing, and more demanding, global economy .

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