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TAFJ (Temenos Application Framework Java) is a Pick BASIC runtime and compiler, written
in 100% java. It allows compiling and running Pick BASIC programs.

TAFJ also manage the connectivity on JDBC compliant databases like jBASE, Oracle,
Microsoft SQL Server, DB2.
T24 Directory structure

The components of the Application and Web Servers are located in the same server.

The T24 Home Folder E:\GBI_ISB\Dev\bnk

The Web Server (JBOSS) home folder is E:\GBI_ISB\jboss-eap-6.4

COB stands for Close Of Business

COB marks the end of all financial transactions for the Day and rolls forward the T24 date to the next
business Day

COB can be run on every working Day of the bank



A stands for Application stage. It involves all the individual application processes. E.g.: Forex, Funds
Transfer, etc.


S stands for System Wide stage. It involves jobs that are common to T24. E.g.:

Interest accrual, Interest capitalization


R stands for Reporting stage. It involves generation and printing of reports.

Start of Day

D stands for Start Of Day stage. It involves all the start of Day operations and

date change. E.g.: Executing standing orders etc.


O stands for Online stage. It involves any non-critical reports and processes

which can be run after the system has returned to online mode. E.g.: Jobs to
clean up of temporary work files, etc.

BATCH Application

In T24, the various COB Processes are defined in an application called BATCH.

A record in BATCH application is called a process.

Each Process consists of one or more Jobs that perform a specific task. All

jobs within a process are executed in the order they are defined and NEVER

simultaneously. Order is important for example as interest accrual should be

done before capitalization.


Each Batch stage is suffixed with a 3 digit sequence number, between 000-999, which will tell the
system the order of execution of COB e.g. A000,A100, S000, R099 etc.

The first Batch stage executed during COB is A000 and the last is O999
Job Name Contains the name of the routine to be executed. All routines defined here will have an
entry in PGM.FILE with TYPE set to ‘B’

Frequency specifies the frequency at which the batch job has to be executed. It

can have values as follows.

D specifies that the job will be executed every working Day.

D nn specifies that the job will be executed every nnth working Day

W specifies that the job will be executed on a weekly basis, that is every


M specifies that the job will be executed on the last working Day of

every month

M nn specifies that the job will be executed every nn Day of the month or

previous working Day of each month

Y specifies that the job will be executed last working Day of the year

Y nn specifies that the job will be executed the last working Day of the

nn'th month

A specifies that the job will be executed on an adhoc basis. You should

manually specify a date on which the job has to be executed.

SW specifies that the job will be executed every start of WEEK SM

specifies that the job will be executed every start of Month SY specifies

that the job will be executed every start of Year

Process Status field holds the status of the Batch record. It can hold the

following values

0 specifies that the process is in Ready state

1 specifies that the process is in Running state

2 specifies that the process has Completed successfully

3 specifies that the process has stopped due to some Error

Job Status field Holds the status of the individual job (routine) . It can hold

the following values

0 specifies that the job is in Ready state

1 specifies that the job is in Running state

2 specifies that the job has Completed successfully

3 specifies that the job has stopped due to some Error

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