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Reading Resources

The Athlete’s Shoulder: 2nd Edition. Wilk, Reinold, Andrews
Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Preservation Surgery Vol 1 - Sho, et al
Hip Arthroscopy and Hip Preservation Surgery Vol 2 - Sho, et al
Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science: Mechanotransduction - Engler, Kumar
Biomechanics and Motor Control: Defining Central Concepts - Latash, Zatsiorsky
The Science of Gymnastics: Advanced Concepts – Jemni
The Handbook of Sports Medicine: Gymnastics – Caine, Russell, Lim
• Nonlinear Analysis of Human Movement Variability - Stergiou
• Motor Control and Learning - Schmidt, Lee
• Movement System Impairment Syndrome Vol 1 and 2 - Sharmann
• The Sensitive Nervous System - David Butler
• Fascia - Schleip and Baker


It is time to move away from broader and more theoretical concepts of gymnastics to more practical,
everyday training principles. The next two-thirds of this book will primarily focus on the actual methods,
practices, and training tactics used in gymnastics every day. I have intentionally framed these ideas in

a more global application of the human body, not specifics of gymnastics skills. This approach is so that
concepts can be universally applied in the gym, rehabilitation clinic, sports performance facility, or when
appropriate at home.

Physical preparation has been, and will continue to be, a significant area of gymnastics training. Based on
my experiences, I feel it has a substantial potential for improvement. It incorporates flexibility, strength,
metabolic training, and other aspects of technical abilities. Due to the importance flexibility plays in
gymnastics, along with the massive controversy that exists around flexibility training, I will tackle this
concept first.

To preface, I want to say that there is a large population of the gymnastics community approaching
flexibility safely and effectively. Many gyms have stayed up-to-date with ideas based on years of
coaching experience and the emerging science on flexibility. They do not use improper training methods
and keep the athlete’s health as the priority. I commend these people for continuing to further their
knowledge level, and best serve their gymnasts.
I use much of what they believe in within my own gymnastics work. But given the massive amount of
science and expert opinion in the field of physical preparation, there is even more that can be improved

Sadly, at a much broader level, I feel that the current flexibility practices that are used in gymnastics
need substantial updating. There are a considerable proportion of people who are not utilizing the
safest and most effective methods. I have a huge fear that many gymnastics coaches, and even some
parents or medical providers, may be doing more harm than good over time. A lack of education on the
current body of science or being unwilling to adopt new ideas has often lead to significant injuries. More
specifically hip, shoulder, and spine injuries. This lack of education and self-awareness also tends to stall
long-term progress in flexibility. These people are likely unaware these flexibility methods are taking
away from a gymnast’s performance capacity, rather than enhancing it.

Flexibility is an area that I feel I can offer substantial insight. From the start of my career as a Physical
Therapist, flexibility has been a main area of my research and focus. I have treated hundreds of gymnasts
in the last five years for flexibility related issues. A large proportion of these cases involve issues that
contribute to hip, shoulder, ankle, or lower back injuries. Other times, gymnasts were seeking advice on
how to change their flexibility to reach higher level skills. Regardless of the specific case, the end goal
tends to be universal: people are looking for methods to safely increase their flexibility, have it show up
in gymnastics skills, and have the positive changes stick around for the long term.

The substantial impact that flexibility plays in gymnastics is why I have spent hundreds of hours scouring
over research or talking with high-level gymnastics coaches to learn more. In all of my research and
experimentation, I have come to find that unfortunately there is a considerable lack of physiological
science and medical research being applied in every day gymnastics training. More specifically around
the areas of stretching, assessment-based flexibility training, the physiological effects of flexibility
training on the body, and long-term implications. This tangled web of information often leads to limited
gains in flexibility, frustration from coaches or gymnasts, and the progression of overuse injuries.

For these reasons, I feel that reframing our approach to flexibility training is one of the most significant
opportunities for improvement in gymnastics. I think that improving this area, as well as other physical
preparation methods, will open the door to significantly less high-stress training environments.
Considerable progress can be made if we combine expert coaching opinion, current scientific research,
and individualized movement assessments.

In 2015, I wrote a very large e-book on the topics of back pain, flexibility, and core performance
that many people in the gymnastics community found helpful. If you have read it, you may see some
paralleled information in this chapter. This said, there is quite a bit of new material to be covered. I have
included additional information based on what I have learned, read in new research and changed over
the last few years.

A significant amount of research progress has been made in the last two decades related to the
mechanisms of different stretching methods, 1-9 the effects of various flexibility methods,9-15 and the
long term effects of regular flexibility training.16-23 Although this body of research can be overwhelming
if you do not have a medical or formal strength and conditioning education, it is of crucial importance to
apply in gymnastics.

Alongside this, a lot of research has also emerged on the mechanisms and effects that self-myofascial
release, self-massage, or therapeutic massage has on the human body for flexibility gains. 24-31 Given
the increased prevalence of foam rolling, stick massages, and tools/cups being used in medical manual
therapy, it is worth mentioning the role this plays in gymnastics. I will do my best to outline the central
concepts on both stretching and self-soft tissue work as it relates to gymnastics below.

There has also been significant progress in the medical world on the treatment of shoulder injuries
as it relates to flexibility (really the larger concept of mobility).32-43 Many researchers and medical
professionals have helped explain the role that mobility plays in injuries seen in overhead sports like
rotator cuff tears, instability, labral tears, and more.

I am fortunate that two of my mentors, Lenny Macrina and Mike Reinold, are pioneers in this shoulder
research alongside Dr. James Andrews, Kevin Wilk, and many other excellent medical providers. They
have spent their entire careers developing what we know about shoulder performance by working with
elite level athletes, conducting hundreds of research studies, and by helping create a cultural change in
sports such as baseball. Much of what I have been able to innovate in the field of gymnastics related to
flexibility stems from their large body of work, and I am endlessly grateful for their guidance.

More recently, there has also been a substantial body of research emerging on hip anatomy, flexibility
related hip injuries, and the science of training the hip joint to achieve high-level performance in
sports.44-58 I feel that much of this work is in parallel to the shoulder research that has grown in the
last decade. Fortunately, with this emerging field of hip research and injuries in aesthetic sports like
gymnastics, there is a ton of new information that can now be applied to daily training.

Due to my involvement in gymnastics and many other sports that involve high-level hip performance,
I feel lucky to be at the forefront of implementing this research in clinical practice. Studying it and
collaborating with the team at our clinic has allowed me to create innovative approaches. We use these
concepts with hundreds of gymnasts and other athletes every week at Champion, as well as within our

For those interested in more medical and research world, above at the start of this chapter are some
helpful books that I reference on a daily basis. For those that are very overwhelmed by this medical area
of gymnastics, feel free to skip ahead and soak up the main concepts. I will do my best to translate the
abundance of research related to flexibility into easy to implement practical approaches.

Based on the body of scientific evidence, the experience I have had, and the great mentors I have been
lucky to learn from, I hope to share some of my insight into why I think problems still exist in gymnastics

for flexibility training. I also want to use this same source of information to offer what I have found to be
extremely useful in helping gymnasts with flexibility issues.

Everyone in gymnastics must understand that safely developing flexibility that translates to gymnastics
skills requires multiple factors for success. Some of these factors include,

• Gymnastics specific movement assessments

• Understanding muscular tissue, and more specifically the research/practical applications for
role of soft tissue care as well as stretching
• Understanding strength and conditioning principles, and building a baseline of strength
• Understanding the concept of dynamic stability, creating full range of motion control, and the
importance of stabilizer muscle strength
• Maintaining relative balance around the hip and shoulder joint
• Technical skill development and progression
• Workload management for fatigue
• Consistent practice

Before we dive into these nitty-gritty ideas, let’s cover some of the foundational concepts behind
flexibility training.

Why Outdated Methods are Still Used Regularly

I mentioned earlier that if we wish to improve a training culture, we must start with a conversation
about the individual. Similarly, if we want to change our approach to flexibility training in gymnastics, we
must begin with the harder discussion about why so many people continue to use outdated or harmful
methods. I feel two very different reasons seem to exist for why this is happening.

The first reason is that coaches, medical providers, parents, and gymnasts may simply be doing what
they feel is correct. They may be very well intentioned but not have access to the best sources of current
research and education on flexibility methods. Coaches and medical providers may just be continuing
to do what they feel is best practice. In this scenario, it’s hard to blame anybody at all. Everyone reading
this (including myself) at one point in their life lacked the education they have now. During daily
gymnastics training or treatment, they were trying to do the best they can, given the tools they have.
There is no way for them to know a better alternative, outside of embracing more time in seeking more
knowledge. These people are a huge motivation for me to spend time reading research, and then write
this book to offer practical applications.

On the other side of the coin, I can’t avoid the unfortunate reality that many gymnastics professionals
are too closed minded to entertain new ideas about flexibility. Even worse are people who use overly
aggressive stretching methods for the sole purpose of “being tough” or to inflate their ego. What these
people lack in education or self-awareness during flexibility training, they unfortunately tend to make up
for with aggressiveness. Although it is thankfully becoming rarer, I regularly get emails and hear stories
about gymnasts who are being pushed down in splits or other stretches to the point of unnecessary pain,
and injury. This reality is extremely sad to hear about and must stop.

I also regularly hear of people designing flexibility programs based on random thoughts, or exercises

“looking hard.” In reality, these programs and exercises have no scientific or histological research to
support the rationale for use. This is where huge problems start.

The reality of the situation is the person designing flexibility programs for their gymnasts must be
highly educated on the science of hip joints, shoulder joints, and flexibility research. Designing flexibility
circuits with random drills seen online that someone created out of the blue, or using very aggressive
stretching methods without this knowledge, is both morally wrong and very dangerous.

Blindly applying hip and shoulder flexibility drills without a proper medical assessment or rationale as to
what body parts are being stretched is problematic. Similarly, not possessing an in depth understanding
of why an athlete may complain of pain during a stretch, and not having a very clear understanding of
the red flags that may be the warning signs of injury is also an issue.

I have seen many excellent examples of flexibility programs in the last ten years. Many of them I took
pieces from and added to my own approach. I know many coaches and medical providers who are very
well educated, and work collaboratively with medical providers to help attain high-level success with
minimal danger or risk of injury.

However, I have also witnessed some very terrifying things related to flexibility training in these last ten
years. I have had too many moments where I was viscerally uncomfortable observing certain flexibility
exercises being used in lectures, on social media, or in person. I will not highlight any specific instances
or call people out. I feel that is very immature and still must remember that in years prior, I was making
similar mistakes.

These negative experiences have been another main source of my motivation to help improve the
practices we use. It is why I spend so much time reviewing research and trying to talk with people
about new ideas. I see the consequences of outdated flexibility methods manifest as severe injuries
in gymnasts I treat at our clinic every week. It is sad to see the performance drops, mental strain, and
injuries that come from our inability to update our ideas in gymnastics training.

The opposing side to this, if someone takes the time to become educated on basic anatomy and the
basics of flexibility science, the results can be staggering. Someone can make a substantial positive
impact on a gymnast’s flexibility and performance. By understanding some of the more medical concepts
to flexibility, gymnastics success can elevate, and the risk of injury can significantly decline.

Due to the importance of flexibility training in gymnastics, it is our collective responsibilities to make
sure that we are utilizing a combination of the most expert opinions from gymnastics coaches, as well as
the current scientific body of literature that medical providers can offer.

In the end, it is up to people in the gymnastics community to take responsibility for their level of
education and daily actions with regards to flexibility approaches. This self-reflection mirrors the
concepts discussed in the first few chapters on individual character development. We can all improve
together if each of us holds ourselves accountable to admit previous faults, seeks new education and
takes steps to change our habits.

I am continually seeking the best principles to use as a medical provider, educator, and as a coach
myself. This chapter is not about me trying to be the one giving a golden answer or solution. It’s about
a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to what is best for the athletes involved in gymnastics.
I openly invite anyone who is well versed in the current scientific body of hip and shoulder research,
flexibility science or other methods of mobility training to offer their thoughts on the approach I have

developed and will discuss below.

Understanding Basic Anatomy and Flexibility Concepts First

I usually start any discussion that I have with coaches or gymnasts related to flexibility on some basic
anatomy. It’s important to recognize that the range of motion a gymnast’s hip, shoulder, or other joints
displays are directly related to their underlying anatomy. Many structures in the body can influence how
much each joint moves. In general, these structures can be lumped into the categories of “passive” or
“active.” 32-34, 43, 45-48

The passive structures include things like the bones, ligaments, joint capsules, and the inherent
structure or alignment we are born with. For the most part, these structures cannot change too much
unless surgery of some nature is performed, or through adaptation across many years as is seen when
children grow. 33-34, 40,46, 51

Photo Credit -

The active structures are more what people know about gymnastics flexibility methods: muscles,
tendons that attach muscles to bones, and the nervous system. These structures and systems tend to
have much more potential to change through training. As a result, they have more ability to positively
increase an athlete’s overall amount of shoulder or hip flexibility. 32-34, 43, 45-48

Photo Credit:

Within the sport of gymnastics, a large majority of athletes who get involved have underlying natural
hypermobility. This concept simply means the passive structures like the ligaments or joint capsules
tend to be already very lax and they naturally may have much less stiffness throughout their body. 58
Every young child’s body has certain unique characteristics that may predispose them to success in
certain sports. Naturally, hypermobile kids may do well in sports like gymnastics and baseball. Naturally
tall kids may do well in sports like basketball or volleyball. Naturally, fast kids may do well in soccer or
track and field.

The athletes with naturally lax ligaments allow them to get into specific ranges of motion needed for
even the most basic gymnastics skills. Handstands, beginner jumps or leaps, and introductory ring or
parallel bar skills demand extreme mobility to execute.

This is typically why these gymnasts from a young age enjoy recreational gymnastics. Their
hypermobility, along with any underlying talent or great coaching they obtain to control this range
of motion allows them to be quite successful at an early age. They can easily perform flexibility drills,
achieve tumbling or bar lines, create basic gymnastics shapes and proceed through lower level skills.
This is not always the case, but the vast majority of young gymnasts fall into this category once you
move past the recreational level.

These children are often detected through early talent identification and are quickly put into
competitive team tracks. Coaches notice their flexibility or ability to perform lower level skills well.
These gymnasts typically have natural flexibility but may struggle to build strength and power during
training. Coaches understand that with more strength and technique training in a more structured
environment they can progress quickly.

There are some cases where young children do not have the natural hypermobility but are gifted in their
body weight strength abilities. They tend to be more biased towards strength or power and less towards
inherent flexibility. These cases are much less frequent in gymnastics but do exist. I have worked with
many athletes that tend to be stiffer, but because of their incredible natural power, they succeed early
on in gymnastics.

This “natural selection” type introduction to gymnastics presents an essential background foundational
concept of flexibility training. Due to many gymnasts having inherent hypermobility, we do not want to

place excessive stress on the ligaments and joint capsules of athletes.

Even if a young athlete does fall into the category of being not naturally hypermobile but powerful,
we still should gravitate away from putting excessive stress on the passive structures like bones, joint
capsules, and ligaments. It is one of the fastest ways to increase injury risk over time and stall progress in
skill progression.

Without an in depth medical background to understand human anatomy, the risk to reward ratio of
trying to stretch ligaments and joint capsules are incredibly high. There are cases where mobilizing
these passive structures is appropriate (after surgery or some other trauma). 32 However, this requires
very specialized medical training and must be performed by a healthcare provider who is competent.

We all must understand and apply the best available science for hip and shoulder research to avoid
excessive strain being placed on the passive structures of gymnasts. Without this knowledge, it is
impossible to know whether reported discomfort during stretching is a safe and expected result or
an unsafe atypical response. The reality of flexibility training is there will be some discomfort that is
associated. This is an expected part of trying to gain flexibility, to a certain degree. However, there is
a very fine line between reasonable discomfort and inflicting real pain. There is also a very fine line
between stretching the correct active structure to see improvement and overly stressing the incorrect
passive structure to cause injury. There are very predictable locations of stretch discomfort that
athletes may feel, and other areas that are warning signs of more serious injuries.

There has been a large spike in the rate of “hip flexor strains,” “groin strains “, and “cranky shoulders” that
I feel is being very much swept under the rug in gymnastics. It directly relates to this conversation on the
need to understand anatomy, as well as active and passive structures.

When an athlete reports hip or shoulder pain, far too many people are jumping to the conclusion and
assuming that these reports of pain are just pulled muscles. They say not to worry about it, and that
this is something that can be trained through. Although this does happen in gymnastics, there are many
times when this is inaccurate and dangerous.

I fear that what many people write off as small strains is actually the start of more serious issues like
labral tears, pelvic bone stress fractures, and rotator cuff or biceps tendon damage. 32, 38-39, 43, 44-45, 49-51
Again, without an in-depth knowledge of anatomy, injury mechanisms, and medical imaging, it is tough
for someone to tell the difference between a hip flexor strain and a more severe ligament or labral tear.

In the short term, these smaller flare ups of pain may not create huge issues. It may very well be a minor
strain. Within a few days of modification, advice from a qualified medical provider, and time to heal,
issues may resolve quickly.

However, I have seen these types of problems snowball into huge injuries quickly in gymnasts I treat.
I have seen what was thought to be a pulled hamstring end up being a pelvic growth plate stress
fracture that required six months of time off and rehabilitation. I have seen what was thought to be sore
shoulders turn into rotator cuff damage and shoulder instability, requiring surgery to correct. I have
also seen what was believed to be a hip flexor strain turn into a large labral tear and career ending injury.
I do not mean to imply that every report of pain should be panicked over, and that simple muscular
strains are not a common occurrence. I more hope to highlight that assuming ongoing pain reports are
no big deal and can be trained through, rather than thinking critically about the situation, can be very

Stretching Methods: Research, Mechanisms, and Application

We must always remember that the structures that have the most opportunity for improvement, the
active structures, should be the focus of flexibility training. These are the muscles themselves, to a
small degree the tendons that connect muscles to bones, and largely the nervous system. The main way
people approach increasing the flexibility of the active structures is through regular stretching.

Stretching has been around for decades in gymnastics as well as other sports. Many different thoughts
and practices exist in daily gymnastics training. Static stretching, dynamic stretching, “active flexibility”,
and PNF stretching (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) are a few popular methods. Alongside
this, there is a lot of confusion or misunderstandings about what happens when gymnasts stretch, why it
helps increase range of motion, how much stretching is suggested as beneficial to improve flexibility, and
how to make changes show up in skills.

I will take a few pages to explain the current body of research on stretching, outlining some important
studies that have been done. I will get a bit nerdy outlining the mechanisms, but then I will offer a
“practical application” type summary for people to apply in training.

In its most basic form, stretching involves taking a muscle to its end range of motion, and holding the
elongated state for a period of time. This can happen statically for a period of time (static stretching),
with the use of momentum and holding of end range (dynamic or active stretching), or sometimes with
muscle contractions and stretching together (PNF or proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation).

A large body of research has emerged in the last decade outlining that regular stretching does increase
range of motion over periods of 4-8 weeks, with both changes in the muscle tissue and changes in the
nervous system as an underlying mechanism. 1-4, 10, 16-17, 19-20

It appears that a combination of mechanical factors, 4-6, 13,19-20 as well as neurological factors 1-3, 17,19-20, are

reasons behind why regular stretching increases range of motion.

in terms of stretching induced neurological changes to the muscle tissue, the majority of the articles
theorize that the main reasons behind this include

• A reduction in the threshold of stretch reflexes within muscles

• A reduction in the sensitivity of nerves that transmit signals of danger (nociceptors),
• A change within the brain related to perceived discomfort
• An increase in the levels of chemicals that are natural pain relievers, like enkephlin,
within the body

All of these mechanisms may be occurring as people stretch consistently over a long period of
time. The main articles that support this are by Weppler / Magnussun 2010 (find it here https:// , Konrad 2014 (find it here https://www.ncbi.nlm., and Ben / Harvey 2010 (find it here

With this being said, there are definitely studies that claim changes to the mechanical properties of
the muscle, tendon, and junction between these structures change overtime with stretching. 1-3, 17,19-20
The majority of these articles theorize that the main reasons that stretching increases range of motion

• a reduction in the amount of stiffness or compliance within muscles (viscoelasticity),

although likely transient
• An increase in the length of contractile units within muscles (sarcomeregenesis)
• Increases in the water content, blood flow, and temperature within muscles acutely

The main articles that support this are a 2018 systematic review by
Thomas et al ( )
a 2012 paper by Zollner ( )
a paper by Nakamura et al in 2015 ( )

Speaking beyond the research, I truly feel that both mechanical and neurological changes occur in
muscles as well as tendons with prolonged stretching. This said, I believe the majority of effects of
stretching come through neurological means. I feel other aspects to physical preparation like, strength
or skill training, cause more structural changes to muscle tissue due to their higher force and volume
nature. Especially in gymnasts, the changes in sensitivity of nerves that transmit pain, and also
reductions in stretch reflexes likely are the main mechanisms.

I think that by using correct stretching consistently over time (not into excessive pain or passive tissue
damage) combined with strength or skill training, is mainly what causes changes in the muscle tissue

The research definitely leans towards changes in the nervous system being the primary reason,
especially in the short term. That said, there are certainly changes in muscle stiffness, as well as the
length of a muscle, again when appropriately used stretching methods are used. By this I mean those
based on a proper assessment, that do not induce excessive pain, that have a consistency over intensity mindset,
and use stretching as once piece of a larger program for flexibility.

All of the studies that did show a change in range of motion from various techniques (static stretching,
PNF type, more dynamic stretching) did not push the subjects into very extreme pain or use excessively
long periods of stretching past 2 minutes.

In a research study by Ben and Harvey,2 thirty healthy adult individuals were compared to 30 people in a
matched control group to see if regular hamstring stretching would

1) improve range of motion and

2) change the hamstring muscle extensibility.

It was found that thirty minutes of supervised hamstring stretching to the point of discomfort, five days
per week for six weeks improved overall range of motion but did not increase the muscle extensibility.
In simple terminology, it means that they did show an increase in the range of motion, but not due to a
change in structural muscle length. The researchers proposed that the change in the range of motion
may have primarily come from increased tolerance to the discomfort of nerve fibers that detect stretch
pain, as the fibers were becoming more desensitized. 3

In another study by Konrad,3 twenty-five adult individuals were compared to twenty-four adult
individuals in a control group to see if a six-week calf stretching program would

1) increase ankle range of motion and

2) change tissue properties of the calf muscle.

The twenty five individuals in the experimental group stretched their calves in a standard protocol four
sets of thirty-second calf stretches to the “point of tolerable discomfort”, five days per week, for six
weeks. Wall ankle flexibility tests were used to measure the range of motion changes, and ultrasound
imaging was used to look at the changes in the muscle tissue that relate to extensibility like passive
resistive torque, muscle stiffness, tendon stiffness, fascicle length, and pentation angle. Similar to
the study above, it was found that while ankle range of motion did improve, there were no significant
changes in the muscle extensibility outcomes that would indicate tissue change.

The authors concluded that

“the increased range of motion could not be explained by the structural changes in the muscle-tendon unit and
was likely due to increased stretch tolerance possibly due to adaptation in nociceptive nerve endings.” 2

A very useful research review on this topic was performed by Weppler and Magnusson titled,
“Increasing Muscle Extensibility: A Matter of Increasing Length or Modifying Sensation?” 1 They review
an abundance of research studies like the two noted above, dissecting the results and validity to offer
thoughts on what stretching does to muscular tissue. Although I highly encourage people to review it
and read the evidence for themselves, their thoughts follow in line with the ideas noted above related
to changes in sensation or tolerance of stretching, rather than true muscle tissue changes. In their
concluding paragraphs, they write,

“Traditionally, rehabilitation literature has attributed increases in muscle extensibility observed after
stretching to a mechanical increase in muscle length. A growing body of research refutes these mechanical
theories, suggesting instead that in subjects who are asymptomatic, increases in muscle extensibility
observed immediately after a single stretching session, and after short-term (3-8 week) stretching regimes are
predominantly due to modification in subject’s sensation.” 1

Within all these studies, there were undoubtedly methodological issues that need to be considered.
The subjects were adult, the stretching methods and outcomes may have some validity errors, and the
difference in natural hypermobility or anatomy were not discussed. Gymnasts partake in stretching
every day for months on end, so we can’t conclude that changes in muscle tissue over time are not

Other researchers combat these ideas and say that effects locally in the muscle like water hydration
levels, changes in the viscoelasticity of muscles, and even interesting ideas down to stem cell changes
within tendinous structures may be factors.

In a study by Zollner et al,5 the researchers looked more at changes in muscle tissue when chronic
stretching was used in simulated animal models. These studies mainly look at chronic immobilization,
like when people unfortunately need limb lengthening or tendon elongation procedures. Through very
sophisticated mathematical models, they did show evidence of

“a mechanistic multiscale model for stretch-induced sarcomereogenesis, in which chronic muscle lengthening is
characterized through a scalar valued internal variable, the serious sarcomere number.”

Another study by Konrad et al 13 took thirty healthy men ages around 21 and subjected them to 4 sets
of 30 second calf stretches. Half the group performed static stretches, while the other half performed
“Hold Relax” stretching, a variety of PNF. They measured ankle range of motion and end range stiffness
before and after these stretches. They ended up finding changes in range of motion for both groups,
with more changes to the muscle tendon stiffness in the Hold Relax group. They concluded,

“ … that both Hold Relax Stretching and Static Stretching can increase end range of motion, which may be
because of the decreases in muscle stiffness and modified stretch tolerance during the stretch application. In
addition, compared with static stretching, hold relax stretching may have a great effect on the alteration of
stretch tolerance rather than decrease in muscle stiffness.” 13

The important point here is that we must remember that changes in flexibility come about from slow,
consistent, and patient application in training. Regularly using the correct flexibility exercises, skill
progressions, and strength training assignments based on an individual movement assessment is by far
the best way to ensure progress. Long term changes that have minimal injury risk do not tend to come
from short-term, high intensity and high force methods often seen in gymnastics.

Modifying Common Stretches to Align with Research and Biasing Soft Tissue

Proper assessments and specific stretching methods must be used so that excessive strain on passive
tissue like bones, ligaments, and joint capsules is avoided. Undue force to these passive structures
becomes problematic over time as the high force of gymnastics can cause injury. In a sport like
gymnastics, where very high forces are going through shoulder, hip, and spine joints at extreme ranges
of motion, this level of force can quickly cause already mobile passive tissues to stretch out more. I
feel this naturally occurs over time but is amplified when stretching methods are misguided. When
this acquired excess in joint laxity is paired with a lack of strength, lacking technical development, high
repetition, and fatigue in not fully matured athletes, this may have a variety of negative consequences.

If the ligaments and joint capsules are already hypermobile, and have trouble dealing with high force,
and then we add more laxity to them over time, we are likely asking for disaster regarding instability-
based shoulder and hip injuries. 33-34, 36, 45, 47, 55, 58,

Much of the change in gymnastics to prevent these common injuries comes down to applying the
research of anatomy as well as stretching and updated commonly used methods that may not fall in line
with the literature. Remember we want to focus on the active muscular tissue, not the passive ligament
or joint capsule tissue. We also do not want to cause excessive irritation of soft tissue through boney

One example of this would be replacing a commonly used shoulder stretches for overhead handstand
flexibility in training. Both stretches below are seen daily in gymnastics.

As anatomical and biomechanical research in the shoulder outlines 34, 38-39, 40-42, 56 this end range overhead
flexion and internal rotation position may create excessive pressure on certain shoulder ligaments over
time. More specifically, the inferior glenohumeral ligament and capsule, as well as possibly parts of the
middle glenohumeral ligament and capsule. This end range compression and increase in capsular laxity

over time may predispose shoulder instability, sub acromial impingement of the rotator cuff or biceps
tendon, and labral damage. 58-60

I do not mean to suggest that this shoulder stretch will cause injury in a gymnast and should never be
used. For choreography or specific drills, this may be very appropriate when not pushed quickly to
extreme ranges of motion. Skills like Shaposh releases for female gymnasts, Tipelts for male gymnasts,
and other extreme overhead motion demands require this amount of mobility. When correctly applied
certain stretches into this position can augment skill development.

However, my point is that in most cases with a gymnast (or many overhead athletes) we are looking to
improve range of motion into this elevated position by improving the flexibility of specific soft tissues.
Tissues most commonly targeted are the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and pec muscles. When this is
the case, there may be a more optimal approach based on the anatomy of the shoulder joint. 33-35, 62-64
These common active structures limiting overhead shoulder flexibility we want to focus on making more
mobile. If the exercises above are biasing stress on joint capsules and ligaments more so than the lat,
teres major, and pec muscles, we should look for an alternative solution.

Another version of an overhead stretch, pictured below, is an example of the opposite. It uses either a
floor bar or the other arm version to bias external rotation of the shoulder. The athlete is encouraged to
round their upper back to create upper back flexion.

The thought process is that by following the anatomy of the shoulder joint and latissimus dorsi, teres
major, and pec musculature 62-64, this version of an overhead flexibility drill biases stretching the soft
tissue that needs attention and takes the pressure of the often already hypermobile shoulder ligaments.

This simple change in the stretch, along with follow up work, tends to make large progress in gymnasts
who cannot progress in their overhead flexibility.

Another typical example related to hip flexibility has to do with how arched a gymnast’s lower back is
during hip flexor or quadriceps muscle stretching. A commonly seen stretch in gymnastics is when the
lower back of an athlete is excessively arched, or the pelvis is excessively tipped forward as depicted

Similar to the shoulder, when you look at the anatomical and biomechanical science of the hip joint,
hip ligaments, hip flexor and quadriceps muscle 44, 46, 65-67 the more the lower back is arched, or hips are
tilted forward, the less these muscles may be biased in this stretching alignment. Instead, it may lead
to the ligaments and joint capsules in the front or underside of the hips receiving more of the strain.
These ligaments more specifically are the medial and lateral arms of the iliofemoral ligament and the
pubofemoral ligament. 55, 60

In parallel to the points made above, it is not that this stretch is inherently bad or dangerous for a
gymnast. For choreography or specific drills this may be very appropriate. When used in the right
context, it can augment the flexibility needed for advanced leaps or jumps, inbar skills, and tumbling

The point is that targeting the soft tissue of the hip flexor and quad may be a more optimal approach. An
alternative version based on anatomy 65-66 would be to flatten the spine position as well as the pelvis, and
then perform a similar stretch with core/glute engagement.

It does not look nearly as impressive of a motion, but it is very specific to the goal we are trying to
achieve of affecting the active structures while minimizing excessive stress on the passive structures.

Frequently the complex research available suggests some minor changes during training. This can be
seen with the examples above. Simple changes to choose types of stretching exercises that bias the
correct structures of the hip or shoulder may make a notable difference in long-term flexibility and
injury risk. It can be accomplished through an “addition by subtraction” type approach of using an
alternative exercise or changing the alignment of certain common gymnastics stretches. The larger
changes related to global training design, may be more involved.

A Time, Place, and Reason for Prolonged Static Stretching

I don’t want readers to think static stretching is bad, and that we shouldn’t do it. As the 2018 systematic
review outlines,20 it may make a positive effect on range of motion when properly done. As it also
highlights, there may be changes in the tissue over time, as well as neurological changes

There are times after a hard training session or light training day where I will have gymnasts perform
a whole body soft tissue session and follow it up with more passive stretching. There is some research
available that this assists in the perceived recovery process. 68-71

However, the rationale for this is in a different context. In this setting, we are looking to ramp down the
body and assist in recovery (known as facilitating parasympathetic tone). We are not aiming to ramp the
body up for a training session or work hard to gain flexibility and train skills. In my mind, these are two
different applications of static stretching or foam rolling and should be viewed as having different goals.

Speaking beyond the research on this idea, I think light soft tissue work and static stretching may
have the most impact blood flow or lymphatic drainage. It may help reverse the hypoxic or acidic
environments that occur during challenging workouts. I will dive into the physiological thoughts on
this in the recovery chapter. There is more support in the literature for the use of static and dynamic
compression, but I think lighter recovery sessions of self-myofascial release, light stretching, or even
light aerobic exercise are valuable tools alongside other methods.

Pausing for Practical Applications in Gymnastics Training – I know readers feel real
overwhelmed probably. So here are some main take always to help.

1. The issue is not with use of stretching. The issue is more about

• The lack of assessments being used before and after stretching

• The lack of flexibility exercises that target active muscular structures (muscles and tendons)
over passive structures (ligaments and joint capsules)
• The lack of a “consistency over intensity” mindset that is supported by research, and also
avoids aggressive techniques that may cause injury
• The lack of individuality and specificity being used based on a gymnast’s individual issue
• The lack of stretching being used as one small piece for the overall flexibility approach that
carries changes in range of motion to actual skills

2. The current body of research on stretching suggests that

a. Changes in the nervous system are likely the main reason why stretching overtime
increases range of motion (changing stretch reflex, changing perception of discomfort,
desensitization of specific nerves)
b. Changes in the muscle or tendon tissue itself also likely occur (change in number of
sarcomeres, length of sarcomeres, amount of stiffness in muscle tissue)

3. Static stretching in 30-60 seconds bouts, done 5 times per week, for a total time of 5 minutes
per muscle group per week, to the appropriate limit of discomfort, is supported by a majority of
research to be optimal for increasing range of motion. It was also outlined that total time spent
stretching per week was more important than total time spent stretching per session. That article
can be found below, but before readers jump to creating only static stretching circuits based on
those parameters, please read the rest of this chapter.

a. Thomas E., Bianco A., Palma A. The Relation Between Stretching Typology and Stretching
Duration: The Effects on Range of Motion. Int J Sports Med. 2018. [Epub ahead of print]
Read this study here -

4. Other methods of stretching like active flexibility, and PNF stretching, are certainly effective for
increasing range of motion.

5. The most effective approach to increasing flexibility may be when stretching is used with proper
assessments, consistency in stretching, follow up control work, strength programing including
eccentric training and proper volume / fatigue management for athletes.

Sands and Mcneal have a few fantastic chapters on flexibility in recent Strength and Conditioning text
books. 72-75 It is worth noting that both authors have extensive experience in elite level gymnastics,
spending the majority of their career researching gymnastics biomechanics, injuries, and sports
performance. I am incredibly grateful for all the research they have conducted.

Through their chapters, the researchers outline that flexibility training must be viewed in a broader
context outside of only aiming to increase joint range of motion. They explain that the short-term effects
often seen from stretching must be supported by other qualities of athleticism. They accurately outline
that areas like muscular strength and joint control must be trained in parallel with stretching.

They outline, as do many other great researchers, that correctly performed stretching bouts of 10- 30s
that move to tolerable discomfort can be effective. They also outline that longer durations of stretching
(say up to 2 minutes per stretch) show “diminishing returns”. They also echo the research covered
already that emphasis how overly aggressive or excessive stretching duration can “possibly have
damaging effects on connective tissue”. 72

Foam Rolling or Self Soft Tissue Work : Research, Mechanisms, and Application

“Self-soft tissue work” refers to using foam rollers, lacrosse balls, tennis balls, or other implements to
help massage different muscular areas of the body. It has all become wildly popular in the last five years,
and it’s starting to show up much more in the gymnastics community. I think that daily soft tissue care is
one important piece of the puzzle.

I feel gymnasts should be doing regular soft tissue care routine to combat excessive stiffness that may
negatively impact flexibility. Some research has suggested it can also be helpful to reduce perceived
muscle soreness, enhance blood flow, and make an impact in recovery.24-25, 75-77 I encourage all athletes
that I work with to do some form of light, soft tissue prep before every workout. This becomes more
important as the athlete gets older, starts training higher level skills, or are spending more hours per
week in the gym.

The body of research regarding foam rolling and manual therapy or massage is a bit confusing regarding
the theoretical mechanisms. The most popular thought process is that we are affecting resting muscle
tone, possibly increasing blood flow, perhaps changing the amount of water hydration level within the
muscle or are offering a competitive neurological stimulus for muscle soreness. As mentioned above, the
research mainly leans towards changes in perceived discomfort through neurological mechanisms over

changes to muscle tissue, especially in the short term. 24-25

Most healthcare providers that I have talked with feel the major benefits of self-soft tissue work are
increasing blood flow and allowing muscle relaxation. Given the material I have read, this has been my
main thought process as well.

There has been conflicting research on the long-lasting changes in range of motion from various
stretching methods as well as self-soft tissue work. 24-25, 75There appear to be short-term changes in
range of motion, but often does not stick around too long without follow up strength work or consistent
practice of flexibility.

The systematic review by Chris Beardsley and Jakob Skarabot in 2015 outlines 25 that when analyzing
various studies, foam roller use “appears to lead to acute increases in flexibility in the majority of
investigations” despite a few studies not reporting acute changes in the range of motion following forms
of foam roller use.

Conflicting results may have to do with the types of tools used, the pressures used, the duration
of treatment, and technique or instructions were given to study participants. Importantly enough,
following a review of the literature, it was outlined that the combination of appropriate self-myofascial
release and targeted static stretching may yield the most beneficial gains to acute changes in flexibility.

Due to the outlined research effects of foam rolling, stick or other forms of self-massage, I regularly
recommend it as a piece of a gymnast’s flexibility training. It by no means is the perfect solution, but
when based on a movement assessment and used with other strategies, self-myofascial release can be
very beneficial.

I typically have gymnasts perform moderate pressure that does not cause pain, for 10-30 seconds per
muscle group, away from bony areas. This is because a large body of manual therapy and self-soft tissue
work does not recommend very intense/painful pressure, or extremely long bouts of foam rolling are
needed to gain the positive benefits. 24-27

In my experience, excessive force, excessive duration, and the incorrect placement of a foam roller
or stick massager can have opposite effects. It’s very important that both coaches, gymnasts, and
medical providers understand this research to not see negative results from these tools, or worse cause
unintended damage.

I know some coaches worry that excessive static stretching or foam rolling before training may
negatively impact strength or power output, based on concerns or some research findings. 76-77

However, more recent research has supported the idea that foam rolling and properly designed dynamic
warm-ups prior to training appear to have no significant negative effects on performance, may enhance
it, and also positively impact the range of motion in various muscle groups. 20, 80-86 From looking at self-
myofascial release and manual therapy literature reviews, this is thought to be through changes in
perceived soreness, neurological relaxation, and possibly blood flow / water content shifting within the
muscle. 24-15

Again, as presented by Beardsley and Skarbot,

“Self-Myofascial release does not appear to impede athletic performance acutely or in the short term. The
average quality of studies included in this section of the review was slightly higher than the average qualities of
the studies in the review overall. In all cases except two, (Janot et al., 2013; Peacock et al., 2014) there were no
changes in performance measures following any of the SMFR protocols used”

From all the science I have read, and conversations I have had with medical professionals on stretching
or self-myofascial work, when correctly applied the positives effects of foam rolling on performance
largely outweigh the negatives. In support of this, my experiences working with hundreds of gymnasts
to improve flexibility also supports the use of regular stretching and foam rolling for the range of
motion, perceived soreness, and perceived recovery, with minimal negative impacts on performance. I
recommend these tools be used alongside full dynamic warm-ups and technical drills commonly seen in

I want to emphasize that proper stretching and soft tissue work is not the only method to improve
flexibility and performance for gymnasts. It is only one piece of the puzzle that must be used in
combination with movement assessments, strength work, technique work, consistent practice, and
periodization programs that calculate work to rest ratios. These topics tend to be what I write and
lecture about most because they are often underrepresented or misunderstood in gymnastics. The
science must be blended with expert coaching opinion and consistency in training.

Many of the gymnasts I coach or treat for injuries report that light, soft tissue work makes them feel
more warmed up and helps to reduce perceived muscle soreness. They also claim it helps following hard
workouts or on light training days to recover. Many also claim that it helps them move in a larger range
of motion with less discomfort before starting their practice. A few very inflexible gymnasts that I have
worked with also displayed improvements in hip or shoulder range of motion over time when they used
soft tissue work combined with proper stretching/strength programs.

As a healthcare provider, I regularly perform manual therapy to help with injuries based off a full
medical assessment. Just as with the warm-up concept above, it is only one piece of the bigger puzzle
to increasing shoulder or hip flexibility long term. I can often see an appreciable change in the range
of motion within only a few sessions, pending that gymnasts are dedicated to the follow-up a home

Many gymnasts will continue to see me in the competitive season for maintenance care, as they can
notice how adaptively stiff they become through high volume of training or competing. My mentors have
outlined that this was a crucial part of their work in professional level sports through the competitive
season, so I have adopted it into my practice with gymnasts. These are just anecdotal experiences, but
they are in line with what the literature outlines.

I agree that research is conflicting on the theoretical mechanisms and effects of soft tissue work, but
it seems to be making some positive effect that supports its use. I know there is a large spectrum of
positive or negative views on soft tissue work. For me, it takes a minimal amount of time and does not
seem to have too many negative effects when correctly implemented. I view it as a tool to open the door
for gymnasts to then perform strength, technique, and control work for gymnastics skills.

My best recommendation is that people become more familiar with the research, practice, and use of
self-soft tissue work. They can also partner with healthcare providers who are versed in this information
to either to teach in-services to their staff or teach the gymnasts themselves.

Getting to the Root Causes of Limited Flexibility

Moving past all this background information, it’s time to talk about what actually causes a gymnast’s
arms not to go overhead in a handstand, a gymnast’s legs to not go into a full split, or a gymnast’s arms to
not go behind their body for pommel horse swings.

Many medical assessments can be used to determine why a gymnast’s hip, shoulder or spine may not
have the range of motion needed to achieve a full handstand, split, or bridge. 35, 44, 87-89

The reality of the human body is that there are hundreds of factors related to anatomy that can
influence a gymnast’s level of flexibility. There are many possible reasons for why a gymnast can or
cannot move their hips into a full split position or move their shoulders overhead into a full handstand

Without a proper movement assessment being done first, the application of regular stretching and other
flexibility exercises may fall short of revealing progress. Even worse, if the underlying cause of limited
flexibility is not found, we could be causing more problems to come up down the road regarding injury.

As mentioned, the important take away here is to focus on things we can change, like the muscles
themselves. Other things are beyond the realm of changing unless you have a medical background. The
way someone’s hips or shoulders are shaped, unique rotations of bones, certain anatomical variations,
or issues along the entire body chain, can all have a substantial impact on the amount of flexibility a
gymnast can display during skills.

It is not always about the length of the muscle at one spot like the hip or shoulder that makes everything
goes right. The reality of the situation is that a variety of muscles around the hip or shoulder could
be the culprit. Alongside this, strength deficits, limited full range control, technique issues, fatigue, or
adjacent areas of the body may be the reason behind an apparent lack of flexibility.79-81 These issues
are commonly overlooked as culprits to why a gymnast struggles in this area of gymnastics.

Without the ability to assess these various factors, it can be very challenging to make progress in
flexibility. I urge people to not automatically push splits or pull shoulders open when they see a gymnast
with limited range of motion.

Everyone in gymnastics should understand that there are many subcomponents of split, overhead
handstand, or behind the back patterns that must be worked on. For example:

Right/Left Leg Splits -

• Underlying bony hip anatomy (retro or ante verted femur or acetabulum, depth of hip sockets,
boney leg length discrepancy)
• Core control and strength
• Front leg hamstring extensibility
• Front leg groin extensibility
• Front leg calf extensibility

• Back leg hip flexor extensibility
• Back leg groin extensibility
• Back leg quad extensibility
• Glute and deep hip rotator strength on the front and back leg
• Neural tension in sciatic, femoral, piriformis, and quadratus femoris nerve
• Motor control in full range of motion
• Lack of protective guarding against tissue injury
• Coordinative dynamic stability of hip and core muscles

Overhead Shoulder Flexibility

• Underlying bony shoulder anatomy (retro or anteverted humerus or glenoid, depth of

shoulder sockets)
• Core control and strength
• Latissimus dorsi muscle extensibility
• Teres major muscle extensibility
• Pectoralis major and minor muscle extensibility
• Tricep muscle extensibility
• Thoracic spine extension and rotation joint mobility
• Lower cervical retraction and rotation mobility
• Rotator cuff and scapular strength
• Forearm and wrist extension mobility for proper stacking
• Thoracic outlet neural compression and extensibility
• Motor control in full range of motion
• Lack of protective guarding against tissue injury
• Coordinative dynamic stability of rotator cuff, scapular, and larger prime mover muscles

I do not mention this long list to make people feel uneducated. I suggest these to outline the complexity
of the human body, in hopes that people are more cautious in some flexibility decisions they make.

It can be overwhelming if you are not familiar with it. The analogy I use with people from a coaching
background is to compare it to the giant swing and the necessary components to complete the skill. For
a giant to be technically sound, many sub components must be present.

Proper Giant -

• Physical preparation of basic shaping

• The ability to create whole body tension that optimizes storing energy within the bar bending
• Proper kipping mechanics
• Proper cast handstand mechanics
• Proper hollow falling shape into tap
• Tapping mechanics of hollow - arch - kicking
• Correct timing of shape changing
• Finishing hollow position to carry momentum over the bar
• Enough repetitions to maintain technique memory

Just as we must reverse engineer each of these technical issues to why a gymnast is unable to make a
giant over, we must take the same approach to flexibility training. We must educate ourselves on what
components go into a full handstand or split positions, then be able to reverse engineer why a gymnast is


Simply doing more splits or pulling shoulders open with stretches that are a bit extreme will likely not
get to the cause of the issue. I have found that many of the traditional general stretches we use as go
to methods for increasing flexibility do not have proper assessments preceding them or may not have
anatomical considerations in mind. Due to this, they may not be biasing the proper muscular tissue
intended and as a result may show limited effectiveness.

I’m not saying all the stretches or flexibility approaches we use must be discontinued because they are
dangerous. I’m just saying there are many factors to consider and that there may be a more optimal
approach to take. I see many shoulder stretches, and hip stretches that I feel are putting a crazy amount
of stress on joint capsules and ligaments. I do not feel they working as intended to address the true
problem of muscular soft tissue stiffness.

By understanding these concepts, people in the gymnastics community can save a significant amount of
time while also reducing the risk of injury during flexibility training. Approaching this goes back to the
chapter on why an interdisciplinary approach to the future of gymnastics is needed. There are screening
tools that coaches can use to assess these issues, in addition to many great assessments that medical
providers can use to break down problems. This is where we will go next.

Working with Healthcare Providers, and The Need for Gymnastics Specific Assessments

I think that all gymnastics facilities should have a go to a healthcare provider who they can use as
a dependable source of assessment when a gymnast struggles with flexibility. Similarly, I feel that
gymnastics coaches and anyone else involved in flexibility training of a gymnast should have a clear
understanding of what is within their scope to recommend as advice. Flexibility is a high priority area in
gymnastics and comes with too much injury risk if done improperly.

With this being said, medical providers and strength coaches need to spend time understanding the
demands and nature of gymnastics. They must have gymnastics specific assessments and examinations
that lead to an end goal of achieving above average ranges of motion needed in splits, shoulder flexibility
need for handstands, or other unique ranges of motion gymnastics skills require. I know it’s easy for a
member of the gymnastics community to lose trust in medical providers if they do not understand the
sport, skills, terminology, and needs of a gymnast.

Similarly, coaches should take it upon themselves to learn about movement screening, what the results
mean in relation to gymnastics, and what habits they can change in training to improve upon the basic
motions of the human body. If you never measure something, it’s impossible to know if it’s a problem,
or if it’s getting better over time. I regularly screen our gymnasts for wrist, ankle, shoulder, and hip
flexibility. Even if I was not a medical provider, there are many variations of screens that can be used
safely and are within the scope of gymnastics coaches to perform. Screens for weight bearing wrist or
ankle mobility, seated overhead flexibility, and hip flexibility all come to mind. For those interested, here
are a few articles I have written where they can learn more.

URL Links to Blog Posts on SHIFT:

- Comparing Weight Bearing Wrist Mobility to Ankle Mobility

- How To Quickly Screen A Gymnast’s Ankle Mobility

- Screening Overhead Mobility Update For Coaches and Clinicians

Coaches and medical providers should work together to collaborate and do assessments that narrow
in on specific problems around the hip and shoulder joint before ever applying random flexibility
interventions or stretches. Not only will this place the athlete’s health and injury risk as the priority, but
it will also likely take a significantly less amount of time needed to spend on improving motion necessary
for skills. The assessment can usually reveal a few areas of focus, and guide flexibility programs based
on the assessment to create impressive changes that can be noticed in a short period. For more general
thoughts on screening and movement assessments, here are some articles I have written that people
found helpful.

URL Links to Blog Posts on SHIFT or Other Sits

• How I Screen Gymnasts I Work With (Part 1) - SHIFT Blog

• How I Screen Gymnasts I Work With (Part 2) - SHIFT Blog

• The benefits of using the FMS within USA Gymnastics - FMS Blog

The Most Common Culprits for Limited Flexibility, and Solutions for Training

Let’s now move on to actual flexibility approaches that can be used during daily gymnastics training.
It’s important to recognize that every sport has a natural pattern of muscular overuse that occurs as
training volume increases.

These are adaptations that over time can lead to muscle tissue being overused becoming excessively
stiff. If allowed to progress too far, this excessive muscular stiffness can negatively limit specific ranges
of motion. This is typically where many flexibility issues in gymnasts are created, as the muscular
stiffness causes a loss in the range of motion needed for skills. In gymnasts, certain muscles around the
hip and shoulder fall into this category.

A very large amount of upper body power is required in gymnastics, typically in the form of dynamic
shoulder angle opening and closing. This allows an athlete to create hollow positions, forcefully generate
shape changes, swing with power on bars, and align the body for blocking skills.
In response, as training volume increases muscles located near the under arm and on the chest very
quickly become adaptively stiff from overuse. This tends to be directly proportional with the age, level,
and time spent in training.

Specifically, I find the muscular areas listed below in the upper body to be very overworked and stiff in
gymnasts I treat It almost always is a factor in limited overhead shoulder flexibility, lower back pain, and
impact-based wrist or elbow pain. These include:

• Latissimus dorsi
• Teres major
• Pec minor
• Pec major
• Subscapularis
• Upper trapezius
• Upper neck extensors
• Sternocleidomastoids

When going back to the basic anatomy, the “layers” of the shoulder joint help to visualize where these
muscles are located. However, in reality, all layers blend together. Layer 1 and 2 are more passive
structures such as bones, ligaments, and joint capsules.

The 3rd layer includes more active structures and is the location of important muscle groups that have
been frequently discussed.

Most of these muscles around the shoulder work to forcefully pull the shoulders closed and maintain
hollow shapes, stabilize the upper body when in handstand positions, and produce the powerful shape-
changing seen in virtually all gymnastic skills.

Given how much these muscular areas must work during gymnastics training, gymnasts must perform
regular soft tissue care to ensure they do not become an issue. On specific medical assessments, these
muscle groups are commonly seen as limited when properly screened for.

We certainly want these muscular areas strong and able to produce high force, but not at the expense
of losing large ranges in motion. If these muscle groups are not managed with proper soft tissue work,
targeted stretching, and follow-up strength work to maintain balance in opposing muscle groups, losses
in flexibility can quickly develop.

Excessive stiffness in the areas listed above is very often a spark to why a gymnast’s handstand line
starts to fall apart, their ribs flare out when raising their arms overhead, their lower back hyperextends
during basic skills, or they can’t ever seem to keep their head in. These areas of muscular stiffness
and resulting losses in shoulder flexibility tend to create a lot of elbow and wrist stress, as well as
compensatory low back arching to maintain balance.

Not Feeding the Fire with Strength Exercise Selection and Volume

With this concept of overuse muscular stiffness in mind, I want to pause for a critical point. I find many
gymnasts who have shoulder injuries or are struggling with flexibility display significant strength deficits
within their upper back and scapular area. The muscles of the shoulder blade and upper back are often
not nearly as developed as the chest and underarm muscles mentioned above.

It is common to see many gymnastics strength programs that train a high volume of pull-ups, leg lifts,
rope climbs, and push-ups. These programs often do not have the same volume of upper back strength
work such as feet elevated horizontal rows, renegade rows, band pull apart, or basic rotator cuff
strengthening. I believe addressing this common imbalance in strength volume is a key contributing
factor for seeing long-term shoulder flexibility gains and reducing overuse injuries related to the
shoulder joint.

Exercise selection, strength program balance, and athlete individuality also have a significant impact
on limited progress in flexibility. If a gymnast is known for having “tight shoulders” that limits their
handstand and swinging skills, why are we continuing to have that athlete do a high volume of pull-
ups, rope climbs, push-ups, and leg lifts? Doing a high volume of these movements may create ongoing
stiffness in these areas, and as a result further contribute to the persistent loss of overhead mobility.

A better option would be first to modify the amount of pull up or rope climb volume these athletes do,
and instead replace those exercises with more horizontal pulling type motions to help create balance.
Also adding in regular soft tissue work and mobility drills would be very important. This will help them
continue to get the strength training effect but won’t continue to perpetuate their overhead mobility
issue. In the long term, the increased strength of the upper back and follow up technique work will
solidify the flexibility gains made.

Common Factors to Limited Hip Flexibility

Similarly, many muscles around the hip joint can also become extremely overtaxed in a leg dominated
sport like gymnastics. The most common muscular areas I find that get overly stiff are,

• Hip flexors
• Quadriceps
• Inner thigh or groin muscles
• Calf muscles
• Lower back extensor muscles

Just as with the shoulder, a layered approach to the hip can help visualize where these muscles are.
Layer 1 and 2 possess the more passive structures of bones, ligaments, and joint capsules.

Layer 3 has more of the muscular tissue in the hip outlined.

Similar to the shoulder muscles, we must take extra care to make sure that these areas do not become
overly stiff. If this occurs, we may quickly see gymnasts lose their split/leap flexibility or have difficulty
with other tumbling and bar skills. It also can become a large factor in lower back pain. Frequently the
lower back is making up motion that is lost at the hip. It may also contribute to local hip joint injuries, as
the increased strain is placed on the joint capsule to make up for limited soft tissue flexibility.

The first reason many gymnasts progressively gain excessive stiffness in the hip muscles above is due
to the high amount of running, jumping, and impact control seen in gymnastics. A second and equally
important reason is the nature of having “good form” during gymnastics.

Gymnasts must keep their legs straight, toes pointed, and legs together to score high and perform
higher level skills.

When you take a step back and think, these motions are done for multiple hours per day during training,
multiple times per week, month in and month out. As a result, the stiffness that is not properly managed
shows up as a progressive loss of split flexibility, lacking split or leap angles during certain skills, reduced
shaping into tight arches, and reductions in power production. Again, these issues can be detected with
specific ankle and various hip flexibility assessments for the quads and inner thigh muscles.

Just as with the shoulder, I regularly recommend that gymnast perform soft tissue work and specific

stretching to the muscle groups of the hip flexor, quads, inner thigh, and calf. If done daily, this can help
maintain their hip flexibility and reduce the risk of the issues previously mentioned occurring.

The same argument in the shoulder section related to strength balance is of more importance here.
Gymnasts are often doing thousands of repetitions of single leg and double leg squats, box jumps,
sprinting, and other quadriceps (or anterior chain) based exercises.

They often do a fractional amount of hamstring or glute (posterior chain) exercises. These would include
single leg or double leg deadlifts, weighted hip bridges, high-level clamshell drills, hamstring curl ins, and

various others. Skill technique and certain drills do dictate the use of proper core and hip tension, but it
does not replace the large gap that exists in proper spring training of the posterior chain. I will cover this
extensively in the next chapter, but due to its impact on flexibility, I wanted to note this.

This strength imbalance is another large factor to why many gymnasts develop a hyper arched lower
back posture, and experience lower back as well as hip pain. It is also a huge factor in limited explosive
power for tumbling and vaulting skills. It is vital to manage the soft tissue and maintain appropriate
strength/power balance of hip musculature to optimize the athlete’s health and sport performance.

Revisiting a concept from above, if the athlete is known to have “tight hips” (which often refers to the hip
flexors, quads, and groin being stiff) it doesn’t make logical sense that we have them continue training
a high volume of squats, box jumps, leg lifts, v ups, and other hip flexor or quad based strength. This is
more in the short term until balance around the hip joint is seen.
It may be of more benefit to replace those hip flexion-based core exercises with things like plank crawls
for core strength, where gymnast can train their core but still engage in flat hip positions. It is also
crucial to program more posterior chain, pulling, and glute exercises to create joint balance. This will not
only assist power development and 360-degree core strength but will also avoid worsening the issues of
limited hip flexibility.

I very commonly give accessory hip strength work for female gymnasts, and shoulder strength work
for male gymnasts. This is because I know these strength areas are under programmed and under
developed in most traditional gymnastics settings. Many people have become more aware of this issue
and changed their strength programs, but I still feel a bulk of people are making this mistake like I used

If some level of muscular balance is not maintained, and the smaller stabilizer muscles are not
challenged to a very high degree, it often creates an uphill battle to maintain flexibility required for
gymnastics skills.

I do feel that gymnastics has come a long way in their flexibility approaches over the last decade
in relation to these concepts. However, there is still much more progress to be made if we wish to
maximize performance and minimize injury risk.

Gaining Control of Newly Acquired Range of Motion

Alongside proper stretching or soft tissue usage, we also want to make sure we are immediately using
a newly acquired range of motion (through stretching or other means) in gymnastics specific drills or
exercises. This approach will help solidify the new flexibility in actual hip or shoulder motion during
handstands, leaps, or tumbling.

With that said, it seems the majority of self-myofascial release research echoes the research on
stretching. Based on what I have read and experienced, it appears that short-term changes in flexibility
from these methods most likely occur from neurological mechanisms, rather than true structural
changes within the muscle tissue. This is speaking beyond the literature, but I think this is even more
true in more naturally hypermobile athletes like gymnasts who tend to have ample passive tissue laxity.

This is not to say that in the long term, through consistent practice and other means of training (such as
eccentric strength exercises) that changes within the muscle tissue can’t be seen. While stretching may
be correlated to long term changes in muscle length, it appears that structural loading through eccentric
exercise seems to have more prominence in research. There is some promising evidence and theoretical
support for this. 5-13

Regular eccentric exercise (such as slow calf lowers, slow Romanian deadlifts, slow chin up lowers) does
have support for elongating muscle tissue and make long-lasting changes in range of motion. This has
become more evident in the gymnastics community over the last decade, with more coaches moving
towards “active flexibility” drills to increase a range of motion. This is a great start, but there is still much
more change that needs to occur if we want long term progress and health in our gymnasts.

Suboptimal Flexibility Approaches Meets Suboptimal Strength

If modifications to stretches as seen above are not being used in training and are coupled with a gymnast
lacking the proper development of the dynamic or active structures, this can be a huge issue. The active
structures that work as stabilizers for the hip and shoulder joint include the rotator cuff, scapular
muscles, glutes, and deep hip rotators. These muscles need to be trained to a very high degree alongside
the muscle groups commonly trained in gymnastics strength programs. This is because their strength
and ability to function are critical to helping reduce the number of force joints take during gymnastics.

As my mentor and good friend Mike Reinold tells his patients daily,

“When you don’t have great passive stability, you need pristine dynamic stability.”

This simply means that in naturally hypermobile athletes, they cannot afford to lack strength, control,
and technique. Gymnastics is very good at developing the strength of certain larger muscle groups
(lats, pecs, quads, calves, superficial core, etc.) through regular training or during physical preparation
programs. This is important, as it is essential for successful power development, skill performance, and
injury prevention.

However, these sports specific strength gains cannot be the only area of focus.
As I will go into much more detail in the next chapter, many gymnastics specific strength programs are
not great at maintaining balance around the shoulder or hip joints. The amount of training volume seen
in strength programs towards developing the latissimus with pull-ups or rope climbs, quadriceps with
squatting, and superficial core with leg lifts is exceptionally high. This is rarely matched with the same
amount of training volume in strength programs towards developing the upper back with horizontal
rows, the glutes/hamstrings with deadlifting or hip lift variations, and the deeper core with loaded

Many programs are also not typically great about also pushing the smaller stabilizer muscles (rotator
cuff, scapular muscles, deep hip rotators) in a challenging hypertrophy-based way. Despite the huge
wave of “functional training” aiming to train only movement patterns and no isolated muscles, or to
do closed chain exercises for dynamic stability only, these smaller muscles require specific attention.
They need to build capacity and resilience against the high forces that occur at end range of motion in
gymnastics skills. Hip and shoulder joints crucially depend on these stabilizing muscle groups to buffer
force. Again, as we say in the clinic regularly, weak muscles can’t stabilize.

There must be an even balance of training all muscle groups within a gymnast and accepting some
degree of imbalance that will come with sports training. There must also be an even balance to train
loaded and unloaded movements, as well as complex movement patterns and more isolated smaller
stabilizers. I feel this is not well represented in many of the gymnastics facilities I consult with and I hope
that by sharing this information we can see positive change.

Moving back to the foundational concepts of anatomy and flexibility, an abundance of shoulder and hip
research has outlined how in naturally hypermobile athletes like gymnasts, it is crucial that strength,
dynamic stability, and motor control are trained to a high level. 39, 47, 58-60, 67 When this approach to
strength is combined with proper stretching methods, optimal skill technique, work to rest ratios, and
fatigue management, I feel it can make massive progress in flexibility as well as performance.

Performance Point: Why This Matters for Gymnastics - Here are some things to take away from
everything cited. With our flexibility training we should:

• Use flexibility methods that do not stress hip/shoulder bones, ligaments, joints or capsules.
Instead, use the available anatomy and biomechanical science to bias making changes to
muscular tissue and the nervous system.
• Be cautious about repetitive high force movements that stress hip and shoulder joints to end
ranges of motion. Very high force skills that use end range of motion (release skills on bars,
advanced pirouetting, high impact dismounts, tumbling, and beam series) must be objectively
tracked and counted.
• Regularly add in a very high amount of hip and shoulder strengthening as well as hip and shoulder
stability exercises. This includes balance around individual joints, but also attention to increasing

the strength of smaller stabilizer muscles. This will assist the ligaments, joint capsules, and bones
that lack the inherent stability to provide support on their own.
• Utilize both non-gymnastics strength exercises and traditional gymnastics strength exercise to
build tissue capacity. Also utilize active flexibility, technical drills, and choreography approaches
to help spread the force to tissues across multiple joints.
• Keep a close eye on volume tracking, watching the number of repetitions of high force skills, and
tailoring intense shoulder/hip gymnastics skills to the individual.
• Know the early warning signs of hip and shoulder injuries, along with practicing science-based
flexibility and protective strength that is in line with the most current literature. Gymnasts that
complain of soreness in the tops of their shoulders, small of their lower back, or front and outside
of their hip joints during flexibility must be investigated.

For three more fantastic chapters on flexibility as it relates to athletes be sure to read the three
reference chapters by Sands and McNeal. 72-74

It is crucial that gymnasts have appropriate flexibility to get into the joint positions needed for skills.
It is also essential that the means to how they reach those ranges of motion is slowly, effectively and
methodically built over time. These end ranges of motion must be protected with proper technique,
strength, stability, and management of volume as young gymnast move to train more advanced skills.

Directly related to this, it is vital that artistic gymnasts are only training the required the range of
motion needed for skills, and then aiming to remain strong and stable within that given range. Artistic
gymnasts should not be aiming to maximize the largest possible range of motion or using a “stretch to
impress” approach where they are excessively moving into hypermobile ranges of motion. I have talked
with rhythmic gymnastics coaches related to this, and although largely I feel the ideas are the same,
I can understand the need for even more range of motion being needed. The important difference to
remember is that rhythmic gymnasts typically do not do vaulting, tumbling, or bars skills that have
huge forces recorded at multiple times body weight like artistic or tumbling/trampoline gymnasts. This
cannot be taken lightly.

An approach to flexibility that shows off maximal range of motion more than what is needed for skills
without developing the proper active structures for support is very dangerous. It places undue stress on
ligaments and joints and over time can create losses in flexibility through protective mechanisms, along
with injuries.

As one of my favorite quotes by Dr. William Sands outlines

“We need to change our thinking about flexibility as a static quality, often based on how flexibility is tested, to a
dynamic quality that incorporates elements of strength, coordination, power and other abilities… In the context
of effective movement generation, flexibility is not a maximization problem, but an optimization problem,
bounded by the specific motions required for the sport.” 74

That quote has always stuck with me. In a fantastic way, it summarizes all the research and ideas I have
from above. Rather than just trying different exercises out or show off how mobile a gymnast is, we
must instead take a big step back and think about what is needed for gymnastics success and long-term

Working in Complexes, Rather Than Just Stretching

Given all of this, instead of doing twenty to thirty minutes of only stretching exercises, I now feel
working in a complex type format is the most beneficial approach. I have found that it not only can yield
quick changes in flexibility, but it can also make longer-lasting changes that show up in gymnastics skills.

The traditional model of gymnastics typically involves twenty to thirty-minute time periods where
static stretches are held, active flexibility drills are done, or specific exercises are repeatedly done in
high volume to gain range of motion. I did this for a decade as a gymnast, and for the first five years I was
coaching. Knowing what I do now from all of the above research, I have mostly moved away from this
approach of only using stretching to improve flexibility. This is true both in training and in our medical

One of the most effective methods that I have come up with to increase flexibility, make changes stick,
and not risk injury with aggressive stretching techniques is to work in complexes rather than performing
only static or dynamic stretching.

While I think these longer static or active flexibility circuits do have some value (and this is supported
by research when used properly), the abundance of research outside of just the literature on stretching
suggests a more optimal approach. Although these traditional training methods can yield short-term
benefits and may help increase an athlete’s awareness of body position, problems clearly exist with this

For one, proper movement assessments are rarely done before these large flexibility sessions. Often the
specificity or individuality of specific exercises lacks as a result.

Second, most times there are a lack of pre and post-tests (line splits, checking objective shoulder
flexibility screen against a wall) to see if what is being used for exercises is effective. People assume
that progress is being made, rather than having some comparative baseline for observing changes. If a
training strategy is not yielding results over a few days or weeks, we must change and reevaluate our

And lastly, passive or active flexibility exercises alone will not have a substantial impact on the nervous
system to change movement, build strength, or correct technique. This approach may lead to a limited
transference to actual skills. It may help improve range of motion acutely, but it will not change
movement in a gymnastics skill specific manner. Despite our best efforts we may continue to see cast
handstands that lack open shoulders, leaps that do not have larger angles, and parallel bar swings that
lack a large front swing.

Due to these reasons and the research I have read about the human body, there will likely be a very
limited long-term change in flexibility that change gymnastics skills. We must remember Dr. Sand’s
advice to view flexibility not as a static quality, but as a dynamic quality that incorporates strength,
power, and control.

I feel to see a notable lasting change in the range of motion that shows up in gymnastics skills, we have
to approach the entire movement system with our mobility work, and not just aim to improve the range
of motion seen. As I mentioned above, research does support specific stretching and soft tissue work,
but as one piece to a larger program. This is why I now mainly approach flexibility in larger complexes.

A complex typically includes these steps (I will offer links to videos below)

1. Pre-Test Screen
• Splits on line, back to wall overhead shoulder motion, crab position for a male gymnast to
assess parallel bars and pommel flexibility

2. Self-Soft Tissue Work

• 30-60 seconds per targeted muscle group, no more than 5/10 discomfort level

3. Targeted Muscular Stretching, or PNF Techniques

• Hip Flexors, Quads, Groin, Calves, etc.
• Lats, Teres Major, Pec Major and Minor, Thoracic Spine, etc.

4. Strength Work to Opposite Side of Joint

• Glutes, Deep Hip Rotators, Core, etc.
• Scapular Muscles, Rotator Cuff, Core, etc.

5. Active Flexibility in New Range of Motion

• Elastic band kick drills, needle kicks, PNF techniques
• Elastic band openers, shoulder circles to mat laying on stomach, PNF techniques

6. Gymnastics skill technique drills to use the new range of motion

• Beam, Parallel Bar, High Bar Technique Drills Involving Splits
• Beam, Parallel Bar, High Bar Technique Drills for Handstands of Behind the back motions
(male gymnasts)

7. Post-Test Screen
• Splits on a line, back to wall overhead shoulder motion, crab position for male gymnast p bars
and pommels

When this circuit approach is done with an idea of consistency over intensity, followed by proper
gymnastics technique or strength programming, I think it has a substantial effect on long-lasting

flexibility changes in a gymnast. I often give these circuits for shoulder or hip flexibility assigned as
homework before practice or at home. This approach is especially useful for gymnasts who are not as
fortunate to be naturally mobile.

This theory is also more in line with the motor control research I have read and interpreted related to
changing human movement. 95 - 97 In theory, it incorporates not only neural encoding but also motor skill
acquisition and deliberate practice. By using a variety of drills that include the basic movements (hip
extension, shoulder flexion with rotation, etc.) we can attempt to make more progress over time.

Lastly and most importantly, this complex approach tends to create much more engagement from
gymnasts, as the longer static holding of flexibility can be very prolonged and monotonous. I feel this
approach not only makes more sense from a gymnastics technique point of view, but also incorporates a
lot of current scientific research on flexibility, soft tissue work, and human movement. I will offer a few
examples to split and handstand complexes I have designed.

Check out these blog posts to read more on these complexes and watch videos.

- Hip Performance Complex for Splits

- Shoulder Performance Complex for Handstands

I also want to give people as many resources as possible, so I am going to give readers a few of my most
downloaded flexibility tools for free. Check them out by clicking the links here:

Gymnastics Self Myofascial Release Checklist PDF - Click below for dropbox link and free download –

Split Flexibility Complex PDF – Click below for dropbox link and free download

How to Approach Flexibility Training in a Large Group of Gymnasts

Another regular question I get asked by coaches is how they can apply these concepts to a huge group of
athletes, who all have different levels of flexibility. Some gymnasts are more hypermobile and not strong
enough, some are naturally stiff and don’t have an issue with strength, others simply can’t connect the
dots and transfer their flexibility to skills.

The answer I give is that I had the same problem when creating these performance complexes, and
mainly built them to serve this purpose. Assuming gymnasts have had movement screens to figure out
why they are limited the performance complex can be primarily tailored to these groups of athletes.

Every time we do this with our larger group of competitive team members, I outline explicitly that they
need to understand where their specific strengths and weaknesses lie. I tell the more naturally mobile
athletes to not go crazy on the stretching work, and spend more time on the control, strength, and
technique side of the complex. I tell more naturally stiff athletes to spend more time on the self-soft
tissue work, specific stretching, and control drills that are appropriate for them. Wasted time can be
combated by highlighting communication between coaches and athletes and close monitoring of the
circuit. Also, there are plenty of exercise modifications that can be made.

Regarding space and time, I have found it best to set a few circuits up side by side, so that athletes can
rotate through them and minimize wasted time. For example, if we have a group of 20 athletes and only
the floor to use. I will separate each lane and place four spots to check splits on a line, four foam rollers
to do quick soft tissue work, four spots for a hip flexor stretch, four spots for a groin stretch, four panel
mats for active leg kicks, and four blocks for leap drills in a line. This way, five athletes can be put in a
group and rotate through the circuit multiple times. It has been the most effective method I have found
thus far, and I think most people could find a variation that fits their gym and athletes.

For athletes that struggle with a particular component, I take a piece of the performance complex that
is most helpful and assign them as additional homework. Some gymnasts will come in 10 minutes early
to do them; others will try to do a variation at home. Between these three concepts, it usually serves to
help deal with the reality of working in a large group setting under a time constraint.

The Role of Growth in Flexibility Losses

It’s important to talk about the role growth spurts play in losses in flexibility. From a physical point
of view, during rapid growth bones progress at a much faster rate than a muscle’s ability to elongate
proportionally. 90-92 There is often a significant imbalance in the growth rate of bones and muscles or
tendons. Due to this, it is frequently seen that gymnasts have an inevitable temporary loss in their
flexibility. They often experience growing pains, feel significant drops in their gymnastics performance,
and feel frustrated with losses in flexibility.

Unfortunately, this concept of unproportioned growth brings a very high injury risk and times of notable
drops in flexibility. As a result, gymnasts and coaches also get frustrated with ongoing levels of soreness
and reductions in skill performance as the body is recalibrating. We have to make sure we approach
these time periods with extreme caution.

For one, we can’t blame a gymnast for their growth. They clearly cannot control it. All young athletes will
go through periods of rapid bone growth, with losses in muscular flexibility. Getting on their case about
how much their flexibility has dropped, and either verbally or nonverbally expressing disappointment, is
very inappropriate. It’s a reality of working with young athletes. As adults, we must be aware of this and
modify training to help the athlete, sometimes even for an extended period.

Second, times of rapid growth cause someone to be very prone to overuse or high force injuries.
Incredibly high tension is placed upon the insertional points of tendons on growth plates as the bones
rapidly expand. The type of tissue located at these growth plates is not fused bone. It is a much less
durable form of cartilage which is not nearly as strong as bone. This difference in anatomy reduces it’s
force absorbing capacity and as a result lowers its tolerance to resist irritation.

This is not a situation where athletes can just “push through” incredible levels of soreness. Young
developing gymnasts will inevitably reach a breaking point, literally and metaphorically.

I will cover these concepts much more in depth during the medical chapters, but common injuries seen
regarding these concepts include:

• Heel growth plate inflammation (Sever’s disease) or stress fractures

• Patellar tendon insertion growth plate inflammation (Osgood Schlatters)
• Lower kneecap growth plate inflammation (Sindin - Jarson - Lohansen Syndrome)
• Hip flexor or groin insertion growth plate inflammation or stress fractures
• Hamstring insertion growth plate inflammation (Ischial Apophysitis) or stress fractures
• Lower back stress fractures (stress reaction, spondylolisthesis)
• Shoulder growth plate inflammation / stress fracture
• Elbow growth plate inflammation (triceps apophysitis) and to a degree Osteochondritis
Dissecans (OCD)
• Wrist growth plate inflammation, stress fracture, or premature closure typically called
“Gymnast Wrist”

One of the most important things we can do for the athlete during times of rapid growth is to educate

them on what is happening. Sometimes just understanding what is going on makes it much easier for
coaches, parents, and athletes to work through the frustrating period. I also encourage these athletes
to stay diligent to what flexibility methods they are using, again with a “consistency over intensity”
mindset. I have drastically reduced the training and competition load on an athlete going through rapid
growth spurts, to exchange a few months of training now for years of training down the road. It’s a hard
conversation to have, but a necessary one. There are plenty of other things they can work on in training
as this time frame naturally plays out.

Another technique that I will highlight in pages to come is how tracking growth regularly can help to
possibly predict rapid changes in height. A phase is known as “peak height velocity” is when many young
athletes are at the highest risk for overuse injury and performance drops. Understanding these things
exist, having some tools to help, and factoring a proactive thought process into a training program can
significantly impact a gymnast’s health as well as their performance.

Are Over Splits Bad for Gymnasts?

After having various conversations about flexibility with people in the gymnastics community, the safety
of training over splits is typically the biggest question.

To help explain my thoughts on this topic, I wrote a very popular blog post that many people found
helpful. To summarize the concepts in this chapter and explain my approach to this question, I will
end this section with that blog post. Some of the thoughts repeat, but I did this intentionally to keep
the essential ideas in the forefront of readers minds as they continue in the book. I hope this helps tie
everything together thus far.

In the most basic sense, I don’t think over splits are inherently “bad for gymnasts.” I think the more
accurate way to describe them is that over splits may be bad for a particular gymnast at that moment in
time. Some degree of abnormal hip bone motion may be needed for success in aesthetic sports. I think
there are not yet studied boney adaptations to the hip joints of gymnasts when correctly performed and
consistent stretching occurs in younger years. I have this theory based on the changes in boney rotation
that baseball players exhibit from throwing when younger. 95-96 This is a central concept to the work my
mentors Mike Reinold and Lenny Macrina teach their patients about, due to how much it changes their

For example, this research studies 94-95 recently looked at x-rays from professional ballet dancers during
full straddle splits. They found that to achieve this full straddle split position; there was evidence of
micro subluxation in the hip joints. This means the hip bone was slightly migrating out of the hip socket
to reach such large ranges of motion.

This finding isn’t inherently dangerous, or good as research always has its internal issues. More research
is needed, but this concept of natural boney adaptations in gymnasts is a central idea I feel will emerge in
years to come. The research in ballet dancers made me reconsider what must happen at the hip joint go
to achieve such large ranges of motion needed for over splits.

Keeping this in mind, we need to seriously consider that gymnasts have open growth plates and can
suffer from ischial apophysitis or growth plate stress fractures if we blindly force split motion. 92, 98

Forcing a split down into extreme ranges of an over split without a proper assessment behind it, asking a
gymnast to perform over splits when they are not even close to a split on flat ground, or blindly pushing
someone down just to be tough, is most definitely dangerous.
The main reason as mentioned above is because the “stretch” pain reported may be coming from a
few overlapping body structures, some we should be aiming to target (muscles, fascial tissue, some
tendinous) and some we should not be (bony joints, ligaments, capsules, labrums, etc.).

Without an in-depth knowledge of medical assessments, it is difficult to know why a gymnast may be
limited in their split and what structure is referring discomfort during flexibility training. Being able to
achieve a full over split, or even a regular full split for that matter requires many things to be going well
from a movement point of view.

This is where things start to get important. Some of the movement-based components that must go
right to perform over splits include:

• A naturally hypermobile type genetic structure, and ‘shallower’ hip joints (acetabular dysplasia)
• Proper spinal control, alignment and awareness that does not stress the lower back or hip joints
• Adequate muscle length in the hip flexors, quads, hamstrings, and groin
• Adequate muscle strength in the core, glutes, deep hip stabilizers, and rotator muscles to safely
support the hip joint
• Adequate full range control and strength for the central nervous system to allow leg motion to
occur safely
• Consistent training and regular use of newly acquired motion to transfer motion to skills in the
• Proper mental and psychological developmental/maturity of the athlete to actively be engaged in
the training, know normal versus abnormal levels of discomfort and consistently work to seeing
• As you can see, there are quite a few things that can limit why someone cannot do a full split or
over a split.

At face value, they can all appear as someone who is “tight” or “unflexible.” Which leads me to my most
important point of this section:

Splits and over splits should not be viewed as an inherent thing a gymnast has or doesn’t have.

It should be considered to be a skill with many pieces that must be broken down to achieve success.
Using proper movement assessments, understanding the anatomy, and a “consistency over intensity”
mindset is what will reduce injury risk and increase gymnastics performance.

Now after saying that over split training is not inherently dangerous or going to create injury
automatically, we all must realize there are severe consequences for not approaching split flexibility
correctly. I strongly feel that gymnasts must “earn the right” to do over splits and must be mature
enough to do them safely.

Simply throwing a bunch of random flexibility drills you recently saw at a clinic or on a video (I’m majorly
guilty of this one) is a quick way to ask for complaints of hip pain. Also, aggressively pushing a gymnast
down in a split or not taking the time to break down why someone is limited can also lead to serious

Before you apply new flexibility ideas, take a step back and consider the scientific rationale behind them.
Also, think how they apply to the gymnast’s skill profile. Then brainstorm how to divide out the group of
gymnasts who may or may not fit, and who may need an alternative exercise based on their issues.

Recently many gymnasts are reporting to have “hip flexor strains” that they push through. However,
they may have a more serious underlying issue such as ligament, capsule, the joint or labral damage that
are frankly a big deal.

Many great studies 42,52, 102 have outlined how hip ligaments and labrum may get strained at very end
ranges that are unprotected or repetitively subjected to high force (as seen in several gymnastics
skills). I will say take these research studies with a grain of salt due to their methods, smaller sizes, and
sometimes using cadavers as subjects.

It’s not that we want to freak out every time someone is reporting discomfort in a split. However, we
need to understand that forcefully pushing over splits, not being open to learning basic anatomy, or
ignoring serious pain complaints from gymnasts is not tolerable.

A blind approach to gymnastics flexibility training can cause serious hip injuries as the current medical
research field has demonstrated. Labral tears may progress to requiring surgical repair and putting an
athlete out of training for months or even career ending. Long-standing hip micro instability is another
concern that may be created without the proper training approach. If you are more curious about
learning the medical side of hip injuries in hyper flexible athletes, I highly recommend reading these

• Skendzel, et al. The Approach to the Evaluation and Surgical Treatment of Mechanical Hip Pain in
the Young Patient. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2013 Sep 18; 95 (18): e133
• Dumount GD. Hip Instability: Current Concepts and Treatment. Clinics in Sports Medicine July
2016Volume 35, Issue 3, Pages 435-447
• Weber, et al. The Hyperflexible Hip Managing Hip Pain in the Dancer and Gymnast. Sports
Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach April 23, 2014
• Shibata, K.R., Matsuda, S. & Safran, M.R. Is there a distinct pattern to the acetabular labrum and
articular cartilage damage in the non-dysplastic hip with instability? Knee Surg Sports Traumatol
Arthrosc (2016). doi:10.1007/s00167-016-4342-4

• Kalisvaart MM, Safran MR. Microinstability of the hip-it does exist: etiology, diagnosis, and
treatment. J Hip Preserv Surg (2015) 2 (2):123-135.doi: 10.1093/jhps/hnv017

Sadly, many young gymnasts are requiring hip surgery, or are retiring due to hip injuries of this nature.
Part of this may be inevitable for high-level gymnastics, but we should be doing anything we can to
reduce risk given the scientific information and coaching expertise available.

So, What Is The Best Approach?

With all of this in mind, here are some steps and underlying principles to consider when approaching
split flexibility training. Again, this will mimic what has been outlined related to working in complexes as
compared to isolated stretching sessions. We all have exercises, and specific flexibility methods in mind
which I’m sure are great. I learn new ideas from coaches on a weekly basis. After making sure they are
appropriate and safe by using the step by step process I will describe below, I implement them and often
see great results.

Step 1 - Find Out Specifically Why a Gymnast has a Limited Split

The most important starting place to helping someone gain flexibility or achieve a better split is to fully
understand why they do not have a split in the first place. If a gymnast has a specific bony structure that
does not allow them to achieve a particular position, that absolutely must be known.

Without this knowledge, using general flexibility drills may waste time and even worse likely stimulate
pain. A good sports Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Sports Chiropractor, or another medical
provider can do specific tests to really narrow in on why they cannot achieve the desired split position. It
could be a boney issue, muscular stiffness, strength limitation, technique issue, or a combination of a few
factors. Without an assessment, you will never know.

Step 2 - Use Flexibility Methods that Target Muscular Soft Tissue, and Do Not Stress Hip Ligaments /

After knowing why someone is limited, we have to make sure muscular soft tissue is always the focus
of flexibility methods for gymnasts. Most often than not, gymnasts are naturally hypermobile and have
ligament/capsule laxity that allows them to be involved in gymnastics in the first place. Think of it as a
natural selection type progress; just like me being 5’6 certainly doesn’t lend me to naturally being a great
NBA basketball player.

The same concept applies to gymnasts and their natural laxity. They often have plenty of motion coming
from their hip joint and ligaments, and we do not want to create more instability.

I teach gymnasts to be fully engaged with their core, hips, and alignment during splits rather than
passively sit/push to end range, which is when I feel this ligament or labrum stress occurs. This has been
supported by research looking at end range hip stress during extreme ranges of motion

There are certain muscular areas in a gymnast’s lower body (calves, inner thigh, hip flexors, and quads)
that get overused and tend to stiffen up during training. These are the areas we want to target really.
Using foam rolling, other soft tissue devices like lacrosse balls, very specific targeted stretching, and
active flexibility drills is often enough to get the job done when consistently performed.

It’s worth noting that when gymnasts do over splits, I typically promote placing their entire calf on the
mat to reduce strain on the knee from hyperextension.

From here, we must remember the purpose of a warm-up is to prep the available motion of the
athlete. It’s not the appropriate time to force and try to gain more motion. My current thoughts are
when ligaments are loose and soft tissue is stiff, working the split may cause a split to go down, but
unfortunately at the cost of ligament integrity.

For this reason, I feel gaining flexibility is best done in a separate time. Usually, it’s best at the end of
practice or after a full warm up to increase body temperature, and in more of a “circuit” based approach
rather than just stretching alone.

Step 3 - Don’t Ignore the “Basics” of Hip Strength

Once proper soft tissue flexibility has been worked, we need other muscles around the hip joint to be
extremely strong to support motion required for a split. The glute muscles, deep hip stabilizers, and
core must all work in synchrony to achieve large ranges of motion necessary for splitting movements. I
often regularly recommend “hip care” to be done for gymnasts that target these areas very specifically.
Single or double leg hip lifts, deadlift variations, side band walks, clamshells, side planks, and many other
great exercises all can be used to enhance the strength needed to perform over splits safely. This will be
covered in depth in the strength chapter.

Step 4 - As More Flexibility Range of Motion is Gained, Work Control and Full Range Strength

One of the biggest mistakes I think we all make in gymnastics is just focusing on muscle flexibility and
stretching while neglecting to follow it up with full range control and strength. Many refer to this as
“active flexibility” meaning we are trying to bridge the gap between what a gymnast can do passively
on the floor for a split to what shows up in the events. Dr. Sands has some great research on the use
of active flexibility and proper elastic band kick exercises for increasing flexibility. I am a huge fan of
incorporating drills of this nature that focus on control and strength to the end of flexibility circuits.

I’m not going to lie; I’ve seen some pretty insane flexibility drills on the internet that have very little
scientific or anatomical rationale, which makes me very nervous. Many people argue that because
rhythmic gymnasts or ballet dancers do these, artistic gymnasts need to adopt them as well.

My first argument would be that behind the scenes to rhythmic gymnastics and ballet, I bet their
athletes have quite a few hip injuries as well. I’ve worked with a few high-level ballet dancers, and they
certainly have their fair share of hip problems. Second, the force demands of rhythmic gymnastics or
ballet dancers compared to artistic gymnastics are drastically different. Artistic gymnastics athletes do
insanely high force skill, hundreds of times per week, during peak growth periods where they are very at
risk. These include huge vaults, tumbling passes, and in bar skills. For this reason, I feel we can’t compare
apples to oranges for these subcategories of gymnastics and the flexibility methods used.
It’s not that we can’t learn from these sports and take the pieces that are useful. But, artistic gymnasts
must train for a very high level of hip strength, stability, and force absorbing capacity to back up all their

Step 5 - Do Gymnastics Specific Drills to Finish Flexibility Circuits

To finish circuits off described above, I think it’s essential to do gymnastics specific hip drills to transfer
newfound flexibility to skills. Jumps on tramp/rod strip, more intense active flexibility drills, or doing
beam circuits that use jump and leap drills, can be helpful in making newly gained flexibility stick.
Whatever specific skill you are looking to improve, spend some time on the technique and include drills
for them within your flexibility circuits.

Step 6 - Don’t Promote a “Just Because You Can Means You Should” Mentality

This is more of a lesson to teach gymnasts, but the super mobile and naturally bendy gymnast shouldn’t
be encouraged to do extreme flexibility just for the sake of it. Showing off a 5-panel over split or bending
their back in half when younger may look cool, but in the long run, may be doing more harm than good.
I suggest gymnasts and coaches gain the required flexibility needed for skills and then work hard to get
strong in that range of motion and protect themselves.

Step 7 - Be Hyper Aware of Early Signals for Hip Injury

Gymnasts, coaches, medical providers and anyone else involved must know when or when not to
keep working over splits through discomfort. A moderate level of stretch based discomfort in the
muscles themselves is expected. One theory supported in these research papers 2-3 talk about how
desensitizing nerve endings in the muscles may be a big reason why we see long-term changes in
flexibility over time. This idea fuels my “consistency over intensity” thought process. It’s beyond crucial
we don’t ignore more serious complaints of pain (keeping in mind the age/level of our athlete) especially
if they are ongoing and lead to reduced performance. Sharper hip joint pains, chronic “hip flexor strains”
or a progressively worsening split with pain need to be discussed.

Hamstring Flexibility and Pike Stretches

The last conversation I want to touch on before concluding this monstrous chapter, is hamstring
flexibility and pike stretches. I don’t want to repeat concepts and make people bored, but there are a few
important caveats related to hamstring flexibility, limiting factors, and growth plate injuries.

The most important point to start with is to emphasize that many factors can limit pike stretches. The
most important of these factors are the amount of arch or hollow of the lower back, length and stretch
tolerance of the hamstring muscles, and most overlooked but more important, the role that nerve
tension plays on pike flexibility.

First, when you look at the attachment point of the hamstrings, they are connected to the lower part
of the pelvis. 99 The pelvis and spine directly work together. So, the more a gymnast arches their back
or tips their pelvis forward, the more tension will be placed on the hamstring muscle, especially at its
insertion. In younger athletes, this insertion is part of a critical growth plate. 99 It’s well known that
gymnasts develop a very over extended arched position if not properly managed.

If a gymnast has very stiff hip flexor, quad, or groin tissue, lacks the glute and core strength or control to
reverse this posture, or is unaware of their position in skills, problems in hamstring flexibility may show

up. Try this yourself. Hollow your spine and tilt your pelvis under as far as you can then try to touch your
toes. Now try the opposite. Arch your spine and tilt your pelvis forward as far as you can then again try
to touch your toes. Many people feel a much more intense hamstring stretch earlier in the pike stretch
and have much less motion when they arch their back and tip their pelvis forward. Again, this is because
of the anatomy of the hamstrings and where they attach. This situation, as a result, tends to preload the
hamstrings in many cases.

The second reason behind hamstring issues is due to the length of the hamstring muscle itself, or hip
joint flexibility. There are times when actual tissue length is a problem. However, as was outlined in
the sections above, overly aggressive stretching techniques may not be the best. This goes back to the
stretching part of this chapter, where we mainly may be using stretching to desensitize nerve endings,
promote muscular relaxation, and modulate the intense feeling of stretching is ideal. 1-3

As was shown in the split performance complex, doing drills as leg lowers and needle kicks can build
in core position awareness while simultaneously working hamstring flexibility. Beyond this research
describes, eccentric effects through consistent stretching and strength training in the appropriate
dosage can help increase hamstring muscle length. 5, 8-12 Common exercises used for this are Romanian
deadlifts, conventional deadlifts, or Nordic hamstring curls.

Third, and most commonly overlooked is the influence that nerves play. Nerves are structures that run
throughout the body from head to toe, transmitting and receiving information to the brain. They are
extremely sensitive due to their important role in multiple body functions. Generally speaking, nerves
do not like to be overstretched, and they do not tolerate being compressed with high force. This affects
their health, and the brain will do anything it can to protect nerves against excessive force. 44,46

The reason this matters for gymnasts is because there is a considerable nerve, the sciatic nerve, that
runs from the lower back all the way down the back of the leg, through the calf, and wraps under the
heel down to the toes. When the hamstring muscle is stretched, or a pike position is performed, this
nerve is placed on stretch. Although lower back position does play a role in how much stretch the sciatic
nerve takes, the biggest factors that increase stretch to it are the amount of ankle dorsiflexion (toes up
motion) and knee hyperextension. When doing a hamstring or pike stretch, as the knees extend, and the
toes come up more, it places increased tension on the sciatic nerve.

Many gymnasts have much more natural mobility in their muscle or ligaments in comparison to their
sciatic nerve length. This is especially true when they have a hyper resting extension of their knees or
have gone through a growth spurt when bones elongate. 91-92,98 This is overly simplistic, but if an athlete
is very limited in their pike stretch, but then sees improvement when they point their toes, that tends to
indicate neural tension is occurring before hamstring limitations.

For this reason, I always cringe when I see gymnastics coaches, parents, or other gymnasts push a
gymnast’s knees down, stretch and pull their toes up while leaning their body weight on them to
increase a pike stretch. This almost always comes with reports of burning or tingling in the back of the
knees or legs of the gymnast being stretched. This is not okay, and we want to avoid this. There are other
much more beneficial methods to use.

Now take these concepts of core position, hamstring tissue, and sciatic nerve tension, and apply it to
a young gymnast. A young gymnast with open growth plates, doing thousands of high force repetition
kicks, leaps, in bars, and sprints for floor or vault per week. That same concept of excessive arching in
the lower back or hamstring stiffness creating a tipped forward pelvis preloads the hamstring and tends
to can stress the growth plate quite a bit.

When these factors are in place and kicking, or running skills are performed daily, which mainly have
high force eccentric contractions, it’s not surprising to hear about the insanely high rate of hamstring
injuries in gymnastics. When this is coupled with a lack of eccentric strength exercises to prepare the
tendon, it can remain an issue for a long time. On top of that, when rapid growth spurts occur, and
gymnasts try to push through training, it can set up a high injury risk. This happens more commonly
when huge spikes in the jump, leap, or floor/vault volume occurs (I’m thinking of the panic a month
before the first meet of the season).

The tendon itself starts to get very inflamed and painful, or worse we may start to inflame the growth
plate and cause it to fracture. This is called “ischial apophysitis” in the medical world. 101-102 I have treated
a plethora of gymnasts for variations of this problem, with some gymnasts being out of training for 6-8
months, or even worse quitting as a result of a bad growth plate fracture.

Typically, it starts with the growth plate and muscle irritation, and an attempt to protect the area the
muscle will guard and tighten up. Gymnasts show losses in their split or leap angles, are unable to run,
and are unable to step in for certain bar skills. The real problem comes when someone sees this and
advises the gymnast to stretch more. This is not the solution. We need

1) rest the growth plate or hamstring tendon appropriately

2) address the issues related to why they have an over-arched lower back position
3) perform the appropriate rehabilitation and strength exercises to prepare the hamstring
for high force eccentric contractions in a large range of motion, and
4) slowly reintroduce skills based on their force in an objective and systematic fashion.

As was outlined above in the flexibility section, here are some general tips for approaching pike
flexibility training, and the prevention of hamstring injuries in gymnastics.

• Focus efforts on increasing core position, slowly and patiently increasing stretch tolerance of
the hamstring muscle while avoiding positions that excessively tension the sciatic nerve. Light
myofascial release to the hamstrings and regular dynamic warm-ups can assist in this process.
• Always try to incorporate active movement using core control strategies for flexibility work
as is seen in leg lowers, needle kicks, PNF contract-relax exercises and technical drills.
• Never excessively force more motion for the hamstring with manual stretching, over splits, or
long duration stretching. The research outlines this does not have long-lasting effects may be
negatively impacting ligament tissue and may place more stress on areas like the growth plate
that have not fully matured. Times of rapid growth should be approached with even more
• Understand all the components of a pike stretch that must go well for it to be fully completed,
including the lower back, hip joint, hamstring muscle, calf muscle, and sciatic nerve.
• Gymnasts should regularly be doing the appropriate level of eccentric training to help prepare
and protect themselves against injury. Various levels of exercises can be used. Deadlifting
variations with external weights, various active flexibility drills, and slider drills are the most
common. This will be covered in depth in the strength chapter.
• Careful monitoring must occur for hamstring demanding skills like switch leaps, jumps,
aerials, and sprints for vault or tumbling. Sudden spikes in these skills either through changing
of warm-ups or sudden increase in numbers during training can spark hamstring injuries.
• Work with healthcare providers to more accurately diagnose causes of pike flexibility

• Take all complaints of hamstring pain seriously, especially in young athletes who report pain
higher in their hip during splits, leaps, jumps, sprinting, landings or step-ins for in bar skills.

Also, here are a few popular articles I wrote covering gymnasts I have treated for these types of issues.

From Clinic To Practice #4: Gymnast With Chronic Hamstring Injury and “Tightness” Due To Core
Control Issues
. Applying Hip Strength Drills For Reduced Pain and Increased Flexibility
. The Best Strength Exercise Gymnasts Aren’t Using - The Deadlift

Concluding Thoughts

I can go on for hours and hours about all the possible factors that go into flexibility methods in
gymnastics. This could probably be an entire book in itself. I only wish to highlight some of the main
overarching principles, in hopes that I can spark people’s curiosity to seek out more information from
the above-noted articles I’ve written or books I provided.

There is much more to this topic than just this chapter. These concepts will be further developed in
the following sections related to strength and conditioning, metabolic training, and specific injury
mechanisms. For now, I hope everyone has found this valuable.

Key Take Away Points

• Gymnastics is a sport that demands large ranges of motion, most specifically from the hip and
the shoulder joint. It also requires appropriate ankle and wrist flexibility.

• Most joints have a combination of “passive” tissue (ligaments, joint capsules, boney alignment)
and “active” tissue (muscles, tendons, neural control) that maintain not only joint stability but
also alter passive flexibility.

• Due to the nature of young gymnasts being naturally hypermobile, focuses on flexibility
in training should bias muscular tissue being managed or changes in the nervous system.
Excessive strain should be avoided for “passive” tissue-like bony alignment, joint capsules, and

• Utilizing current science as well as expert gymnastics coaching opinions, we must shift the
paradigm of how we approach flexibility training in gymnastics.
• A combination of proper movement screening, daily soft tissue work, strength balance around
shoulder/hip joints, proper technique, and proper gymnastics training programs are what
ultimately lead to long-term progress in flexibility.

• Specific stretching techniques and self-myofascial release tools, in general, are supported by
research to assist in flexibility without negatively affecting performance. The mechanisms are
thought to be more neurological then causing changes in muscular tissue.

• Long-term changes in flexibility are supported in research to be gained through regular soft
tissue or stretching methods and eccentric training as part of a comprehensive program.

• Gymnasts are expected to lose flexibility during times of rapid growth. They often are more
prone to injuries when they are growing rapidly due to physical changes in bone length,
growth plate tension, neurological adaptation, and the body attempting to re-calibrate to
different levers.

• Many overuse or growth-based injuries can be sparked from lacking understanding about
basic anatomy, the science of flexibility, as well as not respecting times of rapid growth.

• A “consistency over intensity” mindset should be used when trying to improve a gymnast’s

• Approaching flexibility in “complexes” that incorporate mobility, stretching, strength, active

flexibility and gymnastics specific drills may be more beneficial than 20-30 minute stretching
only approaches.

• Specific factors related to splits, handstands, and pike flexibility must be considered in depth.


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