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We can easily go back and forth in a week.

Touristy: turistico
Baking soda: bicarbonato
Cashier: cajero
Pot: olla
Stove: anafe
Pan: sarten
Rag: trapo

Choking: asfixiar

they can fine you for that: pueden multarte por eso
It doesn`t appeal to me
That complicates our lives even further
No longer: nicht mehr, no mas, ya no: They throw away clothes because they no longer correspond
to fashion.
Laid back: relajado
What time is dawn/is sunrise? What time does it get dark?
Have you heard of him? No, can´t say I have. Maybe I should give it a read.
Should you smoke in here? Should I not?
I have nowhere to run long as it´s to do with.. (solange es mit... zu tun hat)
I don´t know where you have this information from: weiß ich nicht, woher du diese Info hast.
I am a bit/little tired/a little bit tired.
I just finished working/got off work/finished work
I´m off today: no work
Picky: exigente. Someone who is picky is very careful about choosing only what they like:
The children are such picky eaters.
Big companies can afford to be picky about who they hire.
Do without (sth): to manage without having something: there is no mayonnaise left, so you´ll just
have to do without. Surely you can do without television for a week?
pass by someone/something) to go past
Three buses passed by, but none of them was the right one.
I was just passing by her house, so I thought I’d call in and see her.
A car slowly passed by the front of the house.
The guest passed by the dining room to get to his room.
I see them pass by my house every day. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Lock/fasten the bike
Go by: pasar, transucrrir. to move past, in space or time:
You can watch the trains going by from this window.
You can't let an opportunity like that go by - it's too good to miss.
Hardly a day goes by when I don't think about her.
• As the cars went by, we cheered them on.
• As time goes by, it becomes easier to forgive and forget.
• She caught a glimpse of John as the runners were going by.
• I can't just let that remark go by without comment.
• Could you buy a paper for me if you go by a newsagents?
When do you go back to work?
Neither have I: yo tampoco
I passed by a place
Spoiled child: malcriado
It is ok if you don´t feel likealways doing it
What time do you go to work?
threw sth away: tirar a la basura
I hope you will like/enjoy it
I am happy to hear it
Thank you for showing me
Someone I had an emotional connection with
I never found it to be strange
I doubt I will change my mind
it is just the way I am
It is so different to (something)
But I had fun, because the women I went with are fun
What time do you go to work?
Get in/int/I am going in: entrar a un lugar
I am used to being..
everrything is/things are getting back to normal
How much left do you have? (of a book, cuanto te queda x leer)
the bright side: el lado positivo
who did you play with
I walked by the river and went back to my house again and I sat down/sat for a while
nothing worth sendin
I came here by foot
People are no longer as relaxed as they used to be
I am down for that/it: me sumo a eso
The English idiom up for it means keen and willing (to trying something out or to make a good
effort). The idiom is for informal use:—
• It’s a big challenge, and I’m up for it. — (Willing to take it on)
• We’re going swimming. Are you up for it? — (Keen to join)
There’s an abbreviated version of it: I'm up.
Her: I’m really in the mood to get ice cream.
Him: I’m up.
Confusingly, there’s the opposite-sounding “I’m down” (or even “I’m down for it“) — it means the
same thing (in the sense of “I’m cool with it” or “put me down on the list”). It’s kind of like the
positive-sounding “flammable” vs. the opposite-sounding “inflammable” but both meaning the
same thing.
I am down for whatever
Maybe she was embarrased at her accent
It is what it is: es lo que hay

to what extent
: how far : how much To what extent can they be trusted?
My course lasts/meets/runs two months
go back and forth; ir y venir. We can easily go back and forth in a week:
round trip ticket
In need of: necesitado de. You are most in need of rest
play/put music: poner musica

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