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Acta Mathematica Sinica, New Series

1990, Vol.6, No. 1, pp 9 4 7 - - 56

The Com plet ions of a C o r n rn u t a t i v e

Lattice Group with Respect to the
Intrinsic Topologies
Ton Daorong ( -'~ ~ )
Department of Mathematics and Physics, Hohai University

Received September 23, 1986 Revised October 9, 1988

Abstract. In this paper we discuss the completions (G, "~) of a commutative/-group G with respect to
the intrinsic topologies z 9 We give some conditions under which ~ is the intrinsic topology of the same
type on G as ~ and give the relations between these completions.

1. Introduction
There are a variety of known ways in which an /-group G may be given a
topology. Let G be an/-group and X= {x~ I ~ ~ A } be a net of elements in G. Put
Ex(~)={x~,l~ ' ~ A , ~ '>_-a}and
[ E ~ ( g ) ] + , Q x = ,~A [ E ~ ( ~ ) ] * ,
where [ Ex (~)] § denotes the set of all lower bounds ofEx (~)in G and [ Ex (~)] * de-
notes the set ofall upper bounds ofE~ (~) in G. A net { x, ]~ ~ A } is Oz-convergent to
x , in symbols, O 2 - 1 i m ~ O ~ x , = x , if x = V P ~ = / ~ Q x . . A net{ x, l c ~ A }is
O l-convergent to x , in symbols, O~ - lira ~c~x, = x , if there exists a net { y, ] ~ ~ A }

in G such that l x , - x [ <~y, for all c ~ A and y, ~ o . Oz-convergence is also called

v-convergence in [5]. O l-COn,cergence is also called order convergence in [1] and
O-convergence in [ 5].
A convergence in a set is called a-convergence, if each subnet of a convergent net
is also convergent to the same limit. From a a-convergence of nets in a set E we can in-
duce a topology, denoted by L 9 That is, a subset SC_E is z;closed if, whenever a net
of elements in S is a-convergent, the limit is also in S. It is worth 9 that
O z-convergence, although weaker than O l-convergence, induces the same topology in
an/-group (see [6] ). This topology is called the order topology, denoted by O.
Well know that, every Oz-convergent net in an/-group G is eventually bounded.
In [ 5] Papangelou studied a weakening of O2- convergence of nets which are not even-
tually bounded. A net { xl~ ~ ~ A } in an /-group G O2'-converges to x, denoted by
l . ,
Oz-hmx,=x, xf for each pair of elements a*,b* in G,O2-1im (a* V x , ) / k b * = (a* V
~ A aEA

x)/kb*. The topology induced by O 2'-convergence of nets is called the weak order
topology on G, denoted by O '.
By the interval topology of an/-group G,denoted by i, we mean the topology de-
fined by taking the closed intervals [ - - - , a] and [a,-," ] with a ~ G as a subbase for
48 Ton Daorong

the closed sets. The interval topology is evidently weaker than the order topology in
any/-group. By the open interval topology of an/-group G, denoted by Oi, we mean
the topology defined by taking the open intervals [ ~- ,a) and (a,--'- ] with a e G as
a subbase for the open sets.
Let S be a subset of a poset P. S is Dedekind closed if for every subset K of S
which is upper directed and has a least upper bound, V K is in S, and dually. The
reader may verify that the class of all Dedekind closed subsets of P is closed with re-
spect to arbitrary intersection and finite union. By the Dedekind topology of an
/-group G, in symbols D, we mean the topology defined by taking all Dedekind closed
subsets as the closed sets (see [ 11] ). The lattice topology L of a lattice was intro-
duced by Rennie in [6]. The open base consists of all convex sets S with the following
property : the intersection of S with any maximal chain is an open set of the chain.
The above topologies are called the intrinsic.topologies of an/-group. They have
the following connection.
Lemma 1. In any l-group G there exist the following relations between the order
convergences and the convergences with respect to the intrinsic topologies :
L- O/-~ 02-<'--~01 -

i -<" 0 '--< O- < D -r 0~.

Proof. ( I ) L - = ~ i - andOt-=~O2-by[6].
(2) O ' - ~ i - : Let [ -'-, a] be any closed interval and net {x, Is c A }c[-,- ,a].
I f O ~-lim x , = x , then O z - l i m ( x , 0 V x , ) = O z - l i m (x, 0 V x , ) A a = x , o V x . Put
~A ~A ~A
X'={x~oVx~l~A}. Thena~Qx'anda~> A Qx,=x~oVx, andsox~[,-,a].
That is, [ -'- ,a] is O : closed. Dually we can prove that [a,-" ] is also O '- closed.
Hence i>i O '.
(3) O-=>O '- , O2 ~ O - and O~- =>O'- are trivial.
(4) D - ~ O - : Suppose that a subset F c G is O-closed. If{x~ Is ~ A } is an upper
directed subset of F having a least upper bound. Then we have O t-lim x== x re-
garding { x~ Is ~ A } as a monotonically increasing net in F. It follo~v~sAthat x ~ F.
Dually, the greatest lower bound of every lower directed subset o f F also belongs to F.
This proves that F is D-closed.
( 5 ) Oi- =- D- : If G is a totally ordered group, it follows from the Theorem in
[ 11] that D = i=Oi. If G is not totally ordered, from the proof of Theorem 7 in [7] we
see that O, is discrete. Therefore D/> O/. I-]
2. The Completions with Respect to the Intrinsic Topologies
In [7] we proved the following results.
Lemma 2. Let G be an l-group.
1 ) G is a topological l-group in its weak order topology 0 ' if and only if G is
0 '- contractible.
2) G is a topological l-group in its order topology 0 if and only if G is
O- contractible.
3) G is a topological l-group in its Dedekind topology D if and only if G is
D- con tractible.
The Completions of a Commutative Lattice Group with Respect to the Intrinsic Topologies 49

4) G is a topological l-group in its lattice topology L if and only if G is

L- con tractible.
The topological completion of a topological/-group (G, z )is a complete extension
of(G, z). In [8] we proved the following result.
Lemma 3. Every commutative topological k group ( G, T) with a locally convex
topology ~ has a unique topological completion ( G, ~ ) with a locally convex topology ~ up
to an l-isomorphism and homeomorphism.
From Lemma 2 and Lemma 3 we can give the completions of a commutative
/-group G with respect to the intrinsic topologies. Here we do not discuss the interval
topology i. Because we see that (G, i) is a topological l-group of T2- type if and only if
the interval topology i is of T2-type and G is O-contractible (see [7] ). The
commutativity of G and Tz" type of the interval topology imply that G is totally or-
dered (see Theorem 4.3 in [ 2] ), and so i = O '---O = D = O~.
Theorem 1. Let G be a commutative l-group.
1) I f the weak order topology O ' is contractible and locally convex, then the
topological l-group ( G, 0 ') has a unique topological completion, denoted by G-if'.
2 ) I f the order topology 0 is contractible and locally conxex, then the topological
l-group (G, 0 )has a unique topological completion, denoted by ~-6.
3) I f the L-topology L is contractible and locally convex, then the topological
l-group ( G, L )has a unique topological completion, denoted by G t.
4 ) I f the Dedekind topology D is contratible and locally convex, then the topological
l-group ( G, D ) has a unique topological completion, denoted by G o .
In the following discussion we always suppose that the completions of a topological
/-group G with respect to the intrinsic topologies are existent.
3. Property of the Completion G-~.

Now we ask a question" Let ( G , § be the topological completion of a

commutative topological/-group (G, O ) i n which the order topology O is contractible
and locally convex. Is ~ the order topology on G ? Below we will show that the an-
swer is affirmative under some conditions. For the other intrinsic topologies we have
the same question.
First we give some prelimilary results. The lattice order in an l-group G is low-
er (resp. upper)semicontinuous, provided whenever a d b (resp. b ~ a ) in G there exists
a U ~ T a such that ifx s U then x ~ b (resp. b ~ x), where z a is the neighborhood fil-
ter of. a. The lattice order in G is semicontinuous if it is both upper and .lower
semicontinuous. The fact that the lattice order in an/-group G is semicontinuous with
respect to .a topology z is equivalent to
i>~z (2)
(see [9] ).
Lemma 4. Let (G, z )be a topological lattice of T~- type. Then the lattice order in
G is semicontinuous with respect to z.
Proof. Assume that a ,b E G and a ~ b. Let z a be the neighborhood filter of a. If
for every U, E T a there exists an x, E U, such that x, ~<b , then we may regard the in-
dex set A of all U, as an upper directed set, i. e., ~ t>/~ if and only if U, ~ U~. So we
get a net {x, I~ s A } such that x, ~<b for all ~ s A. Obviously, z - lim x, = a. On the
~ A
50 Ton Daorong

other hand, 9- limb = b because ~ is of T~- type. Thus

b=z-limb=z-lim(x, Vb) = (z-limx,)V (z-limb)=a V b.
e~A e~A

Hence a~< b. But this contradicts a 4; b. Therefore there exists an U e 9a such that
x ~ b when x ~ U. Dually we can show the upper semicontinuity. [7
Lemma 5. G--if___andG--if' are both regular extensions of G.
Proof. Let (G o, ~ ) be the topological completion of the topological/-group (G,
O ) . In order to show that G o is a regular extension, we only need to show that
x, + (a~ < ~-x, +(a~O

for any net {x, I e s A } of elements in G. It is clear that x, ~(ao) O implies x, ~(e~O.
Now we assume x, ~ (a)O. It follows from Lemma 1 that O ~ - l i m (a) x , = 0 , and so

O- l i m (~ x ~ = 0 9 By the topological invariance we have :~- lim ~s~ x, = 0 . From for-

mula (2)we get
i - l i r a tCO)x,=O . (3)

Since x~ t> 0 for all c~s A. If there exists an x ~ G such that x ~<x, for all ~ ~ A, then
x V O<<,x, f o r a l l c ~ A . I f x V O > 0 , t h e n [ ~ , x V O] w { y l y 4 ; x V O a n d y ~ x
V O } does not eventually contain x , . This contradicts (3). Therefore, x V O= 0 ,
and so x ~(s~ follows that/V ~~ x~= ~c~ is, x, ~ ~ ) O.
Similarly, we ca___nshow that G o' is also a regular extension of G. [7
Lemma 6. G ~ is a topological invariant extension o f G with respect to I

0 2"con vergence. That is , 02 - lim (s) x, = x if and only i f 02- lim (co) x~ = x for any
9 ~A ~A

net {x, I o~~ A } of elements in G and x e G.

Proof. Let G o = (G o, ~). Let {x, I ~ ~ A } be a net of elements in G and x ~ G.
We assume O 2 - 1 i m ~~ x, = x . It follows from Lemma 5 and Proposition 6.2 in [5]

that 0 2 - lim (~176 = x.

Conversely, we assume O z - lim ~~ x, = x. P u t

p~-6= U [ E~ (~)] + ~ and axa~= U [ E~ (~)] * ~ ,

9 eA ~A

where[ E~(~)] +s~ Ex(~)}, [E~(~)]*~~

E x ( ~ ) = { x , ~ '~>~}.
x= V p~O= /~ Q~O.
It is clear that
- - w

P~=P.~~ n G , Qa~=Q~~ andP~ ~.

I f x ' ~ G and x '/> P ~ , then we can deduce x ' >~p~O. Otherwise, i f x ' ~ ~b for
some ,be [Ex (c~0)]+~o then we will find a contradiction. Since (G-b'~') is a topological
The Completions of a Commutative Lattice Group with Respect to the Intrinsic Topologies 51

/-group, the lattice order on G ~ is semicontinuous with respect to ~ by Lemma 4.

Thus, there exists an U e ~/3 such that
x ' ~ U <~Ex (cc o ) .
On the other hand, the fact that G is dense in G o with respect to the topology ~ im-
plies that there exists a P0 e G ~ U such that x ' ~ P0 ~< E~ (c~0) . This contradicts
x '~>Pfl.This contradiction shows that x'>~ p ~ O . Thus we have x = k / P ~ . Dually,
x = /k Q~. This shows
O 2 - l i m (c~ x , = x .

In order to prove the following theorem, we will require a lemma concerning gener-
al topology. A topological space (X ,z) is said to satisfy the condition ( E ) , if the
closure of the interior of E coincides with E for any ~- open set E in X.
Lemma 7. Let r I and "~2 be two topologies on G and ~ ~>~r 2 . Let G be a z 2-dense
subspace o f G. I f r 2 satisfies the condition ( E ) and the topologies r i o and ~2 a on G, in-
duced by ~ l and z 2 respectively, are coincident, then ~ t = r 2.
Proof. By rl,,-> z 2 we only need to prove that every r2-0pen subset in G is also
9 ,-open. We assume that E is a r 2- open subset in G. Put E c ~ G = K . Then K is
r2c- open in G, and so there is a ~- open subset F in G such that K = F ~ G because of
z t a = z 2 c . It is clear that F is r2- open. Now we consider the closures E~z and ff~2 .
We want to show ~'~2= ff~z. For any Xo ~ ff~z there exists a net {x~ [ ~ ~ A } of ele-
ments in F such that ~2- lira x , = Xo. Since (7r2 = G and F is r 2-0pen, then for every
x, ( a ~ A ) there exists a net { y~, I fl, ~ B, } of elements in K such that r 2- lim
y~,=x,. It follows from the theorem on iterated limits that there exists a net
{ z.t I ? ~ F } of elements in K such that v z - lim z~ = Xo. This shows ff~z = ~ 2 . Similar-
ly, ~ 2 = ~ 2 . Therefore

Thus, as ~2 open sets, E = (~2)0 and F = (ff~2)0. It follows that E = F. Hence E is

also r~- open. This shows rt = 172 9 [']
Theorem 2. Suppose that the order topology 0 on the topological completion (G---~ ,
~) o f a commutative t o ~ l o g i c a l l- group(G, O) satisfies the condition ( E ) . Then ~= O.
Proof. Let ( G ~ , -f) be t h e topological completion __~ a commutative
topological /-group ( G, O), and O the order topology on G O Let O0 be the
topology on G induced by O. We assume that { x, I ~ ~ A } is a net of elements in G
and O : - l i m (~ x , = x . By Lemma 6 we have O2-1im ( ~ ) x , = x . It follows from
~A ~A
Lemma 1 that 0 - lira ~ ) x , = x . Therefore, O0 -lira ~ x, = x . That is,
a~A a~A
O~<O0. (4)
It is easy to see that the topology ~ ~ / 0 induces the topology O h/ Oo = O0 in G
by ( 4 ) . It tbllows from Lemma 7 and T k/ 0 I> 0 that 2 k / 0 = 0. Hence
9 (5)
Now we assume that a subset F is O-closed and O2- lim ~ x,=x where {x, 10~~A}
52 Ton Daorong

is a net of elements in F. Then L e m m a 6 implies O 2 - 1 i m (c) x , = x . Hence x e F .


That is, F is O-closed in G ~ . It follows that F is O0-closed in G. Thus

O/>O0 (6)
Combining (4) and (6) we obtain O = Oo.
By L e m m a 2 in [8] the trace system T* of the topological/-group (G ~ , O) on G
is a n / - s u b g r o u p of R__C(G, O0) = R C (G, 0 ) . But (G ~ ,~) is a R C (G, O)-extension
o f ( G , O), while (G ~ , O) is a T*- extension of(G,O0). It follows that T ' = R C ( G ,
O). F r o m [3,25.1] we have 6~< ~-. Combining with the formula ( 5 ) w e have proved
4. Property of the Completion G ~
Below we discuss the case of topology 0 '.
L e m m a 8. G-if" is a to pological invariant extension o f G with respect to the
02" con vergence.
Proof. Similar to L e m m a 6 we can show that G ~ is a topological invariant ex-
tension of G _w i t h respect to the O,-convergence. That is, Oz--lim(C)x, = x if and only
if O_, - lim (co ') x , = x foi" any net {x , Ic~~ A }of elements in G: ~A N o w we assume

O _,'- lim(C~ x , = x .

For any 0~< b ~ G~ , in particular for any O < b ~ G , we have 0 2 - 1 i m (cT)

9 =~A

Ix~-xl/k b = 0 by Proposition 7 . 2 in [3]. It folows O 2 - 1 i m (c) I x ~ - x l / k b=0.

That is
02' - lim m)x~= x .

Conversely, we assume O2' - lim (~) x, = x . Then

O 2 - lira (~)1 x, - x l / k b = 0

for any b/> 0 in G . It follows

O2-1im(~~ b=0.

F o r any 0 < b ~ G-T' there exists a net { b ~ I # ~ B } of elements in G such that

- ~ - l i m (c o ') b a = b,

because G is dense in G ~ with respect to the topology L In the above equation we

m a y suppose that b~>~O for all # s B. Otherwise, taking b ~' = b~ V O, we also have
~ - l i m (~-y) b~' = 6 . F r o m the above we have O 2 - 1 i m (a~ Ix,-xl/~ b ~ = 0 for all
fl s B. Hence O 2 - lim (a) I x~ - xl/~ b~ = 0 for all # s B. It follows from L e m m a 1 that
O ' - lim <a) I x , - xl A b~ = 0 for all # s B. Consequently,

u176 b~ ) = 0
The Completionsof a CommutativeLattice Group with Respectto the IntrinsicTopologies 53

with all fl ~ B. Hence ~-- lim cao '~y_ lim (c o '~ ( I x, - x[/~ b ~) = 0. Thus,

Oz-lim ~c~ b = 0 2 - 1 i m Ic~ '~[ I x = - x l A (z-limr176

,cA ,~A //~B

= O z - lim ~ - - lim ~c~ (I x , - xl A b~ )

,~A //eB

=oLlim~G~u CG~ ( I x , - x l A b a) (byLemma 1)

,~A /~B

=z-lim(G~176 ( I x , . - x l A ha )
,cA #~B

=~-lim~G~ (Ix~-xl A b ~ )


It follows from Proposition 7.2 in [5] that

O ,_'- lim ~c~'~ x , = x. [-]

By using Lemma 8 and imitating the proof of Theorem 2, we can obtain the fol-
lowing theorem.
Theorem 3. Suppose that the weak order topology O ' on the topological comple-
tion ( G o ", -~ ) of a commutative topological l-group ( G, O ' ) satisfies the condition (E ).
Then T= 0 '
5. Property of the Completion G o;.
For the open interval topology we have a similar result. But its proof is simpler.
Theorem 4. Suppose that the open interval topology Oi on the topological comple-
tion (G ~ , Y) of a commutative topological l-group (G, O~ ) satisfies the condition ( E )
and that G o; does not contain any atom and G is a dense subspace of ( G o;, O; ). Then

Proof. Let O; be the open interval topology on G ~ , and O~0 the topology on
G induced by O;.
First we show O~=O~0 . It is clear O~>>-Oio. Let P be an O;---open set in G ~
Then P = U ( a , , b, ) with a , , b, ~ G ~ We want to show that ( a , , b, )c~ G is an
Oi- open set in G for any ~ E A. We assume (a, ,b, ) ~ G4= q5 and g~ ( a , , b, ) n G.
Then g - a , > O and b , - g > O . By the hypothesis there exist g l , g 2 ~ G such
that 0< gt < g - a , and O < g ~ < b , - g , respectively. Put a , + g I = g ' and g+g2 =
g ': Then a , < g ' < g < g " < b , with g ', g " ~ G ~ 9 Since G is dense in (~-07,-, 0-~-~),
there exist g o' and go" ~ G such that a, < go' < g < g o < b,. That is to say, for every
g ~ ( a , , b , ) r i G there exist go andg"o which belong to ( a , , b, ) r i G such that
g~(go " go'~)n G. Write (go" go")c~ G=(go"go')~ " Thus we get
(a,,b,)c~ G = U (c~, d~ ) ,
c# ,dfl~(a~t , b , )c~ G

where the union is taken for all c~, d~ ~ ( a , , b, ) c~ G and c~ ~ ar ( or c~ ~ d~ )

m e a n s ( c ~ , d ~ ) = q 5 . In other w o r d s , ( a , , b , ) c ~ G is anOn-open set in G. It
54 Ton Daorong

follows that Oi ~<Oi0 9 Therefore

Oi = Oio 9 (7)
It is clear thatTVO;~< Oi. But O~ V O~0= Oi 0 by (7). From Lemma 7 we have
~- V O; = O e. That is,
T~<O,. (8)
Conversely, from (5)we also get
T~> Oi, (9)
by using a proof similar to that of Theorem 2.
Combining (8) and (9) we have T= O-~. r]
Below we will again give a sufficient condition under w h i c h - = o~ holds in G ~ .
Let L be a poset. If x ~ y and x g y with x , y s L , we write x IIy. A poset L is said
to be of finite width, if the cardinal number of set { y ~ L ly IIx } is finite for any
Theorem 5. Suppose that the topological completion (G ~ , V) of a commutative
topological l-group(G, Oi ) is of finite width. Then T is the open interval topology Oi on
G Oi .
Proof. Let O~0 be the topology on G induced by O~ and P *= {ff~ G ~ }.
The complement o f T * in G o~ is
G~ ~ , 0] w { y s G ~ }
=[ ~--, 0] w {y, , - - - , y , }
by the hypothesis. Hence it is closed with respect to the interval topology 7 on t7 ~
thanks to that Tis always of Tl-type. Since (G ~ , E) is a topological lattice of
T~- type, it follows from Lemma 4 that the lattice order on G o~ is semicontinuous with
respect to ~-. Therefore i>_-z. Thus G ~ \ P * is T- closed, and so P * is z-open.
It follows from Theorem 3 in [4] that
O/I> T . (10)
The formula ( 1 0 ) implies O~0~>Oi. Moreover, P * = { p E G I p > O } =F*c~ G is
O~0-open. So Theorem 3 in [4] also implies Oi>>-0~o 9 It is clear that O~~< O;0. Hence
O~= O~0. By using a proof similar to that of Theorem 2 we also have
Oi<~ , . (11)
Combining (10) and ( I 1 ) we obtain Oi = q~ 9

Below we ask another interesting question" Let (G ,z )be the topological comple-
tion of a commutative topological/-group (G, ~) where v is an intrinsic topology on
G. Is G totally ordered when G is totally ordered ? The answer is also affirmative un-
der some conditions. In order to do this we give a general result on a poset.
Lemma 9. Let G be a subset of a poset G . Then the interval topology i on G is
coarser than the topology i o on G induced by the interval topology -f on -G.
Proof. Let F be i-closed in G. We want to show that F is 7-closed in G . Assume
that {x, I ~ 6 A } is a net of elements in F and 7 - lim (v) x , = x . Let

U ~ = ( a , ~ ] Gu { y ~ G l y l l a }and U2=['---, b ) ~ w { y ~ G l y l l b }
be two neighborhoods o f x in G, where (a ,-,- ] ~ and [ ~ , b) G are intervals in G.
We denote intervals in G by ( a , ~ ] ~- and [ ",--, b)~-. It is clear that
The Completions of a Commutative Lattice Group with Respect to the Intrinsic Topologies 55

(a,~ ]au { y~Glylla}=((a,~ ] - g w { y s - G l y l l a })ca G ,

[ .,- , b ) ~ w { y E G l y l l b }=([~-- ,b)-ffw { y ~ G l y l l b })ca G.
Since b o t h ( a , ~ ] ~ - u { y s G l y l l a } and [ ~ - - , b)-ff w { y s - G l y l l b } contain
x,(~sA) eventually. But { x , l ~ A } c_ G. Hence ( a , ~ ] Gu { y s G l y l l a } and
[ ~-- , b )a w { y ~ G I y II b } also contain x, ( ~ ~ A ) eventually. Therefore i - lim ~~)x,

= x . It follows that x ~ F . So F is T-closed in G-- [7

We recall that a lattice L is totally ordered if and only if i= O~.
Theorem 6. Let G be a commutative totally ordered group, and ~ be its intrinsic
topology ( i. e. , ~ = i= Oi ). Let ( G , z )be the topological completion of(G, ~ ). I f one
of the following conditions is satisfied: _
I ) The open interval topology O~ on G satisfies the condition (E). G does not con-
tain any atom and G is a dense subspace of(-G, O-~-,.);
2) G is of finite width, then G is also totally ordered.
Proof. Let i- be the interval topology on G. We only need to show i = O~. It is eas-
y to see that
i~>~ (t2)
because ( G , z ) is a topological lattice of T~- type. Hence the topology i0 on G in-
duced by i is coarser than i. From Lemma 9 we have i= i0 9 By using the same proof
as that of Theorem 2 and formula ( 12 ) we get
7" --
t=~ . (13)
It one of the conditions 1 ) and 2 ) is satisfied, then-Theorem 4 and Theorem 5
Oi = "C . (14)
( 13 ) and ( 14 ) indicate i = O~. That is, G is totally ordered. E]
6. The Relations Between Several Completions

N o w we turn to discussing the relations between the completions of a

commutative /-group G with respect to the intrinsic topologies.
Lemma 10. Suppose that Zl and T z are two topologies on a commutative l-group
G so that z ~ "cz . Let G ~l and G ~2 be the completions of G with respect to z.t and ~2 ,
repectively. Then Gh 2 G h .
Proof. Since z l~> z z, a h - C a u c h y filter,ffin G is also a 9 l-Cauchy filter. Assume
that , f f is a z 2round Cauchy filter in G.Then ~ " + ~ >i ~ ' + ~ ' 2 = ~ . where ~ land
~"~2 are the neighborhood-filters of the zero element 0 with respect to z t and z2,
respectively. It is clear that ~ ' + ~ " ~<~.~l. It follows that,~r T J ~ . By [3 , 37 . 5]~f"
is also a T l-round Cauchy filter. This proves
R C ( G , T 2) ~ R C ( G , T I ) .
It follows from Lemma 3 that G h 2 G ~2 . [7
Theorem 7. Let G be a commutative l-group. Then the completions of G with re-
spect to the intrinsic toplogies have the following relations"
Gr. ~Gc__GOJ C_ G ~ G O c G o'
56 Ton Daorong

This theorem is a consequence o f L e m m a 1 arid Lemma 10.

Corollary 1. Suppose that the interval topology i on a commutative l-group G is o f
T2 type. Then
GOi = G ~ = G ~ = G O' = G i "

Since a locally compact toplogical group (G, 9) is r-topological complete ([ 3 , 3 7 ,

10 ] ), hence from Theorem 7 we have
Corollary 2. Suppose that the weak order topology O ' on a commutative l-group
G is locally compact. T h e n
G = G O i = G O = G O = G o"

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