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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Технічний коледж
Луцького національного технічного університету

Розробка уроку
з англійської мови
на тему:


Розробила: О. В. Батура
викладач англійської мови

Луцьк, 2016
Topic of the lesson: EDUCATION and INTERNET
Освітньо – виховні завдання теми: створити комфортні умови для навчання, за яких
кожен учень відчуває свою успішність, інтелектуальну спроможність, самостійність.

Навчальна мета:
- закріпити нові лексичні одиниці у мовленні та на письмі;
- удосконалювати навички читання, перекладу, говоріння та слухання;
- навчати студентів використовувати матеріал з попередніх занять та нову
лексику в мовленні;
- залучати студентів до процесу спілкування;
- мотивувати студентів до вираження своєї власної думки з поданої теми;

Розвиваюча мета:
- розвивати у студентів пам’ять , логічне мислення, швидку реакцію;
- розвивати зв’язне усне й писемне мовлення, творчу уяву;
- розвивати здатність студентів використовувати свої знання в новій ситуації та
готовність брати участь у процесі спілкування іноземною мовою.

Виховна мета:
- виховувати в учнів самостійність, мислення, кмітливість;
- виховувати старанність, наполегливість, бажання творчо працювати;
- виховувати розуміння важливості вивчення іноземної мови та використання її як
засобу міжнародного спілкування.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: зошити; словники; роздатковий матеріал; текстовий матеріал;

контрольні запитання; аудіо запис; комп’ютер; інтерактивна дошка.

- Карп’юк О. Д. Англійська мова: підручник для 10 класу загальноосвітній
навчальних закладів, рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль, 2011 .
- Несвіт А. М. Англійська мова: підручник для 10 класу, профільний рівень. –
Київ, 2011.
- Словники.
- Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, Enterprise 4 (coursebook, workbook), Intermediate,
Express Publishing.

Procedure of the Lesson:

І. Introduction
1. Greeting and aim
T.: Good morning, everybody! I hope that you are in a good mood today!?

As you can see, we have guests on our lesson. Let`s greet them.

So, today we are going to speak about very important thing in our life – Education.
I think, everybody of you, want to get a good education.
We live in the 21th century, in a world of modern technologies. This means that we
have unlimited opportunities.
But 15 - 20 years ago, when I was a student, everything was more difficult. Not all
people had computers and Internet. So we had to go to the libraries and take o lot of
books. We were sitting in a reading rooms and writing for hours. We prepared for our
seminars. And we had no free time.
To my mind, today`s students are happy. They do not need even to go out of their
homes. They have only to click on a mouse of a computer several times and get all
information they need.
I hope you can guess that other important thing in our life – is Internet. So, we are
going to speak about the role of Internet in our education.

ІІ. Warming-up.
1. Grab a minute.
T.: And now I have a task for you. It is difficult to imagine our life without
computers and Internet. You have 1 minute to tell what we can do with the help of
the Internet.

S1: We can listen to music and watch films online, download films and music, play
games, search information, send e-mails, chat with friends. We can buy things online,
find job. We can also make reservation of tickets and rooms in the hotels.
Communication via email, skype, social networks. You can speak with more than one
person using videoconference.

S2: Using online banking we can pay bills and transfer money without living home.
We can visit different webpages, forums and get to know much interesting. We do

not need to go to the libraries, we can find and download books from the Internet. We
can read news, meet different people and make friends.

T: Well, we can do different things with the help of the Internet, almost everything.
But how can we use Internet in our education. Your next task – is to tell about
Internet in Education.

S3: First of all, it is information, if we have to write reports or courseworks, all

necessary information about people and things we can find in the Internet. There is a
wide variety of lessons and courses online, especially language lessons. Self-taught
and self-test programs, online dictionaries. Your teacher can send you assignment and
material and if you don`t know or don`t understand something you can ask teacher.

III. The Main Part

1. Reading and Speaking
T: I suggest reading opinions of different students about using Internet in their

TOM and MARY: Via the Internet we can find any book, download it to computer,
and then read it. We like the possibility to read newspapers and magazines online,
like “Times”, “Guardian”, “Mirror” and other. We want to know what is going on
in the world.

JACK: Well, the Internet can give you lots of facts about different subjects. It`s very
useful if we have to write about something we don`t know a lot about – and much
better than going to the library.

ERIKA: You can also use the Internet to contact other people around the world in
seconds by using the e-mail facility. This means that you don`t need to spend time
writing letters to companies or organizations if you need information.

MIKE: I like using the self-test programmes. They make revising much easier – and
my marks have got better!

VICTOR: Um, I`ve just thought of something else. I use the Internet to find out new
words – it`s quicker than using a dictionary.

HELEN: Sometimes there are things in algebra or biology that teachers only go
over once, and I don`t understand them. But I can use a program I`ve got at home
which explains it again and again until I do understand it!

ANN and JANE: Internet is great for language learners too. If you have problems
learning grammar in class, you can use a grammar program to study on your own.
Or, if you feel embarrassed practicing your pronunciation in class, you can use the
Internet to help you. In addition to this, you can even use the Internet to learn new
vocabulary. You can use it to revise for tests or exams.

NICK: There is so much that students can do with the Internet. Not only can they
communicate with international students, they can gain from others` knowledge and
experiences, participate in chatrooms, share ideas and solutions and learn about
many diverse cultures out there.
I use the Internet to talk to people in other countries. I like doing that.

T: Who can add something else?



T: OK. Let`s sum up. Go to the blackboard and write main points.

We can use Internet to:

- find and download any book

- read newspapers and magazines online
- get facts about different subjects
- contact other people around the world and get information you need
- use self-test programs
- find out new words
- use different self-taught programs
- use a grammar programs to study on one`s own
- practice pronunciation
- learn new vocabulary
- revise for tests or exams
- communicate with international students and gain from others` knowledge and
- participate in chatrooms, share ideas and solutions
- learn about many diverse cultures

2. Vocabulary

T: I have one more task for you. It`s an exercise on word-formation. You know that
in English language some words have several forms: noun: creation, verb: to create,
adjective: creative. Let`s check your knowledges in word-building.
Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

The Internet has 1) …………. (communicate) as we know it. From education to 2)

…………….. (advertise) this new 3) …………………. (technology) advance has
affected 4) ………….. (practical) every aspect of our lives. Magazines, newspapers
and even books are “on-line” and can be read on the computer. You can find 5)
……………. (inform) on any topic – the 6) ………….. (possible) are 7)
……………. (end). The Internet can 8) ………….. (instant) connect you to other
computers, allowing you to “chat” with people all over the world. It`s actually very
easy to learn how to use the system, and once you`re on-line, you`ll never want to
turn the computer off! The 9) …………….. (develop) of such technology has come a
long way. These 10) ……………… (amaze) electronic devices have changed many
people`s lives forever.

Keys: to communicate (v) – communication (n); to advertise (v) –

advertisements/advertising (n); technology (n) – technological (adj); practical (adj) –
practically (adv); to inform (v) – information (n); possible (adj) – possibilities (n);
end (n) – endless (adj); instant (adj) – instantly (adv); to develop (v) – development
(n); to amaze (v) – amazing (adj).

3. Listening
T: And now let`s listen to some more useful information about using Internet in
With the rise of the internet, information technology is now beginning to have much
more influence on education. Two areas which are becoming more and more
significant are “blogs” and “wikis”.
The word “blog” is short for “Weblog”. A blog is an online diary or “log” of
someone`s life, thoughts, or opinions. Anybody can create their own “blog” and
blogging is becoming extremely popular – type “blog” into Google and you`ll get
over 500 million results. For educational purposes, academics, teachers, and students
create blogs as personal online study sites: places to work together and share
information and ideas. Some universities even give their students and staff free space
on a server to start their own blogs.
“Wikis” are websites where anyone can add content and make changes, so that the
site becomes a group creation – “wiki” stands for “What I Know is”. These sites can
be a valuable source of information and opinion for students, though the information
may not be totally accurate – some academics refuse to use them. Perhaps the best-
known wiki is the online encyclopedia. Wikipedia, which has more than 1 million
entries in over 100 languages. Wikipedia is working hard to make sure that its
information is completely accurate, so students will be able to use it with confidence,
and there`s no doubt that it is an incredible resource.

T: Do you understand everything from this or is there anything not clear for you?
Shall we listen one more time.

Listen to the information and answer the questions in short.

1. Is information technology more or less important in education than before?
2. Where does the word “blog” come from?
3. What is a “blog”? ______________________________________
4. What are blogs used for at universities?
5. What does “WIKI” mean? _______________________________________
6. Who puts the information on this kind of website? ____________________
7. What is Wikipedia? _______________________________
8. Why do students need to be careful if they use “Wikis” when they study?
Possible answers:
1) Information technology is becoming more important in education.

2) The word `blog` is short for `Weblog`.
3) A blog is an online diary or `log` of someone`s life, thoughts, or opinions.
4) For educational purposes, academics, teachers, and students create blogs as
personal online study sites: places to work together and share information and ideas.
5) `Wikis` are websites where anyone can add content and make changes, so that the
site becomes a group creation - `wiki` stands for `What I Know Is`.
6) Anyone can.
7) Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia which has more than 1 million entries in over
100 languages.
8) Because anyone can insert information to the articles and such information can be

4) Speaking
Brainstorm (Мозковий штурм)
T: So, we can surely state, that Internet is very useful and helpful for education. But
the Internet has both good and bad points. Now let`s divide into two groups. First
group will think over the Advantages, second – the Disadvantages. Write this in your
copybooks. Write all possible ideas, and after that we`ll speak over your opinions and
ideas. You have 5 minutes.


- The latest information is available to you at any time, quickly and easily.
- Communication: one advantage of using the Internet in education is its ability
to allow you to communicate quickly to large numbers of people if necessary.
Email allows students and teachers to contact one another even if they cannot
physically meet. Teachers can send you materials for learning, and you do not
need to copy them.
- Using Multimedia. It is believed that visual data has a greater impact on
learning and memorizing than plain text. Therefore, images, graphics,

animation, pictures, slides, documentaries, etc., are better than a plain
textbook. Using multimedia and Internet provides an opportunity for students
to gain knowledge about a particular subject in depth. Students can now see the
actual photographs of rare bird species, or see animated graphics of a volcanic
eruption to understand the concept in detail.
- Sharing Information. You can share information with other people around the
world. The scientist or researchers can interact with each other to share
knowledge and to get guidance. Sharing information in Internet is very easy,
cheap and fast method. 
- News. You can get latest news of the world on the Internet. Most of the
newspapers of the world are also available on the Internet. They have their
websites from where you can get the latest news about the events happening in
the world. These websites are periodically updated or they are immediately
updated with latest news when any event happens around the world. 
- Thanks to the Internet, we have web encyclopedias, and dictionaries whenever
we want them.
- Virtual classrooms. Online learning is popular, it uses the Internet as a medium
for instructions and educational development. A Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) is a software system designed to help teachers in the management of
educational courses for their students by creating a virtual classroom. It is a
virtual place on the Internet where teachers and students can meet and use
electronic learning tools such as videoconferences, online classrooms,
whiteboards, chatrooms and so on.
- You can now view your prospective educational institutions, look up for
courses, enroll to online courses, take classes, research, see your results, and
even look for job prospects on the Internet.
- No age limitation for education. Online courses provide an opportunity for
people of all age groups to take up education of their choice, according to their
liking and wish. Be it a student, a housewife, or a professional, they can just
start up their computers, connect to the Internet, and take virtual classes.

Therefore, people can now gain knowledge according to their need and time
available. You are, now, never too old or too busy to learn something new.


- With so much information available, finding what you want can take you
- Information can be false.
- Many students stop reading books. They think that they do not need to read
books, because they can get all information from the Internet.
- Privacy is disturbed. Not only your basic information, but some of your most
confidential details might get into the hands of hackers.
- Downloading files from the Internet, you may download different viruses,
which can damage your computer.
- Wasting of time. The more you sit in front of your computer, the lesser time
you would give to your studies.
- There is too much advertising instead of real information.
- Computer addiction.
- Harm to health.

T: The Internet obviously has both good and bad sides. But, the system is improving
all the time, and any problems which still exist can be solved. Whether we like or not,
the Internet is here to stay, so we have to make the best possible use of it.

IV. The concluding part of the lesson.

1. Summarizing

T: We can state that Internet is an important educational tool and has a great impact
on education.

2. Evaluation
T: Thank you for your active work. I was greatly impressed with your answers. Your
marks are…

3. Home assignment
T: We have come to the end of our lesson. Your writing skills you will practice at
home. Imagine that you have friends in Africa and they do not have computers and
Internet. You have to write a letter to them and tell how computers and Internet help
you in education.


TOM and MARY: Via the Internet we can find any book, download it to computer,
and then read it. We like the possibility to read newspapers and magazines online,
like “Times”, “Guardian”, “Mirror” and other. We want to know what is going on
in the world.

JACK: Well, the Internet can give you lots of facts about different subjects. It`s very
useful if we have to write about something we don`t know a lot about – and much
better than going to the library.

ERIKA: You can also use the Internet to contact other people around the world in
seconds by using the e-mail facility. This means that you don`t need to spend time
writing letters to companies or organizations if you need information.

MIKE: I like using the self-test programmes. They make revising much easier – and
my marks have got better!

VICTOR: Um, I`ve just thought of something else. I use the Internet to find out new
words – it`s quicker than using a dictionary.

HELEN: Sometimes there are things in algebra or biology that teachers only go
over once, and I don`t understand them. But I can use a program I`ve got at home
which explains it again and again until I do understand it!

ANN and JANE: Internet is great for language learners too. If you have problems
learning grammar in class, you can use a grammar program to study on your own.
Or, if you feel embarrassed practicing your pronunciation in class, you can use the
Internet to help you. In addition to this, you can even use the Internet to learn new
vocabulary. You can use it to revise for tests or exams.

NICK: There is so much that students can do with the Internet. Not only can they
communicate with international students, they can gain from others` knowledge and
experiences, participate in chatrooms, share ideas and solutions and learn about
many diverse cultures out there.
I use the Internet to talk to people in other countries. I like doing that.


Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.

The Internet has 1) …………. (communicate) as we know it. From education to 2)

…………….. (advertise) this new 3) …………………. (technology) advance has
affected 4) ………….. (practical) every aspect of our lives. Magazines, newspapers
and even books are “on-line” and can be read on the computer. You can find 5)
……………. (inform) on any topic – the 6) ………….. (possible) are 7)
……………. (end). The Internet can 8) ………….. (instant) connect you to other
computers, allowing you to “chat” with people all over the world. It`s actually very
easy to learn how to use the system, and once you`re on-line, you`ll never want to
turn the computer off! The 9) …………….. (develop) of such technology has come a
long way. These 10) ……………… (amaze) electronic devices have changed many
people`s lives forever.


Listen to the information and answer the questions in short.

1. Is information technology more or less important in education than before?
2. Where does the word “blog” come from?
3. What is a “blog”? ______________________________________
4. What are blogs used for at universities?
5. What does “WIKI” mean? _______________________________________
6. Who puts the information on this kind of website? ____________________
7. What is Wikipedia? _______________________________
8. Why do students need to be careful if they use “Wikis” when they study?
Complete the article with the words in the box.
website, world news, resources, links, download,

English with the help of the Internet

Here are three ways of improving your English using
the Internet (there are many others!):
 You can follow the latest … …, find out about BBC World Service radio
programmes and … quizzes and songs lyrics at
 You can use a variety of … dictionaries … at
 The British Council has a … where you can find a variety of games, activities
and a list of … suitable both for adults and younger learners at

Read the interview with Mike Kuiack, an investment banker in
Vancouver, British Columbia, who has studied Chinese with the help of
Learning from a Native Speaker, Without Leaving Home
Farah nosh for The New York Times
Interviewer: What is, in your opinion, the best way to learn a foreign
Mike Kuiack: It may be to surround yourself with native speakers. But if you
can`t manage a trip abroad, the Internet connection may do the job, too,
bringing native speakers within electronic reach for hours of practice.
Interviewer: Fantastic! How would you compare them?
Mike Kuiack: As I often travel to China for business purpose, I was an off-
and-on student of Chinese for eight and a half years before I signed on to
ChinesePod. I have since been studying diligently for a year and a half, my
vocabulary has grown as much as it did in all of the previous years of study
Interviewer: Isn`t it amazing? How does it operate on a daily basis?
Mike Kuiack: All I need to do is to download a daily lesson in Chinese, pop
on my headsets, and then use Internet telephone service and the power of social
networks to try my conversational skills with tutors or language partners from
around the world.
Interviewer: Is there any charge for tutoring?
Mike Kuiack: There are free websites where members chat online by typing
messages, by talking or, if they have a webcam, by video, in exchanges with
others who want to tutor or to be tutored. English speakers learning Spanish,
for example, can write or speak descriptions of a vacation and receive feedback
on their grammar and choice of idioms from native Spanish speakers on the
network. A Spanish speaker, in turn, may seek advice from the English speaker
about English assignments.
Interviewer: I see. What communication skills do you focus on?
Mike Kuiack: Speaking and listening skills were what I needed. The podcasts
have been very useful for this. Part of the reason I`ve made so much progress is
that they are so enjoyable.
Interviewer: How flexible is this kind of learning time-wise, I wonder?
Mike Kuiack: I work on lessons whenever I have a moment. I listen when I`m
stuck in traffic and also at my PC, where I can listen and read at the same time.
Interviewer: Your progress in Chinese must have made your business trips to
China more effective, right?
Mike Kuiack: I`m proud to say that the studying is starting to pay off at work.
I don`t try to conduct negotiations in Chinese, but now at least I can listen to
what`s going on in meetings.
Interviewer: Wow! Congratulations!


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